Os Placements

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Oper ating Sys tem = epee Syste ms An @pt rc ayrtem ds a propam thot MeN OGS the computer POrOULALL Ut ave proviclss a bars 4" application p -ams and acts as intermediary betuseeny the Lem putr Ur amcl the com putty AOACULOAL > Gurnations of eprating Sptem '- a) 1 Gennation (1945-1955) Varewm Thwkes ameol Pues bend - by) 2a Gerunctonss (IAS) eal UGS) Trowasurors anol Batch Systems - C) the BA Generation (1465-1980 ) a) 4 Genmation ( 1980- Current J Personal Lomputer- * Types of Sprrating System 1) Simple Baten Syrtern !- dn fais, thems wa direct Aa benoit aoe bef the us mts Scanned with GamScanner and the Aomputer > UW UMA +04 to pubmit a geb (wud Se LOANS Or tops) tA Komputer oprrator Mowamtoges ri Batch Sytem hh) Ne intraction bilusterm Uta ano ore 3) We mithamim £6 prorecse tr preeenes: A Mutt. proce — PRECIO System * Atom conduit Of Surrrol processors HOt Ahan a wemmen physical mumery vault - PEUMON Prowiols igh Com MG pour jie hn omustecproctaio agate au 1) tram prferwore a) Hu ourudion of Surat Aobk dy ditgrtnt PeUnors Lencurvuntly » amoros AML Agstem's tiveughectt Jpuing up tne exuitlon 64 o Auvgte AOR: Zz Durkinp Syrtun Aartirr , CPUs ancl Pls Aotki the mucid x¢ protut om spiraling Ayrtem, cfrern alr programs PC epositing. Syne Attar WUE anutluder wer tmali dating “Proustatn , yonld of true ‘Scanned with CamScanner Cprrccumg systemd eo wth Ani, fuptracl Of marwmise CPU amd phrriphrroe WU pation, tn tystuns wept fer MALL AG CHA Lewd “OM Ouel Fer powsiuimeds + Huse AYHoms are Lollro Durtpp Aysiems - in CL? - Apple Mecéntey, 4) Distributes Sprrating System De Metivation Aehinc olucleping olidtuibutea Spraiing ayitem is the ounceCloublity o% Powrfzuk Amd Lrenpensive VULABPABCLAFOD ano Adwonrta sm LOmrmucaten trun — -49 Dar mau bemugit of Ctr hte system As 1) AOU PALCL / pogeimanee aattes Ce et Oe eee Fout i AAs L00k On tht Hoedt machine: Typ 9% cistrivatedt sprroting Sep + ae Klint poor Syste | & Pur tear ‘ai tht Rial tvme oprrceting Aryrtem wich Jourudus the mani Alm for fritiiad epindivens ciuch/esimptts AES Aw + 2a * t= a i tig WANNA AAA i. LL ———— oe a) 2) c+) a) Oprroting Seystenn Sumi User Tutor} diet alert alt uraunlyy (ALT) - Wu antergocr Lom inl Aural poms One is a Lemmupol-Mre Jaengat (CLI), whien rises tert Comm Onl & methed fon duteriug tn * Prepon enLtution t- Une Anytown mut Ave te Lpaol a Promanr dute wu ye Pim thot eae ee aig asi yh L]0 eprrations :- Me Moming, programe Wey: TeWrtr To, partic mor dvmol a file Or Om TL]? olnict- ter apeeipic ouicnr , Apectok fests oaay Jo ousinch (auc as seo ing £9 LDA DVD orwe or Oe cata olicetly, we do os Cie eee ameons * r/o. ero porticustor wuniircrt, ects fe wool: Qggol, cleat omcl olirecteries UNANAAANAN LULU eee, Ayers Lntludt -prrinwiscons mamagerrert £0 OALew er ee aArctrss AB tie Cr Arectoriny bastol on de file tuenorhip (layup opLraiin | ystems provtely Q varie, a ioe Ayo, horns | dims 4© Ollew pur]encl cheiets AN Semis | ~™MU to pPrewsrdk APLUrHe fet Or prporm “OWL Aor arruidtics , €) Lemmunications + UWnre ane Aarcuunaet - - Amt mM much one process nul £6 Cachouge dugemmotion mith amether prectss: Such Loum - - nicoen mrog OULU ALE pretissus thot OAL ee On tt dam Lemputer Or LUtwtenr Press Mat Are Outing, on hifgperrnt Lemp Jomplemented tay aad mony ie eles Aub OA MOA pPrBtrditts AK ancl writ fea Shor srctrorr WME pLmudssage potting caer fee Ort movil L/w preriss 4) Wrer dutection :- Unt 08 nudls to Le oetet- AAPL CLLUA un CPU F munory hor plsort (mel Ob Oo mae DOA Ot A pou, fo); in T/0 oeutrees (seas its Ore cia, OC Rommectcem porturt On ae cae —————————_—_—S—i 5 the fet tot type Of rer) the OS should aan Oppropriatr action £0 wut, sorreet om Uemalatent 4 erp tt ryt 2D) (ie Soaieaae eA. AU ate Pere A yob with simian on le lute COLL LOL pun cle and Submit to (BID. @ ‘Scanned with Cam$canner MANNA UU" + ADLER % Batch oS ; oti inter 2 < ABR Of unte_actcen b/w £ Ur Job Spud Sf L/o Soo Cpu id oftew Folle , because the ee Ds Bewtr thon CPU archos Lol Out 2 3 Deggecutt to provide Arscrr0l peewty a) Tit Storey 0S ~wwhor computer syst ot the dome Aime: Prerisser’s Ame sumuttoncerostig (Curioras shor ameng att wsrrs ds Ar MLO Cd Adtuowtages = Guutk wrrpense — wrsicl ouplication 6f SELWart — Rerr cPv dole Aume Diseorvowrtoges '- oo Provtom of Retiabivity — Preble % Oa SM atte cared 3) Autiputed canratng System UH wt multipl crt preriors £0 tmultipl user: Dato prsersting zobs OM ‘Scanned with CamScanner Aowamtoges Sin Butler Av tO the Astor Relickion of the Lead on the hen 4 | Ss Reoliction. % oletauys du cata aw Apuolup the exchounge o% coe wth ! Oncthir via cuchenic mail: | 4) Network 08 1d Vk erk OS Tums Orr a SLU anel pypied the sur eapavuldy £_ momage ear preups, surity applicotiens 5 anol ether mULuerrimg “punter. ouemtoges <= b Aight — stale AMADA BOW a Aucuatty poncrns an hoanrolled ‘Scanned with CamScanner | as! Bpoetag Sereets Procus -— ve program un exteurtion Ay £alted prods ° 3h :- pre state OF Protas wo) * Stow ef oe currint oliperad im sport dry AM acwurtty Of thot precas s- the proces ds beimg crater. Wew L Ruwnirg - Instructions Ol dg soecuteal . J some waiting -- the process ds wading oe pent 40 CCrUr (sUtH as an Z/o aeratiction: Auccptions 64 wignot ). Reasty - ne proctan ds waiting £0 At cuabignest i AB % PAOTLLLOA - Temwatl '- Lhe -preurs rod fanirhak OEE - den : ewwww www» v v VVLVLELULLULULLLLULLECUELLUUsvyvy LLUULULULUI ZEEUwY pou ‘Scanned with CamScanner iW Ni a ‘ ¢ a) i mai | assig”’ prim NY | or’ } fa DING al ¢ een Alupt ecu * Cenely | An | sump peut ie 5] tonrtoset Switch vequart nO Horcrnt support FF hadure Aupport ( Ws neodeol os 6] tuompls vou Ahoy | ) 6] Chanipls - wiretery POSIX Ahrcools Solar Y one usr demet trou 4] ent Rowal ti am pLock nat- | aa pauper blocking Pag wd Pee ee . meu Le bteckrol | crag ese abt dion at a Ei Py it Se OO Bune pes /aclwomtoges ef trnods 1. Arnads Mminiming the xentent PURE Oo. dime a Use OF thrroas PAEHMOM LENLWIAEMLY wlth at: Appiciet Lerymumicalion aumeval of the rignmimg procets Aer Paes ican ton poyuccciatacgt. on the bas Se eRe ar pene aditgie feta thee Schuclutivg é - WD Make the system fast : mb) ae Ee ed Bpeesetog. eh SUVVUTA ANT ¢ & Ls 3 ees ‘Scanned with CamScanner ae EM 4) Movie ANL Wr Of uaLas recioing aceeplo be Teipenses tum feet the os Ao K Setreoluler {- Ui mon towk Ls 40 Ae At submittid inte At system amd Aeeiol mtucn proceas £9 AUK VU tas Aree Aypus a 3) dong Aor SCALA od) ( sta su 2) Spuolis Luswr thom)ya) spuis ya) Sproot 4s in bi = ol ret Nk bi RRA 4) dk walmart abteont 4) aed ats mii) thts part aii in Aire eer tae froriay Aystem Auraria, dytton a em) : 5.) Ut Aulects preciadss (5) at auet rer) 5.) UW canre-' prom post anol Lends Pesan iach entrocuice ti | * Pres 7 ee 1) esate # : - == 4 beter onoeee ET’ ‘Scanned with CamScanner CC —__ Process Sehidirbor 3- Apreerrs Scheoliton Aft and | Pisclsies £0 1 asgncol 48 the CPU decree OM -portueutor eae alyerithury oaal pos is) ‘ Sohicuuting Veal ei) | WIAs ' tm Finat come, Sirst- Strut (FCF S ) LP Shorteat-Joa- Next (SIN ) Schooling }> Pueruty Scheduling | > Short Remacining Tine | Le Rouuol Robin (RR) Sehroutiong DU Ae sepenselty At CPU Schtoliutor ko Ollet a preuds 4B CPU wher Ah CPU wD im dhe folle state: Wn CPU Scurolular selects O -preculs prom Feooly queue anol aluocats the process £8 CPU + ee a eT suites pus eu pptice, de renoly state is cold | UV TVET UU UU ee ev “ ‘Scanned with CamScanner ith —————— Wn xelrrouting mic takes place win O Lem runny} procs tryoninatyu or suttehnu ’ er Atatt Any kimol Of CPU 48 wet Ki ACLOLL f is collect Nen- Prumpet Seneolur te : | * UW -pramptivt tre proces can Le aerrolted | * dn Wen-promptive the proce cam net &t Sthidud - * Seheduting riteia‘- CPU utuiyation - Kup the CPU au buy as-porsile (pom 07 to t0v4. ) 2) Thieugh put > Fe Of protest Anat complete AhUr OUeLtien pu time writ 3) Tur oreund Ame J Amount ef time Ao execute A porticlor process: 4) Waiting time - Amount o¢ Pica proceshas 5) Response tent Ameunt e¢ dime it takes prom UHM A TQ ubst Was Admitted until Aha fost Atiponse 44 procera - 6) Prurst Amt 2 Pine ee Ln O prot you CPU execution - 4) Arrival Aime Time at whicn the process > Tarmareund Time = Cempltion— AWVAl Try > Wasting That = Ta Mound Tu- BUG Tay. ‘Scanned with CamScanner - t Tntty Pree eV (7 ; *K what i Intu Preuss Lonmnurn . Atgnot (&) | = 5) | - p z the about caclt can e while () ts Ursecl £0 proiee olota sGOL” Ave again Af Xt UWHMhes LO pPrBouLle ; again anal 2, KLUAMMA OALKA AL 2 d Cun: 0 preouce () punetion is cattial fo preodiree lata Arty Ane PUBOLL Cen © wattle) will reoluce Thr vou of sumiaphore nariatte “E” by one Le whi the preclucenr predates something hen there 44 a okerwaHt in the value ef tht empty spack im the bugger Uhh Le kha value of Lt Suma ~pheur variable emer oy shun the pregaam will step its outittien and production ail be cone: wit(S) is usd £0 det tre vorudbtes “S” £00” &% that nd eth -precus can ent, auto the Q + Append () 44 used £9 append the neusty produ 41 dota im the bugger Signo (s) is udecl L04Lt tru semaphore vorlable “S” to “0” se that othr precise can com Umts the Oitiv section new because the rt ‘Scanned with CamScanner MANA T TV VAATATTTV07, tl ———————————————— Prductien 44 dent And the append epooHuen 4) ae olent + ! Signo (F) ay uatol £6 dneriue the AUViAPAOAL voiale “F” Ay ore becauk aftr avotoung Ahe data inte the Augper » one space 44 pied. im the Suppor ana the vaiabe “FP”? nut Ae upeatal {+ Unis is row au selua tA pysoluee port og 400 pret ay Levu - preblent + New, fet Ae the cenmuuer Ablation - the following Ad the cece for the COn— Prawn? votd centumer () § awnite(T ) $ aait (F ) wait (S) Aare ( ) siznat (S) Signa (E ) tu) 3 3 the obeue CaaL Cam BE AWmAMAnlO Od wilt () is useol £6 cContume data, again & again iy it wishes £0 contwme | ear amol . ‘Scanned with CamScanner [LNA NNRU UV EVUU UU vee, variable” ps ont becauk Ap AOnuU clata ds ¢ -uwidk by the conti, Ahn Abe vonoley “P» mut At arercod by ont * mait(s) 14 urea to <1 At LAL AOMOPHOAL VOrinws, 645” bp 40 10 that ne othr pyectss CAM enter Unto the caltitot section + tare () functienr uu urd £0 cake ota Pron try | bupper toy tht Contemier + Signot(S) Lund te Act the semaphore vartatte 65°) Lot” 40 that thr precLs Qu Gr tome unto tt erttical arctien meur becaun AL Censump- - pert 43 olent anol the epoatien 1 alre ene % SignatlE) Bund t ineiar the soraphert Vorioble wee be ome becouse aftr saking fie data prev tre buffer ent space U pred prone the bupgr aml the variate “WE” must be UMNCALASLA + 1 tutl) a puactiou that i4 uso fe use tr te Ole Seme application - H Sumapho Somaphe udimply a variate which i Vorlons is Useol bo 20LUL the crctvenl section prblem and £6 Achinn sprees synchronization Un the multiprecusing erutronment: ‘Scanned with CamScanner reece “a | ats Se mpAGrL J / ae ' mah) at y 2} | ae cnn, | Guta 5 Semvopt | Ir) Brnary Semaphore’ U ds Clie Ruswtr as vtuten Leck: Ut Lan taut only two Votluu -O0and1: tH valud i Anitia iy tol 40 1-Uu vw und to implement thre Aetution of Arctical suction prettom act mulel prectssu 2) LATA Semaphert - tts Value carr Aduge Or an uUnrlituietad demain: tu Uno se contrel Aerts AOA rrrource that has nuclerple vuitones: ly charnetuistics of Semaphore '- I) te Ba cham that Can te Usa £0 —prsriole Mynchreunyatren of tosks a) Ua Aow- Aus Ayrehrouyatien povechovaison | 3) Sema phew atl vei hell A Nen- negat-| “Ae Ander VOU 4) Sumapherr cam be dvuplomovted ea 1 teat epuations amd duternrupts ,whlen { canteh Bete icaseay pe olesercotou. | ‘ ‘ ‘Scanned with CamScanner ~ Count Semaphore > 4 > Release ~- (Count = count +1) flor ~ f unt!) | > os, ae ees. | Be titles iat ee yotadons + eck e ee acquire ‘ : Gunt=0) eS Vequire (Count= oe we - pr Hower, 4 Hu count is >0 , tre somapher is PS Arrtated im che avactlabte Stotr, avrol he be mumbu of tokens it Aarequal £6 Lt count: ey Bie) pe Ne wile ei bie ents ee a P F Melvawtages of Semapherys « UH allows meu than ene Head to acted tht | Mico Aeetion ee arte Wehr ieptee J ‘Scanned with CamScanner LDU o-_” tA “a. Vy ole not alew wmuttipt.- proctics 46 4 Ahe critical Arkon ‘hey atiow fleriblr mourgumd of TUSUCH Ms thu As busy wattig in Aumraphents » thercdl TULA a avoutage Of -precs time amd RLlources Why on machine —incptvolent , wirieh sreutd Ae wun am tht machi ~Annolepenrolent caole of Ahk mere - Rema x Diraclvanrtages. * One of tht biggut Ainitotelen og ttn Anraphort Ze prrortty AMUEAHBU * - + the 0S hor te Rup Aack“all cats te wait P ae AUMa phorus * Semaphert 44 pront 40 PYEgrauutr L081: ee Lea CLC OG ECL CAL, Ortaca reset ure au thir we tee eg ay ee : oa veo ting a? prnary Sema prort Semaphore 1) vio mucwual exetunion 1) Muto eurtunon a) vinug dacper VOU [» Vleet Ger Mee « 3) vow than Ore Met [Pop onescce § ®) peutte 0 at of Preuss) " oe Meniter Demo |/ Name o¢ Meriter P r ‘Scanned with CamScanner ' OK Ne) Wwarrtage of Wenctor r Ty Maring poroltel Programming Losr ara ss Ee | OAL prome than using Aroq sehr os i Ama Prorrs- x Disdorontege of Mentor : - Mewiter haut £9 ue implement as pot Of the Pregacunm ing dowmgringe. Unt com piter mudt genrroute Coole or thon. Wu yeu Me Aemptin the qodlitional Burcu of How isk = OAK CUVOLLOLLE ares to r0Acat ALCLtwons 4M eencurront KR ussage Passung Meclel ef Process Communication Joy Are operating sytem that olleus proeesies £0 vuusinge passing rnpolut UUs multiple precerses fo mao amot write closa to tht meage quee te, " conmrcteol 18 Cath athsr Meroe Au stereo on the Quan wnt thin, erp oretintemt + etyieuy SO eee. we Oe pee ‘Scanned with CamScanner AAA ATTA TIT: j _ mia eommurnicatian, ape by mol ope honing Sytem and ant => > Prociss Pd i PS Proctss P2 re fi! s > é gi iy be b> a * Massage 6uueLut ~ es Bai ~~ WuLLIsage Passing wool fF vidwamtage 6+ Vussage Rossing Maclel * iis much earn to implurent than the Aoreot model * ti wir 40 bull parollel haroloore che ea ae cP meee i quite telat of hughr cormmumication Lotineies (the olay a Avomager of clout. 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