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A friend of yours is thinking of going on a camping holiday for the first time this summer.

He/she has
asked for your advice.

Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:

. explain why you think your friend would enjoy a camping holiday

. describe some possible disadvantages

. say whether you would like to go camping with your friend this summer

Dear Abir,

I hope this letter finds you well by the grace of almighty Allah. From your last letter, I was informed that
you are planning to go camping holiday in the upcoming vacation. Enjoying leisure time with family and
friends is really a good habit that we all should follow. Hearing about your willingness of going camping
makes me a little upset as I am unable to join you due to my busy schedule for the upcoming week. But I
really appreciate it and am happy that you are finally planning your dream camping in your favorite
place. We all should take the opportunity at least once a year to relax from our toxic work-life business.
You are among one lucky friend of mine who will successfully able to execute the plan finally.

However, as you are already aware of that camping in a remote area like the one you have chosen,
needs proper planning and cautiousness. Any slight wrong steps could be as dangerous as death.
Therefore, I suggest you not make any rapid decisions during the planning and also take proper
guidelines from the people who already have experience of camping there. I will eagerly wait to hear
from you regarding your experiences and feelings from the camping and advise me whether I should
follow your route soonest.

Take care of yourself and take my love.

Your loving friend,


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