Practical No 3 EDE

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Practical no.

Undertake self-assessment test to discover your entrepreneur traits.
Self-assessments are a great way to analyze your work performance and any areas
for growth. You can customize self-assessments to include the criteria that best
fit your life and professional career.
If you're planning for the future or developing new aspirations, reflecting on your
strengths, weaknesses, values and accomplishments can help you determine what
goals to work toward next. Importance of Self assessment:
A self-assessment is a process through which you can learn more about yourself
and measure your growth. You can perform self-assessments according to a
variety of criteria, including development, skills and relationships.
These are some reasons why self-assessments are important:
• Better understand how well you're performing in your role
• Grow intrinsic motivation for development
• Know your strengths and weaknesses
• Create reasonable and ambitious goals
• Develop strategies for enhancing your skills
• Gain recognition for improvement
Within the self-evaluation motives however there are some interesting
interactions. Self-assessment is found a lot of the time to be associated with self-
enhancement as the two motives seem to contradict each other with opposing
aims; whereas the motive to self-assess sees it as important to ensure that the self-
concept is accurate the motive to self-enhance sees it as important to boost the
self-concept in order to protect it from any negative feedback.
Entrepreneur traits: -
Entrepreneurial traits encompass a diverse range of characteristics that contribute
to success in starting and running a business. While there is no definitive list, here
are some common traits often associated with successful entrepreneurs:
1) Passion: Entrepreneurs are often deeply passionate about their ideas, products,
or services, which fuels their drive and determination.
2)Resilience: They have the ability to bounce back from setbacks, failures, and
challenges, learning from them and moving forward with renewed determination.
3)Creativity: Entrepreneurs are innovative thinkers who can come up with
unique solutions to problems and identify opportunities that others may overlook.
4)Risk-taking: They are willing to take calculated risks and step out of their
comfort zones to pursue their goals, knowing that failure is sometimes part of the
entrepreneurial journey.
5)Visionary: Successful entrepreneurs have a clear vision of what they want to
achieve and the ability to inspire others to share in that vision.
6)Adaptability: They can quickly adapt to changing market conditions, customer
preferences, and industry trends, adjusting their strategies as needed to stay
7)Self-discipline: Entrepreneurs often have the self-discipline to set goals,
manage their time effectively, and stay focused on what's important for the
success of their ventures.
8)Leadership: They possess strong leadership skills, empowering their teams,
making tough decisions, and guiding their companies toward their objectives.
9)Persistence: Entrepreneurs don't give up easily. They persevere through
challenges and setbacks, staying committed to their goals even when the going
gets tough.
10)Continuous learning: Successful entrepreneurs are lifelong learners who are
always seeking new knowledge, skills, and perspectives to improve themselves
and their businesses.

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