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Brown, Maury. “Regional Sports Network Revenues Hang over Slow MLB Winter

Meetings.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 7 Dec. 2023,


The Regional Sports Network takes place every year for Major League Baseball and

provides connections between agents and players. The networking meeting is beneficial

for agent signings, off-season trades, sponsorship, and creating bonds with players from

different teams. However Winter of 2023 the meeting was slow and did not have many

things for the people attending to do.

Maury Brown is a senior contributor to the Forbes Magazine. The magazine provides

opinions expressed by Forbes but also provides input on the background of the story.

Brown writes newsletters on sports and was elected the writer of the year.

The newsletter shared the perspective of MLB’s 2023 Winter networking meeting and

showed me what I shouldn’t do for the networking meetings I was planning. The mock

networking meeting had small activities and small goody bags would be handed out in

thanks to the attendees participating. MLB’s networking meeting didn’t connect with

their guests, it is important to connect with attendees for an advantageous and reliable

networking meeting.

Clement, Lara. “A Quick Guide to Cupping Therapy.” The Self Centre Massage &

Wellness, 20 Sept. 2021,

The Self Centre Massage and Wellness explains what exactly cupping is and the effects

of doing the cupping technique frequently. With cupping becoming more popular, other

technologies have also been discovered. Nevertheless, cupping is frequently used two

types of ways, static and dynamic cupping. Static is the process of leaving cups for 10

minutes and dynamic cupping is the process of moving the cups across the surface of


Lara Clement has worked in wellness for twenty years but found passion in treating

patients non-surgically. Clement opened two practices in her name and produces the best

ways to treat patients. Lara Clement wrote this article as a way to inform patients on the

chiropractic technologies she uses.

For my final product I created a pamphlet describing the may techniques that are used at

Backed by Blackmon. I previously had knowledge of cupping; however, I wanted to learn

more on the effects of cupping and what cupping is commonly used on. My pamphlet

included many of the points Laura Clement made.

Freedom, Max. “How to Use Instagram for Business.” Business News Daily, 27 Oct. 2023,

The author, Max Freedom, analyzes and determines if the rumored ways of boosting

profiles on Instagram are effective. For instance, using hashtags doesn’t increase the

number of viewers; instead, it changes the audience. When building an Instagram account

rather than posting to simply increase your audience, post for your current audience and

what they would like to see.

Freedman is a senior analyst and a business operations insider. he understands the

different ways to boost profiles and experiments on social media for his job. Max

Freedman has managed many businesses and has helped them increase the range of

clients with education in marketing and human resources.

The helpful tips Max Freedom provided gave me more information on how to advertise

the mock networking meeting on Instagram and what to include in the mock posts. I

learned what size is best for an Instagram post and how to be more professional as

posting for a business because it is different than posting for entertainment.

The Cleveland Medical Clinic and Health. “What Is Dry Needling?” Cleveland Clinic, 2022,

Dry needling is used by many different doctors such as physical therapists, acupuncturists,

chiropractors, and many others. These doctors locate trigger points and puncture a needle

to release discomfort. Dry needling is commonly used on conditions such as tendonitis,

whiplash, cramps, and migraines.

The Cleveland Medical Clinic and Health has many articles over chiropractic’s and even

different fields in medicine. The Clinic solely informs others on procedures rather than

convincing others to do something. Cleveland Medical Clinic has been posting articles for

over 20 years and continues to post articles on important techniques in the medical field.

I found many articles on the chiropractic techniques used at Backed by Blackmon. I used

the information I found to add to my pamphlet. I also used the articles to ensure my

previous knowledge on the topics where correct.


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