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C fundamentals

Basic Programming (CS 1000)

Sumanta Pyne

Assistant Professor
Computer Science and Engineering Department
National Institute of Technology Rourkela

August 25, 2023

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First C Program - hello world.c

/* hello world.c written by Sumanta Pyne on 17/12/2021.

Prints ”Hello World!” on the screen.*/
#include<stdio.h> // header file for library function printf
int main() // main function begins
printf(”Hello World!”); // print ”Hello World!”
return 0; // returns integer value 0
} // end of main function
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Comments in a C program

Texts which do not take part in program execution

Ignored by compiler
Increases readability
Single line comment - //
describes a single line
inactivates a program line
Multi line comment - /* */
large text descriptions of code
inactivate portions of a program

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Header Files
Have .h extension
Contain library functions
Request use of a header file in your program by including it
Using C preprocessing directive #include
Provided by vendor
Created by user
Example - stdio.h
for standard input/output
printf - for output to be printed on screen
scanf - for input from keyboard
fprintf - for output to be written to a file
fscanf - for input to be read a file
Reduces programming/coding burden
All programmers do not have knowledge of computer system
Code reusabilty - write once use multiple times
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The main function

First function of every C program

Responsible for starting execution and termination of program
Called by operating system when user runs the program
Has int or void as return data type

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A code block is written within { }

Semicolon (;) at end of each line/statement
() after a function name
Preprocessing macros begin with #
A header file name within <>

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Adding two numbers - sum.c

/* sum.c written by Sumanta Pyne on 17/12/2021.

Input: read two numbers (integers) from keyboard.
Computation: add two numbers
Output: print sum on screen.*/
#include<stdio.h> // header file for library function printf
int main() // main function begins
int a; // stores first number
int b; // stores second number
int c; // stores sum
printf(”Enter the first number:”); // entry of first number
scanf(”%d”,&a); // read first number from keyboard
printf(”First number = %d\n”,a); // print first number
printf(”Enter the second number:”); // entry of second number
scanf(”%d”,&b); // read second number from keyboard
printf(”Second number = %d\n”,b); // print second number
c = a + b; // add two numbers and store sum in c
printf(”Sum: %d + %d = %d”,a,b,c); // print sum of two numbers
return 0; // returns integer value 0
} // end of main function
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Assignment 1

1 Write a program that will print your name, roll number, department, favourite subjects,
favourite sports and hobbies. All to be printed in separate. Usage of scanf not required.
Follow the “hello world” program.
2 Write a program to subtract two integers given as input. Print the difference.
3 Write a program to multiply two integers given as input. Print the product.
4 Write a program to divide two integers given as input. Print the quotient and remainder.
What will happen if divisor is zero?
5 Write a program to swap (exchange) two integers given as input. Print the swapped

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Name of variable, function, array, label, structure, union, enum

Begin with a letter (a-z or A-Z) or underscore ( )
Followed by letter, digit (0-9), underscore
No blank spaces
Symbols : - ? . @ + * ; , $ # < = are not allowed
Keyword/reserved word (like int, return) cannot be identifiers
Distinct within a scope
First eight characters are recognized by C compiler
Case sensitive

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Examples of valid identifiers

record1 - valid
1record - invalid, an identifier must begin with letter or underscore
file 3 - valid
return - invalid, return is a reserved word
$tax - invalid, an identifier must begin with letter or underscore
name and address - invalid, blank spaces not allowed
name and address - valid
name-and-address - invalid, dash (minus sign) not allowed
123 45 6789 - invalid, an identifier must begin with letter or underscore

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Examples of identical and distinct identifiers

name, names - distinct

address, Address - distinct
identifier 1, identifier 2 - identical (1st 8 chars recognized)
list1, list2 - distinct
answer, Answer - distinct
char1, char 1 - distinct

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Values should not be changed by program during normal execution


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Integer Constants

Decimal representation (base 10)

12345678 - int constant
12345678L - long int constant
12345678U or 12345678u - unsigned int constant
12345678UL or 12345678ul - unsigned long int constant
Hexadecimal representation (base 16)
Begin with 0X or 0x
0X123ABCDEF or 0X123abcdef
Octal representation (base 8)
Begin with 0

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Real Constants

Float constant (base 10)

Double constant (base 10)
Scientific notation (base 10)
9.3 × 1012 – 9.3e12, 9.3e+12, 9.3E12, 9.3E+12
9.3 × 10−12 – 9.3e-12, 9.3E-12
0.8E+0.8 - invalid, exponent must be an integer
0.8E 8 - invalid, illegal character blank space

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Charater constants

American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) characters

Size - 1 byte or 8 bits
Within single quotes
Example - ’a’, ’Z’, ’5’, ’+’, ’$’
Cannot contain multiple characters
’xyz’ is invalid
Constants with escape sequence start with backward slash (\)

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Constants with escape sequence
’\a’ - audible bell
’\b’ - backspace
’\” - single quote
’\“’ - double quote
’\0’ - null character
’\n’ - line feed, new line character
’\f’ - form feed, new page character
’\t’ - horizontal tab space
’\v’ - vertical tab space
’\r’ - carriage return
’\\’ - backslash
’\?’ - question mark
’\052’ - octal value of (42)10
’\xFF’ - hexadecimal value of (255)10
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String constants

Within double quotes

”“ - empty or null string
”Basic programming“
”TN-05 2155“
”\“Happy New Year!\“\n *****2022*****“

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Symbolic constants

#define FACTOR -18

#define ERROR 0.0001
#define BEGIN {
#define END }
#define NAME ”Sharon“
#define EOLN ’\N’
#define COST ”$19.95“

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Operators and Expressions

Arithmetic operators - +, –, *, %
Logical operators - &&, ||, !
Relational operators - >, <, <=, >=, ==, ! =
Bitwise operations - ˜, |, &,, <<, >>
Assignment operators - =, op=
Ternary operator - ?:
Array operator - []
Function operator - ()
Pointer - *
Address - &
Dot - .
Arrow - − >
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Arithmetic operators

Plus(+) and minus(–)

unary - +a; -a;
binary - a+b; a–b;
Multiply(*) - a*b;
Divide(/) - a/b;
Modulo (remainder) - a%b;
% operation with floating point not allowed

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For a op b, where op in {+,-,*,/}

a is char, b is int - a op b is int

a is char, b is short int - a op b is short int
a is int, b is short int - a op b is int
a is long int, b is int - a op b is long int
a is long int, b is char - a op b is long int
a is long int, b is float - a op b is float or double
a is char, b is float - a op b is float or double
a is double, b is float - a op b is double
a is double, b is long int - a op b is double
a is double, b is long int - ((int)a) op b is long int

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Logical operators

And (&&) - a && b is true, iff both a and b are true

Or (||) - a || b is true, iff either of a or b is true
Not (!)
!a is true if a is false
!a is false if a is true

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Relational operators

Equality (==) - a == b is true, if a=b

Not equal (!=) - a != b is true, if a and b are not equal
Greater than (>) - a > b is true, if a > b
Less than (<) - a < b is true, if a < b
Greater than or equal (>=) - a >= b is true, if a > b or a = b
Less than or equal (<=) - a <= b is true, if a < b or a = b

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Bitwise operators

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Assignment 4

1 Write a program to evaluate the expressions a*(c%b) and a*c%b.

2 Write a program to find area and circumference of a circle.
3 Write a program to convert temperature in degree Celcius to degree Fahrenheit.
4 Write a program to convert speed in km/h to mi/h.
5 Write a program to convert mass in lbs to kg.
6 Write a program to convert feet to cm.
7 Write a program to convert yard to m.
8 Write a program to find simple interest.
9 Write a program to evaluate the expression (a>b)&&((c<d)||(e==f)).
10 Write a program to perform following bitwise operation on two bit strings.

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Thank you

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