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‫جمالت شرطی‬

‫نوع اول‬ ‫نوع دوم‬ ‫نوع سوم‬

)‫ حقایق پذیرقته شده(زمان حال‬،‫ عادت‬،‫برای بیان مطلب علمی‬ ‫زمان حال غیر واقعی‬ ‫زمان گذشته غیر واقعی‬
If simple present , will/can/may/imperative If simple past , would/could/might If past perfect , would/could/might+ have+pp
will/can/may/imperative if simple present would/could/might if simple past would/could/might+ have+pp if past perfect
If we pour oil on water, it will float
If I don’t get enough sleep, I will feel bored
during the day. If I slept well, I would feel fresh. If I had studied, I would have passed.
If you put enough effort in your task, you will If I were* free, I could play games. If I hadn’t lied about my homework a lot, my tutor
succeed. If I didn’t have a car, I would walk to my office. would have believed me.
If you have any questions, ask me now.

.‫ استفاده میشود‬were ‫ فقط از‬tobe ‫در شرطی نوع دوم برای استفاده از‬.*

‫ در جمالت شرطی‬If ‫حذف‬

‫نوع اول‬ ‫نوع دوم‬ ‫نوع سوم‬
were simple past , would/could/might
should simple present , will/can/may/imperative Had+ sub+pp , would/could/might+ have+pp
‫ در جمله‬were ‫به شرط داشتن‬


In case of encountering any difficulties, please contact me on:

Mobile: 09355596520
Instagram: ‫گرامر آسان‬
If I were free, I could play games. If I had studied, I would have passed.
If you should see john, say hello.
Were I free, I could play games. Had I studied, I would have passed.
Should you see John, say hello.

In case of encountering any difficulties, please contact me on:

Mobile: 09355596520
Instagram: ‫گرامر آسان‬

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