Sherlock Is Just An Incredible Series

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sherlock is just an incredible series. It has a 9.1 rating for a reason.

There have been so many shows and movies based off Sherlock Holmes but I
can say with confidence that this is the best of them.

The writing and acting is would makes this show so special. Every single season
is just as good as the others. Benedict Cumberbatch was born to play this role.

..he is Sherlock Holmes. Martin Freeman also stars as Dr. John Watson and
those two lead just an overall great cast.

This show won so many awards including 9 Emmys over the course of its run.

The first season of Sherlock has received overwhelmingly positive reviews from

Reviewers praised the modern adaptation of the classic Sherlock Holmes

stories, the superb acting performances, the clever writing, and the engaging

The show has been described as "fun, smart and entertaining drama" that stays
true to the spirit of the original while updating it for a contemporary audience.

The series successfully merges the classic Sherlock Holmes detective work
with modern technology and sensibilities

The show is praised for its clever incorporation of traditional Sherlock Holmes elements
into a contemporary setting.

It’s not a game anymore. It’s not just about Sherlock making deductions and solving
petty crimes anymore. It’s not about the ‘clever detective’ in the ‘funny hat’ show off his
hat which was iniciaoprodigious talents. Season 4 was about how Sherlock Holmes
became Sherlock Holmes.

Episode 1 was okay-ish. Almost everyone saw Mary’s end coming, so it wasn’t a shocker
as the makers would have expected it to be. The humor was forced and we got to see
Sherlock engage in some badass fighting, which pissed off certain people. But even
Conan Doyle’s Sherlock was an exceptional boxer, so it didn’t matter much. At the time
the episode aired, I was particularly critical about it. But in the retrospect, you can
connect the dots and see why they had to make certain decisions which didn’t go down
well with the fans. Still, I think Mary should’ve got a proper send-off, a good death which
viewers could’ve connected to.
Episode 2 was good. Sherlock’s high was convincing. Culverton’s plot was convincing.
Mrs. Hudson’s totally cool avatar came out of nowhere. And Eurus’ double role was…
well no one can doubt Sian’s acting. I thought that Culverton’s character was
underdeveloped. He could’ve been given a back story which could have been
summarized in a single dialogue to convince us why he became a serial killer (Like the
show Dexter). But the biggest star for me in this episode was John Watson. His anguish
and rage against Sherlock was justified and the way he unleashed himself on Sherlock,
punching him, cursing him was haunting. Also his dialogue to an invisible Mary at

Episode 3 was …..? It depends on which side you are on. This episode attracted both
negative and rave reviews at the same time. For me personally, it was the best one so far
of the entire series and even though many will disagree, the simple fact that no episode
has previously dealt with Sherlock’s past and his mind in such a detailed manner will
convince you.

hMost of the critiques had argued that there weren’t much deductions. I personally am
glad that there weren’t. The show isn’t just about giving a display of the cleverness of
writing but also about the storytelling. It was an emotional ride and you have rarely seen
Sherlock to be so vulnerable.

To many the arguments are limited to how did the glass disappear and how did it
reappear when the four were locked?

The glass’ disappearance is explained by Eurus and for the latter… c’mon it is a prison.
There are bound to be other similar cellsin the video .

The adventure was a thrill-ride, with moments that would keep you on the edge of your
seats (like the one where I almost said goodbye to Mycroft) and ones where you just got
drowned with emotions (Molly’s I love you moment). On and all, the episode marked the
completion of a complete circle and we are back to square one if there will be a S05 in
the future.

Although certain moments, like the ending given to Eurus did hurt. And nobody saw
Victor’s arc coming. A better storyline would have been that— Sherlock was made to kill
Redbeard (his dog) himself by Eurus. That could’ve also been a definitive start of Eurus’
ability to brain drain people and make them do what she wants.

And of course, Jim Moriarty’s entry was just ‘awwwwwesome’. Although he was limited
to just ‘tick-tick-tick-tick’ and it surely disappointed the fans, but it is understandable

Personally Season 04 was satisfying. If the makers decide that it is the end, it won’t ruin
the show’s brilliance like what S09 did to How I Met Your Mother. Benedict and Martin
are both big Hollywood names now, so it is understandable if they don’t make another
season. The makers are interested, but have left the decision to both the leads.
And a fun fact: Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman don’t get along at all.
(Source- Various gossip blogs)

So regardless of the fact that there will be a S05 or not, both Benedict and Martin are the
default Sherlock Holmes and John Watson of the modern times.


Superb acting by both Cumberbatch and Freeman. Andrew Scott's portrayal of Moriarty
was extraordinary. The supporting cast was also excellent.

Molly's nervousness, Lastrade's frustrations, Irene's arrogance, Mrs. Hudson's hip,

Mycroft's cool.

They all seemed to fit in like pieces of a rather amazing jigsaw which you had no idea
would produce such a brilliant image.


The modern uptake on Sir Doyle's work was very comprehensive, and all of the episodes
had an above average plot, with rarely a downside.

All in all, except for one or two instances, all the episodes had a rather perfect plot to fill
in for their respective series.

Direction and Screenplay

The direction, along with the acting, was probably one of the strongest points of the

The screenplay was totally brilliant. Sherlock's witty remarks followed by the Watson's
confused replies, Molly's "subtle" hints to impress Sherlock,

Mrs. Hudson's complaining, Moriarty's soft and almost seductive voice provided an
eclectic source of personalities portrayed amazingly.


The transition from the ancient Sherlock to the modern SH was something unexpected;
but once you see it, you can't go back.

The soundtrack to the series was again one of the really really good ones for a television
series, and accompanied the series very well.

The tie in websites, like Watson's blog, Molly's Diary, and of course, Sherlock's site
where he demonstrates

he Science of Deduction were decently well for those of us who couldn't get enough
from the series.

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