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(c) / No error (d) He is too smarter (a)/ to make it (b)/

Adverb Spotting error happen. (c)/ No error (d)
Farhan has (a) / acted nobler (b) / People invent new machines (a)/
She was immensely paid (a) / for than all of us (c) / No error (d) when they think (b)/ different/ (c)/
how skilful she (b) / handled the Raghav has not seldom (a) / visited No error (d)
crowd. (c) / No Error (d) his parents (b) / since he left this
place (c) / No error (d) It is the duty of every citizen (a)/ to
I met her (a) / about ten years ago do his utmost to defend (b)/ the
(b) / and have remembered her Tina told him (a) as blunt as she hardly won freedom of the country.
ever for. (c) / No Error (d) could (b) / but he was not (c)/ No error (d)
convinced (c) / No error (d) I advised my brother to engage two
Sooraj said (a) / it was (b) / quite all
coolies instead of one (a)/ because
right to reject the offer. (c) / No Mahatma Gandhi tried to eradicate
the luggage was too much heavy
Error (d) (a) / social evils with (b) / tooth and (b)/ for a single coolie to handle. (c)/
nail (c) / No error (d) No error (d)
His failure (a) / is too much (b) /
painful for his family. (c) / No Error Watch (a) / how careful (b)/ the They were exceptional good (a)/
(d) sparrow knits the straws to form a orators, so all of us (b)/ listened to
nest. (c) / No error (d) them very attentively. (c)/ no error
The amount which (a) / the (d)
Company has paid (b) / to the Though he was brave,(a) / he could
Hardly he likes (a)/ to hear my name
dependents of the dead worker is not face the ups and downs (b) / of
fairly unjustified. (c) / No Error (d) life manly. (c)/ No error (d) (b)/ after the rift which occurred
between him and me. (c)/ no error
The government (a) / of our country (d)
Although she had been hired (a) /
always should (b) / make public Such obstacles will (a)/ not stop
health an important part of its by the magazine to write book
agenda. (c) / No error (d) reviews (b) / she knew scarcely him; nothing never (b)/ did; this is
nothing about current fiction (c)/ No why he is progressing by leaps and
The students (a) / have been error (d) bounds. (c)/ no error (d)
practising (b) / hardly for their She looked at him lovely (a)/ but he
School Sports Day and so they Kajol cannot ask (a) / her father (b)
deserve the first prize. (c) / No Error did not (b)/ respond to her. (c)/ no
/ for his car without any vividly
(d) error (d)
reason (c) / No error (d)
The crucial point to (a)/ be Every member of the family is (a)/
She took (a) / tea and (b) / said that
discussed at the (b)/ meeting is addicted to drinking (b)/ and so Tom
it tasted sweetly. (c) / No error (d)
how to well implement the policy. is. (c)/ no error (d)
He hurt himself (A)/ yesterday while
(c)/ No error (d)
running (B)/ very fastly. (C)/ No India played very careful (a)/ right
Hemant has been (a) / only eating
error (d) from the beginning of the match (b)/
raw food (b) / because of digestion held at Sharjah in order to win the
issues since his childhood. (c) / No It was bitter cold (A)/ yesterday due match. (c)/ no error (d)
Error (d) to which (B)/ we had to stay at I liked that opportune moment (a)/
They showed a (a) / wonderful home the whole day. (C)/ No error
when the workers proved their might
really attitude (b) / towards the (D)
(b)/ to take on the company and
newly wedded couple. (c) / No error The thief was not (A)/ enough lucky came out victorious. (c)/ no error (d)
(d) to (B)/ escape from the police. (C)/ The old man is blindly, (a)/ so don’t
My mother works (a) / very quicker No error (d)
call him a liar when (b)/ he says that
than (b) / I at cooking (c) / No error he can’t read. (c)/ no error (d)
(d) The driver tried his best (a)/ to avert
the accident by bringing the car (b)/ Before the game she felt surely (a)/
Anna came to the classroom (a) / to a suddenly stop. (c)/ No error (d)
of winning, but after five minutes (b)/
lately and was punished (b) / by the she realized that it was not going to
teacher (c) / No error (d) The technician reminded them (a)/
be so easy. (c)/ no error (d)
to have a thoroughly cleaning (b)/
She had barely nothing (a) / to eat of the machine after each use. (c)/
when she came (b) / to me last No error (d)

Telegram: @Englishwithranimaam YouTube: English With Rani Ma’am
Article Spotting Errors My elder sister came home (1)/ My neighbor along with his children
after the sunset (2)/ and had gone (1)/ is going tonight (2)/ to see a Taj
India’s geopolitical orientation (1)/ before sunrise. (3)/ No error (4) Mahal at Agra. (3)/ No error (4)
will be an central (2)/ underlying
issue in next year’s state election. Sixty two students went (1)/ to the The old man in the crowd (1)/
(3)/ No Error (4) Church (2)/ yesterday to see the warned Julius Caeser (2)/ from the
stained glass there. (3)/ No error danger of death on certain day. (3)/
A largest chunk of (1)/ the bulk drug (4) No error (4)
requirement (2)/ is met through Mr. Khan has a white (1)/ and a The English (1)/ defeated (2)/
cheap imports from China. (3)/ No
error (4) black dog (2)/ which guard his French in the battle of Waterloo. (3)/
house from robbers. (3)/ No error No error (4)
Susan knew (1)/ that it was indeed (4)
(2)/ surreal experience meeting Mr. Gupta leads (1)/ a very busy life Neha was reading (1)/ with such
John on the beach. (3)/ No Error (4) concentration (2)/ that she did not
(2)/ so he goes every where by a
scooter. (3)/ No error (4) hear the doorbell (3)/ No Error (4)
It is a (1)/ most beautiful (2)/ flower
in the nursery. (3)/ No error (4) Kabir and Rahim (1)/ are great What sort of (1)/ the people are they
It (1)/ takes him (2)/ a hour to reach poets (2)/ but the former is greater (2)/ who always fight over worthless
than latter. (3)/ No error (4) matters (3)/ No Error (4)
home everyday. (3)/ No error (4)
Literature often (1)/ celebrates the Sohan is the best artist (1)/ of the
A first step (1)/ in a rational solution
fact (2)/ that the man is a mortal time but (2)/ unfortunately least
to any problem (2)/ is the
being (3)/. No error (4) recognized (3)/ No Error (4)
recognition that a problem exist.
Ahmedabad is trying (1)/ to become (3)/ No error (4)
Reena doesn’t usually (1)/ wear
next (2)/ Manchester of India (3)/ We should drink (1)/ several jewellery but yesterday (2)/ she
No error(4) glasses of the water (2)/ daily if we wore ring. (3)/ No Error (4)
want to remain healthy (3)/ No error
Since the business (1)/ was (4) Of the two (1)/ sisters, she (2)/ is
expanding to China (2)/ he wanted You have been learning Tamil (1)/ better. (3)/ No error (4)
to learn the Chinese (3)/. No error for last one year (2)/ but you show
(4) no improvement whatsoever. (3)/ It is unfortunate enough (1)/ to lose
He is not (1) / rich so he (2) / No error (4)
few friends we made (2)/ during our
cannot afford to buy a expensive Every one knows (1)/ that leopard school days. (3)/ No error (4)
house. (3) / No Error (4) is (2)/ the faster than any other
animal. (3)/ No error (4) There were a number of intelligent
gentlemen at the party (1)/ but it
The saint drew (1) / an attention of The rich cannot accumulate (1)/ the was Mr. Subhash, an eminent
the (2) / followers to the importance wealth without (2)/ the co-operation scientist, (2)/ who remained a centre
of regular practice. (3) / No Error of poor in the society. (3)/ No error of attraction. (3)/ No error (4)
(4) (4)
The greater (1) / the demand, (2) / The new railway line (1)/ will greatly Our teacher says that (1)/ on
higher the price. (3) / No Error (4) improve (2)/ transport and Tuesday or on Saturday (2)/ we
communication in eastern part of should go to the temple. (3)/ No
It was (1) / by a mistake (2) / that
the country. (3)/ No error (4) Error (4)
he caught his hand. (3) / No Error
He does not like (1)/ this type of a I have been informed that (1)/ Mr.
man (2)/ who does nothing but find Rohan, the director and the
out fault with others. (3)/ No error chairman (2)/ will visit us the
Prince Charles (1)/ is a heir (2)/ to (4) following month. (3)/ No error (4)
the throne of the Great Britain. (3)/ Don’t talk to (1)/ her, she always All the modern amenities of life that
No error (4) (1)/ we enjoy at present (2)/ lies in
(2)/ remain in temper these days.
(3)/ No error (4) the science (3)/ No Error (4)
On my request (1)/ Jatin introduced
me (2)/ to his friend who is a singer He had no illusion (1)/ of being
and a scientist (3)/ No error (4) either (2)/ a distinguished writer or
editor (3)/ No Error (4)

Telegram: @Englishwithranimaam YouTube: English With Rani Ma’am
He has come out (1)/ with an
unique proposal (2)/ for his friends
(3)/ No error (4)

Telegram: @Englishwithranimaam YouTube: English With Rani Ma’am

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