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Vaccine 19 (2001) 54±58

In¯uence of antigenic forms and adjuvants on protection against

a lethal infection of Aujeszky's disease virus
Shigeji Katayama*, Kenji Oda, Toshiaki Ohgitani
Division of Veterinary Microbiology, Kyoto Biken Laboratories, 24-16 Makishima-cho, Uji, Kyoto 611-0041, Japan
Received 9 November 1999; received in revised form 10 April 2000; accepted 11 April 2000


The in¯uence of antigenic forms and adjuvant types on protection against a lethal infection of Aujeszky's disease virus (ADV)
in mice was investigated. Antiviral IgG2a antibody response against particulate (inactivated ADV) and soluble antigen (ADV
solubilized with deoxychorate±Na) in approximate order of extent was ISA70 > QS-21 > positively charged liposome >
negatively charged liposome > weak negatively charged liposome > ISA25 > lablabside F saponin > aluminum phosphate gel >
non adjuvant. Particulate antigen induced higher IgG2a antibody production than soluble antigen. Particulate antigen combined
with ISA70, ISA25 or positively charged liposome gave 100, 50 and 40% protection to mice, respectively. In contrast, soluble
antigen plus ISA70 conferred 30% protection on mice. Immunogens using the other adjuvants gave R20% protection to mice.
These results indicate that a combination of particulate antigen and an appropriate adjuvant e€ectively induces the production
of antiviral IgG2a antibody and provides protection against a lethal ADV infection in mice. 7 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All
rights reserved.

Keywords: Adjuvant; Particulate antigen; Protection; Soluble antigen

1. Introduction body response. Therefore, it is very important to elicit

the production of IgG2a antibody by the selection of
Murine antibody of the IgG2a subclass plays an im- an adjuvant in order to protect mice against an infec-
portant role in protection against a variety of patho- tion of ADV.
gens [1±4]. The infection of Aujeszky's disease virus
Quillaja saponaria QS-21 [19,20], Freund's complete
(ADV) in mice was inhibited by antiviral IgG2a anti-
adjuvant (FCA) [21,22], copolymer [16,23], and
body [5]. IgG2a antibody has been associated with
antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) immune stimulating complexes (ISCOMs) [24] promote
[6±8], antibody-dependent complement-mediated cyto- IgG2a antibody production. Aluminum gel, which
toxity (ADCMC) [9±11], and virus neutralization [12]. enhances IgG1 antibody response, stimulates IgG2a
Soluble antigens such as peptide [13,14], recombi- antibody production in combination with Bordetella
nant protein [15,16] or puri®ed antigen [17,18] are pertussis [10] or interleukin-12 [25].
often used in candidate vaccines for pathogen(s) to We demonstrated previously that the soluble antigen
ensure their safety. The soluble antigen frequently of ADV with ISA70 adjuvant stimulates an antiviral
induces immunotolerance or the production of IgG1 IgG2a antibody response, but particulate antigen with
antibody in mice but does not stimulate an IgG2a anti- aluminum phosphate gel does not [26]. The aim of this
study is to examine whether antigenic forms and adju-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +81-774-22-4518; fax: +81-774-24- vant types in¯uence antiviral IgG2a antibody response
1407. and protection against virulent ADV infection.

0264-410X/00/$ - see front matter 7 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 2 6 4 - 4 1 0 X ( 0 0 ) 0 0 1 5 0 - X
S. Katayama et al. / Vaccine 19 (2001) 54±58 55

2. Materials and methods samples were collected from the remaining ®ve mice at
the same time. The survival rate (%) was determined
2.1. Virus and cell 14 days after the challenge.

ADV Iwate strain [27] was propagated and titrated

2.6. Antibody measurement by enzyme-linked
in Crandell feline kidney (CRFK) cells.
immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
The cells were cultured in Eagle's minimal essential
medium (Eg-MEM) supplemented with 5% fetal calf
To measure the titer of anti-ADV IgG subclass anti-
serum (FCS).
body, an ELISA was carried out as previously
described [26]. Five serum samples per group were
2.2. Preparation of antigens
diluted 1/400. ELISA titer was revealed as optical den-
sity at a wavelength of 492 nm.
Particulate and soluble antigens derived from puri-
®ed ADV were prepared according to the method
described previously [26]. 2.7. Statistical analysis

2.3. Adjuvants SD values for the mean antibody titers, obtained

with various combinations of antigenic forms and
Aluminum phosphate gel (alum) was purchased adjuvants, were calculated by Student two-tailed t-test.
from Superfos Biosectors Co. Ltd (Denmark). QS-21
was puri®ed from Quillajanin (Maruzen Pharmaceuti-
cals, Japan) extracted from the bark of the South
3. Results
American tree Quillaja saponaria Molina by the
method of Kensil et al. [28]. Lablaboside F saponin of
Dolichos lablab origin was kindly provided by Dr M. 3.1. Anti-ADV antibody responses stimulated by a
Yoshikawa (Kyoto Pharmaceutical University, Japan). combination of antigenic forms and adjuvants
Oil-based adjuvants, ISA25 (oil-in-water type) and
ISA70 (water-in-oil type), were purchased from Seppic The result of ELISA titer of total IgG antibody is
Co., Ltd (France). Three di€erently charged (positive, shown in panel A of Fig. 1. The production of total
weak negative and negative) liposomes; COATSOME IgG against both particulate and soluble antigen was
EL (lyophilized), were purchased from Nippon Oil and enhanced by the following adjuvants; QS-21, positively
Fat Co. Ltd (Tokyo, Japan). charged liposome (PL), negatively charged liposome
(NL), ISA25, ISA70 and alum. In all cases except the
2.4. Preparation of immunogens combination of particulate antigen plus alum, these re-
sponses were signi®cant ( p < 0.05). Particulate antigen
Immunogens were prepared as previously described plus ISA70 induced the largest response of total IgG.
[26]. Each antigen with virus titer of 1.0  107 plaque Soluble antigen plus alum induced the next largest re-
forming units (pfu)/dose before inactivation was used. sponse.
The respective antigen was adsorbed onto alum (15 w/ The result of ELISA titer of IgG1 antibody is
v%) at pH 6.5 at room temperature. The saponins shown in panel B of Fig. 1. The production level of
were mixed with each antigen at concentrations of IgG1 antibody was signi®cantly increased by particu-
20 mg per dose. The lyophilized liposomes were resus- late antigen plus ISA70, ISA25, PL and NL ( p < 0.01)
pended in 1 ml (10 doses) of each antigen suspension in that order, and by soluble antigen plus alum, PL,
according to the attached manual. Each antigen was ISA70, ISA25 and NL ( p < 0.05) in that order. Sol-
emulsi®ed together with ISA25 (o/w) at a ratio of uble antigen plus alum and particulate antigen plus
7.5:2.5 or ISA70 (w/o) at a ratio of 3:7, respectively. ISA70 stimulated the largest IgG1 antibody responses,
Antigen alone was served as control immunogen. respectively.
The result of ELISA titer of IgG2a antibody is
2.5. Animal experiments shown in panel C of Fig. 1. Antiviral IgG2a antibody
responses against both antigens were greatly stimulated
Four-week-old female Balb/c mice were purchased by ISA70, QS-21, PL, NL and weak negatively
from Nippon SLC Inc. (Shizuoka, Japan). Eighteen charged liposome (WNL), in that order. Signi®cant
groups of 15 mice each were injected once intramuscu- di€erences ( p < 0.05), compared to the control, in
larly with 0.1 ml of each immunogen. Four weeks antibody production were observed. Particulate anti-
after the injection, 10 mice of each group were chal- gen plus ISA70 stimulated the largest antibody re-
lenged with 100 LD50 of ADV Iwate strain. Serum sponse, and then antigen plus QS-21 the next.
56 S. Katayama et al. / Vaccine 19 (2001) 54±58

Fig. 1. ELISA titer of IgG subclass after injection of a combination of antigenic form and adjuvant. Particulate (open bar) or soluble antigen
(solid bar) plus an adjuvant was injected once into a group of ®ve mice. After 4 weeks, the ELISA titer of IgG to antigen was measured in
serum samples. Each panel reveals ELISA titer of total IgG (A), IgG1 (B) or IgG2a (C) antibody. Statistical comparisons between particulate
and soluble antigen and between each adjuvant and control are made by the Student two-tailed t-test.

3.2. E€ect of antigenic forms and adjuvants on


Particulate antigen plus adjuvant conferred e€ective

protection on mice, but soluble antigen plus adjuvant
did not (Fig. 2). Particulate antigen with ISA70, ISA25
or PL gave 100, 50 and 40% protection to mice, re-
spectively. On the other hand, soluble antigen plus
ISA70 conferred 30% protection on mice which was
the maximum in groups injected with soluble antigen.

4. Discussion

Schijns et al. [5] reported that inactivated ADV

alone can induce antiviral IgG2a antibody production
and confer protection against a lethal ADV infection.
Puri®ed glycoproteins of ADV with an adjuvant such
as FCA, Freund's incomplete adjuvant (FIA) and hy-
droxide aluminum can also provide protection to mice
In this study, each antigen with ISA70 (w/o type)
elicited the highest level of antiviral IgG2a antibody Fig. 2. E€ect of antigenic form and adjuvant on protection against a
lethal ADV infection. Immunogen consisting of particulate (open
production and protection among all combinations of bar) or soluble antigen (solid bar) and adjuvant was injected once
antigenic forms and adjuvants. In general, mineral-oil into a group of 10 mice. After 4 weeks, each group was challenged
based adjuvants have a high potency for immune re- with 100 LD50 of a virulent ADV. Survival rate (%) indicates the
sponse [22,29]. Water-in-oil type emulsions such as result on day 14 after challenge.
S. Katayama et al. / Vaccine 19 (2001) 54±58 57

FCA and FIA also tend to elicit antiviral IgG2a anti- a€orded protection of mice, but a larger amount of
body production for soluble antigen [21,30]. On the antigen was required to obtain the same e€ect as FCA
other hand, the result obtained here showed that plus antigen. It was indicated that aluminum gel could
ISA25 (o/w type) could not elicit a level of antibody not e€ectively induce protective immunity against a
production and protection as high as ISA70 (w/o lethal ADV infection.
type), indicating that the emulsion type of the immu- The combination of an antigenic form and an adju-
nogen may in¯uence the immune response. We con- vant can induce the production of IgG2a antibody
sider this is because antigen adsorbed onto the surface which plays an important role in protection against
of oil drops of o/w type emulsion may be released fas- ADV infection. We conclude that vaccines must be
ter than antigen in w/o type emulsion and then it will designed to generate an essential immune response for
be rapidly treated by immunocompetent cells. Ad- protection against a pathogen.
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