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National University of Technology (NUTECH)

Database System Lab (CS4012)

Instructor Name: Madam Saima Yasmeen

Department: Computer Science
Batch: CS 2022
Semester: Spring 2024
Lab no: 02

Name: Leema Ram

ID: F22605013 Due Date: Mar 9, 2024

Task 1: Applying Query on Data

• Objective: Become Familiar with MS Access Major Components Tables and Queries
• Instructions: Perform steps 1 to 3 and attach screenshots in lab reports for the following
steps you performed.
• Create Tables
• Adding Data
• Query Data
• Query Criteria

Task 2: Action Queries (Append, Update, Delete, and Make-table), Parameter Queries
• Objective: Learn how to add, change, or delete multiple records simultaneously using
action queries.
• Instructions: Perform All steps mentioned in Step 4 and attach a screenshot for each of
the tasks
• performed in that step.
• (Create an Append Query
• Create a Delete Query
• Create a Make Table Query
• Parameter Queries
• Alternate criteria

Task 1
Able to use wild cards and other conditions or criteria to select data.

Lab Tasks:
1. Create a Table Employee (Emp_No, Emp_name, emp_city, Job, Salary), Emp_No should
not use auto numbers.
2. Add at least 7 records in the Table using Forms.
3. Do Not Make Emp_No Primary Key
4. Design a query using a simple query wizard.
5. Select all those employees where the employee location is “Islamabad” or the job is
“Office Boy”
6. Select all those employees where the city is [Faisalabad] or select based on your own will.
7. Creating a query to find all those employees whose names begin with “A”.
8. Create a query that searches for employee names that contain ‘L’ in the name.
9. Create a query to find all those employees where the job is not “teacher”.
10. Create a query where the job is “teacher”, and the salary is “greater than or equal to
11. Create a Delete Query to delete all employees whose salary exceeds 30,000.
12. Create a delete query to delete records where the job is “Teacher”.
13. Create an update query to update.
14. Open the datasheet view of the table and insert a few more records.
15. Create an Update Query to update the job title “Teacher” to “Clerk”.

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