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reversal )

During transients (starting, braking and speed good dynamiC response.

(b) reduced current givVing
torque with power factor are high
as the
at the maximum operation Is
are low, and efficiency and torque point at all
(c) Copper losses
restricted between synchronous speed and maximum frequencies.
no load to full load is small.
(d) Drop in speed from
variable Speed
variable frequency control 1s that it allows a
advantage of pertormanCe to be obtained fro
The most important
above-mentioned good running and transIent
drive with has a number ot
The squirrel cage motor commutater
squirrel cage induction motor. longer lasting. Because of the absence of
motor. It ischeap, rugged, reliablemaintenance, itcan be operated in an explos1ve and contam1nat
brushes, it requires practically no speeds, voltage and power ratings. It also has lower
environment, and can be designed for higher
the cost of a squirrel cage motor is much iower compared
inertia, volume and weight. Though the overall cost of variable trequency induction motor
same rating.
to that of a dc motor of the the advantages listed above, variable frequene
higher. But because of
drives, in general are over de motor drives for most applicat1ons. In sDecal
induction motor drives are preferred underground and underwater installatons
operation, such as
applications requiring maintenance free and contam1nated environments, such as in mines
involving explosive
and also in applications induction motor drives are a natural choice. They have
variable frequency
and chemical industry, mill run out tables, steel m1lls. pumps,
fans, blowery
several other applications such as traction,
machine tools, and so on.
Compressors, spindle drives, conveyers, scheme Is shown in Fig 6.34. The motor
frequency speed control
Block diagram of variable source (VEVS) V* and f" are voltage and
frequency variable voltage
is fed from a variable block produces a voltage command V*
for VFVS
frequency commands for VFVS. Flux control
order to maintain the relationship of Fig. 6.33(a) between l and f". Reference frequency f
to control speed. A delay circuit is introduced between f and f. so that even when
is changed only slowly so that motor speed can track
changed by a large amount. f* will change
S* is each frequency between synchronous
changes in f*, thus restricting the motor operation for
maximum torque point. VFVS can be a voltage sourve inverter or a cycloconverter.
speed and the cycloconverter are described in Sections 6.13
employing voltage source inverter and
The drives
and 6.14, respectively.

Flux Supply



f f*


Fig. 6.34 Variable frequency control

612.2 Slip Speed Control Induction Motor Drives 189

Let l'and f denote thc rated

belowthe base spced with voltagc
and frequency
of the
be kl. where &is. a constant (Vf)
factor such that, 0sks control, for a machinc. kf.When the motor is operated
from 0to | and
voltage changes from 0to V. as frequcney, the terminal voltage wil'
I.Thus, frequeney is
Substituting tor voltage KV and
for changed from 0to f, kchange
Fqs. (6.4) and (6. I0) frequency
kf and
neglecting stator resistance drop, fro
I, =
JR/ks)² +(X, + X)' (6.7
T= 3

671) and (6.72) if (ks) is

(0 ms
+ (X, + X)² (6. )
torque Twill remain
maintained constant as k is varjed, then rotor
constant / will also be
Since the slip is small I will current and
constant. Now be in phase with
voltage. Since flux
I, = ; + 12m Constant
Thus if the motor
the motor will operation 1s cartied out at constant value of ks as
operate at a constant current and the frequency is
At frequency kf. torque. Let us examine the meaningvaried
of ks.

Synchronous speed =koms

Slip s = kO ms - 0m
k0 ms
ks = k0 ms Wm
where (6.73)
Ws = kWms - Wm
Note w, is the slip speed, which is the (6.74)
Om It is also the drop in motor difference in the rotating field speed koms and rotor speed
speed from its no load speed, when the
for any value of T, the drop in the machine is loaded.
The above discussion shows that
load speed (kom) is the same for all motor speed from its no
for 0 <s Sm are frequencies. Hence, machine speed torque characteristics
approximately parallel
Operation of the machine at a constant slip speed also
Trequency as shown below implies the operation at a constant rotor

ks = (kf)s
f (6.75)
where f, and O, are rotor frequency in Hz and rad/sec, respectively.
SSm (R/sk) >> (X, + X), hence from Eqs. (6.72) and (6.73)

3V2 (ks) = constant 0
R(0ms (6.76)
190 Fundamentals of Electrical Drives
Eqn. (6.76) suggests that fors< sm. the speed torque curves are nearly straight lines. Since they
approximately parallel straight lines for s <Sn
also parallel,
are According the speed-
to above -torque curves
discussion, are
for a gives slip speed, motor current and torque have same
values at all frequencies. Thus, motor current and torque can be controlled by controlling the slip
speed. Further the motor current can be restricted within a safe limit by limiting the slip speed.

utilized in closed loop speed control for limiting the current within a permissikl.
This behavior is
speed. As stated earIier. maChine operates ar
Let us next consider the operation above base
constant voltage V. Now

R, + + **(X,+ X)*
As the frequency is higher than the rated k> 1. Since the operation is againconstrained
value. hence
the synchronous speed and the maximum torque, slip has a small
sV V( koms m
1, R k0 ms
R, Oms (kl,)
(koms - Om)= 0 =
Thus for speeds above the base speed, at a given I, and hence approXimately at a given ,, the
slip speed o, increases linearly with k (or frequency). This behavior is ut1lized in closed-loop
speed control for limiting the current within permissible value above base speed.
Since the slip is small, 1; is in phase with V. If the machine copper loss is neglected. the
developed power Pm is given by
P, = 3V/,
Consequently. Pm is constant for a given 1,and therefore for a given I,. The drive. therefore.
operates in constant power mode.
6.12.3 Torque and Power Limitations, and Modes of Operation
The torque and power variations for a given stator current and for
the rated frequency are shown by dots in Fig. 6.35. When the frequencies below and above
stator current has the maximum
permissible value, these will represent the maximum torque and power capab1l1tues of the
in variable frequency control. Variation of motor
are shown in Fig. 6.36. Variation of slip speed o, withtorque and power capab1l1ties with frequency
As seen in Figs. 6.35 and 6.36, the frequency is also shown in this figure.
motor has a constant maximum torque from zero to base
Speed Umibs hence the drive operates in constant
changed with frequency as shown in Fig. 6.33(a) andtorque mode. In this frequency range, VIs
the slip speed at the maximum
speed o,ne: the maximum power has permiss1ble
eurrent remains constant. From base speed to
value, hence the motor operates in constant power a constant
torgue is reached. Any attempt to operate the mode. At speed o,e (Fig. 6.35), the breakdown
motor at the maximum
this speed will stall the motor.
Hence, beyond the speed Ome, the permissibleiscurrent beyond
constant slip speed and the maXimum machine operated at 2
permiss1ble current and maximum powe are allowed to
Inducion Motor DVes

Dower locus



Fig. 6.35 Modes of opcration and torquce and power limits
"rease (Fig. 6.36). Now the motor current reduces
ersely as the speed squared. The operation in this inversely with speed and torque decreases
eed range but low torque at high speeds. For region is required in drives requiring wide
merates in this regIon when running at full speed example in traction applications the drive
ah speeds is very small compared to its value
because the torque required in steady state at
during acceleration.


0 1.0 2.0 k

Constant torque mode Constant power mode Constant

Fig. 6.36 Modes of operation and variations of , 0|, T and Pm with per unit
frequency k
dllable trequency and variable voltage supply for induction motor control can be obtained
ither from a
re voltage sourveinverter(VSI) or a cycloconverter. VSIfed induction motor drives
described here and cycloconverter ied drives are described in Sec. 6.14.
192 Fundamentals of Eleccal Druves

V'SI Induction Motor Drives supply to be obtained

fromn de
Voltage sourve nverter allows a variable frequeney commututed
tansist0IN. Any other sell
device supply.
Can be used
Fig. 6.37a) shows a VSlemployng MOSEETN UNedlinlow voltuge
and| low power inverters, IGT
unstead of a transIstor. Generally
tronsistors are Used up to medium power levels and
unsulated gatc bipolar transisto) and IGCT (Dsulated gate comnuluted
thyristor) are used for
GT0 (gate tun oflthyos0)
ower levcls
as a stePped wave inverter o pulse width (PWM) of b.
hequence inverter.
\Slcan l oeated NWilched in the
wave inverte, tansistors arc
N hen orated as a siepped and cach transistor is kept
on for the duration TI2, where
d1lterene of T/%
numbers th atmc
cycle. Resultant line voltange wavelorm is shown in ig, 63
TIN the timc penod for onc inverter
inverter operation Is varied by varying Tand thc output vollage of the
FroqucnN of
vary1ng de nput voltage. When supply is de, variable dc input voltage is obtained h.
ancd by (Fig. 6.38(a)). When supply is ac, variabl
onnaung a chopper between de supply and inverter rectificr betwecn ac suPply and inverter
d input voltage s obtaincd by connccting a conncctcd in dc link to make inverter
Fig 6.S(b)). A large clectrolytic filter capacitor Cis harmonics in dc link voltape
opcration indcpendent of rect1fier or chopper and to filter out

T Ts C

Ta Te



(a) Transistor inverter-fed induction motor drive


Vo 21
n/6 5I/6

(b) Stepped wave inverter line volage waveform

(c) PWM inverter line voltage
Fig. 6.37 VSI fed induction
motor drives:
Inverter output line and phase voltages are given by
the following Fourier series:
2 /3
VA Va sin o1 - sin 51 7 Sin 7 wt4
i SinI1 wt+ sin 13 ot . (6.77)
Induction Motor Drives 193
DC Filter Ia
supply Chopper L
C Six step
inverter IM
dc link

Filter laà
rectifier C
Va Six step
dc link
Filter la
DC +
supply V PWM
inverter IM


Diode L
bridge C
inverter IM

dc link

Fig. 6.38 VSI controlled IM drives
VAN = V sin 0t +F SIn 5wt + 1
7 sin 7 or| (6.78)
he rms value of the
fundamental phase voltage
V= 2 Va
he torque for a given speed can be calculated by
plained in Sec. 6.4. The main drawback of steppedconsidering only fundamental componeDt as
wave inverter is the large harmonics of low
equency in the output voltage. Consequently, an induction motor drive fed from a stepped
verter suffers from the following drawbacks: wave
(a) Because of low frequency harmonics, the motor losses are increased at all
speeds causing
derating of the motor.
0) Motor develops pulsating torques due to fifth, seventh, eleventh and thirteenth harmonics
Which cause jerky motion of the rotor at low speeds as explained in Sec. 6.4.
Electrical Drves
194 Fundamentals of The machine
current inereases at lowspecds. overhcat salurates at light
Harmonic contentin motor ratio. Thesc two effccts the machine
(C) due to high (V//) spced. at low
at low speeds 40% of base
loads kowestspecd to around
sceds, thus limiing eliminated, ass0ciated losses are
and smootharemoon
is obtainecd
reduced, low
harmonics are
at low speeds ulso when inverter is operated as a pulse-widthreduced
modulated nvertcr Fiy. o.37(c) shows output voltage waveform for sinusoidal pulse-width
modulaon. Snce output voltage can now be controlled by pulse-width modulation. no arrangement
variation of input de voltage, hence inverter can be directly
supply is
tordethe|Fig. (.38(¢)) and through a diode rectifier when supply is ac. [Fig. 6.38(d)|.
PWM inverter
phase voltage of a operating with
The fundamental component in the output
NINUsOdal PWM is given by
V= m
2/2 (6.80)
where n is the modulation index.
pulsation and derate the motor (Ser &
The harnmonics in the motor current produce torque
the current harmonics are red1uced w.k
For a given harmonic content in motor terminal voltage, pulsations. Therefore
the motor has higher leakage inductance, this reduces derating and torque
when fed from VSI, induction motors with large (compared to when fed from sinusoidal supnlwi
leakage inductance are used.

6.13.2 Braking and Multiquadrant Operation of VSI Induction Motor Drives

The power input into the motor is given by
Pin = 3VI, cos
where V= fundamental component of the motor phase voltage
I, =fundamental component of the motor phase current
=phase angle between Vand .
In motoring operation < 90°, therefore Pn is positive i.e. power flows from the inverter to the
mach1ne. Areduction in frequency makes the synchronous speed less than the rotor speed and
the relative speed between the rotor conductors and air-gap rotating field reverses. This
the rotor induced emf, rotor current and component of stator current which balances the rotor
ampere turns. Consequently, angle becomes greater than 90° and power flow reverses. The
machine works as a generator feeding power into the inverter, which in turn feeds
power into dc
link by reversing the dc link current l4. Regenerative
braking is obtained when the power
flowing from the inverter to the dc link is usefully employed and dynamic
when it is wasted in a resistance. is braking obtained

Dynamic Braking Let us first consider the dynamic braking of

drive of Fig. 6.38(d). With dynamic braking the pulse-width modulated inverer
braking. switch SW anda drive will be as shown in Fig. 6.39. For dynaim
Ry connccted across the de link are
switch (here transistor) in series with braking resista
added to the drive of Fig.
notor is shifted from motoring to braking 6.38(d). When operation of the
switch SW is opened. Generated energy
Induction Motor Drives 195

supply budge PWM

Fig. 6.I9 Dynamic braking of VSIcnrolled IM

the de link charges capacitor and its
onnceing the resistance acrOSs voltages rises. When it
the link. The gencratcdcrOSses
a ssct valuc, switch $is
lod n the capacitor flow into the power and a part of energy
nominal value, S is opened. Thus by closing and
and de link voltage reduces. When it falls to its
e. opening switch S based on the value of dc link
generated energy Is dissipated in the resistance, giving
oneration of the drives of Figs. 6.38(a) to (c) can be dynamic braking. The dynamiC
obtained similarly.
Peoenerative Braking: Let us first consider the regenerative braking of pulse-width
DWM) inverter drives of Figs. 6.38(c) and (d). In the modulated
neration shifts from motoring to braking, l¡ reverses anddrive of Fig. 6.38(c) when machine
nerey to the source. Thus, the drive of Fig. 6.38(c) alreadyflows into the dc supply feeding the
has regenerative braking capability.
In the case of the drive of Fig. 6.38(d), for
aust be transferred to the ac supply. When theregenerative braking, the power supplied to the dc link
reerses but V remains in the same direction. Thus for
operation shifts from motoring to braking la
capable of dealing with dc voltage of one polarity andregenerative braking capability, a converter
dc current of either direction is required.
Adual converter has this capability and was employed in the
link converter (SLC) because it takes
past. The recent drives use synchronous
sinusoidal current at unity power factor from the ac source,
both during motoring and braking operations. Thus while its
less devices than a dual converter. Principle of its performance is superior, it requires
operation is
drive with a SLCand PWM inverter is shown in Fig. 6.40. The explained here. A regenerative
l constitute a SLC. PWM inverter lis operated to inductors L and PWM inverter
produce voltage V of required magnitude and

- L
inverter inverter IM

Synchronous Controller
link converter

FIg. 6.40 VSI IM drive with regenerative hraking capability (SLC fed PWM inverter IM drive)
Electrical Drives
196 Fundamentals of current , is nearly
sinusojdal and
in phase
content, so that source unity power
phase and with a
out of phase for braking,
thus giving
value of 1,. V, of
motoring and I80°
and (b). For cach phase and
with V, for 6.4l (a) pulse-width modulation
shown in Figs. sinusoidal
phasor diagrams are This can be casily realizcd in magnitude and phase of
magnitude is required.
V, depends
and phase of magnitude
on the
produced by producing
In sinusoidal PWM magnitude
V,of given phase
signal ||]. Therefore,magnitude
Since is
can be modulating
produced by PWM inverter, it does not
Signal of required
inductor L filters out high frequency harmonics to
frequcney harmonics. The diagrams of Fig. 6.41 are similar to that
contain low source current 7,. The phasor link converter is similar to that of a
produce a nearly sinusoidal synchronous
synchronous machine. Thus behavior of
of a called synchronous link converter.
snchronous machine, hence it is

V,= joL,,
V, = joL,,

(b) Braking operation
(a) Motoring operation
Fig. 6.41 Phasor diagrams of synchronous link
When the drive of Fig. 6.40 is operating in steady state, power supplied (taken) by SLC
be equal to power taken (supplied) by PWM inverter II. Since the two work independent of each
other. this is achieved by providing closed loop control of the dc link voltage. When the power
supplied by SLCto the dc link equals the power taken by PWM inverter II, no energy will be
supplied or taken from the capacitor C and its voltage will be constant and equal to the reference
value V;. If now the load on IM is increased, power taken by PWM inverter IIfrom the de link
will be higher than the power supplied by the SLC. Hence, the capacitor voltage Va will fall below
its reference value ;. The closed loop voltage control willincrease the value of 1, and therefore
power supplied to the de link. Hence, the dc link voltage will be brought back to the reference value.
Since SLC works as a boost converter, the closed loop control of dc link voltage provides the
drive with ride through capability against a voltage sag and under voltage. When ac source
voltage falls, the closed loop voltage control maintains the dc link voltage constant by increasing
I. and thus, the motor continues to be provided constant voltage, and therefore, produces same
maximum power and torque.
The drive of Fig. 6.38(b) can have regenerative braking apability by
rectifier by a dual converter. The SLCcannot be used because it requires replacing controlled
dc link voltage, whereas with six step inverter dc link operation at a constant
voltage must be varied. The drive of Fig.
6.38(a) will have regenerative braking capability if a
of providing voltage of one polarity and current in two quadrant chopper of Fig. 5.44 (capable
either direction) is used.
Four Quadrant Operation: Four quadrant
operation can be obtained by any drive with braking
(regenerative or dynamic)capability. Areduction
speed less than the motor speed, transfers the of the inverter frequency, to make synchronous
II(forward braking). The inverter operation from quadrant I(forward motoring) to
frequency and voltage are progressivelyreduced as speed tal s
(o brahe the ma hune u 0 nduton Motor Drives 197
zeo secd
revciscd by
nenhangng the hing pulseNow phase sequence of the
crample, Iwren the
ats ,l: l,) Ietween inverter utput
the swIte hes of any voltage s
yralon to quadrant ||| reverse nd L And L two legs of the inverter.
n Fig 6 17a Ihs transfers the
the requrd speed In the otong) lhe
reverse dreton inveter freqIeney
afnd voltage are inc reased to
allows vanable RONTROL
htllagc and frcqucnc a trequcncy and auable
Mth thc nalure of its
supply A halt Wave voltage Supply to be otbta1ned frorn a
Oulput Vollagc cvcloconverter is shown in Fig , 42 along
mooh motoOn Iswavefom. Because of low
harmonc Content when operafing
fguc maaing I obtained
ncccssary limi the maxImum
at low
specds. HarmonIc content inc reases with
troge maunmum speed is resticted to 40% output frequency atto 40t of the surCe
4 molo th large lcakage of synchronous speed the mains freque ncy
duc to harmon1cCs In motorinductance
is usedin order to
curent. Thc drives has minimze derat1ng and torque pulsations
quadrant operation Is obtancd by
reversing the phase regenerat1ve braking capab1l1ty. Full four-
cmplovs large number of thyristors, it sequence of motor term1nal voltage.
large powcr drves becomes cconomically acceptable only in

(a) Half wave
cycloconverter-fed induction motor
Phase voltage Fundamental

(b) Phasc voltage waveform

Fig. 6.42 Cycloconverter controlled induction notor dr1ve

Cycloconverter drive has applications in high power drives requir1ng good dynamic response
Dut only low speed operation e.g. in ball mill in a cement plant. The low
lained by feed1ng a motor with large pole numbers from a cycloconverterspeed operalion is
operating at low
equencies. These drives are called gearless drives because, unlike conventional drives, the low
198 Fundamentals of Electrical
Speed operation of load is obtained without a reduction gear, thus eliminating the associated

cost, space and maintenance.


Aclosed-loop speed controlled drive is shown in Fig. 6.43. It is similar to the drive of Fig. 3.5.
employs inner slip-speed loop with a slip limiter and outer speed loop. Since for a given

speed has a fixed value, the slip speed loop also functions as an inner current
Further slip
current. it also ensures that the motor operation al ways occurs on the portion of speed-torque
for all frequencies .
curve between synchronous speed and the speed at the maximum torque
ensuring high torque to current ratio as explained in Sec. 6.12. The drive uses a PWM inverter
fed from a dc source, which has capability for regenerative braking and four-quadrant operation.
The drive scheme is however applicable to any VSI or cycloconverter drive having
or dynamic braking capability. The drive operation is explained below.
The speed error is processed through a PI controller and a slip regulator. Plcontroller is used
dc supply


Speed Oms
controller inverter

Om Motor

Fig. 6.43 Closed-loop slip controlled PWM inverter drive with regenerative braking
to get good steady-state accuracy, and to
command w, whose maximum value is attenuate limited
noise. The slip regulator sets the slip speed
to limit the inverter
value. The synchronous speed, obtained by current to a permissible
the inverter frequency. The adding actual speed w, and slip speed w, determines
reference signal for the
voltage V* is generated from frequency fusing a closed-loop control of the machine terminal
flux operation up to base speed function generator. It ensures nearly a constant
and the operation at a constant
speed. terminal voltage above base
specd lnducion Motor Drives |99
COmmand produces l
set at the

produeing the value. The drive positive speed error. The slip speed
sIllvlue. The maximum
dive inally settles accelerates
avalable torque,
at a sl1p unttl the
at the maxum permissible
speed for which the speed crror s reduccd to a
Astep devrease In specd comnmand motor torque balunces theload
maximum produces negative speed error. sl1p speed
hMmum pernUssible negative value. The drive
current The command
S iUcd to asmall and the decelerates under
value. Now the maximum avalable braking regenerative braking, at the
N:N tOr which the motor torque operation shifts to torque. until the speed error
The drive has fast equals the load motoring and the drive settles at the sl1p
response because the speed torque.
orque. Diret control of slip error 0s corrected at the maximum
For operation beyvondthe assures stable operation under available
base speed, as all operating conditions.
lit of the slip regulator must be
reached. T}his is
at the
beginning of Sec. 6.12, the slip speed
ilue is
achieved by adding to linearly with the frequency until the breakdown
Nignal. to frequency and of the slip regulator output an
for which the appropriate additional slip speed
breakdown torque is reached. sign. For
the slip speed limit higgher than the frequency
is kept fixed near the breakdown
When fast response is required the
induction motors can be
allowed to carrvmaximum
slip can be allowed to be
equal to sm because
duration. The inverter and its front end times the ratedlcuurrent during transient operations
uhose transient and steady -state converter are built using
tront end converter will have to current ratings are the same, Then the semiconductor devices
ratings of inverter and
be chosen
Suhstantially incre ase the drive cost. When fast several time the motor current rating. This will
converter can be chosen to be response
af inverter and front end is not required,
current ratings
marginally higher than that of motor.
squirrel-cage induction motor has following ratings and
400 \. 50 Hz. 4-pole. 1370 rpm. R, parameters:
=22.R=32. X, = X =3.5 S2
Motor is controlled by avoltage source
variation from l0 to 50 Hz.
inverter at constant VIf ratio. Inverter allows frequency
()Obtain a plot between the breakdown torque and
(1) Calculate starting torque and current of frequency.
this drive as a ratio of their values when motor is
tarted at rated voltage and frequency.
(Oms = 50
Om Eq. (6.13). for a frequencv K times the rated frequency and with VIf ratio constant

Imax 3 KOms X
X, + R; +."(X, + X)?
Electrical Drives
200 Fundamentals of
(R, /K) + R,K)² + (X, + X)2

Subsutution of values of parameters gives

(2/K) + J2/K)² +49
calculated for various values of frequency. These reesults are
From Fq. (), valucs ofZ , can be
tabulated below:
0.5 0.4 0.3
0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.2
25 20 15 10
40 35 30
f.H: S0 45 42.22 37.44 31.18
Ima -m $4.88 S3.24 51.24 48.89 45.94 22.93
Aplot between Tay and fis given in Fig. E.6.9 which shows that for a constant (VIf) ratio,
breakdown torque decreases with frequency.



0 10 20 30 40 50
f Hz
Fig. E.6.9
(ii)Since the minimum frequency available is 10 Hz, motor will
have to be started at 10 Hz.
From Eq. (6.10) starting torque is given by

T, = 3 v²R,
Oms (R, + R,)' + (X, + X)' (2)

At 50 Hz T,, =
(400/W3)? x 3 = 41.29 N-m
(2 + 3) + (3.5 +3.5)2
Induction Motor Drives 201
Starting current
I, =
WR, + R; +(X, + (3)
400/ /3
= 26.85 A

varnable trequency
Control and
Ws)² +(7)'
constant V/f ratio: for
frequency Ktimcs rated, from q.(2)
(0 ms
R, +
K + (X, + X( )?
Smilarly from (3)
+ (X, + X; )?
for 10 Hz, K = l0/50 = 0.2.
Substitution in Eqs. (4) and (5) gives

X (400-/3)² x3/0.2 = 22.67 N-m
+ 72

= 8.895 A
+ 72

Now 22.67 = 0.549

Ist 41.29

26.85 = 0.33
Note, as compared to start at rated frequency, the ratio
1.54 to 2.55. (torque/current) has increased from
Vij ratio of variable frequency drive of Example 6.9 is
lorque at all speeds. Lowest frequency of inverter is alsocontrolled
to get a constant breakdown
extended to 5 Hz. Calculate and plot V
against f and compare with that used in Example 6.9.

From Eq. (6.13) breakdown torque for afrequency Ktimes rated is given by
Tmax 2KOmax R, + R + K'(X, + X)?
202 Fundamentals of Electrical
2Ko,n, max. |R, + JR + K'(x, +
obtaincd in
Substitut1on of parameter values
and value of Tas = 54.88, as Example 6.9 for
rated operation, gives
V,' 2x S0 n x 54.88 K|3 + /4 +49 K'
- 17241A|2 + 4 + 49 K'I (2
frequencies as calculated from Eq. (2)
Line voltage for vanous
0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2
09 0.8 0.7 06
15 10
25 20
45 40 35 30
228 193.7 159.2 123.7 843
400 365.5 331 296.7 262.3

all frequencies Vt
These results are plotted in Fig. E.6. 10. For constant breakdown torque at
ratio is to be progressively increased with the decrease in



Constant VIf ratio

10 20 30 40 50
f. Hz
Fig. E.6.10
Calculate approximate values of the follow ing for inverter-fed induction motor drive of
6.9: Example
(i) Speed for a frequency of 30 Hz and 80% of
(1) Frequency for a speed of 1000 rpm and full-load torque.
(1) Torque for afrequency of 40 Hz and full-load torque.
speed of l100 rpm.
Motor peed torque curves tor
Lan be assurmed to be pat allel various trequencies trom tul|-load notoun to tull-load braKIn:
ccd wIthout signilicarit crrorstraight lines cách passing throuyh
as shown in Fig corfesponding sinroe
Induction Motor Drives 203

Full load f

Full load

Braking Motoring
Fig. E6.11
(i) At 50 Hz, drop in speed
from no load to
Drop in speed from no load to full-load torque = 1500
1370 = 130 rpm
80% of full-1oad = 130 x
0.8 = 104 pm
Synchronous speed at 30 Hz = 120f 120 x 30
40 = 900 pm
Therefore, motor speed= 900 - 104 = 796 rpm.
(i) Drop in speed from no
load to full load
Synchronous speed N, = 1000 + 130 = 1130toruqe = 130 rpm.
f= pN, 4 x 1130
120 120 = 37.67 Hz

(i) At 40 Hz
synchronous speed N, = 120f =l204 x40 = 1200 rpm
Drop in speed from no load to
l100 rpm = 1200 - 1100 = 100 rpm
Torque = 130oT; = 0.769 T;
where T is the full load torque.
At full load s = 1500 1370
1500 = 0.08667

X v'R,/s
(0ms R'
+ (X, + X, )²

(400/\3 ² x 3/0.08667 = 25.37N-m

|2+ 0.08667 +7

Hence torque =0.769T;==0.769 x 25.37 =i9.51 N-m

204 Fundamentals of Electricai

For regenerative
EXAMPLE 6.12 braking operation of inverter-fed induction motor drive off1Example 6.9, determine

approximate values of:

Hz and 80% of full load
() Speed for the frequency of 30 pm and full load torque.
(ii) Frequency for a speed of 1000 speed of 1300 rpm.
(iii) Torque for a frequency of 40 Hz and the drive works under dynamic brakino)
(iv) What will be the answers to (i) to (iii), if
torque = 130 rpm
(i) Increase in speed from no-load to full load
= 0.8 x 130= 104 rrm
Increase in speed from no load to 0.8 of full load-torque
30 1500 = 900 rpm
Synchronous speed at 30 Hz =X
Machine speed = 900 + 104 = 1004 rpm

(i) Synchronous speed = 1000- 130 = 870 rpm

PN, 4 x 870
f= = 29 Hz
120 120
(iii) At 40Hz synchronous speed
N, =
120f 120 x 40
= 1200 rpm
Increase in speed from no load speed= 1300 - 1200 = 100 rpm
100 100
Motor torque = 130 T= 130 x 25.37= - 19.5IN-m
(iv) In both regenerative and dynamic braking motor works as a generator. The two braking
methods of inverter-fed induction motor d1ffer only in the way braking energy is disposed
off, in former it is transferred to the source and in latter it Is dissipated in a resistor. Hence
answers to (i)-(i) will be the same.

Calculate motor breakdown torque for inverter-fed induction motor dive of Example 6.9 for a
frequency of 60 Hz as a ratio of its value at 50 Hz.
Up to 50 Hz motor operates with a constant VIf ratio
and above 50 Hz
voltage. Hence at 60 Hz, motor will be operated at a voltage of 400 V. with constant terminal
frequency K times the rated and constant terminal voltage. From Eq. (6.13), for a

2 Koms
R, + R + K*(X, + X^)²
At 60 Hz, K= S0 =1.2
Induction Motor Drives 205
I max 3
2x 1.2x 157.08 (400//3)²
2+4 + =39.9 N-m
(1.2 x 7)?
At 50Hz may =
20ms |R, + R; + (X, + X()?
max =
2x 157.08X (400//3 )²
2+ J4+ 49 = 54.88 N-m
max 39.9
= 0.727
Control of induction motor
previous section. This employing variable frequency voltage sources was
VECS). An equivalent circuit forconsiders motor control by variable considered in
sOurce V is replaced by a motor fed from current source is
a frequency current source
current source I, in Fig. obtained when voltage
I= Xm
+ (Xm t X/)² (6.81)
T= R 31; X,R{/s
(0 ms S
Oms (R,/s)² + (X + X)' (6.82)
and (R{/s)² +X{?
(R;/s)² + (Xm +X)?
(R{/f)² + (2zL,)?
+ (2rnLm + 2rL/)²'s (6.83)
Motor speed-torque curves for various
values of I,
corresponds to the operation at rated constant flux, areand natural speed-torque curve, which
shown in Fig. 6.44(a). For a given I,
operation of motor above the natural characteristic takes
below it at lower than rated. Since rated flux place for a flux higher than rated and
Sec 6.12, the natural characteristic is locus ofoperation preferred due to reasons explained in
Can obtain a relationship between I and rotor preferred operating points. From Eq. (6.83), one
frequency (sf) rated m (or rated flux). This
relationship, which is independent of frequency, is shown in Fig.for6.44(b). Drive is operated such
nat relationship of Fig. 6.44(b) is maintained
between stator current I, and rotor frequency (sf),
c Trequency is changed to control the speed.
Wnen operating at a constant flux, the operating points are located mostly on the part of
que curve, which gives unstable operation with most loads (Fig. 6.44(a)). Hence, closedspeed loop
Control is mandatory. Since motor is constraint to opciaLe at constatn flux, its steady-state
206 Fundamnentals of Electrical Drives

behavior is identical to that with VEVS. Thus at a given slip Speed (Or rotor frequency), thei
trequency, as explained
motor draws a constant current and develops a constant torque at all
6 J4
Sec. 6.12. This behavior is explained specifically for a motor fed trom VFCS in example

T Rotor
frequency (sf)
(a) (b)
Fig. 6.44 Operation of induction motor from a current source: (a) speed torque curves; (b) I, vs sf curves

The motor, therefore, operates in constant torque mode from zero to base speed. At base speed,
either rated machine voltage is reached or VFCS voltage saturates. In either case machine
operates at a constant terminal voltage above base speed, providing constant power mode.
Variable frequency current supply is provided by a current source inverter.


A thyristor current source inverter (CSI) is shown in Fig. 6.45. Diodes D,-Ds and capacitors
Cj-Co provide commutation of thyristors T,-T6, which are fired with a phase difference of 60
in sequence of their numbers. It also shows the nature of output current waveforms. Inverter
behaves as a current source due to the presence of large inductance La in dc link. The fundamental
component of motor phase current from Fig. 6.45(b) is

T c G
D, "Cs., D¥ IA

Va la

D,Y C6 Day Induction 2n


Fig. 6.45 Cuent source inverter fed
induction motor drive
Induction Motor Drives 207

I,= 1, (6.84)
Eor agiven speed, toruqe is controlled by
varying dc link
Therefore. when supply is ac, a controlled rect1fier is current 1, by changing the value of Va:
and when supply is dc, a chopper is interposed between connected between the supply and inverter
the supply and inverter (Fig. 6.46). The
maximum value of dc output voltage of fully-controlled rectifier and chopper are chosen so that
the motor terminal voltage saturates at rated value.
AC Fully
controlled Va CSI
supply rectifier
DC link motor


supply Chopper V CS

DC Ink Inductuon
Fig. 6.46 Current source inverter (CS) induction motor drives
The major advantage of CSI is its reliability. In case of VSI (Fig. 6.37(a)), a
failure will cause two devices in the same leg (e.g. Ta and T,) to conduct. This connects
conducting devices directly across the source. Consequently, current through dev1ces suddenly
rises to dangerous values. Expensive high speed semiconductor fuses are required to protect the
devices. In case of CSI. condution of two devices in the same leg does not lead to sudden rise
of current through them due to the presence of a large inductance L4. This allows time for
commutation to take place and normal operation to get restored in subsequent cycles. Further,
less expensive HRCfuses are good enough for protection of thyristors.
As seen in Fig. 6.45, motor current rise and fall are very fast. Such a fast ise and fall of
current through the leakage inductance of the motor produces large voltage spikes. Therefore, a
motor with low leakage inductance is used. Even then voltage spikes have large value. The
commutation capacitors C,-C% reduce the voltage spikes by reducing the rate of ise and fall of
current. Large value of capacitors is required to suficiently reduce the voltage spikes. Large
commutation capacitors have the advantages that cheap converter grade thyristors can be used
but then they reduce the frequency range of the inverter, and therefore, speed range of the drive.
Further, due to large values of inductor Ly and capacitors, the CSI drive is expensive and has
more weight and volume.

6.17.1 Regenerative Braking and Multiquadrant Operation

When inverter frequency is reduced to make synchronous speed less than motor speed, machine
works as a generator. Power flows from machine to dc link and de link voltage Va (Fig. 6.46)
208 Fundamentals of Electrical Drives
made to work as an inverter,
fully-controlled converter of Fig. 6.46(a) is the
supplied toIf dc link will be transferred to ac supply and regenerative braking will take place.
Thus, no additional equipment is required for regenerative braking of CSI drive of Fig. 6.46(a).
Change of phase sequence of CSI will provide motoring and braking operations in the reverse

The drive of Fig..6.46(b) can have regenerative braking caupability and four--quadrant operation
if a two quadrant chopper providing current in one direction but voltage in either direction is

used [1].

6.17.2 Closed-L0op Speed Control of CSI Drives

Aclosed loop CSI drive is shown in Fig. 6.47. Actual speed nis compared with the reference
speed om. The speed error is processed through a PI controller and slip regulator. The slip
regulator sets the slip speed command o. The synchronous speed obtained by adding
determines the inverter frcquency. Constant flux operation is obtained when slip speed .
rotor frequency) and I, have relationship of Fig. 6.44(b). Since l is proportional to ,, accordine
to Eqn. (6.84), a relation similar to Fig. 6.44(b) exists between @s and la for constant flu.
operation. Based on the value of w, the flux control block produces a referenc current .
which through a closed-loop current control adjusts the dc link current I, to maintain a constant
flux. The limit imposed on the output of the slip regulator, limits l¡ at the inverter rating.
Therefore, any correction in speed error is carried out at the maximum permissible inverter
curent and maximum available torque, giving fast transient response and current protection.
ac supply

Current Firing Fully

controller circuit rectifier


Speed Dms



Fig. 6.47 Closed-loop slip controlled CSI drive with regenerative
Beyond base Speed, machine Induction Motor Drives 209
Sec. 6.13. Flux
control and terminal voltage
to rated inverter current., theclosed-l00p control of I¡ saturates
explained at the beginning of
slip speed made
frequency. This jis
realized by adding to thelimit of the ineffective.
slip regulator To operate the
drive up
must increase linearly
slip regulator with
6.17.3 Comparison of output asignal proportional to frequency.
Voltage Source
Current Source Inverter (CSI)
The relative Inverter (VSI) Drives and
advantages and
(a) CSI iis more
reliable than
of CSI
and VSI drives are
to commutation failure does because (i)
not leadto sharp conduction of two devices in the
protection against a short rise of current same leg dUe
(b) Because of large
Circuit across motor terminals. through them and (i) it has inherent
higher cost, inductance
weight and volume, lower
in the dc link and large inverter
The CSI drive is not speed range and
suitable for multimotor drives. slower dynamic
CSI drive has
orter and rectifier. A Single Hence. response.
each motor is
onnected in parallel. A single VSI can can be used to feed a number of fed from its owTI
similarly feed a number of motors VSI-motorin systems
connected parallel.
Show that a variable
toruge for a given sl1p-speed wheninduction motor drive, develops at all
operating at constant flux. frequencies the same
When operating at a frequency K times rated
frequencyf. Eq. (6.83) becomes
(R(/ Ksf ) + (2zL,)
(R,/Ksf) + (2 rLm + 2rL)*
For constant flux operation , must be constant. Therefore. for a given l,. Ksf must
be mainta1ned
constant as frequency is changed, thus
Ksf = constant (2)
(0r KOmsS =constant (3)
and SK = constant (4)

Ka,n, is the synchronous speed for frequency Kf and therfore Komss is the slip speed.
From Eq. (6.82) for a frequency K
3 1;K'x, R,/s
T= (R(/s)² + K'(Xm + Xf)

+ (Xm +X/ ) ?
Electrical Drives
210 Fundamentals of
From Eq. (1), for a given Ksf and
operation (Kw,mS),
1, is fixed. Now
For a given slip speed
Ks is constant.
from Eg. (5) Tis also fixed. Thus, motor develops a constanttoorque
frequencies for a given slip speed.
constant current from the inverter at all
and draws a
EXAMPLE 6.15 parameters:
squirrel-cage induction motor has following ratings and
A Y-connected
Hz, 4-pole, 1370 rpm, R, = 2 2, R, = 3 S2, X, = Xf= 3.5 S2, X = ss o
400 V, S0
flux. Calculate
controlled by a current source inverter at a constant
It is
current when operating at JO Hz and rated slip speed
() Invertertorque,
(i) Motor frequency for rated motor torque and motor speed of 1200 rpm.
straight lines in the region of intavs..
Assuming motor speed torque curves to be parallel
calculate motor speed when operating at
(iii) 30 Hz and half the rated motor torque.
(iv) 45 Hz and braking torque equal to rated motor

Synchronous speed = 1500 rpm or 50T rad/sec
1500 1370 = 0.0867
Full load slip s = 1500
Full load slip speed = 1500 1370 = 130 rpm
From Fig. E.6.15 motor impedance
j55 +j3.5
Z= 2+j3.5 + 3
0.0867 +j(55 + 3.5)
= 24.65 + j20.19 = 31.86 < 39.3° S2

R, jX, jX Ris

I(4 JXm

Fig. E.6.15
Full load stator current
31.86 =7.2486 A
Full Joad rotor current

jXm j55
l; =lRls) +j X{ +X,m). =7.2486 = 5.865 A
0.0867 +j(58.5)
Full load torque
3 3 3
7; =
() ms
|R/sl= 50
x (5.865)² x 0.0867 = 22.73 N-m
(i) According to Example 6. 14 at rated slip speed, torque and I, will have same values as al
50 Hz operation. Thus
T= 22.73, 1, = 7.2486 A
Now at 30 Hz synchronous speed = 30
X 1500 = 900 rpm
Full load slip spced = 130 rpm
Motor speed = 900 130 = 770 rpm
(i) At rated motor torque, slip speed and I, will bc same as at 50 Hz operation.

I,=7.2486, slip speed = 130 rpm

Synchronous speed = 1200 + 130 = 1330 rpm

Frequency = 1330
X 50 = 44.33 Hz

(iii) When speed-torque curves are assumed to be straight lines,

Slip speed at half the rated torque = 130 = 65 rpm

At 30 Hz, synchronous speed = 900 rpm
Motor speed = 900 - 65 = 835 rpm
(iv) At rated braking torque, slip speed =- 130 rpm

Synchronous speed at 45 Hz = 45
X1500 = 1350 rpm
Motor speed = 1350 + 130 = 1480 rpm


Current regulated VSIoperates with current controlled PWM. In current controlled pulse-width
modulation, machine phase current is made to follow a sinusoidal reference current within a
hysteresis band. Fig. 6.48(a) shows a sinusoidal reference current iA =Im Sin ot. Two bands.
separated from iA by an amount AI, are shown in the figure. Switching in the inverter is carried
Out such that the actual motor current iA remains within these two bands. For this
voltage source
inverter of Fig. 6.37(a) is employed. In this inverter phase A curTent ig is shaped by transistors
Ir and T,4. When T is on (Tra is off), phase A is connected to the positive terminal of dc source,
nence the rate of change of current iA will be positive and when Tr4 is on (T,, is off), phase A is
Connected to negative terminal of the dc source, hence rate of change of current iA will be
212 Fundamentals of Electrical iDrives
negative. In Fig. 6.48(a) current is is fall1ng along the path mn when T4 is on. When iA reaches
the lower band at n, TË is turncd off and T, is turned on. This makes rate of change of i to be
Positive and it rises along the path no. When i reaches the upPper band at o, T, is turned off and
I; Is turncd on. This makes rate of change of i, to be negative and it falls along op. This way
actual curent IA IS Consraint to remain within (wo hysteresis bands. Reference current for
120°) and i = mSin(or-
choscn to be in =ln sin(oor 240°)
controll1ng rcspcctiINC trans1storsip and i arc madc to follow Iy and ir within hysteres1s and
phases B and C are bands.

Upper band

Lower band

Comparator dc supply
with hysteresis
To Ts, T2





Fig.6.48 Current regulated voltage
source inverter
When the band is small, motor
harmonic content in phase currents currents will be nearly sinusoidal. As the band reduee
with fast switching devices will reduces but then switching
have lower
harmonic frequency
Increases. Thus, inverter
by is induction
Slip motor. anto characteristics
identical are Speed-torgue winding. Stator
through current controlling
dc controlled
by becan speed, load therefore,
the and Slip, slip. a
with stator with move rotor causes
to which torque producesa currents eddy and field stator
between Interaction field.magnetic the
stator bydrum rotor induced in currents
are Eddy load. the
to drum metal hasa Rotor stator. speed
of the rotating at fieldmagnetic produces
winding which
dchas motor,induction driving coupled
to whiisch Stator, rotate. allowed
and stator both which to are rotor
motor principle
an to identicalin clutch
is An
mains. from directly
ac fed becan speedit fixed aruns
at itself motor
magnetic excitation controlling Since clutch. the circuit
to dc controlled
by is load. speed variable
Speed the and speed
fixed running
a at motorinduction between
an placed clutch current eddy consists
an of Drive
systems. control servoapplications
in has
drive response.
This dynamic faster and cost and volume weight, lower itcapacitors,
has hence
filter inductor
and large
dc use not does CSIit, operates
aas VSI
regulated current Although
drive motorinduction inverter
fed source voltage regulated current ofClosed-loop
control 6.49 Fig.



control Flux
supply dc
6.49. Fig. loop
in speed the around loopposition addinga obtained
is position closed-loop for drËve servo 6.49.A Fig. shown in isand also drive VSI
regulated current for used
therefore is
6.47) (Fig. drive CSI scheme
of control speed
lheinverter. source current operates
aas essentially inverter voltage,
the sOurce impedance
motor changes
in independent
of currents
are motor waveforms
of magnitude
and the Since
switches. for drives basegenerate hysteresis
to comparators
with in i
and currents,
IB IA motorrespective compared
with currents
are reference These ic. and iiii.
currents reference sinusoidal generates generator current reference
Commandf*, frequency Iand
command amplitude current regulatedVSI.
on current diagram
of block gives6.48(b) Fig.

213 Drives MotorInduction

214 Fundamentals of tle tieal Dives

() ()

wheie oh nd o, e teNpccively the Mator nd rolor (6.85)

cddy curCHl dutch in he specds. Since torquc on cther Mde o
mc, tilo ol outpul power , to mput powWCr , I yiven by


liquation (6 80) suypests that ellciency falls with specd. (G.87)
IN obtaincd by wasting a power cqual to sP, in the According to (6.87), speccd reduction
rotor drum. Minimum specdis usually
Iestcted to 30% below thec synchronous speed, because efficicncy becomes
of the rotor drum become dilficult below too low and cooling
this speed.
Load can be decoupled from induclion molor by
can now be started on no load. Load can be setting de winding current to zero. Motor
smoothly started by slowly incrcasing dc winding
Fddy current cluteh is available in different
constructions and sizes ranging from fraction of
ukW to MW.Advuntages of eddy-current drives are:
specd control witlh good specd regulation, controlledrugged, casy toand
maintain, reliable, stepless
torque, high overload capacity and ability to handle impact loads. They soft start, high starting
in blowcrs, compressors, conveycrs, cranes, dredges, have been widely used
clevators, winders, line shafts and paper
muchines. However, they are rarely used in new installations, because of poor efficiency and
Specd-torque curves for rotor resistance control are given in Fig. 6.50. While maximum
is independent of rotor resistance, speed at which the torque
maximum torque is produced changes with
rotor resistance. For the same torque, specd
falls with an increase in rotor
Advantage of rotor resistance control is that Increasing R,
motor torquecapability remains unaltered even (D
at low speeds. Only other method which has
this advantage is variable frequency control.
However, cost of rotor resistance control is very
low compared to variable frequency control.
Because of low cost and high torque capability
at low speeds, rotor resistance control is
employed in cranes, Ward Leonard Ilgener
Drives,and other intermittent load applications.
Major disadvantage is low efficiency due to ig. 6.50 Rotor resistance control
additional losses in resistor connected in the rotor circuit. As the losses mainly take place in the
external resistor they do not-heat the motor.
Induction Motor Drives 215
6 20.1 Conventional
Anumber of methods are uscd
is vaned by using
rOlary switches and a variable Tesistancc. In drum controllers. resistance
also be obtained by using resistance divided in few stcos. Variable
regulator, which consists of threc and resIstance can
resistors in scrics. High power applications use a slip-
Water. Res1stance S Vaied by clectrodes submerpcd in an clectrolyte, consisting of sal1ne
When the power is high, changng the dislance betwecn clectrodes and
carth clectrode.
res1stance can be changedcleetrodes are duven by asmall motor.
steplessly. Advantagc this mcthod is that
EAMPE 0.l6
A-phasc, 400 N,
0-pole, SOHz,
of 0.2S2and leakage delta-connected,
slip-ring induction motor has rotor
at full load at 4% rcactance of 1 2per phase referred to stator. When resistance
sl1p. What resistance must be driving a fan load it runs
SS0 rpm. Neglect stator inserted in the rotor circuit to obtain a
impedance and magnetizing branch. Stator speed o!
to rotor turns ratio is 2.2.
Svnchronous speed = 1000 rpm = 104.72 rad/sec

Full load torque TF = 3

V'R/s 3 400 x 0.2/0.04
(R,/s) +X? 104.72 0.2
= 881.47 N-m
+ 1
T= KN?
K[N,(1 -s)] =T
K [1000 (1 -0.04)) =
Therefore, at speed 850 rpm
T = 0.000956 x (850) = 691 N-m
1000 - 850
S = = 0.15
In equilibrium
T= T
3 X
V'(R + Re)ls
= T,
ms R, + R. (1)
+ X?
where R. is the external resistance.
Substitution of parameter values in Eq. (1)
3 X
400* (R, + 0.2)/0.15 = 691
104.72 2
R + 0.2 + 1
2T0 Pundamentals of leC!iiCal Drives

Or X?- 6.633X + 1 = 0
R. + 0.2
where X=
0.15 (3)
From Eq. (2)

6.633 ± (6.633)² - 4 6.633 ± 6.324
= 6.478 or 0.1545

From Eq. (3)

R, = 0.772or - 0.177 2
Since the latter value is unfeasible

Re = 0.77 2
Rotor referred value of external resistance = 0.77 = 0.159 S2

6.20.2 Static Rotor Resistance Control

Rotor resistance can also be varied steplessly using circuit of Fig. 6.51. The ac output voltage of
rotor is rectified by a diode bridge and fed to a parallel combination of a fixed resistance R and
a semiconductor switch realised by a transistor T, (Fig. 6.51 ). Effective value of
resistance across
terminals A and B, RAB, 0S varied by varying duty ratio of transistor T, which in turn varies rotor
circuit resistance. Inductance La is added to reduce ripple and discontinuity in the dc link current
l4. Rotor current waveform will be as shown in Fig. 6.51(b) when the ripple is neglected. Thus
rms rotor current will be

I, = (6.88)

Lo A

(a) Circuit diagram (b) Rotor current waveform
Fig. 6.51 Rotor resistance control employing semiconductor converters
Resistance between terminals A and B will be zero when transistor is on and it will
be R when
it is off. Therefore, average value of resistance.
between the terminals is given by
R 9 = (1l - S)R
where is the duty ratio of Induction Muto; Dives 217
Power the transistor and
consumed by RAR 0S is given by Eq. (5.112).

Erom Eqs. (6.88) and PAB = 1 RAB = }R(I 6)

(6.89), power consumed by RAB (6.89)
per phase is
Power consumed per phase = AB =
Equation (6.90) suggests that 3 0.5 R(1 S) 1; (6.90)
total rotor circuit rotor circuit resistance per
resistance phase
per will now be
phase is increascd by 0.5R(1 Ò). Thus,
Rr = R, + 0.5R (1 - 8)
Rr can be varied
from R, to (R, + 0.5R) as is (6.91)
closed-loop speed control scheme with inner
Rotor current , and
changed from 1 to 0.
therefore, la has a current control loop is shown in Fig. 6.52.
motoring and plugging. If the current constant value at the maximum torque point,
accelerate and decelerate at the limiter is made to saturate at this both during
current, the
arrangement will havemaximum
to occur, torque, giving very drive will
to be made for fast transient response. For pluBging
reversal of phase sequence.





Speed Current
controller Base
Speed + controller drive

Wm Current
Fig. 6.52 Closed-loop speed control with static rotor
resistance control
Compared to conventional rotor resistance control, static rotor resistance
cdvantages such as smooth and stepless control, fast response, less maintenance,control has several
simple closed-loop control and rotor resistance remains balanced compact size,
between the three phases for
all operating points.
A 440 V, 50 Hz. 6-Dole, Y-connected wound rotor motor has the following
218 Fundamentals of Electrical Drives

R, = 0.5 2, R = 0.4 2, X, = X= 1.2 2, Xm = S0 2

Stator to rotor turns ratio is 3.5.
Motor is controlled by static rotor resistance control. External resistance ischosen such
the breakdown torquc is produced at standstill for a duty ratio of zero.
external resistance. How duuty ratio should be varied with speed so that the Calculate the valuethatof
Imaximmum torque. acceleratesa

From Eq. (6.12), using equivalent circuit of Fig. 6.1(b)
R + (X, + X)*
With an externàl resistance whose stator referred equivalent value is Re.

Sm =
R, +R, R, + 0.4
JR +(X, +X,)² No.5)² + (2.4)2
R, = 2.45 sm-0.4
From Eq. (6.91)
Re = 0.5R (1 - 8)a
where a is the stator to rotor turns ratio. Substituting for a

R, = 6.125(1 S)R (2)

From Eqs. (1) and (2)
6.125(1 - )R = 2.45s, -0.4 (3)
For maximum torque to occur at sm = 1(stand-still) for =0
6.125R= 2.45 x 10.4
Or R= 0.3347 ohm
Substituting values of R and sm = (N, N)/N, in Eq. (3) and rearranging the terms gives
S= 1.195 x 10-3 N (4)
where N is the speed in rpm.
Equation (4) suggests that for accelerating the motor at maximum torque, S must change
linearly with speed.


Figure 6.53 shows an cquivalent circuit of a wound-rotor induction motor with voltage Vr
iniected into its roto, assuming stator-to-rotor turns ratio unity. When rotor copper loss
Induction Motor Dries 219

Pm = P - P, (6.92)
where P is the pOwer absorbed by the source V.. The magnilude and sign of P, can be
by controll1ing the magnitude and phase of V,. When P. is zero, controled
motor runs on its natural speed
torque characteristic. A positive P, will reduce P. and therefore, motor will run
at a lower speed
for the same torque. When P, is made equal to P.. then P and
Thus, variation of P, trom 0 to P, will allow speed consequently speed will be zero.
control from synchronous to zero Speed.
Polarity of V, for this operation is shown in Fig. 6.53 by a
continuous line.
R, X. sX, R,
sE V

Fig. 6.53 Induction motor operation with an injected voltage in its rotor
When P, is negative, i.e. V, acts as a source of power. P will be larger
than P, and motor wil
run at a speed higher than synchronous speed. Polarity of V, for speed
speed is shown by a dotted line in Fig. 6.53. control above synchronou:
When rotor copper loss is neglected, P, is equal to slip power, sP,. Speed control
synchronous speed is obtained by controlling the slip-power. the same approach was below
rotor resistance control. However, instead of wasting power in external adopted ir
resistors, it is usefully
employed here. Therefore, these methods of speed control are classified as slip power
schemes. Two such schemes, Static Sherbius and Static Kramer Drives, are described here.recovery

6.21.1 Static Scherbius Drive (Fig. 6.54(a))

It provides the speed control of a wound rotor motor below
synchronous speed. A portion of
rotor ac power is converted into dc by a diode bridge. The controlled rectifier
working as an
inverter converts it back to ac and feeds it back to the ac source. Power fed back (i.e. P) can be
controlled by controlling inverter counter emf Va, which in turn is controller by
inverter firing angie. The dc link inductor is provided to reduce ripple in de linkcontrolling
current la.
Since slip power is fed back to the source, unlike rotor resistance control where it is
in resistors, drive has a high efficiency. The drive has higher efficiency than stator voltage
control by ac voltage controllers because of the same reasons.
Drive input power is the difference between motor input power and the power fed back.
Reactive input power is the sum of motor and inverter reactive powers. Therefore, drive has a
poor power factor throughout the range of its operation.
From Fig. 6.54(a), neglecting stator and rotor drops
Va = 3N6 sV (6.93)

and V42 = 3/6 V COS C (6.94)

where a is the inverter firing angle and, n and mare, respectively, the stator torotor turns ratio
Fundamentals of Electrical Drives

3-phase ac supply 4 a= 90°

Inductuon 90° < a< az,
motor Transformer < 180°


S Va1 Va2*

(a) The drive circuit

(b) Speed-torque curves
Fig. 6.54 Static Scherbius drive

of motor and source side to converter side turns ratio of the

inductor transtormer. Neglecting drop acrose
Vai + Va2 = 0
Substituting from Eqs. (6.93) and (6.94) yields
S= COS =- cos I
where a = nlm.
Maximum value of a is restricted to 165° for safe
commutation of inverter thyristors. Slip can
becontrolled from 0 to 0.966a when a is changed from 90 to 165°. By appropriate choice of a,
required speed range can be obtained.
Transformer is used to match the voltages Vai and Vap. At the lowest speed
drive. Va will have the maximum value Valm given by required from the

Valm = Vsmax/7
where Smar is the value of slip at the lowest speed. If a is restricted to 165°, m is
chosen such that
the inverter voltage has a value Valm When a is 165° i.e.

cos 165° + VS max


m =
n cos l65° 0.966 n
S max Smax
Such a choice of m ensures inverter operation at the highest firing angle at the lowest motor
speed, giving highest power factor (Eqn. (5.109)) and lowest reactive power at the lowest speed.
This improves the drive power factor and reduces reactive power at all speeds in the speed range
of the drive.
Figure 6.55(a) shows equivalent circuit of motor referred to the rotor, neglecting magnetizing
branch. Derivation of Eq. (6.90) shows that when referred to dc link. resistance (sR, + R,) wil.
Induction Motor Drives 221
he 2(sR{ + K, ). 1nis giVes
V., and Va2 are given in Eqs. apprOXimate dc equivalent circuit of the drive (Fig. 6.55(b)), where
ircuit ignores the (6.93)and (6.94). R is the
resistance of dc link inductor. Equivalent
commutation overlap in the diode bridge. Now
sR. sX sX, R,
W 0000 000
2(sR( + R,) +Ru
(a) Equivalent
circuit of the
motor referred to the rotor (b) Equivalent circuit
of the drive
Fig. 6.55 Motor and
drive equivalent circuits
3 V6 v S COS
la = Va1 + Va2 +

2(sR, + R,) + Ra 2 (sR + R,) + Ra (6.96)

If rotor copper loss is neglected
sPy =| Va2 | Za (6.97)
Pg = | Va2|a

Now P
sO ms (6.98)
The nature of speed torque curves is
shown in Fig. 6.54(b).
The drive has applications in fan and
range only. If maximum slip is denoted by Smax, drives which require speed control in a narrow
then power ratings of diode bridge, inverter and
transformer can be just smax times the motor power rating (Eq. 6.97). For example, when speed
is to be reduced below
synchronous speed by only 20%, power ratings of diode bridge, inverter
and transformer will be just 20% of motor power
rating. Consequently, drive has a low cost.
(Drive is started by resistance control with S, closed and S, open
reaches within control range of the drive, S, is closed to connect (Fig. 6.54). When speed
diode bridge and inverter is
activated. Now S, is opened to remove the resistances.)
In fan and pump drives braking is not required, because the
fluid pressure provides adequate
braking torque. To maintain constant fluid flow with variations in pressure head and the nature
of pumped fluid, the drive is operated with a closed loop speed control. A
control scheme with inner current control is shown in ig. 6.56. lt close loop speed
operates in the same way as
the, scheme of Fig. 3.5.
(This drive is widely used in medium and high power (up to around 10
MW) fan and pump
drives, because of high efficiency and low cost.
This drive provides a constant torque control (Eqn. (6.98). Constant power control is obtained
by static Kramer drive described below.

6.21.2 Static Kramer Drive

Rotor slip power is con verted into de by a diode bridge (Fig. 6.57a). The de power is now fed
ac supply



Speed + Current
controller controller

Fig. 6.56 Closed-loop control of static Scherbius drive



+ Va2


(a) The drive circuit

B a> 0 Va1

Wms m
(b) Field control with dide (c) Firing angle control of thyristor bridge
bridge with constant motor field
Fig. 6.57 Static Kramer drive
to dc motor mcchanically Induction Motor Drives 223
produced by coupled to
de motor. Figure
and de
6.57(b) motors.induction moto. Torquc suppicd to load is sum of torque
Spccd control
icld current. The shows variations is
of Va und Vobtajncd by controlling ficld current of
cunents/n and I. Specd state operation is with spccd for (wo valucs of dc motor
specd. When larger control is
possible obtaincd
from when Vai = Vi2, i.c. at Aand Bfor field
relationslhip between Va range is required, diodesynchronous spced to around half of
(sce Fig. 6.57(¢). Speed can speed can be altered by bridge is
replaced by athyr1stor bridge. Now
up tocontrolling firing angle of thyristor rectifier
now be
controlled standstill.
440 V, 50 Hz., 970 rpm,
follow ing 6-pole,
parameters referred Y-connected, 3-phase wound
to the stator: rotor induction motor has
R, = 0.1 S2, R =
0.08 S2, X, = 0.3 S2, X = 0.4 S
The stator to rotor turns ratio is 2.
Motor speed is controlled by
25% below the Static Scherbius Drive. Drive is
synchronous speed. Maximum designed for a speed range ot
value of firing angle
(i) Transformer turns ratio. is 165°. Calculatc
(i)Torque for a speed of 780
(iii) Firing angle for half the rpm and a = 140°.
rated motor torque and speed of 800
de link inductor has a rpm.
resistance of 0.01 S.
(i) From Eq. (6.95), maximum slip
Sm = a CoS Cm

For 25% speed range sm = 0.25. Thus

0.25 =- a cos 165° Or a = 0.259
=a or 2 = 0.259 or m =7.722

(ii) For a speed of 780 rpm

1000 780
S = 0.22
From Eqs. (6.93) and (6.94)
0.22 x 440/43
Va = 3/6 sV 3N6 X
= 65.363 V

3/6 V COS =
3/6 X
440//3 X cos 140° = - 58.95 V
Va = 7.722
From Eq. (6.96)
Va + Va2
l4 = 2(sR( + R) + Ra
224 Fundamentals of Electrical Drives
R, = 0.l x (0.5)* = 0.025 2
R, = 0.08 x (0.5)* = 0.02 Q
Substituting values of parameters in Eq. (6.96)
65.363 - 58.95 = 105.13 A
2(0.22 x 0.025 + 0.02) + 0.01

From Eq. (6.98) T= |Ve|l 58.95 x 105.13 = 269 N-m

=022x 104.72
(1i) Rated slip 1000 - 970 = 0.03

3 (400/43)² x 0.08/0.03 = 605.32 N-m

Rated torque =104.72 0.08
0.1 + + (0.7)²

Half rated torque = 302.66 N-m

1000 800
For 800 rpm s 1000
= 0.2

3/6 0.2 x 440/43 = 59.42V

Vai = X

V =
3\6 X 440/\3 cOs a = 76.95 cos a
59.42 + 76.95 cos a
2(0.2 x 0.025 + 002) 0 01=9O.53 + 1282.5 cos a

T= Vella 76.95 |cos a x (990.33 + 1282.5 cos a)

s0 ms 0.2 x 104.72

= 3.673 | cos a| x (990.33 + 1282.5 cos )

Let cos a = -X. then

T=3.673X (990.33 1282.5X)

This shouldbe equal to half rated torque 302.66 N-m. Therefore
3.673 X (990.33 - 1282.5X) = 302.66
or X-0.772X + 0.06425 = 0
which gives X= 0.677 and ).0949

Or a= 132.6° and 95.45°

Later value of a corresponds to operation in unstable part of characteristic.

Hence a= 132.6° is the answer.
Induction Motor Drives 225

EAMPE 6. 19
Wound rotor Inducuon motOr of Eample 6.|7 is now controlled by Injccting a voltagc into its

)Calculate motor torquc for aspccd of 1200 rpmwhen a voltage I5 Z0° (phase is
th respcct lo the source voltagc) is injected nto the rotor. lgnore Xn
) What should be the magnitude and phase of
injectcd voltage so thal motor prroaues
sae toguc at 1200 rpm and operates at unity
power factor?
As Mramcters have values reteTed to stator, equivalent circuit of Fig.
6.55(a) is convertcd to
Quialent circuit referred to stator by
dividing all quantities by s (Fig. E.6.19). Here
R. iX, jX; R;/s

Fig. E.6.19

(i) V= 3.5 x 15 = 52.5, =0

1500 1200
= 0.2

Z=0.5+ 02 +j2.4 = 2.5 + j2.4 = 3.466 Z 43.83°

i:: -V/s 440/3 - 52.5/0.2 8.4659

3.466 Z 43.83° 3.466 43.83°
8.4659 Z180 - 43.83° = 2.4426 Z136.17°
Taking into account rotor copper loss
Slip-power sP = Rotor copper loss + Power absorbed by V,
31R( + 3V/I, cos ,
P =

where 0, is the phase angle between V,' and I, .

T= P 3_'R + VI cos O,]

O ms SO ms

0.2 x 50 T (2.4426) x0.4 + 52.5 x 2.4426 cos 136. 17°]
=-8.6I N-m
Since torque is neative, motor is operating in regenerative braking.
226 Fundamentals of Electrical Drives
(ii) Since motor operates at unity power factor, the rotor current I, = 1 20°. Iet
voltage V= VZ 0, where 0, is the phase angle of V, with respect to V,. injected
Now 1 Z0° = ,-(v/0.2) 0; (V, SV, cos ?) j5V/ sin

[(V, - 5V, cos 0)² + (5V sin o)] 40

I,20 = 3.466 Z43.83o (1)
From Eq. (1)

Or tan
-5V, sin tan 43.83°
V, 5V cos
V, - 5V cos = - 5.208 V, sin 0, (2)
Also from Eq. (1)

VV, -SV cos 0;)² + (5V sin o)?

I = Z
Substituting from Eq. (2)
5.208 V sin 0, )² + (5V/ sin o)?
1= 3.466

= 2.083 V sin (3)

For the same torque, slip power should be same, therefroe
0.412 + VT; cos 0, = (0.4) (2.4426)² + S2.5 x 2.4426 cos 136.17°
0.41 + VI, cos = - 90.12 (4)
From Eqs. (2) and (3)
V, - 5V, cos o = - 2.5 I
Or V cos = 0.2 (V, + 2.51,) (5)
Substituting in Eq. (4)
0.41+ 0.2 (V, + 2.51/) 1, =- 90.12
or 0.91 + 50.8 1 + 90.12 =0 (6)

Because V, = 440/W3.
Induction Motor Drives 227
From Eq. (6)

- 50.8 + J(s0.8) 4 x 0.9 x 90.12

2 x 0.9

=-50.8 t 47.5
1.8 =- 1.833 or -54.61 A
Negative sign again indicates that the machine is
corresponds to unstable region of operation
regenerating. Since higher current varue
1 = 1.833 Z 180°
Now, from Eqn. (3) VSin o = .833
2.083 =0.88 (7)
From Eqn. (5)

V cos 0. = 0.2 440

V3 + 2.5 x 1.833| = 51.723 (8)
From Eqs. (7) and (8)
V= 51.73 Z 1°
Rotor referred value = 51.73
2 1 ° =14.78Z1°
Variable speed
constant frequency (VSCF) generation involves generation of electrical power at
fixed frequency and fixed voltage from a variable
shaft. Wind generator is one such example. Speed of prime mover coupled to the generator
the wind, but power delivered to the supply
rotor varies with velocity and pressure of
mains must be at 5OHz and constant voltage. Of
several possible schemes two commonly used are as follows:
6.22.1 Squirrel-Cage Induction Machine and Cycloconverter Scheme
Squirrel-cage induction motor works as a generator when it is driven at a speed slightly greater
than synchronous speed. Lagging reactive power required-for establishing flux is obtained from
the spply to which it isconnected. Further a cycloconverter can couple two sources of different
frequency with full four quadrant capability. A VSCF generation scheme using a
generator and cyclo-converter is shwon in Fig. 6.58. As the speed of prime squirrel-cage
mover varies,

Shaft of variable Cyclo

speed prime mover
induction machine 3-phase, 50 Hz bus
at constant voltage

Fig. 6.58 VSCF generation using squirrel-cage machine and cycloconverter

228 Fundamentals of Electrical Drives
frequency of the cyclocon verter is continuously changed to ensure that synchronous speede
machine is slightly less than its speed. Lagging reactive power required by the machine :
supplied by cycloconverter. Cycloconverter also converts frequency and variable voltage
generated by the machine to power at constant voltage and frequency. power
6.22.2 Wound-Rotor Induction Motor and Cycloconverter Scheme (Fig. 6.59)
Rotor of wound-rotor motor is coupled to the shaft of variable speed prime mover. An ac excitee
is mounted on the same shaft and feeds its variable frequency output through cycloconverter t
the rotor of wound-rotor motor. Cycloconverter controls the frequency and phase sequence ot
rotor supply such that the speed of field produced by rotor in space remains constant at synchronoue
speed of the mnotor for 50 Hz. This ensures that stator generates electrical power at S0 H.
Cycloconverter can be made to supply the rotor at a constant VIf ratio. Then flux, and therefore
stator output voltage will also be constant.
Wound rotor
ac exCiter
shaft 3-phase, 50 Hz
bus at constant

Fig. 6.59 VSCF generation using wound rotor machine and cycloconverter


Single-phase induction motors are inferior in performance and lager in weight and volume
compared to three-phase motors of the same rating. However, they are simple, robust, reliable
and less expensive for smallratings. They are employed in low power drives in small industries
and domestic and commercial aplications, where only single-phase supply is available. They are
generally available upto 1 kW rating. Applications are many such as compressors in refrigerator
and air-conditioners, washing machines, dryers, fans, pumps, domestic appliances, small machine
tools, printing machines, tape recorders.
A single-phase induction motor has a cage rotor and a single phase winding in the stator. The
pulsating magneto motive force (mmf) produced by ac current in stator winding can be considered
to be equivalent to two constant amplitude mmf waves revolving in opposite directions at
synchronous speed. Each of these revolving mmf wave induces itsown rotor current and produces
induction motor action just as in a 3-phase motor. Fig. 6.60 shown torques produced by the two
revolving fields and also net torque produced by the motor. When the rotor is stationary, it reacts
equally to both waves, and no torque is developed. Therefore, a single-phase induction motor
with single stator winding inherently has no starting torque. But if started by auxiliary means, it
will develop torque and continue to run. When the rotor is running, induced rotor currents are
such that their mmf opposes the reverse stator mmf to a greater extent than they oppose the
(6.100) Xm
0.5 witparallel
h j0.5X|
in + s - 2 |jX,= +R, and

X0.5 withparallel in +j0.5

X, jX=f + R
Let voltage
are applied impedances
motor the when slip of
valueassumed any computed
for becan current
I, stator which from
circuitequivalent the ins) (2
by been resistance
has rotor the field ward back forHence
(6.99) (2-
s) (l- Wms
msS) ).met
speed Backward field
speed Rotor speed+ Backward field Sn
bewil field)
backward respect
to (with s,slip the then field) rotating
forward respect
to (with slips wiadirection
th forward moves
in rotor When figure. the in
indicated fields
are rotating backward forward
and accounting
the for circuits equivalent Rotor
[5]. motorinduction single-phase winding single circuit
aof equivalent shows 6.61 Figure
motorinduction motoinduction
r single-phase
single-phase acircuit
ofEquivalent 6.61 Fig. characteristics
aof Speed-torque 6.60 Fig.
2-s! Xm0.5
0.5 Z

0.5 torque Net
0.5 X, R, field
field Backward
fieldForward Forward (Dms
and cause whicpulsations
h torqueharmonic second produce ticldrotat1ng forward
due currents rotor and field rotating reverse and field,rotating reverse todueInduced
currentS rotor and field rotating forward betweenInteractions factor. power efticiency
and reduces
therefore and slip load full increascs
the ficldrotating Backward synchronous. ncar spccd ato
fast later butslowly up
builds first
it speed, zero itfrom
s started When spccd. with
increasesprogressively torque Thercfore,
nct decrcases. torquc reverse increases
and torque
forward increases, spced the motion.
As maintains
the produced torques) reverse forwardd
and the
between(difference torque Nctorquc.
t reversc develops which Wave fluXreverse the than bigger
iS forward develops which wave, fluxforward the that Result
is mmf. stator forward

Drives MotorInduction
230 Fundamentals of Electrical Drives
forward ficld
power) due to
Power transferred to the rotor (or air-gapP

Torque duc to forward ficld

7= (0s (6.101)
rotor (or air-gap power) due to backward field
Touer transferred to the
Poh = 1; R,
Trquc due to bachward field
7, = O ms
backward field is in opposite direction to that of forward field. Therefore
Torque of the
developed torque
T= T - T, = I3_(R; - Ry) (103)
is sufficient. But all motors must be self
As far as normal running is concerned, a single winding
standstill and is displaced in
start. The auxiliry winding is provided to produce finite torque at
supplied from same single
space with respect to the main winding. Current in second winding is various methods
phase source as the main winding, but is caused to have aphase difference by
which are discussed later. The combination of a space displacement between the two windings
which has a finite
together with a time displacement between the currents, produces a machine
torque at standstill, and therefore, it can self start. Such a motor can be reversed by changing the
phase sequence. which requires that polarity of one of the windings be reversed.
Earlier it was a common practice to use the auxiliary winding only during start and run-up.
It used to be be disconnected with the help of a centrifugal switch, or relay once the motor speed
reaches around 75% of the full speed. In such an arrangement auxiliary winding can have lower
rating and its parameters can be chosen to improve the starting performance. But then switching
arrangement is a disadvantage. Present practice is to use auxiliary winding all the time but then
its parameters are to be chosen to provide acompromise between starting and running performance
and its rating has to be chosen on continuous basis.
Single-phase induction motors are classified based on starting arrangement. Some commonly
used mnotors are described below.

6.24.1 Split-Phase Motors

In these, main winding is made of thick wire and large turns resulting in low resistance and hig
reactance. Since auxiliary Wind1ng iS made of fewer turns of thin wire. it has high resistance and
low reactance. Two Induction Motor Drives 231l
windings are connected in
necessary phase shift
difference between theirbetween main and parallel across the source (Fig. 6.62)(a)). The
rotation can be 1mpedance auxiliary
angles (around winding Currents is obtained because of the
changed by
auxiliary winding is used onlyreversing the auxiliary
15 to 30). AS
stated earlier, the direction of
or relay around 75% of winding
during start and run-up and Connection. In some motors, the
full-load speed. Then the auxiliary disconnected by a centrifugal switch
winding also called start winding.

rrel-cage Full load

Auxiliary winding 0
(a) Winding connection
(b) Speed-torque characteristic
Fig. 6.62
Single-phase split-phase motor
The nature of
anproximately 150speed-torque
to 200%% of
the full-load current.
characteristics is shown in Fig.
full-load torque and starting current 6.62 (b). Starting torque 1s
is highsix to
eight timeS
Split-phase motors are suitable for low inertia loads,
very high. They are employed in specially where starting torque is not
centrifugal pumps, office equipment, washinghorse power ratings for fans, grinders, blowers,
machines. saws,
6.24.2 Capacitor-Run Motors
These have two Windings, viz. main and auxiliary. A capacitor is
auxiliary winding to proVide phase-shift between connected in series with the
(Fig. 6.63(a)). Since the capacitor is used all the currents of auxiliary and
the time (both during starting and main windings
such motors are called
capacitor-run motors. normal running),
phase shift between the currents of main and Capacitor value is chosen to obtain nearly 90°
works as a balanced two-phase motor auxiliary windings around full-load speed. Motor
eliminating backward rotating field and second harmonic
Squirel-cage Squirrel-cage Squirrel-cage
rotor rotor

Single S1ngle Centr1fugal Single

phase phase switch phase Centrifugal
ac ac
| switch

Auxiliary Auxiliary Auxiliary

(a) Capacitor-run motor
winding winding
(b) Capacitor-start motor (c)
Capacitor-start capacitor-run motor
Fig. 6.63 Single-phase capacitor motors
232 Fundamentals of Electrical Drives
Torques. Therefore, motors has good running power factor, efficiency, and quiet
operation. and smooth
Since capacitor value is much lower than that required to obtain good
capacitor run motoris suitable for applications requiring low starting torque,starting
office machinery.
e.g. in
fans, wers,
6.24.3 Capacitor-Start Motors
In these
also a capacitor is used in series with the auxiliary winding during start and
6.63(b). At around 75% of full-load speed, the capacitor and auxiliary winding are run-up (Fig.
using a centrifugal switch or relay. Hence,the performance is identical to single winding
which is inferior compared to the performance of capacitor-run motor.
Since capacitor is used only during starting, its value can be chosen to obtain
torque (34 times full-load torque). Because of high starting torque, these motors find high
applicatie starting,
in loads that are difficult to start. Such applications include
conditioners, conveyers and some machine tools. compressors,a'r

6.24.4 Capacitor-Start and Capacitor-Run Motors

When good running performance combined with high starting torque is
are used (Fig. 6.63(c). One is used all the time and its required, two capacitors
value is chosen to obtain good running
performance while other is used only during start and run up. The combined value of the two is
chosen to get high starting torque. Thus, the motor combines the advantages of
capacitor-run and
capacitorstart motors, i.e. good running power factor, efficiency, quiet and smooth operation,
and high starting torque. Typical application are refrigeratorS,
compressors, converyers, air
conditioners, pumps.
6.24.5 Shaded Pole Motor
The construction of stator of a shaded pole motor is different from other
single-phase induction
motors. Typical construction of a four-pole motor is shown in Fig. 6.64(a). A two pole motor
may use the construction of Fig. 6.64(b). The stator has a salient pole, with a
Squirel-cage Shading Squirrel-cage
rotor rotor

pole tip

AC pole tip

(a) Four pole motor (b) Two pole motor

Fig. 6.64 Shaded pole motors
Induction Motor Dives 233
nding. ASmall portion of each pole is surrounded by a
cernating flux created by ac copper ring, called shading coil. The
hich curent flowS. excitation of the main
Because the inductive nature,winding induces emf in the
of sahding coil in
portion to be shading flux in the
delayed in time phase with coil current causes
respect to the flux in the unshaded portion of the
ble. Space time phase
-oduce a sort of displacements
rotating flux which between fluxes of unshaded and shaded portions
btorturns from unshaded to shaded periodically shifts from unshaded to shaded portion. The
Since flux does not rotate portion. Its direction of rotation cannot be reversed.
splacement between two fluxes is 360° but sweeps over pole faces only and the phase angle
mough to turn small loads. Motor is
rather small, the motor has alow starting torque, but good
-f simple construction, particularly for two polesavailable in small sizes 1/300 to 1/10 kW. Because
aW cost, efficiency and power factor. (Fig. 6.64(b), the motor is very rugged and has
ape recorders and slide projectors.
Applications include small fans, hair driers,
These motors can be braked by dc MOTORS
dynamic and plugging.
de Dynamic Braking
Iis commonly used for braking of single phase
double throw (dpdt) switch or tripple pole double induction motors. With the help of a double pol:
shifted from ac (motoring) to dc source for braking. Forthrow (tpdt) switch, motor connection is
Inese connections are shown in Fig. 6.65. In case of various single-phase induction motors
split-phase, capacitor run, and capacitor start
dc ac dc
Motoring Braking Motoring Braking
start winding
winding winding
Rotor Rotor

(a) Shaded pole motor (b) Split phase motor

ac do ac do

Motoring Braking Motoring

Main Main
wind1ng Rotor winding Rotor

(d) Capacitor-run motor, parallel (d) Capacitor-run motor, series

wind1ng connection for braking winding connection for braking
Fig. 6.65 dc dynarmic biaking of single phase induction motors
234 Fundamentals of Electrical Drives
connected across the dc
main winding
alone can be
parallel (Figs.
source (Fig
and capacitor run motors, cither connected in series or 6.65(c) and (d)
6.65(b)) or main and auxiliary winding through the stator winding (or windings) produces
When in braking connection, de
current Currentsinduced in rotor bars interact
which squirrel cage rotor moves. induction motor. Motor
stationary field through as in three-phase decelerate
torque is also zero. For
with de field to produce braking torquc, spced, the braking
zero at zero
and stops. As induced rotor currents are rectifier connected to ac mains. Motor winding
is obtained by a diode motor stops, wind:can
braking,the supply diode rectifier to obtain fast
braking. After the
be connected directly across
is disconnected fronn de supply.
Plugging and Reversal
plugging and speed reversal is obtained by changing phase
Except in case of shaded pole motor,
sequence by reversing polarity of one of the
controlled by controlling its stator voltage
Speed of a single-phase induction motor is generally
resistance in series with the stator. Because of
which can be controlled by connecting avariable
voltage can also be controlled by
poor efficiency the resistance control is now rarely used. Stator
speed of the motor can also
the use of ac votage controllers (see Sec. 6.11) (Fig. 6.32(a)). The
because for most of the
be controlled by variable frequency control. However, it is rarely used
variable speed applications of single-phase motors, the stotor voltage control is good enough.
A 1-phase., 220 V,50 Hz, 1425 rpm induction motor has following parameters:
R, = 2 2, R = 5 S2, X, = X =62 and Xm = 60 2
It drives a fan load at rated speed when full voltage is applied. Motor speed is controlled by
the stator voltage control. Calculate the motor terminal voltage for a speed of 1200 rpm.

At the rated operation
1500 1425
S= = 0.05
From the equivalent circuit of Fig. 6.61
j30 x (2.5/0.05 + j3)
Z =
(2.5/0.05) +j(30 + 3)
30Z 90° x 50.093.430
59.91 Z 33.42° = 25.08Z60.01° 2

Z= R+ jX = 12.536 +j21.722 S2
j30 x (2.5/1.95 + j3)
(2.5/1.95) + j33
30 90° x 3.26 Z66.86°
33.02 87.78° = 2.96 69.08 Q
Z, = Ry t jX, = I.057 + j2.765 S2
Z= Z, +Z+ Zh
= 2+ i6 + 12.536 +j21.722 + I.057 + j2.705
= 15.593 +j30.,487 = 34.24 Z 62.91° S2
34.24 Z 62.91 = 6.4252-62.91

(0 ms
(R - R)= (6.425) (12.536 - L.057) =3 N-m
T = KN²

3 = K x (1425)? or K=3
For a speed of 1200 rpm
T= T, = K(1200)2 =3x 1425
= 2.13 N-m

1500 - 1200
S = = 0.2

Z, = j30 x(2.5/0.2 +j3) 30° 90° x 12.85 Z13.5°

(2.5/0.2) +j30 32.5 Z 67.4°

= 11.86 Z36.1° S2
Z=9.58 + j6.99
j30 x (2.5/1.8 + j3) 30 Z90° x 3.3 Z 65.14°
Zy = 33.03 87.6°
(2.5/1.8) +j33
=3Z67.54° = 1.146 +j2.77 S2
R - Rp
T=;( 0ms
2.13 × 157.08
9.58 1.146
or I, = 6.3 A
Z= 2 + j6 + 9.58 +j6.99 + 1.146 +j2.77
= 12.726 + j15.76 = 20.26Z51° 2
V=1,Z= 6.3 x 20.26 = 127.6 V
236 Fundamnentals of Electrical Drives
While the conventional induction motor gives rotary motion, a linear induction
translational or lincar motion. Hence it is termed lincar induction motor. To motor provides
principle of operation let us examine stator of the rotary induction motor (Fig.
stator be cut and unrolled (Fg. (6.60(b). This forms primary of the lincar
understandLet thethe
Seondary of thc Incar ndueton motor COnsists of uflut aluminium conductor induction
witha motor.
fer omagnetic
Pimary 3-phasc winding
Sccondary Aluminium

(a) (b)
Fig. 6.66 Induction motors: (a) Rotary induction motor (b) Linear induction motor

If a three-phase supply is connected to the stator of a rotary induction motor, a flux wave
which rotates at a synchron ous speed in the air gap, is
lincar induction motor is connected to a three-phase produced. Similarly, if primary of the
supply, a flux wave travelling along the
length of primary will be produced. Due to the relative motion
aluminium conductor, current is induced in the aluminium between travelling flux wave and
interacts with travelling flux wave to produce translational force F. If The induced current
primary is free to move, the force will make primary to move in the secondary is fixed and
In order to maintain the motion, the direction of travelling wave.
secondary has to be laid out along the whole length primary
is required to move. The linear induction motor of
motor. Double sided motor is shown in Fig. 6.67. It has6.66(b) known
is as single-sided induction
The speed torque characteristic of these linear motors is primaries on both sides of the secondary.
(Fig. 6.2).
similar to that of rotary induction motor


Fig. 6.67 Double sided linear induction motor
As compared to rotary induction motor, the linear
requires a larger air-gap. Consequently, the
magnetizing current is large, and therefore, power factor
The main application of linear induction mnotor is in and efficiency are low.
Primary is mounted on the vehicle and secondary laidtransportation,
including electric traction.
the track. As in rotary induction
motor. variable frequency control (Secs. 6.12 to 6.17) is
braking. The linear induction motor has also been employedemployed for starting, speed control ana
for material handling, pumping of
liquid metal and sliding door closures.
PROBLEMS Induction Motor Drives 237

Motor Characteristics
What are the
what are mainadvantages OfOf squirrel-cage induction motor
(i) features the following types of over dc motors?
Deep-bar rotor
squirrel-cage induction motors:
(ii) Double
squirrel-cage induction motor
rotor induction
(iii) Torque motor motor
e2A 440 V, J0 Hz, 6 pole,
the stator: Y-connected induction motor has following
parameters per phase releite
R. = R = 0.5 S, and
X,= X =
Current, torque and eficiency at 1.0 , X., = 40 Q. normal full-load slip = 0.05
the maximumn torque occurs. normal full-load slip, (ii) Calculate () moto
64 What is
maximum torque, and (111) Speedatw
63) What are the single-phasing?Why should it be avoided?
6.6 Supply to one disadvantages of induction
phase of motor of Problem motor operation with
as a ratio of their 6.3 is disconnected. unbalanced supply voltages?
periods ? full-load values for the full-load speed. will itCalculate the motor torque and current
be safe to run the motor for prolonged
6.7 (a) Derive an equivalent circuit and
one supply phase torque expression for a delta
disconnected. connected induction moto w
(b) A 2.8 k W, 400 V, 50
Hz, 4-pole, 1370 rpm delta
following parameters: connected squirrel-cage induction motot as
R, = 2S2, R, = 5 S2, X, = X = 5
and X,, = 80 2
Motor operates under single phasing due to
torque and current as a ratio of their full-loadfailure one phase of the supply. Calculate the
full-load speed of 1370 rpm. values (with normal three-phase operation) Tor
6.8 What are the drawbacks
associated with the operation of induction motor with
impedances? unbalanced rotor
6.9 A squirrel-cage induction motor is to be fed
from a non-sinusoidal supply. It is preferred to use a motor
with large leakage reactance. Why?
6.10 A 3-phase, 400 V, 50 Hz, 1420 rpm, 100 A,
delta-connected squirel-cage induction motor takes 8
times full load current and develops 2.2 times full-load torque at
stand-still when started direct on line.
(i) What will be the motor current and starting torque as a ratio of
full-load torque when the motor
is started by star-delta starter?
(ii) If a auto-transformner is to be used for starting, what should be its turns ratio
(secondary to
primary) so that the line current is limited to its full-load value? What will be the value of
starting torque as a ratio of full-load torque?
6.11 A 3-phase delta-connected squirrel-cage induction motor takes 1.2 times the full load current and
develops 0.8 times the full-load torque at standstill when started by star-delta starter. An auto-transformer
is to be selected for the same motor for some other application. What should be the secondary to
primary turns ratio so that the starting current will not exceed 1.2 times full load current? What will
be the starting torque?
0.12 Why high current inrush occurs during open circuit transition in star-delta and auto-transformer starters
of induction motors?
6.13 A 3-phase, S0 kW, 400 V, 960 rpm, 50 Hz, 6-pole squirel-cage induction motor has the following
parameters referred to the stator:
Answers to Numerical Problems
Chapter 2
2.1 500 rpm. 2500 rpm
Ouadrant 1: 500 rpm, Quadrant Il; 1400 rpm
Ouadrant Ill: 600 rpm, Quadrant IV: - 1500 rpm
2.3 1.954 kg-m, 835 W
2.4 170.259 N-m, 0.9026 kg-m
2.5 0.86 kg-m, 120.67 N-m
2.6 6366.2 rpmn, 28.736 kW
2.7 (a) 0.422 kg-m: (b) 8.2 N-m
2.10 500 rpm, 1500 rpm, -500 rpm
2.11 299.57 sec
2.12 2.33 sec
2.13 25.57 sec
2.14 0.985 (Approx.)
2.17 A and D unstable, B and C stable
2.19 o,e = 1, T =3 (unstable); ome
2.20 0,ne = 1, 7, =-3(stable); Ome =0.25, T, =1.5 (stable)
=0.25, T, =-1.5 (unstable)
2.22 (i) 796.55 N-m; (i) 952.2 rpm
2.23 564 kg-m²
2.24 2611 kg-m
2.25 231.25 kg-m
2.26 8692.1 N-m and I168.7 N-m, 565.4 rpm and 941 rpm

Chapter 4
4.2 (a) 53.3° C: (b) 73.62°C
4.3 40.92 min, 54.4°C
4.4 750.73 N-m, 78.616 kW
4.5 1047.34 N-m, 109.68 kW (Approx.)
4.6 277.35 kW
4.7 (a) 1096.3 kW; (b) 1096.3 kW; (c) 565.64 kW
4.8 (i) 39.2 kW; (iü) 45 kW
4.9 70.53 kW
4.10 140.93 kW
4.11 Yes

Chapter 5
5.1 Compound motor
5.3 500 rpm, 625 A
386 Fundamentals of Electrical Drives
5.4 500 rpm, 244 A
5.5 723.95 rpm
5.6 500 rpm, 112.5 A
5.7 971.8 rpm in the same direction, 89.44 A in the opposite dircction
S.8 71.64 V, 13.33 A
5.10 920.64 rpm
5.11 825.96 s NS 2022 rpm
S.12 0.,916 S2
5.13 84 A(approx.), 134.36 N-m (approx.)
S.14 710.6 pnm
S.16 98S N-m
S.17 794.45 rpm
5.18 12.7 2
$.19 (a) 1.58 2:
(b) om = 167.562 e013 0.812 el.293 rad/sec,
i, =- 101.76 (e041M -e1.293)A:
(c) 7.25 sec
5.20 (a) 1.58 S2
(b) wm = 185.84 e03737 - 1.532e-41.297- 16.759 rad/sec.
i, =-111.9 e33- 10l e-41.297r- 10 A
(c) 6.44 sec
5.21 (a) 2.2667 S2
(b) , , = 309.31 e-0.3294t 1.71 e-55.05.06# - 150.52 rad/sec,
i,=-139.6 e03295 + 151.5 e-55.06r 11.9 A
(c) 2.186 sec
5.22 (a) 2.2667 2
(b) om = 307.56 e0325 150.476 rad/sec.
i, = 161.9 e0.3261 11.9 A
(c) 2.18 sec
5.24 Yes
5.25 (i) ,: twice, Wm: Same; (ii) I: twice, Om: half;
(iii) 7,: half, om: half; (iv) I: twice, Wm: same;
(v) I; one-fourth, ,m: half
5.30 (i) 119.48 V, 149.6 A; (ii) 51.3%
5.32 66.7%
5.33 (a) 200 A, 100 A; (b) 800 A, 1600 A
5.34 (a) 772.8 V; (b) 196.3 rpm
5.35 (a) 1074.5 rpm; (b) 1592.2 rpm
5.36 (a) 68.27°, (b) 123.2°
5.37 (a) 2439.52 rpm, 603 rpm, 14.7 N-m (approx.);
(b) 2112.6 rpm, - 944.6 rpm, 14.3 N-m
5.38 (i) discontinuous, 27.5 N-m (approx.);
(ii) discontinuous, 3.729 N-m (approx.)
5.39 (a) continuous, 619 rpm; (b) discontinuous, 1963 rpm (approx.)
5.40 (a) a= 45°: 1515.9 rpm, 785 rpm, 14.1 N-m:
a= 90°: 1515.9 rpm, 446 rpm, 13.37 N-m;
a= 135°: 1072 rpm, 127.6 rpm, 5.04 N-m;
5.41 (a) continuous, 383 rpm; (b) continuous, 79.95 rpmn
5.42 (a) continuous, 3547 N-m; (b) discontinuous, 61.2 N-m
5.43 (a) a, = 40.3°, a = 17.28°; (b) a, = 16.61°, , = 76.4°
S.44 (a) armature transformer: 1.5594, field transformer: 1.8:
(b) : (1) 47°, (ii) 126.2°
Answers to Numerical Problems 387

, = 70776°, (1) ¡ = l07°

145 ( ) 109 24°. å = 70.76°; ( ) a, = 73°, an =107°

0.6356, ( ) 760.8 rpm: (ii) 1191.4 rpm. (iv) 12 42 kW.(v) 0.3636 A

(I) 950.94
0 0674, rpm
S 54 () .35 pn, ( ) SO00 N-m (approx.)
S34.6 pm: ( ) 520 N-m (approx.)
1.0217 Q
( ) 62S.4 rpm; (1V)
rpm: ( ) 223 rpm (approx.)
5.57 ))386.4
S2; (ii) 947 N-m (approx.)
5.58 ()0.SS33

Chapter 6
3 i) 40.8 A, 253.9 N-m, 90.5%; (i1) 398 N-m; (iii) 851.66
66 0.642, 1.36, no
67 (a) Positive and negative sequence circuits in parallel across a voltage VI2;
(b) - 0.12, 2.33
6.10 () 2.667. 0.73: (i) 0.353,
6.11 0.577, 0.8
613 ) 0.1164, 368.7 A: (ii) 0.6877, 552.4 N-m:
(iii) 743.8 A: (iv) 0.2374 S2
6S ) 592 N-m, 1000 <N< 1290 rpm; (ii) 1049.2 rpm
621 () 117.93 A, 119.53 N-m; 212.9 N-m (ii) 3.378 S2: (iii) 0.623 Q, 88.8 A
6.22 RR = 0.5|5s - 0.1
6.24 I = 0.898: 10.25 N-m, 544.2 rpm, 8.056 A:
L, = 2.86: 28.5 N-m, 173 rpm, 7.565 A;
I, = 8.2: 7.3 N-m, 42 rpm, 1.89 A;
6.25 I, =l:6.878 A, 99 rpm, 27.38 N-m;
I, = 3: 6.27 A, 35.9 rpm, 62.92 N-m;
i, = 5: 4.86 A, 22.6 rpm, 59.88 rpm
6.26 (i) 36.88 A; (ii) 121.32 N-m, 15.87 rpm
6.28 213 A, 386.56 N-m
6.31 (i) 0.782 S2 (stator referred), 0.965 Sec: (ii) 179.4 kWs

6.32 1br = 3.9R, (R: + (X, + X;)) + 400R;

R + (X, + X,)
R =
6.33 (i) 1.9754 sec: (ii) 159.709 kWs; (iii) 2.59
6.36 (i) 253 V, 31.55 A, 95 N-m: (ii) 850 rpm (approx.)
28.77 A (approx.), 105 N-m (approx.)
6.37 () 275 V, 34.3 A, 112.3 N-m: (ii) 812 rpm (approx.), 33.6 A(approx.),
114.5 N-m (apprOx.)
6.38 88.7 V, 7.43 A, no.
6 46 0.407, 7.96
647 0.5659, 0.2378
6.48 (1) 0.267: (i1) 0.6: (iii) 746.66 N-m
049 (1) 662.5 rpm: ii) 33 Hz. 72.57 A; (iii) 614.5 N-m
650 (() 875 rpm: i) 3L.25 Hz: (iii) 614.5 N-m
ODT () 469. 17 N-m, - 639.6 N-m; (ii) 34.33 Hz; (iii) 30.67
OD2 () 225.34 N-m, 1115 rpm, 40.55 A; (i) 36.17 Hz, 40.55 A;
( ) 1132 rpm; (iv) 985 rpm
388 Fundamentals of Electrical Drives
6.57 (i) 0.965 S: (ii)3.86 2
6.65 17.41 V, 10 Hz
6.66 (i) 89.54 N-m; (ii) 56.86 V, 20 Hz
6.67 40.98 Z- 2.57°
6.68 (1) 11.49; (ii) 131.4 N-m; (iii) 141.6°
6.69 (i) 0 to 1500 rpm: (ii) 94.69°: 18.84 N-m
6.74 (i) 9.25 S2; (ii) 133 V; (iii) 25.98% and 48.49%
6.75 130.6 V, 69.14%

Chapter 7
7.8 (i) 11.79° (ii) 156.54 N-m: 24.59 kW: (iii) 0.9916 (leading), 3.31 A, 99.74%:
(iv) 0.987 A
7.9 (i) 9.94°; (ii) 276.5 N-m; (iii) 5.56 A, 0.59 (lagging): (iv) 277.55 N-m
7.10 (i) 41.78 N-m, 15.04°, 1.013 A; (ii) 0.707 (lagging), 9.52 A
7.11 9.42 A, 0.8356 (leading)
7.12 39.565 N-m
7.18 (i) 13.23 A, 4.867°, 0.992 (leading): (i1) 13.23 A, 4.867°, 0.992 (leading):
(iii) 127 N-m, 9.768°, 0.998 (lagging)
7.19 (i) 9549 N-m, 5 A: (ii) 87.48 A, 1
7.20 (i) 16.49 A, 0.212 (leading); (ii) 32.76 N-m; (iii) 16.37 A, 0.16 (lagging);
(iv) 7.16 N-m, 0.3
7.21 (i) 17.51 A, 749.9 kW; (ii) 13.18 A, 69.98 A: (iii) 16.56 A, 749.9 kW:
(iv) 73.48 A, 12. 127 A
7.22 (i) 49.27°: (ii) 138.8°
7.23 (i) 49°: (ii) 138.12°

Chapter 10
10.9 (a) 26.25 km: (b) 143.2 kmph; (c) 98.44 kmph
10.10 (a) 67.15 km; (b) 99.48 kmph
10.11 165.15 kmph
10.12 13666.8 N-m, 2947.3 rpmn
10.13 8359.1 N-m
10.14 41.93 sec
10.15 (a) 145.3 kmph: (b) 42.247 Whptpkm
10.16 1.629 Whptpkm
10.17 89.1 kWh
10.18 2.46 Whptpkm
10.19 -316.35 kWh or energy generated=316.35 kWh
10.20 155.8 tonnes, 8 axles, 56.88 sec
10.21 (a) 3.915 kmphps; (b) 4.11 kmphps; (c) 1.766 km, 79.66 kmph; (d):
(a) 5.567 kmphps, (b) 5.763 kmphps, (c) 1.31 km, 81.35 kmph
10.22 23 (up), 26 (down)
10.23 1.679 kmphps
10.24 0.451 kmphps
10.25 379 tonnes

Chapter 11
11.6 Rs 63.072 crores, 1.9 yr
11.7 Rs 84.096 crores, 1.8 yr

Chapter 12
12.9 150 A, > 300 A
ACoNverter, 4 Index
COmmutatorlesS motor, 267
voltage controllers, 6
x Tcuon. 306 cycloconverter.
dc to dc 7
Airflow switch, 378 Inverter, converter,
6 6
rectifier, 4
Batery powered vehicles, 302
Braking. 2, 32
dual rectifier fed dc drives
converter control, 115
composite. 328. 340
dynamic, 69. 163, 194
single-phase fully-controlled. 10798
single-phase half-controlled,
plugging. 73. 160 three-phase fully-controlled, 111
three-phase half-controlled, 112
regenerative, 68. 158.
zero sequence, 173 195. 207, 303. 346 Cooling fan, 319
Brushless dc motor, 268, 271. 274 Current limit control, 35
Current regulated voltage source
Chopper, 6 Current source inverter, 206 inverter, 211, 269
Chopper control Cycloconverter, 7, 197, 267
motoring. 122, 127 Damper winding, 251
braking, 123, 128 dc aotors, 60
Classes of motor duty, 45, 47 compound, 64
Coefficient of adhesion. 309 moving coil, 66
cold rolling mills, 371 permanent magnet, 65
Commutatorless dc motor, 262 separately excited, 61
Contacts braking. 328. 340
series, 62
servo, 65
auxiliary,. 378 torque motor, 67
changeover, 377 universal, 64
dc motor drives, 60
normally closed (N/C), 377 dc motor braking, 68
normally open
Contact wire, 305 (N/O), 377 dynamic, 69
Contactor, 7, 378 plugging. 73
Constant power mode, 35 regenerative, 68, 101, 123, 128, 303
dc motor speed control
Constant torque
Control logic, 367mode, 35 armature voltage control, 87, 92
to dc, 4
chopper control
flux control, 87
2c rectifier control, 97
chopper, 6controller, 6 resistance control, 87
Ward Leonard drives, 92
390 lndex
zero sequence, 173
Ward Leonard-Ilgener drive, 94 Induction motor drives, 140
dc traction, 306 Induction motor speed control
ac voltage controller,
Detent torque, 283
Diesel electric traction, 348 inverter, 206
current source
Drive systems, 365 cycloconverter, 197
Driving axels, 3 13
Driving axle code, 313
eddy current drives, 213
Driving wheels, 306 pole amplitude modulation, 179
pole changing. 178
Duty cycle, 122, 308
rotor resistance control, 214
Dynamic braking
dc motor, 69 slip power recovery, 218
static Kramer drive, 221
induction motor, 163, 194
static rotor resistance, 216
synchronous motor, 255 static Scherbius drive, 219
Dynamic stability, 254
stator vol tage control, 182
variable frequency control, 186, 205
Eddy current drives, 213
Efficient motors, 357 voltage source inverter, 191, 211
Induction motor starters
Electric Bus, 307
Electric traction, 305 ac voltage controller, 183
Electric trams, 307 autotransformer, 153
part winding, 155
Electric Trolleys, 307
Electric vehicle, 299 reactor, 153
rotor resistance, 155
Electriçal drives, I
Electrital drive system, 365 saturable reactor, 154
Electrical multiple unit, 307 soft start, 154, 183
Energy conservation, 355 star-delta, 152
Inductor machine, 252
Fan drives, 183, 221, 264 Interlocking, 367
Fractional hp motor control, 120 Inverters, 6
current source, 6, 206
Generation-variable speed constant load commutated, 260
frequency, 227 pulsewid1h modulated, 192
stepped wave 192
Hoist, 13 voltage source, 6, 191, 211
Hysteresi_. motor, 251 Isolators, 381
Hybrid stepper motor, 284
Ladder diagram, 369
Induction motors Limit switches, 8. 379
deep bar, 143 Line surge suppressor, 366, 367
double cage, 143 Load commutated inverter, 260
high slip, 143 Load equalization, 24
linear, 236 Load torque, 19
single phase (see also single phase induction active, 20
motors), 228 passive, 20
squirrel cage, 140 Locomotive, 305
torque motor, 144 Losses in electrical drives, 355
wound rotor, 140
Induction motor braking Main line trains, 305
dynamic, 163, 194
Maximum power point tracker, 300
Plugging, 160
1egenerative, 158, 195, 207, 346 Microstepping, 281
Microswitch, 378
tatrt nie

STr Pneis
P ge Srt

P 1i 22 64 298

peaet a g e 244 250

saecr pcie 249
sceroGoCS reicrce 251
ouDd field 246

r 101. 123. 122. 303

Synchrooous ocor braking 35
SynchroDous DoLor drives 244
tn 152 195 17 SynchroDous moor speed cocoroi
yciocorverer. 267
load comTU2ed iverer. 260
self conrol, 256. 260
rue sunchronous mode. 256
tomazs 37 variable frequency. 256. 257
Synchronous motor starting. 252 266
if urerd, 26. 25) Temperature sensors, 378
Therrmal loading. 44, 45
Timers, 379
Torque angle, 246
Caputr sar, 232 Torque notor, 67, 144
256 269modulated,
316308 mode, 211,
92 braking,
Voltage 192
309 306,305,
wheel regulated,
effort, speed sequence
Tractive current
Variable pulse
Zero 80949
309340 consumption,
328, 313
braking, 320
dynamic output,
ac of 311
duty 314 314
harmonics, Semiconductor
392 drives
Index co-efficient
composite 329 motors,I5

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