Lec 1

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1. What do you understand by peripheral device in a computer system?

Ans: A computer peripheral, also known as a peripheral device, is an external device that connects to a
computer to expand its capabilities. Peripheral devices are not essential to the functioning of a
computer, but they enhance its functionality. These devices can be input devices, output devices, or
Some Common examples of computer peripherals include:

Mouse: A mouse is an input device used to control the movement of the cursor on a computer screen.

Keyboard: A keyboard is an input device used to input text and commands into a computer system.

Monitor: A monitor is an output device used to display visual information from a computer system.

Printer: A printer is an output device used to produce physical copies of documents or images.

External hard drive: An external hard drive is a storage device that connects to a computer system to
provide additional storage space.

Hardware: Hardware, as the name suggests, is simply a physical part and tangible component of a
computer system that can be seen and touched as well as is mostly required by the computer system to
function or work.

Key components of computer hardware include:

•CPU: The central processing unit is the “brain” of the computer and is responsible for processing
instructions and performing calculations.

•RAM: Random access memory is a type of volatile memory that provides temporary storage for data
and instructions that the CPU needs to access quickly.

•Hard drive: A hard drive is a non-volatile storage device that stores data and files on a computer

•Motherboard: The motherboard is the main circuit board of a computer system and contains the CPU,
RAM, and other components.

•Graphics card: A graphics card is a component that generates output images to a computer’s display.

2. What are the parts of a computer system? Define CPU. What are the basic components?

A computer system is composed of several key components that work together to perform various
functions. The basic components include:

1.Central Processing Unit (CPU): The CPU is often referred to as the brain of the computer. It carries out
instructions of a computer program by performing basic arithmetic, logical, control, and input/output
(I/O) operations.

2.Memory (RAM): Random Access Memory (RAM) is used for temporary storage of data that the CPU
needs to access quickly. It is volatile memory, meaning that it loses its contents when the power is
turned off.

3.Storage Devices: These include Hard Disk Drives (HDDs), Solid State Drives (SSDs), and other storage
mediums. They are used for long-term storage of data, programs, and the operating system.

4.Motherboard: The motherboard is the main circuit board that houses the CPU, memory, and other
essential components. It provides the connectivity between different hardware components.
5.Power Supply Unit (PSU): The PSU converts electrical power from an outlet into a form that the
computer can use. It supplies power to the various components of the computer.

6.Input Devices: These include devices such as keyboards, mice, and other peripherals that allow users
to interact with the computer.

7.Output Devices: Examples include monitors, printers, and speakers, which provide feedback or display
information processed by the computer.

8.Graphics Processing Unit (GPU): The GPU is responsible for rendering graphics and images. It is
especially important for gaming, video editing, and other graphics-intensive tasks.

9.Network Interface Card (NIC): This component enables the computer to connect to a network,
allowing communication with other computers and devices.

These components work together to enable the computer to execute programs and perform various
tasks. The CPU, as mentioned earlier, is a critical component responsible for executing instructions and
managing the overall operation of the system.

CPU stands for Central Processing Unit, and it is often referred to as the brain of a computer. It is a
hardware component responsible for executing instructions of a computer program. The CPU performs
basic arithmetic, logical, control, and input/output (I/O) operations, making it a crucial part of any
computing device.

The basic components of a CPU include:

1.Control Unit (CU): The control unit manages and coordinates the activities of the other components
within the CPU. It fetches instructions from memory, decodes them, and directs the operation of the
entire system.

An elementary execution cycle in the CPU can be defined as follows −

•The CPU fetches the instruction to be implemented from the main memory and saves it in the
Instruction Register (IR).

•The instruction is decoded.

•The operands are fetched from the memory system and stored in the CPU registers.

•The instructions are then executed.

•The results are transferred from the CPU registers to the memory system.

2.Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU): The ALU is responsible for performing arithmetic and logical operations.
It can handle tasks like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and logical comparisons.

3.Registers: These are small, high-speed storage locations within the CPU. Registers are used to store
data temporarily during processing. The CPU has various types of registers, including the instruction
register (IR), memory address register (MAR), memory data register (MDR), and general-purpose
4.Cache Memory: While not technically part of the CPU core, cache memory is closely associated with
the CPU. It is a small-sized type of volatile computer memory that provides high-speed data access to
the processor and stores frequently used computer programs, applications, and data. The purpose is to
improve the speed and performance of the CPU by providing quick access to commonly used
instructions and data.

5.Clock: The CPU operates on a clock cycle, and the clock is a timing device that regulates the speed at
which instructions are executed. It synchronizes the operations of the CPU components and other parts
of the computer system.

3. Distinguish between system software and application software

An operating system (OS) is a system software that acts as an intermediary between computer
hardware and the computer user. It provides a set of essential services and functions that allow other
software applications to run on a computer. The operating system plays a crucial role in managing and
coordinating hardware resources, providing a user interface, and ensuring the efficient execution of
software programs.

 How does a hard disk organize data?

Ans: A hard disk organizes data using a structure called a file system. A file system is a method
of organizing and storing files on a storage medium, such as a hard disk drive (HDD). The file
system provides a logical and efficient way to access, manage, and store data on the physical
storage device There are several file systems in use, and the choice of file system depends on
the operating system and the specific requirements of the user. Here are the key components of
how a hard disk organizes data:
Partitioning: A hard disk is often divided into partitions, which are separate, logical sections of
the disk. Each partition behaves as if it were an independent disk, and it can have its file
system. Partitioning allows users to organize data, install multiple operating systems, or
separate system files from user data.
Formatting: Each partition is formatted with a specific file system during the initialization
process. Formatting involves creating the necessary data structures on the partition to support
file storage. Common file systems include NTFS (New Technology File System), FAT32 (File
Allocation Table 32), and exFAT (Extended File Allocation Table).
File Allocation Table (FAT) or Master File Table (MFT): File systems like FAT and NTFS use
a table (FAT) or master file table (MFT) to keep track of the locations of files on the disk. These
tables maintain a record of file names, attributes, and the physical locations of data on the disk.
The file system uses this information to retrieve and manage files efficiently.
Clusters: The physical storage on a hard disk is divided into clusters, which are the smallest
units of storage that can be allocated to a file. The file system allocates clusters to files as
needed, and the size of a cluster depends on the file system and the disk's formatting.
Directories and Subdirectories: The file system organizes files into directories (also known as
folders) and allows the creation of subdirectories within directories. This hierarchical structure
makes it easier to organize and manage large amounts of data.
File Attributes: Each file on the hard disk has attributes associated with it, such as file name,
size, creation date, modification date, and permissions. These attributes provide information
about the file and help the operating system manage and protect data.
File Metadata: File systems often store metadata, additional information about files or
directories that is not part of the file content but is used by the file system. Metadata can include
timestamps, file ownership, and access control information.
4. distinguish between machine language and programming language
Cache memory is a type of high-speed volatile computer memory that provides
high-speed data access to a processor and stores frequently used computer
programs, applications, and data. It serves as a temporary storage space, situated
between the main memory (RAM) and the central processing unit (CPU) in a
computer system. The primary purpose of cache memory is to reduce the average
time it takes to access data from the main memory by storing frequently accessed
or recently used information closer to the processor.
A data bus is a system within a computer or device, consisting of a connector or set of wires,
that provides transportation for data. Different kinds of data buses have evolved along with
personal computers and other pieces of hardware.

5. What is compiler and how does it differ from interpreter?

Ans: A compiler is a program that translates the entire source code of a high-level
programming language into machine code or an intermediate code in one go. The
translation process occurs before the program is executed.
DOS, or Disk Operating System, refers to a family of operating systems primarily known for
their command-line interface. MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System) is one of the most
well-known examples, and it was widely used on personal computers during the 1980s and
early 1990s.
Most operating systems (OS) share a common set of features that are essential for managing
hardware resources, providing a user interface, and facilitating the execution of applications.
Here are some features that are commonly found in most operating systems:

User Interface (UI): Operating systems provide a user interface that allows users to interact
with the computer. This can be a command-line interface (CLI) where users type commands, a
graphical user interface (GUI) with windows and icons, or a combination of both.

File System Management: OS manages files and directories on storage devices. It provides
file organization, naming conventions, and access control mechanisms.

Memory Management: Allocates and deallocates memory space for processes and
applications. It ensures efficient use of memory resources, including RAM (Random Access

Processor Management: Manages the CPU (Central Processing Unit), scheduling processes
to run, and ensuring fair and efficient use of computing resources.

Device Drivers: Includes device drivers to facilitate communication between the operating
system and hardware devices such as printers, graphics cards, and network interfaces.

Security and Access Control: Implements security measures to control access to the system
and its resources. This includes user authentication, authorization, and encryption.

Networking: Provides networking capabilities to enable communication between computers.

This includes the implementation of network protocols and services.

I/O (Input/Output) Management: Handles input and output operations, allowing the OS to
interact with peripherals like keyboards, mice, displays, and storage devices.

Error Handling:Manages errors and exceptions that may occur during the operation of the
computer system. It includes error reporting and recovery mechanisms.

Virtual Memory: Implements virtual memory to extend the available physical RAM by using a
portion of the storage device as additional memory.

Backup and Restore: Offers features for backing up and restoring data, helping users protect
their information in case of hardware failures or data corruption.

Bootstrapping: Manages the bootstrapping process, initializing the computer system when it is
powered on and loading the operating system into memory.

Here are ten MS-DOS commands along with brief explanations:

DIR (Directory):

Purpose: Displays a list of files and subdirectories in the current directory.

Example: DIR or DIR C:\Windows

CD (Change Directory):

Purpose: Changes the current directory to the specified one.

Example: CD Documents or CD \Windows\System32


Purpose: Copies one or more files from one location to another.

Example: COPY file.txt C:\Backup

DEL (Delete):

Purpose: Deletes one or more files.

Example: DEL file.txt or DEL *.txt

REN (Rename):

Purpose: Renames a file or set of files.

Example: REN oldname.txt newname.txt


Purpose: Displays the contents of a text file.

Example: TYPE readme.txt

MKDIR (Make Directory):

Purpose: Creates a new directory.

Example: MKDIR NewFolder

RMDIR (Remove Directory):

Purpose: Removes a directory.

Example: RMDIR OldFolder (Note: The folder must be empty for this command to work)


Purpose: Formats a disk (e.g., a floppy disk or a hard drive).

Example: FORMAT A: (Formats a floppy disk in the A: drive)

5. Write down dos limitations on external and directory structures

Ans: Limitations of MS DOS Operating System

• It is not a multitasking operating system that is we cannot run too many applications in
the background.
• Files on the system can be easily deleted or the system can also be easily destroyed.
• It does not provide any warning message before you delete or perform any unwanted
task like in windows or Linux.
• It is text-based and it does not have any graphical user interface.
• Not secure to be used in any kind of public network.
• Encryption is not supported.
• Difficulty in memory access.
• Mouse cannot be used to give inputs.
• MS-DOS initially used the FAT16 file system, which had limitations on the maximum size
of a partition and the maximum file size. This restricted the storage capacity of external
• limited file attributes compared to modern file systems.
6. what are the criteria of a good word processor

Ans: A good word processor is a crucial tool for creating, editing, and formatting text
documents. Here are the criteria that define a good word processor:

• User-Friendly Interface: The word processor should have an intuitive and user-friendly
interface that makes it easy for users to navigate and perform tasks without unnecessary
• Rich Text Formatting Options: It should provide a wide range of text formatting options,
including font styles, sizes, colors, bold, italic, underline, and alignment, allowing users to
create visually appealing and well-structured documents.
• Spell Checking and Grammar Checking: A good word processor should include reliable
spell-checking and grammar-checking tools to help users identify and correct errors in
their documents, ensuring professional and error-free content.
• Document Templates: The availability of pre-designed templates for various document
types (e.g., resumes, letters, reports) facilitates efficient document creation by providing a
starting point for users.
• Collaboration Features: Support for real-time collaboration and version control enables
multiple users to work on a document simultaneously, track changes, and maintain a
history of revisions.
• Page Layout and Design Tools: Advanced page layout and design features, such as
headers, footers, page numbering, margins, and styles, allow users to control the overall
appearance of their documents with precision.
• Image and Multimedia Integration: The ability to seamlessly incorporate images, charts,
tables, and other multimedia elements enhances the document's visual appeal and
supports a variety of content types.
• Cross-Platform Compatibility: A good word processor should be compatible with
multiple platforms, ensuring users can access, edit, and share their documents across
different operating systems and devices.
• Export and Import Options: The word processor should support a variety of file formats
for both importing and exporting documents, promoting compatibility with other
applications and platforms.
• Search and Replace Functionality: Robust search and replace capabilities enable users
to quickly locate specific content within a document and efficiently make global changes as
• Document Security: Features like password protection and encryption ensure the
security and privacy of sensitive documents, especially in professional and business
• Performance and Responsiveness: A good word processor should be responsive and
perform efficiently, even with large and complex documents, providing a smooth user
• Regular Updates and Support: Regular updates, bug fixes, and responsive customer
support contribute to the ongoing improvement and reliability of the word processor.

7. what is the difference between object linking and embedding?

A Data Frame is a two-dimensional, tabular data structure commonly used in data manipulation
and analysis. It is a key component of many programming languages and libraries designed for
data analysis, such as Python's Pandas library, R, and other

Here are some key characteristics and features of a Data Frame:

Tabular Structure






Unicode is a standardized character encoding system that assigns a unique number (code
point) to every character, symbol, and script used in written languages around the world. It aims
to provide a universal character set, allowing computers and software to represent and
exchange text data consistently, regardless of language or platform. Key features-

• It is a global standard for encoding.

• It has support for the mixed-script computer environment.

• The encoding has space efficiency and hence, saves memory.

• A common scheme for web development.

• Increases the data interoperability of code on cross platforms.

• Saves time and development cost of applications.

Parameter Sequential Access Random Access
Sequential access files
are slower compared to
Random access files, on
random access files
the other hand, allow
since accessing a
Access Speed direct access to specific
specific record requires
records, resulting in
reading through all the
faster access times.
previous records in the
Random access files
Sequential access files allow direct access to
Access Method allow access to records specific records using an
in a sequential manner index, record number, or
Sequential access files
store records in a Random access files do
Record Ordering specific order, usually the not have any specific
order in which they were order of storing records.
added to the file.
Random access files may
Inserting a new record in require relocating other
a sequential access file is records to maintain the
Insertion of New Record relatively easy since new order so insertion
records are added to the becomes hard as
end of the file. compared to sequential
Sequential access files
require less memory than Random access files
random access files require more memory
Memory Requirements
since they do not need to because of indexing
store any indexing information
Random access files
offer higher search
Search flexibility is flexibility than sequential
Search Flexibility limited in sequential access files since they
access file. allow for direct access to
specific records based on
various search criteria
In sequential access files, Random access files,
Record Sizes record sizes are usually record sizes can be
uniform variable
A packet is a small, fixed-size block of data that includes both the actual
information being transmitted (payload) and additional information for routing and
error-checking (header).

How Packets Work:

Segmentation: When you send data over a network, it is divided into smaller,
manageable units called packets through a process known as segmentation.

Header Addition: A header is added to each packet, containing information needed

for routing and processing. This includes the source and destination addresses,
sequencing information, and error-checking codes.

Routing: The packet is then sent into the network and routed towards its
destination based on the information in its header. Routers and switches in the
network make decisions on how to forward the packet.

Transmission: The packet is transmitted over the network using the underlying
network infrastructure, such as cables, routers, and switches.

Reassembly (at the Destination): Once the packet reaches its destination, the
receiving device examines the headers to determine the correct order for
reassembling the packets. If necessary, packets are reassembled to reconstruct the
original data.

Error Checking: The trailer of each packet contains error-checking codes, such as a
checksum. The recipient device uses these codes to verify the integrity of the
received data. If errors are detected, the recipient may request a retransmission of
the affected packet.

Processing: After successful reception and error checking, the payload of each
packet is processed by the receiving device. This processing may involve storing the
data, presenting it to the user, or passing it on to the next stage in a network.

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