Performance Metrics For Business Development

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Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
1. Client Meetings:
 Minimum of 15 client meetings to be conducted per month, conducted either virtually or physically.
 An additional incentive of ₹1,000 for each meeting from the 16th meeting onward within the same month.
 A bonus of ₹500 per meeting is awarded once the minimum of 15 meetings is achieved.
2. Business Closure Targets:
 Secure one new client business closures per month.
 An incentive of ₹10,000 for each business closure beyond the initial one closure.
 New business incentives are paid after receiving payment from the client for executed campaigns.
3. Business Revenue and Margin Targets:
 Target to ensure and generate business revenue equal to 15 times the monthly salary.
 Maintain a minimum of 40% business margin on all transactions to qualify for incentives, ensuring profitability alongside
revenue generation.
4. Repeat Business:
 A ₹5,000 incentive for securing repeat business from any client for any campaign.
 Repeat business incentives are paid post-payment receipt from the client for executed campaigns.
5. Yearly Performance Bonus:
 A yearly bonus of ₹120,000 for achieving at least 2 new client closures every month with an average 40% business margin
for 12 consecutive months. Eligibility requires continuous employment throughout the 12-month period, underscoring the
bonus's linkage to consistent performance and commitment.
Payment Follow-Up and Invoicing Responsibility:
 Business Development/Client Servicing Executives are responsible for payment follow-ups and ensuring invoices are billed by
accounts department on time. They must ensure all supporting are submitted within three days of completing the campaign. This
responsibility is crucial for the timely payment of their incentives.
Documentation and Proof of Meeting:
 Virtual Meetings: Mandatory video recording and sharing of minutes of the meeting (MoM) with the client and internally to & Incentives contingent upon submitting these documents.
 Physical Meetings: Require emailing minutes of the meeting to clients, with voice recordings encouraged to aid the strategy team.
Underperformance Penalties:
 Meetings Quota: Fewer than 10 client meetings in a month or failure to close any business within the same month is considered very
poor performance and may lead to termination.
 Penalty for Insufficient Meetings: A penalty of ₹1,500 per meeting below the 10-meeting threshold to ensure the executive meets the
desired meeting target.
Flexibility and Adaptation:
 The primary focus is on closing business, which may necessitate exceeding the minimum meeting targets. This approach emphasizes
flexibility in meeting and exceeding business targets.
 Any changes to these metrics or additional incentives will be communicated via email, with management reserving the right to adjust
based on the company’s strategic interests and prevailing conditions.
Performance Review and Adjustments:
 Monthly performance reviews will provide feedback and guidance, helping managers achieve and exceed targets.
 Open communication with the management team for support and strategic adjustments is encouraged.
Mandatory Meeting Completion:
 Even if the executive achieves the onboarding of a new client, the requirement to complete a minimum of 15 meetings per month
remains. All incentives and penalties related to meeting counts are still applicable, underscoring the importance of consistent client
engagement and business development efforts regardless of immediate success in closures.
Comprehensive Consideration Clause:
 The above terms are to be read and considered together and should not be considered individually. This integrated approach ensures
that the metrics form a cohesive system, designed to motivate Business Development/Client Servicing Managers towards proactive
client engagement, successful business development, and ensuring profitability, thereby cultivating a performance-oriented team
culture supportive of the company's financial health and strategic growth objectives.

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