Learning-Program 2

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San Roque, Sogod, Southern Leyte

Contact No.: 0998-868-5334
Email: president@southernleytestateu.edu.ph
Website: www.southernleytestateu.edu.ph

Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality

Department of Teacher Education

Technology for Teaching and Learning I

Name: Donald Jeib Orillo Date Started:

Course, Year & Section: BTLED 3D Date Submitted:
Activity No. : 3 Rating:

Learning Program


At the end of the
session, a successful
student will be able Isaac Newton’s
to; First Law: The
Law of Inertia Oral
1. Define Printed Materials questioning
Newton's Discussion of about the
First Law of the definition of definition of
Motion: Law Inertia the inertia
of Inertia
Printed Materials
2. Relate Discussion
friction and about the
gravitational impact of Oral
force to the friction and questioning
movement gravity to the about the
of an object. motion of an impact of
object friction and
3. Demonstrat gravity to the
movement of
experiments Demonstration an object
or on how forces PPT
affects the state
of an object
the law of
n showcasing
the concept of
the law of

Performance Standards
1. Define Newton's First Law of Motion: Law of Inertia
San Roque, Sogod, Southern Leyte
Contact No.: 0998-868-5334
Email: president@southernleytestateu.edu.ph
Website: www.southernleytestateu.edu.ph

Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality

PS1. Accuracy of definition about the law of inertia

PS2. Organization of thoughts about the law of inertia

PS3. Clarity of thoughts about the law of inertia

2. Relate friction and gravitational force to the movement of an objects.

PS1. Clarity of explanation about the relation of friction and gravity to the movement of an object

PS2. Organization of thoughts about the relation of friction and gravity to the movement of an

PS3. Critical Thinking about the relation of friction and gravity to the movement of an object

3. Demonstrate experiment or simulation showcasing the law of inertia.

PS1. Application of knowledge to the demonstration of law of inertia

PS2. Clarity of the demonstration of the law of inertia

PS3. Creativity of the demonstration of the law of inertia

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