Fontanilla, Gea Shane-Narrative-05-16-24

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Narrative Report
Submitted to the Senior High School Department
San Gabriel Vocational High School
Bumbuneg, San Gabriel, La Union

Submitted and Noted by

Fontanilla Gea Shane D.

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for Work Immersion

TVL-Home Economics
. Hairdressing NC II
Wellness Massage NC II
Beauty/Nail Care NC II

APRIL 2024
April 1 2024
This is the day of our work immersion at the Spa de Iloko. When we arrived at the spa, we sat
outside because we were too shy to go in. Ate Irene came and let us enter the spa. She took us around
and told us the rules at the spa. We were taught how to do the foot soak. They tried the pressure of our
hands. We had a foot massage. When Ma’am Ruth came to give us our portfolio, I cried because Ma’am
Ruth was leaving us at the spa. We had lunch at Jollibee. The problem was that we didn’t know how to
order, so we spent a lot of money. After we had lunch, we helped with the foot soak. When Ma’am
Monette came, we introduced ourselves to her. Before we distributed flyers, we didn’t wake up the
manager because we were shy. We didn’t know what to do because the manager was walking fast, and
he just pointed out what to give. Ma’am Monette said what the purpose of giving out flyers is. Before
going home, we celebrated Ate Irene’s birthday. I realized that the situation is very different between
school and spa in terms of how you handle your client, how to communicate, and how to socialize.
April 2 2024
Day 2
When we arrived at the spa, I mopped the floor. We did a head massage, then we fetched water
for the back. After that, we distributed flyers. Today I learned that when doing a head massage, don’t
apply too much pressure. And by distributing flyers, it helps you communicate and socialize outside the
April 3 2024
Day 3
When we arrived at the spa, it wasn’t open yet, so we ate first. When we entered, I mopped the
stairs. There was no water, so we fetched it in the back. When there is a client, I help make a foot soak. I
heat water and arrange things to assist clients. We don’t have much to do, so I count the ambulances
while hanging out by the window. Ma’am ordered us to buy bread. After we bought it, people gathered
on the side of the road where the lineman died. We couldn’t believe that he died because, when we
passed by, he smiled. Because of the number of people, we couldn’t pass, so we just went through.
When we arrived at the spa, there was no electricity. I don’t know what I was feeling, as if my trauma
had been triggered. I was even more nervous when we couldn’t find divine. He was crying, and I didn’t
know how to comfort him because I didn’t know how to calm myself down either. Today’s lesson is that
life is short, so let’s use it to do good.
April 4 2024
Day 4

When we arrived at the spa, we cleaned and handed out flyers. Before we went home, we
cleaned up. Ensuring the cleanliness of the spa is very important because it reflects positively on the
company image, the safety of the staff, and on the clients. This day, our F.O. instructed us to get the
flyers to the printing shop, but we don’t know where the shop is. I went back to the spa to ask the name
of the printing shop, but she said let me do it.
April 5 2024
Day 5
When we arrived at the spa, we cleaned up, and after lunch, we distributed flyers. We did a head
massage, and she gave feedback on what we did to her. Ma’am Jen, give us feedback on how we
properly handle your client. She corrects us for what we did, from how we foot-spray the client to how
we properly assist the client to go to their room and ask what the pressure point of your client is. And I
learned why alcohol is used in head massages because our faces are very sensitive. Before we went
home, we helped to make a foot soak.
April 8 2024
Day 6
When we arrived at the spa, we cleaned up. I was ordered to add water to the tank because there
is no water. We are not doing anything, so we are hanging out in a room while waiting for lunch. After
we had lunch, we gave out flyers and gift cards. A nail tech practiced my nail with gel polish. I don’t
expect that I would handle a client. I don’t know what to do, and my client is male. Even though I’m
with the manager, I’m still nervous because it’s my first time handling a client. The manager told me to
just follow her and not lose pressure in my massage. After the whole-body massage, my knees are
shaking. We also had a facial massage while I was doing ear candling. FO told me to do the massage
because it was past 6. We went home late and almost had no ride.
April 11 2024
When we arrived at the spa, I wiped the window. We watched a foot spa demo. I mastered the
steps used in a foot spa. I cleaned the one used in the demo. And Ate Irene also demonstrated a Thai
massage. We also try to do it. After lunch, we distributed flyers near TESDA. Before we went home, we
cleaned. I am very happy now because I learned Thai massage and foot spa.
April 12 2024
Day 8
When we arrived at the spa, I cleaned up. We did the Thai massage we learned yesterday. We
didn’t do anything, so I slept, and we had a late lunch because it took a while for the first batch of
therapists to eat. After lunch, we distributed flyers. When I came back, we were taught how to do the
Dagdagay. I taught steps and tools for the Dagdagay foot reflex. They are going to unite us, and I am
very excited because I am curious about how to do it. I’m very happy because it’s one of the things I like
to learn. Even though it was a bit difficult to do, I really enjoyed the massage. We are also given tips on
how to do it more quickly. Before we went home, we cleaned up.
April 15 2024
Day 9
When we arrived at the spa, I cleaned up and changed the bed sheets and towels. Heated water
and cleaned the cr. After we cleaned up in the facial room, I swept and mopped. We removed the covers
from the chairs and manicure the table. They are cleaning the facial room because it is about to open.
There are no clients coming yet, so we hung out by the window while waiting for lunch time. After
lunch, we distributed flyers. Before going home, I threw away the trash.
April 16 2024
Day 10
When we arrived at the spa, we cleaned up immediately. I wiped the walls and table. After we
cleaned up, a nail tech trained and took me as her model. Today, my nail was tortured because it got
injured when a nail tech practiced it. Even though it hurts, I can’t complain because I’m ashamed to say
it. After lunch, we distributed flyers. During distributing flyers, I felt dizziness because of the heat, but I
didn’t tell the therapist. When we came back, we rested and had a snack. Before going home, I cleaned
the massage room.
April 17 2024
Day 11
We cleaned up at the spa after we did the Thai and head massages. Today I learned about Thai
massage and head massage. And also, I learned some sign language. I can communicate with Ate Mercy
even with a little sign language. I am very happy to learn a new thing, like sign language. I am very
happy to learn a new thing, like sign language. Like yesterday, we handed out flyers. Every time I
handed out flyers, I encountered different people and their attitudes. Sometimes I don’t know how to
deal with this. But I need to handle this kind of challenge because, in real life, we need to deal with it.
April 18 2024
Day 12
When we arrive at the spa, I change the bed sheet and do a bed set-up. After we cleaned, Ma’am
Monette called us and instructed us to make a manual of the spa because this was our contribution. In
doing a manual, we don’t know what to do, so we ask for help from Ma’am Ruth. We finished the vision
and mission. After lunch, the client arrived at the spa. I prepare and perform foot soaks. While the client
was pumping their baby, we took care. The baby was so wild, I don’t know how she was going to sleep.
After taking care of the baby, her parents gave us a tip, so our fare was free.
April 19 2024
Day 13
When we arrive at the spa, I arrange the stock room. I cleaned the tray and the Dagdagay tools.
After we cleaned, we continued doing the manual. After our lunch, Ate Mercy taught us how to properly
massage the head. She is so patient in teaching us, even though she is deaf and mute. And she was funny
during her demo. She also gave us a massage.
April 22 2024
Day 14
When we arrive at the spa, the employee is already there because this is the schedule for the
photoshoot. We clean inside the spa. We arrange the stock room. Folding the towels and refilling the oils
and alcohol, as well as the foot soak, after we cleaned, I assisted in doing foot soaks. They use my nails
as models for soft gel and gel polish. More than 5 hours before the soft gel, gel polish, and photo shoot.
During the phone shoot, I felt trim because the air was in my front. Ma’am Monette was worried about
our transportation, so she called their tricycle driver to take us home.
April 23
Day 15
When we arrived at the spa, we cleaned up. After we cleaned up, we did a massage demo. I
heated water for a foot soak. The manager assigned me to distribute flyers with one employee. When we
boarded the jeep, we boarded a nearby traffic enforcer, so the jeep driver was scolded. I’m a bit annoyed
with her because every time I speak, she interrupts me; she doesn’t speak properly. After we distributed,
she entered the restaurant and left me outside, even though it was hot. When I returned to the spa, the
manager asked why I looked so disgusted. I told her what the therapist did. After I rested, we practiced a
basic facial. The experience here is different; it hurts the face, but it’s effective. Before we go home, we
have a snack.
April 24
Day 16
When we arrived at the spa, it was still closed, so we ate first. When we entered, we cleaned as
usual. We were fixed in the facial room. We compute our DTR. We finished the manual so we could do
the background in our interview with Aunty Tess. And every time we ask her, she calls Ma’am to ask
too. I am the power point maker. After we did, we didn’t do anything but watch the nail technician’s
practice. After we ate, we went to sleep, and Mercy woke us up because there was a client, but it turned
out that the massage was not in that room. We were going to help with the foot soak, but the manager
said not to, and he also told the therapists not to rely on us, OJT. I helped make a gift of towels, and
before going home, I cleaned.
April 25
Day 17
When I arrived at the spa, I cleaned. They have a client family booked. There were not enough
therapists, so I handled. I don’t know how to do the hand and foot reflex, but they said it’s just like a
dagdagay. As long as I did my best to satisfy my client. After the massage, we assemble a trolley. My
client added ear candling, so I did that. I’m familiar with making ear candling, so it’s easy for me. Today
I had a new experience and learned a new thing.
April 26
Day 18
When we arrived at the spa, I wiped the window. I fixed the bed sheet and refilled the oil and alcohol.
Then we were instructed to clean the facial room again because the air conditioner had just been
repaired. We don’t do anything, so I watch the nail techs do what they do. I also know about their tools
and ask what they are used for, so I have an idea of what they are. Ma’am Ruth came to give the
evaluation sheet. We talked for a while, and Ate Mercy started teasing again. I took Ma’am downstairs,
and then we assembled the table. When we were going to Lingsat, Maam Ruth and I were together in the
Jeep. We got off opposite the detox. We gave out flyers, and we were going to ride in the jeep. There
was a lot of traffic. When we got to the front of the BDO, we got off, and the Jeep stopped in front of the
bank. When we arrived at the spa, we went home.
April 29
When we arrived at the spa, I did Aunty Tess’s task because she had the day off. I cleaned the
extra tools and trays. It’s hard for him to clean you because you’re oily. Then I was taken as a model for
polygel because it was ma’am’s order. I don’t want to because Ma’am ordered it; I don’t want to move
my nail because it hurts. While the trainee was doing the polygel, she didn’t want to teach because she
already knew the process. I was nervous about what might happen to my nail while the poly gel was
curing. I felt pain in my nail, and every time she used a nail file, the skin of my nail was injured, but she
did a good job despite the process. They said that this is their treat for me because tomorrow is our last
day. Ma’am brought some snacks before going home; we had a snack first.
April 30
Day 20
This is our last day at the spa. When we arrived, we cleaned up. We hung out at our favorite spot,
and I watched every corner of the spa because we were leaving here. When Ma’am Monette arrived, she
ordered me and Divine to buy Pancit in midtown. Let’s canvass a certificate holder at the Pandayan
Book Store. When we were going down the stairs, Ma’am Monette asked what the employees wanted to
say inside the facial room. I said, I don’t know, but you can ask them. Divine and I looked for Midtown,
and we ordered Pancit, and we waited for 25 minutes. We went to the Pandayan bookstore to ask how
much the certificate holder is, but we were confused because we saw books. Ma’am just laughed
because we don’t know how to canvas. Ma’am asked what we learned at the spa and what our
experiences were. I couldn’t stop crying because they were so kind, especially Ma’am. We thanked them
for everything they did for us. Ma’am gave the certificate, and we took a picture. We said goodbye to the
staff. We ate pancit first because it was what we had prepared. Before going home, we cleaned the facial

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