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Your lightsaber starts with this profile: 3-harm ap hand. Its a buzzing laser sword, bright blue or green, that cuts through pretty much anything. Choose one option: double blade: selft explanatory. +1harm. master crafted: a superb piece of craftmanship. Add +precious. perfectly weighted: when you and only you roll for duelist using that lightsaber, hold 1 more. collection: you have a few spare. Theyre absolutely standard, but theres a handful of them. legendary: its blade has a very distinctive color (you precise) and people know that blade has history. +1 when going aggro with it.

The golden age of the republic is long gone, but you didnt forget. Once the jedi knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy. Before the dark times. Before the empire. The emperor and his minions destroyed the order. Youre whats left of them, maybe the last jedi. Your days of glory are behind you, your powers have faded but maybe youll find a new hope. Someone to teach your learnings to. Maybe the order will live on.

a playbook for





During the game, at your choice, you can cross one of these to make it happen: You collect an old debt, either from an old acquaintance or one of their relatives. You reveal a dark secret about someone (a NPC or a players character) who went through the clone wars. You reveal a dark secret about yourself, trying to redeem yourself for what you did. You reveal your true jedi name to a NPC who recognize you for what you were and is either impressed, frightened or curious. You reveal a promise you made a long time ago and swear to fulfill that promise. You reveal a truth about some event from the past, as you saw it by your own eyes, thats quite different from what everybody knows about it. The GM choose either to follow your cue and give you full benefit of your reveal, or to twist your expectations and make your characters life more insteresting for it. If he makes your life more interesting though, you mark experience.


Some NPCs, places, objects and phenomenon belong to the dark side of the force boiling with agression, hate, fear, selfishness and hubris. If youre vulnerable to the dark side, they can command you. When you follow the commands of the dark side, mark experience.

When a character gets hurt, the player mark as much segments on his harm countdown as the number of harm they suffer, starting with the top left segment (12 to 3 oclock). Typically, they suffer as much harm as the weapon, attack or mishap, minus the armor rating of the armor the character is wearing. This is called harm as established.

When you suffer harm, roll+harm suffered (after armor, if youre wearing any). On a 10+, the MC can choose 1: Youre out of action: unconscious, trapped, incoherent or panicked. Its worse than it seemed. Take an additional 1-harm. Choose 2 from the 79 list below. On a 79, the MC can choose 1: You lose your footing. You lose your grip on whatever youre holding. You lose track of someone or something youre attending to. You miss noticing something important. On a miss, the MC can nevertheless choose something from the 79 list above. If she does, though, its instead of some of the harm youre suffering, so you take -1harm. When you inflict harm on another players character, the other character gets +1Hx with you (on their sheet) for every segment of harm you inflict. If this brings them to Hx+4, they reset to Hx+1 as usual, and therefore mark experience.



To create your jedi, choose your name, looks, stats, moves, possessions, lightsaber and history.

Grip of the force: you can use the force as a weapon (1-harm ap). Also, when you use the force to move an object or a person, roll +attuned. On a 10+ choose 2, on a 7-9 choose 1: you move it even if you couldnt with your own arms you put it exactly where you want you move it fast enough to cause damage (as established) on impact the person holding on it cant resist and lets it slip away On a miss you lose control : the object/person slips and gets damaged, unreachable or noticed. The GM makes a move. Inhuman reflexes: the way you move unencombered gives you 1-armor. If youre wearing armor, use that instead. Lightsaber duelist: when you go into battle with your lightsaber ready, roll +attuned. On a 10+ hold 3, on a 7-9 hold 1. On a miss, hold 1, but youre the prime target now and take -1ongoing. Spend your hold during the battle, 1 for 1, to : name an NPC within your reach. You kill, disable or disarm that NPC name a character blasting at you or at someone within your reach. You redirect the bolt back to the shooter, to someone within your reach or to anything around (including nowhere the ground, a wall, the sky) name a character out of your reach. You cross the distance without them being able to adjust or react ignore any harm to yourself from an incoming attack Mind trick: when you speak to a NPC with the voice of the force, tell them what they should say or do and roll +attuned. On a hit they do it right away. On a 7-9 choose 1, on a 10+ choose 2 : they dont remember you made them do it nobody around finds it suspicious they do it even if its directly dangerous to them On a miss theyre about to do it but they regain their mind at the last moment and the GM gets to make a move. Strong with the force: you get +1attuned (attuned+3) Tainted by the dark side: when you deal damage with the force or with a lightsaber, you deal +1harm. Youre vulnerable to the dark side. Wisdom of the force: when another players character comes to you for advice, tell them what you honestly think the best course is. If they do it, you both mark experience.

Choose a common name you hide behind. Choose your true jedi name you kept hidden to escape the jedi pogrom.

Masculine, feminine, ambiguous, transgressing or concealed. Beggars clothes, civilian clothes, practical clothes or unfashionable clothes. Tired eyes, suprisingly young eyes, piercing eyes or clear eyes. Deferent posture, proud posture, quiet posture or introspective posture.


Choose one column: Attuned +2 +2 Cool +1 =0 Magnetic =0 +1 Smart +1 +1 Tough -1 -1 +2 -1 +1 +1 =0 +2 +1 -1 =0 +1

trust the force

shattered (-1cool) crippled (-1tough) disfigured (-1mag) broken (-1smart)

face danger

When you die, you can become a force ghost. Choose another playbook as usual, but you can appear as your jedi character to anyone trusting the force. You can also give them advice as per wisdom of the force even if you didnt have that move when you were alive.

You get all the basic moves. Choose 3 jedi moves.

convince / seduce

You get: fashion suitable to your looks, including a piece worth 1-armor if you wish so (you precise) your lightsaber (see verso) savings worth 1-budget

Taking turns, all of you introduce their character by name, look and outlook. List other characters names on your sheet. On your turn: one of them knows you were a jedi and didnt tell anyone. Tell that player +1. tell everyone else -1. You try not to be noticed. On their turn: the force is strong with one of them. Whatever number the player tells you, ignore it and write +3 instead. one of them, you went through the clone wars with one of their relatives. Whatever number the player tells you, add +1 to it.

read situation / person

fight for it / go aggro

When you roll a highlighted stat or reset your history with someone, you mark one experience bubble. When you mark the fifth bubble, erase all the bubble then choose, cross and apply one of the basic improvement options. You cant choose an improvement youve already crossed. Once youve crossed five basic improvements, you can choose an advanced improvement (those six improvements at the bottom of the box) next time you improve.




help / interfere with [name] +1cool (max. cool+2) +1magnetic (max. magnetic+2) +1smart (max. smart+2) +tough (max. tough+2) new jedi move new jedi move new move from another playbook new move from another playbook followers and charismatic subornidates and management +1 to any stat (max stat+3) retire to safety a new, second character change to a new playbook advance three basic moves advance the other four basic moves

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