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Techno Main Salt Lake

Mathematics II B (Code: BSM-202)

CA - 3
EE, ECE, ME, EIE, CE, FT - Semester II
Time: 50 min Continuous Evaluation - 3 Maximum Marks: 25

Section − A
(Answer any five questions. Each question carries 1 mark.)
dx 2xlogy
1. (i) The integrating factor of dy
+ y
= 2 is
−logy 2
A. e
B. e2logy
C. elogy
D. None of these
1 1 1 A
(ii) If the differential equation y + x
+ x2 y
dx + x − y
+ xy 2
dy = 0 is exact then the
value of A is
A. 2
B. −1
C. 0
D. None of these
(iii) The equation dx
+ x sin 2y = x3 cos2 y can be reduced to one of the following linear
A. dx
+ xz = x3
B. dx
− 2xz = x3
C. dx
+ 2xz = x3
D. None of these
(iv) To make the equation (2xy − 3y 3)dx + (4x2 + 6xy 2 )dy = 0 exact it will have to be
multiplied by
A. x2 y
B. x2 y 2
C. xy 2
D. xy 3
d2 y
dy 2 dy 4
(v) The order and degree of the differential equation 1 + ( dx ) + sin( dx ) = dx2
A. order=2, degree is not defined
B. order=2, degree= 4

Dept. of Mathematics 1
Mathematics Mathematics-IIB Page 2 of 2

C. order=2, degree= 4
D. order=2, degree= 3
(vi) Find the value/values of k so that the function klog(x2 + y 2 ) is harmonic.
A. k = 0 only
B. k = 0, 1, 2 only
C. for every values of k
D. None of these
(vii) Evaluate limz→0 x2 +2y 2

A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. does not exist

Section − B
(Answer any four questions. Each question carries 5 marks.)
2. For the function defined by f (z) = |xy|, show that the Cauchy-Riemann Equations
are satisfied at (0, 0) but the function is not differentiable and analytic at that point.
∂2 ∂2
3. If f (z) is analytic, prove that ∂x2
+ ∂y 2
|f (z)|2 = 4|f ′(z)|2

4. If u − v = (x − y)(x2 + 4xy + y 2) and f (z) = u + iv is an analytic function of z = x + iy,

find f (z) in terms of z.
2 2
5. Solve (y 2 exy + 4x3 )dx + (2xyexy − 3y 2)dy = 0.

6. Solve (sin x cos y + e2x )dx + (cos x sin y + tan y)dy = 0.

7. Solve y(2xy + ex )dx − ex dy = 0.

Dept. of Mathematics Techno Main Salt Lake

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