Gepm 467 Lec 1 Part II

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GEPM 467


Project Management

• There are numerous structured

frameworks you can use to achieve
your project objectives, such as
Agile, Kanban, or Scrum. Although
these frameworks take a different
approach, each focuses on taking the
necessary steps to complete your
project on time, and within budget.
To achieve
your end

Definition goal, project


• Project management (PM) is the sta bora
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practice of planning and managing lde with ttin
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projects, from start to finish. It involves
the coordination of all the activities
and resources you need to meet
deadlines and achieve your desired
project outcome. For example, your
goal might be to launch a new
product, develop software, or plan a
ss Sc
networking event. r o gre he
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• Project management is • If you prioritize effective
Why critical because it provides project management styles,
you can proactively and
Important? • the leadership,
• motivation, and continuously improve
workflows to avoid any
• problem-solving mistakes or overspending.
• that enable teams to
introduce new products
or services, grow
revenue, and meet
company goals.
• As with any good project, • Project scope: This covers the specific
Initiating preparation is vital to
limits and boundaries for the project,
including what you’ll accomplish and
what you will not (i.e., the project
complete the work on time objectives). Establishing these boundaries
and within budget. During prevents something called “scope creep”
where the deliverables change and your
the project initiation phase, project deadlines may get pushed back.
determine the following to • High-level project overview: This
create the project foundation: outlines the resources, time, and goals
required to complete a project and a
strategy to monitor these requirements
over time.
• Budgets: You’ll liaise with
stakeholders to determine how much
money is available for your project, and
the cost required to achieve a successful
• Drawing up a clear and • Select your project team
Planning intentional project plan members
ensures all team members
• Outline your deliverables
move toward the same goal.
During the project planning • Estimate your required
phase, you’ll: project resources
• Determine any associated
• Set key milestones and
dates, including the final
project completion date
Planning – cont’d
• During this process, you can also
outline the team’s project
management methodology. PRINCE
Agile Waterfall
There are many to choose from, 2
including the below popular
options. We’ll get into more
specifics around some of these PMBOK Scrum Lean
later in this project management
• During the project execution phase, Ultimately, it’s
about staying in
you will carry out the details of control,
collaborating with
your project plan (or project the entire team,
deliverables) to deliver your and staying on
products to your specific
stakeholders. This stage occurs
simultaneously with the monitoring
and controlling phase (below) and
might involve:
Suggesting Recommending
corrective actions changes
Monitoring/Controlling Constant monitoring is • Regular, consistent project
essential in any project life “check-ins”
cycle as it helps project
• Use of proper project
managers answer the question:
documentation and
where are we? vs. tracking tools to visualize
where should we be? project progress (such as
according to the project plan. Kanban Boards, Gantt
Effective monitoring requires: Charts, and Workload
Views, which are just
some of the 15+ dynamic
board views available in
monday work
This final step, sometimes known
as “project delivery” or the project
closeout phase, is when you wrap
up all activities and deliver the
final product. This handover might
be to the client, an internal team or
an external stakeholder. Some Concluding any formal contracts or
A full review or audit of what went
well, what didn’t go as planned, and
additional components could be: how future teams could learn from
this project

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