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Reason and emotion

look at the adjectives for describing emotions. Put two adjectives under each heading. which
word in each pair has a stronger meaning?

Annoyed Astonished Content Despondent ecstatic

Livid Miserable Petrified Scared taken aback

Anger Fear Surprised Happiness Sadness

Annoyed scared astonished content despondent

Livid petrified ecstatic astonished miserable

Taken aback

Fishy (sosechoso)

Idioms feelings

the idiom on edge is used to describe people who feel tense or nervous

Match the idioms with the feeling they describe


a little down (sad) all over the place (confused on edge (Tense and nervous)
and disorganized)
hot under the collar (angry) Speechless (very surprised) Upbeat (Optimistic)


Angry confused and disorganized Optimistic

Sad Tense and nervous very surprised

language focus unreal past

Would rather/would just as soon

I'd rather you found someone else to give the talk

I´d just as soon people decide for themselves

I wish/ if only

I wish/ if only life was less stressful

I wish/ if only he would relax a bit more

I wish I were rich

She wishes she were rich

what if / supposing/ suppose/

What if we were to offer you a free trial?

Supposing he reacted badly, what would you do?

It's (high) time it´s about time

It's (high) time that he got a new computer

look at the sentences (1- 6) where the speaker uses a past form to talk about hypothetical
situations in the present or future match them with the description (a-d)

1. do you wish that you felt more in control of things?

2. Perhaps it's time you looked into “emotional intelligence training”
3. suppose you were someone who felt very on edge when speaking in public
4. I'd rather you listeners took one of our courses /cors/
5. what if I were to tell you that you´ve already made one of these?
6. If only I was better at building reports

Curse (maldicion) /crs/

a. A wish 1 - 6
b. A picture of an unreal situation 3- 5
c. A preference of what someone would like to happen 4-6
d. a sentence that says what should be done now 2

EI: the ability to recognize, judge, and control one´s own and others´ emotions

look at the language focus box then rewrite the sentences below using the words given

1. People do everything in such a hurry (I wish/ people/ slow down)

I wish people could slow down
2. I think he might be persuaded by more money (supposing/ we/ offered)
Supposing we would be persuaded if we were to offer him more money

3. He really needs to organize his life better (it's time/ he)

It´s time that he organizes his life better
4. driving an hour to work each day is stressful (I wish/ have to)
I wish that each day I don’t have to drive an hour to work

5. I never have time to take a real vacation (if only/I/ be/ able)
If only I were able to take a real vacation
6. Can you let me see the letter before you send it? (I rather/ you/ show)
I rather you show me the letter before you send it

7. He might refuse. what would you do then? (What if / he / say)

What if he refuses? What would you do then?
8. Do you have any good advice for me? (what/you /do /if)
What if you do tell me any good advice

Thinking fast and slow

would you follow your instinct or intuition? Or would you take your time thinking about it?

1. Deciding whether to rent the first apartment you have looked at

2. Expressing something in English that you are not sure of
3. Giving money to someone collecting for a charity on the street
4. Deciding what to wear to a party
5. Giving your opinion in a debate

Read the article about rational in irrational thinking and say which statement best summarizes
Kahneman´s Theories (a-c)

a. we can often be irrational in our thinking

b. We are essentially rational in our thinking
c. We are completely unpredictable in our thinking

Inversion in conditionals


should you need to contact me, I'll be in the Rio hotel

second conditional (unreal conditional)

Were the price lower, I wouldn't hesitate to buy it

Were it not for me, you wouldn't be living here

3rd and mixed conditional (expressing regret)

had I known earlier, I would have informed you

had we not written the book, no one would know about this

1. we use inversion in slightly more formal speech or writing

2. the use of for + noun or for + the fact that is quite common in second and third
conditional inversions
3. We use it the were to to form only to talk about future possibilities, not real present

Look at the language focus box. And rewrite these conditional sentences using the inversion

1. if someone asks who told you, don't give them my name

should someone ask who told you, don't give them my name

2. if I had thought about it for longer, I would have gotten the answer right
had I thought about it for longer, I would have gotten the answer right
3. they wouldn't be in the situation now, if they had taken my advice
would they not be in the situation now, they had taken my advice
4. if we took the risk, I am sure that we wouldn't regret it
were we taken the risk; I am sure that we wouldn't regret it
5. would the world be a better place if everyone thought more carefully before acting?
The world would be a better place should everyone thought more carefully before acting
6. If something is unclear, you can always call and ask
Had something been unclear, you can always call and ask

Look at the photos of the robots and answer the questions

1. Which is real? Which is science fiction?

2. What do you think robots are able to do? What things can't they do?

The jetsons vacuum cleaner

Joe rogan

Read the article and choose the correct option (a-c) at their current stage of development,
robots can:

a. only carry out industrial tasks

b. Replace people in some simple jobs
c. Already think and feel emotions
Word focus move

what do you think this expression mean?

HERB is on the move, but he still has his limitations

Mountains a muscle
to tears up in the world

1. her story of having to look after her sick brother moved everyone…to tears….
2. that's your Ferrari? You are moving… up in the world …
3. don't move…a muscle….. there's a Bee on your neck, I'm going to brush it off
4. Jack was called away on an emergency and will be out for a week, we are going to have to
move…mountains …… to make the deadline without him


discuss the questions

it´s said that up to 40% of all emails are misinterpreted in some way, why do you think this

When was the last time you had an e-mail misunderstanding? What happened?


Analyze the vocabulary

using phrases for avoiding misunderstanding (1-8) to rewrite the emails in make them clearer. in
some cases you can use more than one phrase, but in 4 you only need to correct the grammar

1. don't take this the wrong way

2. No offense intended
3. I don't want to pressure you
4. I'm joking, of course
5. It took me somewhat by surprise
6. Many thanks for getting back to me so quickly
7. I do appreciate all your work on this
8. I am not offended in anyway
Can Robots Learn to be More Human?

look at the list (a-d) of “intelligent” machines in programs that make decisions for themselves,
which are useful in which annoying?

a. A parking sensor on a car

b. A warning system in a car that tells you when you are not wearing a seat belt
c. automatic spelling checks on a computer or phone
d. Speech recognition system in a car or computer

That had happened

Answer the following questions

1. What uses are told in the video that a robot can help?
2. How can you control a robot?
3. Is it possible to use a robot remotely?


1. Core the heart or centre of something

2. educated guess I speculation based on a reasonable amount of knowledge or information
3. invaluable very valuable
4. irrelevant unimportant; Not related to the subject in question
5. moral values a set of beliefs about what is right and wrong
6. scour search a place very thoroughly

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