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*Start of 1st slide*

Are you paralyzed with fear? That’s a good sign. Fear is good.
Like self-doubt, fear is an indicator. Fear tells us what we have
to do. Remember one rule of thumb: the more scared we are
of a work or calling, the more sure we can be that we have to
do it.

-Steven Pressfield

*Start of 2nd slide*

Life frequently confronts us with trials that put our strength,
resilience, and resolve to the test. Individuals with disabilities,
in particular, encounter not just physical impediments, but
also psychological barriers such as fear, apprehension, and
cultural expectations. However, history is full with inspiring
instances of people who overcame their anxieties and
emerged as great heroes. They have broken preconceptions,
confounded odds, and encouraged the globe to accept
difficulties and overcome hardship because of their bravery
and unyielding spirit.
Here are a few inspiring accounts of how different
people have conquered their fears and become who
they are/were :
Aaron "Wheelz" Fotheringham: Overcoming Failure Fear
Spina bifida did not define Aaron Fotheringham's limits.
Instead, he embraced a boldness that propelled him to the
forefront of extreme wheelchair sports. He overcame his fear
of failure and bodily danger by learning risky acrobatics and
stunts on his wheelchair. Fotheringham's bravery has made
him an inspiration for impaired athletes and a symbol of the
perseverance necessary to overcome fears.Extreme
wheelchair sports trailblazer. He overcame his fear of failure
and bodily danger by learning risky acrobatics and stunts on
his wheelchair. Fotheringham's bravery has made him an
inspiration for impaired athletes and a symbol of the
perseverance necessary to overcome fears. pushed him to
become a pioneer in extreme wheelchair racing led to his
being a pioneer in extreme wheelchair sports. He overcame
his fear of failure and bodily danger by learning risky
acrobatics and stunts on his wheelchair. Fotheringham's
bravery has made him an inspiration for impaired athletes
and a symbol of the perseverance necessary to overcome

Walt Disney: A Visionary's Struggle With Rejection

Though not considered differently-abled, Walt Disney's
journey is indicative of overcoming fear and adversity. Before
realising his aspirations, the architect of a global
entertainment empire endured several rejections and
disappointments. Disney's path exemplifies the fortitude
required to overcome fear of failure and uncertainty,
demonstrating that even apparently insurmountable
obstacles can be conquered with ingenuity and dedication.

Sudha Chandran: Despite losing a limb in a horrific accident,

Sudha Chandran rose to prominence as an Indian
Bharatanatyam dancer. Her "Jaipur foot," a prosthetic leg that
she flawlessly blended into her performances, made her
renowned. Many young artists and individuals experiencing
misfortune have been inspired by her narrative of tenacity
and enthusiasm.

Acid attack survivor Laxmi Agarwal:

Laxmi Agarwal was 15, when a 32-year-old man proposed
marriage to her. She said no. The man sent her a text
proclaiming that he loves her and wants to marry her, and
she didn’t respond. He texted again, demanding a response,
but she never did. The man, along with his brother’s
girlfriend, stopped laksmi agarwal outside the bus stand in
Khan Market where she would take a bus every day. The girl
pushed her and threw the acid and was holding on her .
Laksmi don’t even remember when she lost consciousness,
but when she came back to her senses, she felt like she was
burning alive. She was still on the road, screaming for help;
her skin was melting. When her dad finally reached the
hospital and hugged her, his shirt singed from the the acid
still on her skin. Laksmi had multiple operations—including
one where they had to sew her eyes shut while being
conscious. She have remained in a hospital for two and a half
months, and when she finally looked at herself in the mirror,
she couldn’t believe this had happened to her. But she told
herself that she made her first mistake when she didn't alert
her parents to the man who was harassing her, and would be
making her second one now if she killed herself and left them
with unanswered questions.
Laksmi then rose to become a fearless champion and true
inspirations for acid attack victims.

Last but not the least

Professor Stephen Hawking: Stephen Hawking, one of the
most brilliant minds in theoretical physics, was diagnosed
with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) at an early age.
Despite gradually becoming paralysed and confined to a
wheelchair, he continued to make significant contributions to
our knowledge of the cosmos. His perseverance, brilliance,
and ability to speak through a speech-generating apparatus
inspired millions across the world.

*Outro aka last slide*

Stories of differently-abled people overcoming fear and

emerging as heroes show us that the most difficult fights are
frequently waged within ourselves. They have proved
through their paths that adversity, uncertainty, and social
limits can be overcome by unshakable resolve and courage.
These heroes encourage us to face our fears, overcome
obstacles, and live life to the fullest. Their legacies tell us that
genuine strength comes from facing our anxieties full on and
transforming them into stepping stones to success.

*Insert bibliography, pictures etc etc wherever necessary*

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