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In FY23, investments in mining,

construction, manufacturing fell

Low capacity utilisation meant firms had less incentive to invest: Economists
SHIVA RAJORA India Ratings & Research, said that the
New Delhi, 7 May pent-up demand present in the economy
after the Covid pandemic had exhausted
Gross capital formation (GCF) — or and the export demand for Indian goods
investment — in manufacturing, con- had also fallen during FY23, leading firms
struction, and mining sectors contracted in the manufacturing sector to put their
in FY23 primarily due to a fall in export investment plans on hold.
demand and low private consumption “On the other hand, in the construc-
during the year, an industrywise analysis tion sector, barring the luxury housing
of the National Accounts Statistics 2024 segment, there has been a slowdown as
data showed. The Ministry of Statistics the affordable housing segment is strug-
and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) gling to find buyers. Capital formation in
had released the data on Monday. the construction sector has largely been
The fall in GCF in the three sectors driven by the government,” he added.
comes at a time when overall GCF in the Echoing a similar view, Madan
economy grew by 6.9 per cent to ~55.3 tril- Sabnavis, chief economist, Bank of
lion at constant prices in the financial Baroda, said that firms had a surplus in
year ended March 31, 2023 (FY23). their inventories and capacity utilisation
GCF is a broad measure of investment was low during the year, which provided
in an economy and represents total value little incentive for further investment.
of physical assets including fixed assets, Sabnavis added that “consumer seg-
inventories and valuables. On the other ment including fast-moving consumer
hand, gross fixed capital formation goods was the worst hit” as private con-
(GFCF) is a narrow measure of investment sumption remained low.
in the economy and excludes inventories, “Barring the luxury housing segment,
TREND IN CAPITAL or acquisitions of valuables. the high interest rates during the year
Real manufacturing GFC that con- kept affordable housing and the middle
FORMATION (in ~ trillion) tracted 5.4 per cent to ~9.4 trillion could income housing segment in shambles in
be attributed to “subdued manufacturing the construction sector,” he added.
FY22 FY23 % chg (Y-o-Y)
growth” during the year as capacity utili- The mining sector also saw a marginal
Total 51.74 55.29 6.87 sation was low and firms had less incen- dip (-0.2 per cent) in investment during
tive to invest, said economists. the year to ~74,910 crore in FY23 from
Manufacturing 9.93 Besides, the construction sector, ~75,087 crore in FY22.
which has seen sustained capex thrust by The trade, repair and hotels segment
Construction 4.14
-2.88 the government in recent years, saw cap- saw the highest increase (19 per cent) in
4.02 ital formation decline by 2.9 per cent to investment, followed by agriculture sec-
Mining 0.75 ~4.02 trillion in FY23 from ~4.14 trillion tor (17.7 per cent), public administration
-0.24 in FY22, primarily due to the slowdown and defence (13.7 per cent), and transport,
Note: Total includes 11 sectors so figures don’t add up
in the affordable housing sector. storage, communication & services relat-
Source: National Accounts Statistics Paras Jasrai, senior economic analyst, ed to broadcasting (11.8 per cent).

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