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Performance Evaluation - OUT SOURCE

NAME : Yovando
ID NUMBER : 20210900581
DEPARTMENT : Tech & Customer Centre of Excellence
POSITION : Customer Care Staff
LEADERS NAME : Yuniar Prastawa


Key Performance Measures Target

1) Support the commercial team to maintain

existing wallet productivity (MAU) and if any
findings help to conduct research and survey as

2) Support the commercial team with the

creation of the new business strategy with
customer survey's and research as required.

3) Support the commercial team with the

Support new business strategy 2022 and implementation of PCG lending program for
maintaining existing customers customer service enquiries with high priority.
(Within SLA)

1) Fast response toward customers's calls,

chats, email or feedback based on the SLAs

2) Immediately follow up the dispute cases that

require resolution from other departments or
convey to the partner immediately (Max D + 0)

3) Create and Execute a Customer Care Cross -

Sell / Upsell Business plan for H2 2021

Ensuring customer care delivers excellent

service according to the SLAs 3) Complete Member / Non Member KYC
verification and data verification within SLA D+1
1) Immediately dispatch the report from the
customer immediately after creating a ticket
(Max 10 minutes) without delay, create a
ticket with the chronology on the notes

2) Reports of Questions on transaction

status, Indications of fraud, Transactions
denial from customers, Top-up pending or
Balance exceeding limits, New member
registration etc, in immediately follow up via
email (max 1 hour) to related divisions, etc.

Monitoring (new Member) and Managing

transaction status between Truemoney and 3) Do daily checking whether the ticket has
partner is complete according to SLA (include
dispute transaction) - ensure there is no Out
been completed or a resume and must be
SLA cases. inform to the customer D + 1 before EOB
(End Of Business) 17:00 WIB.

4) CC helps SD to report cases via email D

+ 0,
SD must check every day for ticket reports
in the ticketing system

5) Good collaboration between CC, IT,

RISK, FINANCE and Marketing or other
related divisions so that cases are resolved
on time according to SLA. (D+1 / D+3 /
D+7 / D+14)

1) Achieve grade A based on KPI Customer

Care total score > 90%

2) Responding incoming calls quickly avoid the

abandon calls and do not let customers waiting
for more than 1 minute when checking their

Daily Activities:
Customer Satisfaction, KPI Monitoring, Product
Daily Activities: 3) Responsive to customers' feedback
Customer Satisfaction, KPI Monitoring, Product (Business Partners, Members, customers in
Knowledge) general, etc.) at the latest 15 minutes after the
case is reported

4) Answering immidiately to customers'

feedback (at the latest 1 hour if the case is
coming from Facebook and Email)
5) When finding a dispute case, immediately
follow up to the related team (Risk, Finance, IT,
etc.) or convey it to the partner immediately
(Max D + 0)



Key Performance Measures Target
1. Build a high performance culture 1) Work quality and contribution to team's
(Membangun budaya achievement (Kualitas hasil kerja dan kontribusi
kerja dengan kinerja tinggi) nya terhadap pencapaian Tim)

2) Adapting to change (Beradaptasi terhadap


3) Dependability (Dapat diandalkan)

2. Build High Trust Leader/ Team 4) Interpersonal and communication skills

(Kemampuan interpersonal dan komunikasi)

5) Credibility and Integrity (kredibilitas dan

3. Build strong culture of collaboration, 6) Collaboration and Teamwork (kolaborasi dan
engagement and learning kerja sama)

7) Developing Self (Pengembangan diri)


Keep improve with good leadership and being proactive, if there is opportunity from the company to promote, then nex



Achievement Managers Review

Non KYC monitoring, QRIS transactions monitoring, BRI Cash in

investigation, Ramadhan Program winner, Truemoney abroad member
survey, pending transactions investigation (contacted). Top up
monitoring with total connected 76

Alfamart sender survey, Agent survey on reviving agent new business


PCG Leads Digital Ads CC verification

This process has been implemented, customer feedback is responded

no more than 15 minutes after the case is reported

This process has been implemented, dispute case follow up

immediately (Max D+ 0) to related team or convey it to partner on the
day case reported

This process has been implemented, but not most of the time because
customer usually hang up the phone before we execute the upsell. but
promo has been remind to customer by outbound call. conducts cross-
selling on a continuous basis when providing solutions to customer
This process has been implemented, verification and data verification
within SLA D+1 100%
This process has been implemented, ticket created max 10 minutes
and chronology on the notes page

This process has been implemented, Reports are immediately follow up

via email to related division no more than 1 hour after the case

This process has been implemented, ticket check everyday, and

Service desk always remind to close the ticket if the case is resolved

This process has been implemented, Reports are immediately follow up

via email to related division no more than 1 hour after the case

This process has been implemented, if reports need follow up to related

division, CC immediately email the related division after case reported
and related division give the feedback in accordance with the specified

from January 2022 to October 2022 with all my effort , im achieveing

grade A based on KPI Customer Care, my currently score 90,23

This process has been implemented hen there is incoming call, i

immediately pick it up. and checking their data is not more than 1
This process has been implemented, customer feedback is responded
no more than 15 minutes after the case is reported

This process has been implemented, customer feedback is answered

not more than 1 hour if the case coming from facebook and email
This process has been implemented, dispute case follow up
immediately (Max D+ 0) to related team or convey it to partner on the
day case reported

Managers Review
always rying to improve work quality at least better than month before.
and make contribution to the team. I do roleplay with supervisors to
improve my voice quality

Trying to adapt to change at work in a better direction

Trying to be dependable by responsible on the giving task and

complete the assignment on time an will always maximize the utilization
of time

Trying to build good communication with the collagues and superiors

Trying to be timely discipline, get the job done well and on time

Trying to cooperate and communicate with the team, if i dont

understand something i requesting advice to the superior. and trying to
actively join with team when some special case happens,
Trying to be better in this type of skill by keep learning with colleague

he company to promote, then next will be recommended to you.




5 4
Exceptional Superior

Significantly exceeded every expectation and Clearly exceeded all “KEY” goals
goal Core job responsibilities (BAU) were
set for their job, and made highly visible also completed with good quality

contributions to the department and/or Business

Always modeled and demonstrated Consistently

-strong Ascend values & competencies in demonstrated
achieving results, -Ascend values and competencies in
-highly skilled leadership and teamwork achieving results,
in both the achievement of objectives and daily -highly skilled leadership and
People & Behavior

operations which are clearly acknowledged by teamwork

manager and peers. in both the achievement of
objectives and daily operations,
which are acknowledged by
manager and peers.
3 2
Satisfactory Improvement Required

Fully achieved the most important Falls a little short on key goals, or
or “KEY” goals significantly short on one.
OR Delivers against key goals, but
under-delivers against core job

Regularly Rarely
demonstrated demonstrated Ascend values and
-Ascend values and competencies in competencies in achieving results,
achieving results, or clearly have some behavioural
-highly skilled leadership and issues
in both the achievement of
objectives and daily operations,
which are acknowledged by
manager and peers.

Performance was consistently

below expectation. Falls short on
most of key goals by a significant
margin or progress towards key
goals or core job responsibilities
was not made.

demonstrated Ascend values and
competencies in achieving results,
And had high impact behavioural

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