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Artificial Intelligence And Robotics In The Field Of Agriculture

Preprint · December 2020

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10162.84167


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2 authors:

Akshay Shet Priya Shekar

Bournemouth University Bournemouth University


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Artificial Intelligence And Robotics In The Field Of
Akshay Prashanth Shet Priya Shekar
Department of Computing and Department of Computing and
informatics informatics
Bournemouth University Bournemouth University
Bournemouth, United Kingdom Bournemouth, United Kingdom

Abstract—The agriculture sector faces many challenges such toward land usage, degradation of freshwater supplies [5],
as crop diseases, pest infestation, water shortage, weeds and contamination of marine and terrestrial environments by
many more. These problems lead to substantial crop loss, excess use of nitrogen and phosphorus inputs [6]. This threat
economic loss and also causes severe environmental hazards due is mainly due to farming activities such as forest clearing,
to the current agriculture practices. The AI and Robotics heavy use of synthetic fertilizers, and livestock emissions [7].
technologies have the potential to solve these problems For much of our history, if we wanted to grow more crops, we
efficiently. As the agriculture is a dynamic sector, the problems merely deforested to obtain more land for farming.
in agriculture are not generalised by AI and robotics, and a
Agricultural activities have contributed to the destruction of
specific solution is provided to a particular complex problem. A
entire eco-systems across the world. The forests, such as
variety of systems have been developed to help these challenges
and provide a better approach worldwide. This literature review
tropical forests continue to be cleared at unprecedented rates
contains significant contributions used to address the challenges [7]. Today, almost 500 billion hectares of land are used for
that agriculture faces, through AI and robotic techniques. We agriculture, accounting for almost 40% of the world's
have also addressed essential milestones in the development available land. Agriculture sector, a massive consumer of
process, and the challenges for broad adoption of these freshwater, accounting for 70% of all water use in the world
technologies along with its social, economic, and environmental [8]. The European Agricultural Machinery Association
impacts, and concludes by shedding some light on how to (CEMA)[9] predicts that agricultural lands in developed
overcome challenges of adoption. countries have hit their peak.

Keywords—Artificial intelligence, Robotics, Precision The traditional farming methods are incapable of
farming. producing the food required by the future population of the
world and it also risks people's health, and the planet.
I. INTRODUCTION Agriculture produces unacceptable amounts of pollution and
waste [1]. These issues have driven the agriculture sector into
Agriculture is one of the most essential and important
finding more innovative ideas and techniques for improving
fields of the economy. According to,
crop yield and protecting the ecology. Over the past century,
agricultural development is one of the most critical
agriculture has moved from labour-intensive to mechanization
components for eradicating global poverty, and development
and power-intensive production systems. Although,
in this sector would increase collective wealth and feed the
agriculture has begun to digitize over the last 15 years.
future population. Agriculture accounted for 4 % of the
world's gross domestic product (GDP) in 2018, and can However, the development in the sector when compared to the
available modern technology is very minimal [4]. AI and
account for about 18% of the nation's GDP for countries like
robotics are a robust combination for automating any tasks. In
India [1].
recent years, AI has become an increasingly common
The world population has grown to more than 7.7 billion. presence in robotic options, introducing learning and
[2] The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United adaptability capabilities in formerly rigid applications[10].
Nations predicts that the world population will reach over 9
Artificial intelligence and robotics in agriculture are
billion by 2050. The food demand is increasing gradually, and
bringing about a revolution. These technology are enhancing
at the same time, the food supply chain is facing a crisis. [3]
crop production and improving real-time management,
United Nations organization states that around 68% of the
harvesting, processing, and marketing [11]. Various high-tech
world population will live in urban areas by the year 2050,
computer-based systems are being designed for identifying
which arises a necessity to reduce the load on the farmers.
the plant's diseases, weed detection and removal, yield
Agriculture faces many threats right from sowing till to prediction and crop growth monitoring, analysing quality of
harvesting. Significant factors such as climate change, global produced yield. Agriculture is a diverse sector, which means
warming, water scarcity, insect and disease infestation, a common approach can not suggest for every circumstances.
overuse of pesticides, weeds, under-irrigation, and drainage, The AI and robotics techniques help one to collect the details
along with these labour shortage is another critical problem of each scenario and provide an optimal solution to a given
[4]. One of the reasons for labour shortages is that the current problem. AI and robotics-based technologies have the
generation of farmer's age is rising, and when they go out of potential to solve these problems efficiently. These
farming activities, the new generation is less likely to replace technologies can improve crop yield efficiency, irrigation by
them, and this gives rise to considerable concern. using less water, crop monitoring, quality of the crop. AI and
robotics-based technologies can enable the farmer to produce
The agriculture industry and its participants are the critical more and better yield with reduced production cost and
drivers for environmental change, accountable for shifts increase their profit.

This paper reviews the current research and innovations of robots were introduced in the late 1950s with the introduction
AI and robotics in the field of agriculture, along with critical of industrial robots. These were simple machines that
milestones in the process of development, here we will also performed specific manufacturing activities at a fixed
discuss the challenges for broad adoption of these position. Since then, robotics has expanded through a wide
technologies along with its social, economic, and range of fields, including defence, medicine, and space
environmental impacts, and concludes by shedding some light exploration, and many more [17]. Today, robotics is an
on how to overcome challenges of adoption. increasingly growing field, with technological developments
C. Internet of things
The industrialisation of agriculture started with the
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a term used to describe the
invention of tractors, it revolutionised the industry of that
interconnection of physical devices, objects, and systems with
time. The tractors powered by internal combustion engines
the Internet. Kevin Ashton first coined the term Internet of
were compact, more powerful and easy to use compared to its
things in 1999. The IoT is a collection of technologies that
steam engine powered predecessor [12]. This evolution was
enable devices to connect to each other over the Internet and
made possible by the invention of the internal combustion
it is a network of devices, from household appliances to
engine. As an enabling technology, the internal combustion
industrial equipment, that are connected to the internet. This
engine marked a fundamental shift in the way work was
allows them to send and receive data and to be controlled
performed and dramatically improved agricultural production.
remotely [18].
With new dynamic problems, agriculture is once again on the
path of a transition to a new era. This transition would shift III. HISTORY AND CRITICAL MILESTONES
the industry from the previous industrial practises to data-
driven management and automation. The latest paradigm will Over the last few decades, there has been consistent
be made possible by developing applications and solutions development in the field of AI and Robotics due to its
that are driven by the integration of many-core technologies, robustness in various fields, including the agriculture sector
such as the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and [19]. Computers and technologies have begun to infiltrate this
robotics [12]. sector from 1983 onwards [19]. From then, many proposals
and conceptual ideas for change in agriculture have taken
A. Artificial intelligence place.
The Encyclopaedia Britannica's definition of Artificial The first development of robotics in agriculture can be
Intelligence [13] states, "the ability of a digital computer or dated as early as the 1920s, with experiments into the
computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly introduction of automated vehicle guidance into agriculture
associated with intelligent beings". sector. This study contributed to the development of
AI was first introduced by John McCarthy in 1956 [14], autonomous agricultural vehicles between the 1950s and the
since then it has been researched for decades. The key 1960s. However, the concept was not ideal, with vehicles still
developments over the past sixty years have been the in need of a cable system to direct their route. Robots in
development of search algorithms, machine learning agriculture have started to grow as developments in other
algorithms, and the introduction of statistical analysis. Due to industries have also started to develop. In the 1980s the
the availability of data and low-cost computing resources, machine vision guidance became possible with the
machine learning is one of the most active and popular fields advancement in computers [20].
of artificial intelligence. In machine learning, the use of The term "Artificial Intelligence" was coined in 1956 as
algorithms and statistical models includes constructing a "Science and Engineering of Intelligent Machines" [11] The
model and training it against a set of training data to make Expert systems & software were the first ai based solutions
predictions. One form of model that has generated introduced to the sector of agriculture. In 1986, Lemmon
considerable attention is the artificial neural network (ANN). made a promising effort to create an expert system called
This style of the model was inspired by the interactions Comax (COtton Management eXpert). Lemmon, a pioneer in
between neurons in the brain, where a set of nodes is the field of AI in the agriculture sector, has developed a
interconnected and can transmit information to one another software named Gossym, which is microcomputer-friendly
[15]. ANNs have been used for a wide variety of applications, and supports the use of Comax. For the first time ever, the
Deep learning is a field in artificial intelligence focused on an expert system (Comax) was successfully combined with the
artificial neural network [16], which mimics the functioning computer model (Gossym) and simulated for the growth of
of human brains for data processing, and its mainly used for cotton crops [21].
object identification, speech recognition, language translation,
and decision making. the application of deep learning includes An expert system called “PRITHVI” based on fuzzy logic
self driving cars, computer vision and many more. has been built in Rajasthan, India [19]. The system was
designed especially for the soya beans crop. Agricultural
B. Robotics authorities, published literature and soybeans expert’s
Robotics is an interdisciplinary field of electronic, experiences and knowledge are gathered while designing this
mechanical, and computer science engineering [17]. Robotics system. Fuzzy logic was deemed to be a specialist in analysing
involves the conception, design, manufacturing, and the entire system and in providing farmers with advice.
operations of robots. Robots are machines that are developed
to perform complex actions. The goal of robotics is to design Following the expert systems, many other applications
an intelligent machine that can help humans in day-to-day life such as crop monitoring system, yield prediction, chatbots,
activities. These types of machines were designed and pest, disease detection and identification systems were
developed over the centuries. However, the first modern developed in agriculture sector.

IV. WHY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND ROBOTICS WORTH details regarding the type of harm that it could cause the plant,
CONSIDERING IN AGRICULTURE? and also the available precautions and solution to overcome
the harm [27]. This smartphone-based AI applications could
In agriculture and food production, the GeSI study
warn the farmers and speed up the diagnosis while preventing
[22] describes possible empowering results of AI enabled
potential outbreaks of pests and diseases.
technology that could see environmental benefits such as a
30% rise in crop yields, a reduction of more than 300 billion
liters of water usage and a reduction in oil consumption by 25
million barrels per year by 2030According to another research
conducted by PwC, AI could add $232 billions to UK’s GDP
by 2030 [23]. Every industry must change overtime. The
agriculture sector had to adapt the breakthroughs an
innovation that had taken place in the field of automation. AI
and Robotics drives production in our existing farming
practices to maximize production and minimize waste without
adversely impacting the environment [12].
Intelligent farming is focused on automated decision
making [24] to ensure resource productivity, enhance
produced quality, crop protection, ecological sustainability,
reduce cultivation expenses, raise market share, increase
profitability, and maintain the workforce [8]. Robotics and AI Fig. 1. Smartphone app for Plant disease and pest identification and
systems are in a position to assist farmworkers in carrying out detection
crop-growing activities, to predict agricultural outputs over a
few months in advance for the next few preparation actions B. Target spraying of pesticides
combined with digital agriculture technologies [12] .In Pesticides may pollute land, water-bodies, vegetation and
agriculture, robotics and precision farming technology other crops if they are used excessively. Other than harming
typically contribute to the use of fewer agrochemicals and pests or weeds, pesticides can be toxic to different animals,
fertilizers as a result of targeted systems delivering the right including birds, fish, beneficial insects such as bees and non-
amount in the right place and in the right time[4]. target organisms or plants [28].
The adoption of robotic technology into agriculture could Advancement in Robotic and AI has opened the doors to
lead to a new improvement in labour productivity. Through new possibilities. Using these system, it is possible to spray
imitating or extending human abilities, robots overcome the pesticides and insecticides accurately and precisely on the
significant human limitations including the need to work in harmful pests only without harming plants or other beneficial
challenging agricultural conditions. Robotics and automation insects. Drones are currently available for use in crop spraying
of agriculture can help to minimise shortages in both the year- applications and provide an ability to automate, which
round and seasonal labour markets. These innovations offer a replaces some labour-intensive activities. The combination of
high potential for improved agricultural production [4]. the sensors, the GPS, and the laser on the board helps the drone
Agriculture is a dynamic sector, the problems in agriculture change the position and the spraying harvest easily and adjust
are not generalised by AI and robotics based approach, and a the spray rate according to the field's height, wind speed,
specific solution is provided to a particular complex problem geology topography [29].
V. APPLICATIONS OF AI AND ROBOTICS IN AGRICULTURE AND The robotic rovers, which can move autonomously in the
THEIR CURRENT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTS agriculture fields, are fitted with image sensors and cameras
and actuators. These sensors can capture the images of the
A. Plant disease and pest identification and detection crops. The images are used as input for the deep learning
Plant or crop diseases, and insect infestation are one of the neural network model, which identifies the pest or harmful
severe worry for the farmer, as these could lead to a significant insects in the field, and can activate the actuators that control
reduction in the harvest and income [25]. To manually identify the pesticide sprayers to precisely target the pest on which
diseases and the pest at the early stage requires the substantial pesticide is to be sprayed.
knowledge and experience for any person, and the prediction
may not always be correct. The improvement in the field of
machine learning (ML) in artificial intelligence made it
relatively easy and fast to identify these diseases and pest’s at
an early stage. The prediction model is created by an artificial
neural network trained on a massive dataset of images of plant
disease and pest’s. Thus the model learns about the plant
disease and pests, and becomes very good at predicting it
By using a smartphone app which is powered by the
machine learning model. The user captures the image of the
plant and feeds it as the input for the AI model to predict , the
model classify plant diseases and the pest’s by appearance
and visual symptoms of the plant. After identification, It
provides the information regarding the diseases or the pest’s, Fig. 2. Pesticide spraying Drones

C. Precision weeding robot and productivity without the intervention of a significant
weed is a plant which is unwanted in agriculture farms, amount of human resources, by detecting water levels, soil
which grows alongside the food crops [30]. Weeds are temperature, nutrient quality, and weather forecasting.
harmful to the food crops in many ways, damages caused by Automatic irrigation device are placed in the farm-field using
the weeds are significant such as the reduction in crop yield, wireless drip irrigators, tools such as fertility sensors and soil-
increasing the cultivation cost, reduction in crop quality, also PH sensors are installed to assess soil fertility-rate by
weed harbours pests, insects and other diseases for the crop, detecting the percentage of primary ingredients of soil such as
and the weed consumes more water and restricts the water potassium, phosphorus. This approach maintains soil
consumed by the food crops[31]. composition and fertility and ensures the optimal utilisation of
water supplies.
According to the research conducted by Thomas K.
Pavlychenko [32], a pioneer in weed experimentalist on weeds
found that the competition between the weeds and food crops
for water and nutrition starts at the root, where their roots
overlap with each other and restrict the water consumption by
the food crops.
Weed picking is one of the most labour intensive and time-
consuming process. Numerous approaches for automating the
weeding process have been developed after decades of study
and development. The critical problems are to distinguish
between crop and weed, and identifying the position of the
weed. Computer vision is the technique most commonly used.
Studies differ in terms of crop or weed types, the complexity
of the visual environment and the sensors used[28].
Fig. 4. Automatic irrigation using IoT devices
The robots powered by AI has the potential to automate
this labour-intensive task. The robots are fitted with the E. Robotic harvesting
robotic arm and various other sensors and actuators. The
robots make use of deep learning, which enables it to identify Harvesting is the process of collecting or gathering of
different weeds and distinguish between weeds and the crop, ripened fruit or the crop from the agriculture farms.
by this the robot can precisely identify the weed and pick it Harvesting is one of the most labour intensive and time-
up without harming the crop. consuming activity of the growing season [35]. In order to
counter the impact of labour shortages, harvesting robots are
built and used. These robots usually use robotic arms and
image recognition to find and grab fruits. Research and
developments are undergoing in order to build robots capable
of identifying, recognising and deciding whether the fruit is
ripe for harvesting and harvesting without damaging.
The gathering of the fruits from arboraceous plants, shrubs
or herbaceous is a challenging task to robots. However,
several robots have been developed, implemented and
assessed for strawberry, tomato, asparagus, cucumber, lettuce,
mushroom, orange and many others. For the development of
robotic harvest systems, fruit identification and localization
are very important.
In general, stereo camera and a robot arm were fitted in the
Fig. 3. Weed picking robot harvest robot. Two main tasks are involved in the automated
harvesting of fruits by a robot are, (1) identification of fruit
D. Irrigation and localization on trees using computer vision with a sensor,
The agricultural industry uses 70% of the world's available (2) movement of the robot arm to the location of the detected
freshwater sources [33]. Moreover, with the growth of fruit and fruit harvest by the end effector without disturbing
population , the food demand is growing. Which forces us for the target fruit and its tree [36].
the need to establish more effective solutions to make sure the The use of deep neural networks has also contributed to
proper usage of water supplies for irrigation. Automatic water the creation of new object detectors for example, Faster
supply scheduling techniques replaced manual irrigation Region-based Convolutional Neural Networks (Faster R-
based on soil water measurement. Plants water requirement CNN) which have been used for fruit detection and
relied on different atmospheric parameters such as moisture in identification [37].
the air, speed of the air, radiation from the sun, and even crop
factors such as growth rate, soil composition, soil conditions,
and disease were taken into consideration when implementing
autonomous irrigation systems [34].
The main goal of developing such autonomous system is
to reduce the usage of resources and increase the efficiency

decisions and management are usually web-based software
applications that incorporate predictive analytics and machine
learning algorithms. Companies such as Granular [40] and
FarmLogs [41] offer a series of web applications for collecting
and reviewing data to produce predictions and
recommendations. This software allows growers to make
decisions that will help them track and manage costs, plan
production and make informed decisions.
Using predictive analytics and machine learning,
companies such as Agrilyst and Farmers Business Network
[42] can provide farmers with tools for decision-making on
crop production to improve yields. These tools often capture
data from various sources such as drone-mounted multi-
spectral cameras, satellite imagery and other sensors [12].
Fig. 5. Harvesting Robot

F. Robotic seeding or sowing system

Sowing is the planting process. The procedure of casting
handfuls of seeds over prepared soil is hand sowing or
planting. A drag or harrow is typically used to incorporate the
seed into the soil. This technique is still used in some cases,
even though it is labour-intensive. To sow evenly and at the
desired rate practice is required [38].
For the implementation of the robotic seeder, many robots
were designed and tested. A seeding system was developed
using a reciprocal cell plate, the robot draws the coated seeds
into a tray, where each cell fits a matching aperture. The Fig. 7. Farming applications
working rate of this system was four times greater than that of
manual operation and there were relatively few seeding errors H. Pollination robot
[39]. Another autonomous agriculture robot prototype has At present, pollination is done by animal pollinators. It is
been designed by Naik and team of researchers where the only estimated that one-third of all food consumed by humans is
human input is the distances between grain rows and crops, the result of these pollinators, which are biotic agents that
the robot utilizes IR sensors to Identify plant row [39]. transfer pollen, such as honey bees, moths, butterflies, other
Automation of this operation is essential in greenhouses, as bees and birds. Food production is decreasing due to a
many cultivated plants need regular and major planting dwindling number of natural pollinators, these natural
procedures due to their high plant density and limited life pollinators are deciding in population due to current
cycle [37]. agriculture practices such as improper use of pesticides and
insecticides [43]. In order to to reduce its impact on ecological
relationships, ecosystem conservation and stability, the
research and developments are being carried out to develop a
robot pollinator.
For future precision farming, pollination carries out to be
one of the core tasks, which is the transfer of pollen from one
flower to another [44] . When large-scale pollination is
required for sustainable agriculture, such as field crops,
orchards or commercial seed production, new technologies
need to be explored in order to overcome the shortage of
natural pollinators.
A robotic micro-air vehicle (MAV) [45] pollinator (MPr)
Fig. 6. Seed sowing robot is one of the new solutions, which is the autonomous
pollination system using robotic micro air vehicles with
G. Farming applications flapping wings. Each robotic swarm of MAV is managed by
the central control system (CCS) via wireless signal
Farming applications are web or mobile applications
connections. Real-time field data, such as crop and flower, are
which covers a wide range of devices and the sub-categories
collected by cameras and other sensors (e.g. thermal sensors)
include voice, data, network and connectivity technologies. In
to the CCS. Intelligent CCS produces control signals. The
the mid-2000s, the wave of application growth was catalysed,
system is designed using computational intelligence (CI) [43].
and gained considerable traction at the beginning of 2010s,
reshaping how the world grows and feeds.
A variety of software’s, techniques and services were
developed to bring more data and efficiency into the
agriculture sector. Applications designed to help farm-related

Fig. 8. Pollination robot

I. Crop monitoring
Advanced sensors and imaging technologies have given Fig. 10. Chatbot for farmers
farmers with several different methods to improve yield
production and decrease crop damages. New drones mounted VI. CHALLENGES FOR WIDE ADOPTION
sensors with high definition cameras are the farmer's eyes in The fact that the agricultural industry has a long history of
the sky for an optimum survey, data collection and analysis intensive labour might influence the way farmers approach
procedures. These techniques are continuously being automation. Few initial experiments in automatic irrigation
developed and tested. The aerial robot is a human pilot-free and drone delivery of seed-related materials suggest that it is
aircraft. This type of robots can be controlled wirelessly by a highly mechanised and in unpredictable environments,
human flight controller or independently operated under on- farmers will continue to choose human control over machines
board computer control (Unmanned air vehicle). These robots in order to maintain control.
are popularly known as drones [46], which are designed in a
variety of types using various technologies to fly them. Agricultural production practices differ from developed
countries and developing countries in terms of usage of
The data collected by the drones allow farmers to technology and machinery for production [4]. These
understand crop diseases, pests, nutritional deficiency, excess technology gap leads lower production per given area in
or lack of water and additional factors which may influence developing countries compared to the developed countries.
growth of the crop [8]. In the agricultural world, the use of meaning that, in order to produce a unit of crop yield the
aerial surveys is not new. Satellites were used to inspect large number of workers required in a developing country is
fields of cropland and forests for over a relatively long lime, significantly higher than that of developed country.
but with the use of Drones, a new degree of precision and
versatility is achieved[11]. On the one hand, the high labour intensity of agriculture
makes it unsuitable for widespread use of robot systems, so
the widespread adoption of such systems is unlikely.
On the other hand, farmers might not be able to always
rely on robots. Robots have difficulty performing the tasks
they were created to perform. In some cases, robots will have
to be regularly restarted for repairs. They require continuous
electricity, and there are no reliable sources of power in
remote areas.
With technical developments in AI and Robotics,
computers or robots operating alongside humans or for
humans have started to work on their own. So the way humans
live and work now and tomorrow is profoundly changing. As
Fig. 9. Crop monitoring drone one of the participants in smart agriculture, along with the 4th
Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0 [48], AI and Robotics
J. Chat bot for farmers could contribute to job losses in future farming [43].
Chatbots are nothing but virtual conversational assistants Furthermore, the demand for robotics itself generates new
jobs, such as robot repair and robot maintenance.
that simplify end-user experiences [47]. Together with
machine learning techniques, AI-driven chatbots have helped VIII. ECONOMIC IMPACT
us to understand natural language and communicate with users
From the economic perspective, AI and Robotic provide
in a more personalised way. This facility is specifically
high efficiency and better production quality, which will
designed for agriculture in order to help farmers for obtain
potentially lead to improving crop productivity. These
answers to their unanswered questions, and also to provide innovations would have the greatest impact on large, relatively
advise and crop-specific information [34] . low productivity sectors of the economy, such as Agri-Food.

The UK Agri-Food chain, from primary agriculture to played a dominant role in the development of various
retail, produces more than £108 billion p.a., with 3.7 million application in the agriculture sector. For example, Plant
workers in a genuinely multinational market generating £20 disease and pest identification and detection system using ai
billion in exports in 2016 [49]. According to the research powered smartphone application, Target spraying of
conducted by PwC, AI could add $232 billion to the UK’s pesticides robots, Precision weeding robot, smart irrigation
GDP by 2030 [12]. alongside increasing economy, Robotic using of IoT devices, Robotic harvesting system and many
and AI would also help to attract skilled workers and more. The transition from labour-intensive to advanced
graduates to the agriculture sector. technology in agriculture tend to accelerate int the upcoming
years and will give rise to new growth possibilities and
IX. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT creative business models, with a range of creative offerings in
AI and Robotics would have major environmental the sector.
benefits. For example, the food chain uses 18% of UK energy
consumption [50]. The agriculture sector, a massive consumer REFERENCES
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