ERP Terminology

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1. Master: Permissions are not align with Role.

Divisional head is not allowed to delete

project as per Master configuration but Divisional head can delete project.

2. Work Order:
1. All calculations should be based on the work order start date and Work order end date.
Calculations should be start from wok order start date no matter if its weekend.
2. Work Order list should have following fields
a. Work Order No
b. Department Name
c. Empanelment No
d. Work Order Source
e. Work Order Amount
f. Total Revenue
g. Profit/Loss Amount
h. Profit Loss %
i. Stage
j. Status

3. Employee List:
If Candidate is deactivated, there is option to activate the candidate.

4. Add Employee:
While adding salary breakup of candidate I can enter any salary, it should be check with
empanelled level rate.

5. Employee Allocation:
This module is not working as per process.
a. If employee is allocated on any project and either release or project close. Employee
is not available to allocate on any other project.

6. Payroll:
There should be provision to upload single mpr of project.
1. System should allow to enter attendance project wise,
1. Let’s assume in the month of April 24 salary of 4 projects due to process.
a. System will show data of all employees allocated in this project to enter the
salary details.
b. We received salary details of only 2 projects only and we need to process this
but current functionality force us to add details of all 4 projects to process
2. Generate Salary:
a. This should have also same functionality like in payroll, system should allow us
to generate salary based on the project. Functionality should allow us to choose
all projects or any specific projects.
7. Employee should be able to download
a. I –Card
b. Salary Slip
c. ESI Card

Issue 1

In Rate Card Source, Same Empanelment no can be added multiple time.

Issue 2

As per the screen shot I am trying to add salary days for the Month of Jan but system allow me to
enter value not greater than 30

Issue 3:

After uploading the MPR it still show MPR pending.

Issue 4

It shows MPR Pending

Issue 5

Issue 6 you can De-Activate employee but there is no option to Activate.

Issue 7

In this section billing period is from 27 Aug to 31 Aug, total 5 days but system is not accepting
Sunday as working days.

Issue 8:

We can make changes in Approved financials and project status remain approved.

Issue 9:

We can make changes in Employee CTC once it get approved

Issue 10

Once an employee complete one life cycle it will not get attached in another work order.

Issue 11:

Management of Expired Project

Issue 12:

If there is any changes in Project Module, Employee Allocation, Employee Salary if require Approval.

Issue 13
In Rate Card Source “Empanelment No” should be unique

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