Navarro Bringas 和 Godawatte - 2022 - Shedding light on the efforts into the rehabilitat

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Energy & Buildings 266 (2022) 112119

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Shedding light on the efforts into the rehabilitation of a major culprit of

carbon emissions: A scientometric analysis of net-zero in the built
environment sector
Eduardo Navarro Bringas ⇑, Godawatte Arachchige Gimhan Rathnagee Godawatte
Institute for Sustainable Building Design, The School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Recent global commitments towards net-zero 2050 have resulted in an increased interest within a num-
Received 7 December 2021 ber of industries. The built environment has been identified as a major culprit contributing to the ongoing
Revised 6 March 2022 complex problem of carbon emissions. In an attempt to reveal the efforts, put into alleviating this chal-
Accepted 15 April 2022
lenge, this paper aims to provide a comprehensive, quantitative analysis of the literature on net-zero (en-
Available online 21 April 2022
ergy and GHG emissions) in the built environment over the last two decades. In this study, well-
established bibliometric and scientometric techniques are deployed to map the scientific domains by
developing and analysing the resulting co-citation and keyword co-occurrence network developed from
GHG emissions
the bibliometric data from 1934 peer-reviewed articles retrieved from the SCOPUS database.
Built environment The most significant contributions in net-zero research have originated primarily from UK, USA, and
Bibliometric analysis China. The results of the network analysis identified seven foundational themes of research - greenhouse
Network analysis gas emission, deep decarbonisation, earth material, residential building, high-rise building, displacement,
Decarbonisation ventilation, and walling element. The burst analysis revealed how a number of emerging digital technolo-
LCA gies in the sector present opportunities to optimise future developments towards the attainment of a net-
Embodied emissions zero emission-built environment. To address the complexity associated with emissions caused by the
Operational emissions
built environment, the findings suggest that there is a need to expand the current LCA assessments to
a broader, industry-wide scale, beyond the predominant ‘single building case study’ as the unit of refer-
ence. Moreover, the national net-zero pathway studies should aim to extend beyond the operational
emission scenarios, and into assessing the impacts on materials and embedded emissions, which has
grown exponentially.
Crown Copyright Ó 2022 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction sequent net-zero 2050 targets are planetary boundaries [3] and are
imposed in a top-down manner. This contrasts with previous
The potential damage that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions can bottom-up efforts that have focused on available technology and
cause on Earth’s climate and ecosystems have been widely dis- financial feasibility over recent decades set by governments to
cussed. After the Paris climate conference [1] representatives from limit the environmental impact [4]. While this is a global challenge
196 countries pledged to limit global warming to 1.5 °C, which that pertains to several economic sectors, according to the recently
requires commitment towards net-zero carbon by 2050. Moreover, published report [5], emissions associated with building and con-
the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) struction account for 38% of the total worldwide emissions
report [2] highlights the importance of limiting the global temper- (slightly over 13.5 Gigatons CO2eq.). Of which, 10 GTs are associ-
ature increase to 1.5 °C from pre-industrial levels to prevent irre- ated with operational energy (73%) while 3.5 Gts (27%) are associ-
versible changes to the Earth’s climate and ecosystems. However, ated with the embodied carbon related to construction processes
achieving 1.5 °C requires a substantial reduction of 45% on GHG and materials. Therefore, significant attention on the built environ-
emissions from 2010 levels by 2030. The ongoing climate emer- ment and construction-related emissions is of prime importance if
gency has thus imposed a global target, the 1.5–2.0 limits and sub- the aforementioned global targets are to be achieved.
The original concept of ‘net-Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB)’
emerged in the late 2000 s to refer to an energy generation-use bal-
⇑ Corresponding author.
ance over the life cycle of a building [6]. Considering the net-zero
E-mail address: (E. Navarro Bringas).
0378-7788/Crown Copyright Ó 2022 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
E. Navarro Bringas and Godawatte Arachchige Gimhan Rathnagee Godawatte Energy & Buildings 266 (2022) 112119

emissions, the definition also refers to achieving a balance in emis- the selection of reviewed studies is limited in scope as it excludes
sions originated by the material production, construction activities, those with alternative research designs. On the other hand, sys-
usage and decommission of a facility. The EN 15978:2011 standard tematic reviews feature the review of findings and results from
[7] provides a well-accepted scope of what activities are consid- several articles around a common topic. Examples of this type of
ered as part of the life cycle of a building (Fig. 1). While a common review include those published by Dixit et al. [8] - study determin-
scope might have been agreed upon, several challenges remain ing key factors determining LCA impact, or the review of existing
concerning the assessment of emissions related to the built envi- assessment approaches [16,17] or government standards [4]. These
ronment. The first issue is determining the system boundaries of types of studies, often feature a focused theme and a qualitative
zero emissions, which are dynamic and interactive over time. As evaluation of the given sample. As a result, these studies can be
a result of the number of boundaries to be considered, which impacted by a subjective bias, limited reliability, and a lack of
included amidst its boundaries: the building life cycle, policy time- reproducibility [18,19]. Instead, the bibliometric review toolkit
frames, stakeholders, or institutional boundaries [8], net-zero car- provides means for the quantitative analysis of large samples of
bon buildings should be considered complex sociotechnical papers, where replicability can be ensured given a clear process
systems [9]. Moreover, a review of country regulations by Satola for the retrieval of the articles included in the analysis. The scien-
et al. [4] indicates how the lack of transparency and the different tific domain of the net-zero buildings and construction only fea-
approaches to define net-zero and climate neutrality have con- tured the bibliometric study conducted by Zeng and Chini [20]
tributed to the aforementioned complexity. Net-zero emissions, featuring research around embodied energy in buildings until
however, does not indicate that GHGs are not being emitted, but 2015. However, the study is limited in capturing the full scientific
rather that these are offset throughout the life cycle [10]. Lützk- domain, with a sample size of only 398 articles and limited in cov-
endorf & Frischknecht [10] identify 4 approaches in which net- ering articles related to GHG emissions associated with the con-
zero GHG emissions can be achieved; 1) a net-balance approach struction sector.
by generating a higher share of clean energy than used, 2) through Therefore, the aim of this paper is to investigate the published
economic compensation or offsetting by purchasing CO2eq. certifi- peer-reviewed literature on net-zero carbon and energy in the
cates for GHG, 3) through technical reduction and use of carbon built environment during the period of 2000 to 2022 through a
storage solutions that can offset GHG, and 4) the absolute zero scientometric study. For this, first, the bibliometric data of peer-
approach where all operations associated with the building life reviewed papers published over the last decades are retrieved.
cycle are climate neutral. While research efforts around the assess- Utilising the bibliometric data retrieved, co-citation and keyword
ment of the energy and emissions linked to the built environment co-occurrence networks are developed, which are subsequently
have been extensive, a systematic review of the development of analysed using a range of scientometric analysis techniques and
the scientific field has the potential to reveal gaps and emerging metrics. Lastly, the resulting clusters are discussed in relation to
opportunities that can be levered to achieve the pledges set by the seminal areas and emerging trends that have shaped the
the net-zero 2050 agenda. domain over the last two decades, and further recommendations
According to Donthu et al. [11], three review methodologies are for research and practice in the field are provided.
common: 1) systematic reviews, 2) meta-analysis and 3) biblio-
metric reviews. Within the’zero emissions built environment’ sci-
entific domain, several seminal papers can be found that can be
characterised by the former two approaches. On one hand, meta- 2. Research methodology
analysis studies enable the evaluation and interpretation of empir-
ical evidence within a field of research quantitatively. Meta- The present study utilises a science mapping method to analyse
analysis reviews have been a major contributor to the develop- literature related to net-zero emissions in the construction sector.
ments within the field [12,13,14,15]. However, a major limitation A scientometric study offers the opportunity to visualise and anal-
of meta-analyses is that they are only feasible when the empirical yse a scientific domain using established graph/network represen-
evidence reviewed shares a homogeneous and comparable tations and metrics. The method aids deploy traditional
methodology, such is the case with the LCA case study which has bibliometric tools, metrics, and data to recognise potential scien-
been the prevalent methodology within these studies. As a result, tific trends and patterns in the literature [11]. The research
methodology has been structured to comprise the following

Fig. 1. Life cycle systems boundary. Adapted from EN 15,978 (2011).

E. Navarro Bringas and Godawatte Arachchige Gimhan Rathnagee Godawatte Energy & Buildings 266 (2022) 112119

stages: data retrieval, scientometric analysis (i.e., modelling, visu- analysis was undertaken. First, the two networks used for the anal-
alisation, and computation of metrics) and discussion of findings. ysis were constructed: a co-citation network and a keyword co-
occurrence network. Co-citation networks are used to identify
2.1. Data retrieval seminal research contributions within a field of study as well as
to determine foundational themes that have shaped the scientific
The first step pertained to the identification of keywords and domain [11]. In co-citation networks, references included in the
search terms to be used for the bibliometric data retrieval. The key- bibliographies of retrieved papers are represented as nodes in the
words used in the paper were selected following the system network, while the coupling (i.e., links) between these nodes
boundaries commonly agreed upon in recent net-zero energy and occurs when two references are shared across two papers in the
carbon initiatives in the built environment. As shown in Fig. 1, sample (Fig. 3). Meanwhile, co-occurrence networks centre around
the life cycle emissions associated with buildings are commonly the themes in the articles, as exemplified by the author keywords.
linked to three primary stages, embodied, operational and end of Co-occurrence networks are common in previous scientometric
life [7], hence, the terms were included as keywords in the study. studies [20,19] as they focus on the written content and offer the
Moreover, recent guidelines developed by the International Energy basis for mapping trends and themes across a timespan within a
Agency (IAE) [4], which aim to expand guidance such as that of the scientific field [11]. Keyword co-occurrence networks are formed
EN 15978:2011 standard, have also introduced terms and strate- by initially identifying the author keywords within the sampled
gies related to the attainment of a climate-neutral built environ- papers. Keywords are represented as nodes in the network, while
ment, such as’decarbonisation’ and’offsetting’. These search terms the links are formed based on the keyword co-occurrences across
are also consistent with recent national initiatives around net- papers. If these co-occurrences occur across multiple papers, the
zero carbon-built environment [5,21,22], therefore, resulting in links will reflect these events through a higher weight (Fig. 3). In
the final selection of the terms for the search undertaken as shown this analysis, a thesaurus was developed and applied to merge
in Fig. 2. duplicated terms within the analysis [24]. For example, these
For this study, SCOPUS was selected as the database for the data duplicates include terms written with British or American spelling
collection. SCOPUS and Web of Science (WoS) are the two primary (e.g., Decarbonization-Decarbonisation) or plural/singular wording
databases considered when conducting bibliometric studies [19]. (e.g., Building-Buildings).
They both provide a comprehensive curated database of peer- The networks were developed using CiteSpace, a well-
reviewed articles and papers, which includes coverage of the most established bibliometric analysis software [24]. Once both net-
relevant academic journals. While past coverage is often touted as works have been created, enrichment techniques are available to
a strength of WoS, in comparison, SCOPUS provides a wider sample further analyse these networks [11]. VOSViewer was used for the
of recent sources [23]. Due to the recency of the topic and search visualisation of the final networks [25]. CiteSpace was deployed
parameters featured in this study, which focused on papers pub- to compute the enrichment metrics and analysis. These include a
lished after 1999, SCOPUS was selected to collect the bibliometric keyword burst analysis, clustering analysis, and the computing of
data. The search timespan has also included recently peer- network’s centrality metrics.
reviewed and accepted articles, including those pending publica-
tion in 2022. Fig. 2 displays the terms and iterations followed to fil- 2.3. Scientometric analysis: Enrichment metrics
ter the journal articles included in the final analysis. The
bibliometric data of the 1934 articles were retrieved on the 18th 2.3.1. Network centrality metrics
of October 2021. [11 24]. Network centrality metrics serve to determine the most influ-
Finally, following Donthu et al.’s [11] recommended procedure ential nodes within a network, which in bibliometric studies might
for bibliometric studies, the dataset was cleaned of duplicates and represent publications, authors, or keywords. Several centrality
erroneous entries utilising the data processing feature available on metrics have been developed, each determining centrality and
CiteSpace [22]. As a result, the final analysis included bibliometric importance of a node differently [26,27,11]. Within this study, nor-
data of 1810 articles. malised degree centrality, betweenness centrality and the Pager-
ank scores for the nodes are computed. Degree centrality refers
2.2. Scientometric analysis: Constructing the networks to the number of links that a node has, this means how connected
it is to other nodes in the network. The normalised degree central-
After an initial performance analysis showcasing basic descrip- ity will result from dividing the degree centrality results for each
tive statistics related to the data retrieved, the main bibliometric node by the maximum links possible within the network (i.e., total

Fig. 2. Data retrieval process and search terms used.

E. Navarro Bringas and Godawatte Arachchige Gimhan Rathnagee Godawatte Energy & Buildings 266 (2022) 112119

Fig. 3. Process of developing the networks from the bibliometric information.

nodes – 1). Meanwhile, betweenness centrality computes the num- 2.3.3. Burst analysis
ber of shortest paths that go through a given node. This refers to Finally, a burst analysis on the keyword co-occurrence network
the nodes with a higher betweenness centrality are part of the is computed to determine the trends and key themes over time.
greatest number of shortest paths across other nodes in a network. Burst detection accounts for the frequency of words over time,
As a result, a high betweenness indicates that a node (articles/au- highlighting statistically significant fluctuations across the time
thor) has the role of ‘‘brokers” of information within a network. span of the analysis (between 2000 and 2022) detecting sudden
This is high betweenness nodes are central actors in connecting and significant surges on keywords over shorter year multi-year
other nodes, thus highlighting their significance within the net- periods [29]. Burst analysis has previously been used to identify
work. Finally, PageRank scores identify the prestige of a publication trends and emerging themes over time, aiding in the interpretation
based on how it connects to other relevant publications [28]. A and mapping of scientific trends in the domain being analysed
publication with a high PageRank score is deemed as a ‘‘must cite” [31,19].
among other influential publications on the field. Within this
study, the centrality measures are used to identify seminal papers
within the scientific domain analysed. 3. Results

3.1. Bibliometric results

2.3.2. Clustering
The approach to clustering in CiteSpace is based on the hard- The bibliometric performance analysis of the final sample of
clustering approach [29]. This is, the nodes included in each cluster articles (n = 1934) retrieved from SCOPUS revealed how the scien-
are not shared across clusters (i.e., each node is unique to a clus- tific domain of net-zero carbon in the construction sector has
ter). Clusters are determined through the application of the spec- grown gradually over the past 20 years. As seen in Fig. 4, this
tral clustering algorithm [30], increasingly common within graph growth has been rather exponential from 2017 onwards. This
theory for its flexibility and efficiency in comparison with tradi- might reflect global pledges agreed upon in the Paris Climate Con-
tional clustering algorithms. Once the clusters are determined ference (COP 21).
the silhouette (S) is computed, which serves to estimate the uncer- When observing the outlets in which the sampled articles are
tainty involved in identifying the nature of each of the clusters. featured (Fig. 5), unsurprisingly, Energy and Buildings and Building
Once defined, the Latent Semantic Index (LSI), a traditional co- and Environment, 1st and 3rd respectively, published a large pro-
occurrence-based document indexing method and the Log- portion of the research undertaken in the domain. This is followed
likelihood ratio (LLR) algorithm are used to identify the key con- by more generalist outlets (i.e. non-built environment specific)
cepts/sentences that are used as labels for the clusters [29]. The such as the Journal of Cleaner Production, Sustainability or Applied
LLR approach is preferred in bibliometric studies as it offers the Energy. Being featured in these journals might be linked to the
best results in coverage and uniqueness of labels by assessing the impact that the built environment has on global climate change,
best fit between two competing clusters based on the ratio of their which accounts for a 38% of the global GHG emissions [5]. Finally,
likelihoods [24]. when looking at the origins by country (Fig. 6), the majority of the
E. Navarro Bringas and Godawatte Arachchige Gimhan Rathnagee Godawatte Energy & Buildings 266 (2022) 112119

Fig. 4. NZC and NZE built environment-related publications retrieved by year.

Fig. 5. NZC & NZE built environment publications retrieved per outlet (greater than15 publications).

research is undertaken within ‘‘Global North” countries and China. network’s modularity, lower in comparison, suggests a compact
The dominance of articles in the UK, the USA, Australia and other morphology, with closely interrelated themes and clusters. More-
European countries might also be linked with the limitation of only over, the mean silhouette (S) score (values can range from 1 to
including research published in English. Meanwhile, research pub- 1), which accounts for the mean of the individual cluster’s silhou-
lished on Global South countries has primarily centred on India, ettes, is within recommended scores. The silhouette value indi-
the South-East Asia region, and the Middle East. Limited exposure cates the quality of the clusters, with values ranging between 0.6
of Latin America and the African region might be linked partially to and 0.9 indicating well defined and consistent clusters [29].
the language limitation previously mentioned.

3.3. Co-citation network analysis

3.2. Bibliometric network development
The resulting co-citation network formed using the co-citation
The characteristics of the resulting networks are summarised in ‘‘references” function in CiteSpace is presented in Fig. 7. As
Table 1. In terms of network size, both networks have a compara- explained in the methodology (Fig. 3), in co-citation networks
ble number of nodes, however, the co-occurrence network appears two referenced articles are coupled together when they are cited
denser, this is, a greater number of links connect the nodes within within two of the papers in the sample. As to limit the size of
the network. In terms of modularity, where values can range from the graph, the network was developed using the publication’s g-
0 to 1, the co-citation network score indicates a network with index, used to measure the impact of publications, and applying
clearly defined clusters. Meanwhile, the keyword co-occurrence a scale factor of k = 25 [32]. The resulting network’s configuration
E. Navarro Bringas and Godawatte Arachchige Gimhan Rathnagee Godawatte Energy & Buildings 266 (2022) 112119

Fig. 6. NZC & NZC built environment-related publications retrieved by country of origin (i.e. corresponding author’s affiliation).

Table 1 A low modularity would indicate that a network is compact, where

Summary of the characteristics of the resulting networks. all the nodes are strongly linked and relatively close to each other.
Type of Network (based on Co-citation Keyword co-occurrence Meanwhile, a higher modularity indicates that the network can be
source bibliometric data) Network network broken down into clear grouping, within these, nodes are intri-
Network Size Nodes = 927 Nodes = 742 cately connected, however, the relations between nodes across
Nodes and Links Links/Edges = 3135 Links/Edges = 6355 different groupings are weaker. Given the modularity score (Q =
Density = 0.0073 Density = 0.0231 0.7522) the clusters on the co-citation network are well defined,
Modularity (Q) Q = 0.7522 Q = 0.3689
as it can be seen within Fig. 7, where the clusters can be identified
Weighted Mean Silhouette S = 0.8706 S = 0.6888
Harmonic Mean 0.8071 0.4805 visually. The silhouette value indicates the consistency of the clus-
ters, with values of approximately 0.7 and 0.9 often indicating con-
sistent clusters in terms of the nodes included within them [29].
The weighted mean silhouette (S = 0.8706) indicates that the nodes
is formed by the most relevant 927 nodes, each representing a included in the different clusters are closely linked to each other.
references article, and 3135 links, coupling the articles as previ- Within the developed network, the largest 8 clusters are shown
ously explained. In terms of modularity, ranging from 0 to 1 (Fig. 7). The labelling presented is determined automatically by
provides insights into the structure/morphology of a network. CiteSpace through the computation of the log-likelihood ratio

Fig. 7. Co-citation network visualised by node relationship and clustering.

E. Navarro Bringas and Godawatte Arachchige Gimhan Rathnagee Godawatte Energy & Buildings 266 (2022) 112119

(LLR) algorithm [29]. Moreover, these clusters are visualised during is counted equally might ignore the potential influence of a paper
the timeline of the sample (i.e. 2000–2022) (Fig. 8), which reveals 3 on other key papers, while the Pagerank algorithm will account for
primary themes, that pertain to the top 3 clusters which also those influences [27]. The resulting compounded rank of a central-
include the most influential nodes/publications within. These top ity, prestige and citation count are used as the basis to determine
three seminal themes refer to LCA, Zero Energy Building (ZEB), the 25 most important articles within the field of net-zero emis-
and building material, which will be further discussed in the fol- sion construction/buildings (Table 2).
lowing sections. Keywords.
Finally, centrality metrics for the nodes included in the network
are computed. Moreover, using the bibliometric data available in
3.4. co-occurrence network analysis
SCOPUS, the citation counts of the analysed articles are also
included. Compounding the different metrics provides a more bal-
The keyword co-occurrence network was developed in CiteS-
anced rank that can overcome the limitations of each of the net-
pace using similar parameters (i.e., using the g index as the refer-
work metrics [11]. For example, citation counts, as each citation
ence with a scale factor of k = 25). The resulting network is

Fig. 8. Co-citation network organised by clusters and year of publication of references.

Table 2
References ranked by centrality and reputation metric resulting from the co-citation network.

Journal Paper (Reference) Page Rank PR Rank Normalised Degree Rank Scopus citation count Citation Rank Mean Rank
Degree Centrality
Sartori and Hestnes (2007) [13] 0.00107 1 0.0918 1 839 1 1
Ramesh et al. (2010) [33] 0.000888 2 0.0769 2 758 3 2.33
Cabeza et al. (2014) [16] 0.000615 4 0.0579 3 666 4 3.67
Hammond and Jones (2008) [34] 0.000709 3 0.0534 5 510 6 4.67
Dixit et al. (2010) [35] 0.000615 5 0.0552 4 435 10 6.33
Cole and Kernan (1996) [36] 0.000591 6 0.0492 6 361 12 8
Scheuer et al. (2003) [37] 0.000442 10 0.0384 10 520 5 8.33
Blengini and Di Carlo (2010) [38] 0.00046 9 0.0415 8 365 11 9.33
Monahan and Powell (2011) [39] 0.000545 7 0.0479 7 304 17 10.33
Fay et al. (2010) [40] 0.000468 8 0.0402 9 272 21 12.67
Ortiz et al. (2009) [41] 0.000388 18 0.0336 18 760 2 12.67
Thormark (2002) [42] 0.0004 15 0.0351 16 466 7 12.67
Chau et al. (2015) [43] 0.000402 14 0.0369 13 350 13 13.33
Gustavsson and Joelsson (2010) [44] 0.00042 11 0.0376 12 291 18 13.67
Venkatarama Reddy and Jagadish (2003) [45] 0.000404 13 0.0313 22 460 8 14.33
Dixit et al. (2012) [8] 0.000392 16 0.0365 14 289 20 16.67
Chastas et al. (2016) [46] 0.000405 12 0.0383 11 173 36 19.67
Basbagill et al. (2013) [47] 0.000363 22 0.0336 19 320 15 18.67
Thormark (2006) [48] 0.000389 17 0.0311 23 265 22 20.67
Huberman and Pearlmutter (2008) [49] 0.000383 19 0.0318 21 233 24 21.33
Crawford (2008) [50] 0.000366 21 0.0344 17 215 29 22.33
Chen et al. (2001) [51] 0.000368 20 0.0307 24 252 23 22.33
Asif et al. (2007) [52] 0.000338 27 0.0278 28 291 19 24.67
Blengini (2009) [53] 0.000315 28 0.0258 31 307 16 25
Adalberth (1997) [54] 0.000355 24 0.0298 25 223 26 25

E. Navarro Bringas and Godawatte Arachchige Gimhan Rathnagee Godawatte Energy & Buildings 266 (2022) 112119

comprised of 742 nodes representing keywords and 6355 links 4. Discussion

coupling these keywords as explained in Fig. 3. The network is
dense, with 8.5 average links between each node. In terms of mod- 4.1. Cluster analysis and discussion
ularity, a score of 0.3689 indicates that the network’s nodes are in
close proximity, where the identified clusters are intertwined From the clustering analysis, 7 primary clusters were identified
amidst each other. The compactness of the clusters and the overall (Table 3). The labelling of the resulting clusters is determined by
network can be observed in Fig. 9. This is the analysis that reveals computing the Latent Semantic Index (LSI) and Log Likelihood
quite uniform and closely interconnected themes in the ‘‘zero- Ratio (LLR). The labels obtained through the LLR, prioritised by pre-
carbon built environment” field. The average weighted silhouette vious research for achieving unique values, will be used as the
is moderately high, as shown by the Silhouette scores for the top basis for the discussion [24]. In terms of size, five of the identified
7 clusters identified in terms of size (Table 3). This indicates that clusters are comprised of more than 100 nodes, therefore, repre-
there is consistency across the nodes that form each of the identi- senting foundational themes within the scientific field. Meanwhile,
fied clusters. Moreover, the timeline of the network provides a clusters 5 and 6 are comparatively smaller, indicating that these
visual representation, where the top 5 clusters (i.e. IDs 0 to 4) are niche themes within the field. When observing the silhouette
appear to include the majority of the relevant keywords in the net- score the identified clusters possess a moderately high score, rang-
works (Table 3). ing optimal values between 0.564 and 0.896. According to Chen

Fig. 9. Keyword co-occurrence network visualised by node relationship and clustering.

Table 3
Summary of the top 7 clusters in the co-occurrence network by size.

ID Size Mean Year Silhouette Score Cluster dominant terms (Based on LLR) Cluster dominant terms (Based on LSI)
0 143 2010 0.689 greenhouse gas emission carbon emission
1 143 2015 0.564 deep decarbonisation residential building
2 129 2015 0.687 earth material life cycle assessment
3 126 2008 0.723 residential building case-study
4 108 2010 0.654 high-rise building environmental performance
5 56 2010 0.886 displacement ventilation energy analysis
6 21 2010 0.896 walling element energy efficiency

E. Navarro Bringas and Godawatte Arachchige Gimhan Rathnagee Godawatte Energy & Buildings 266 (2022) 112119

et al. [29], scores that range from 0.6 to 1 often lead towards con- to ground and air sourced heat pumps [63]. Moreover, within this
sistent clusters. Thus, indicating that the nodes included within cluster, there are also a set of papers that refer to the analysis of
each cluster are generally consistent. recent policies. Such is the case of Bauermann’s review [64] of Ger-
Another information resulting from the clustering pertains to many’s ‘‘Energiewende”. This review explores scenarios under the
the mean year, which indicates the average year of the publications shortcomings of the policy in achieving emission targets set for
from which the keywords that are included in each cluster. In this 2050, resembling the challenges and limitations of other fossil-
regard, the ‘‘residential building” cluster appears to be the one with fuel based heating markets, such as that of the UK [61].
keywords found in articles primarily published earlier in the time-
line (average publication year 2008), while the topics of ‘‘deep 4.1.3. Earth material cluster
decarbonisation” and ‘‘earth materials” seem to be the most recent While LCA as a term is widespread across multiple clusters, it
within the given sample with 2015 being the average year. This relates closely with construction material focused research, which
information can provide insights into how the field has evolved is primarily featured in this cluster. The earth material LLR naming
over the past two decades. of this cluster emphasises the importance of low carbon concrete
alternative materials, in particular, rammed earth [65,66], which
4.1.1. Greenhouse gas emission cluster is a major theme in the cluster. The studies also include other con-
Cluster 0 is amidst the largest in size and includes a wide range struction materials and cement alternatives such as natural
of papers within. The labelling associated with it refers to ‘‘green- hydraulic lime-based mortars [67], lime-hemp concrete [68 69].
house gas and carbon emissions”. Accordingly, one of the common Emerging research in this cluster is the investigation of the glo-
topics covered in these papers refers to the definition and scoping bal warming potential of different structural frames. These analy-
of these emissions. While as reviewed in recent papers the scope of ses include comparisons and discussions around steel frame
emissions associated with buildings has been defined and agreed structures’ global warming potential [70], comparisons between
within European Standards (EN 15978, 2012) the establishment steel and reinforced concrete [71] and with other materials such
of benchmarks (methodology, metrics, scope) encompass a signif- as timber [72]. In a few cases, the research explores scenarios to
icant proportion of papers in the cluster [55,4]. In this grouping, reduce embodied carbon associated with these through construc-
studies have also focused on defining the relevance of different tion innovation and construction stakeholder choices [73]. The lim-
building elements or phases in terms of emissions and environ- ited research undertaken on the impacts of material choices on
mental impact, an example of this type of research is Heeren achieving net-zero 2050 scenarios presents a stark contrast with
et al.’s study [56]. Within this cluster, several seminal reviews the previously discussed pathways and decarbonisation scenarios
which have analysed previously published cases are also featured centred around operational emissions.
Other articles influencing the keywords in this cluster have cen- 4.1.4. Residential building cluster
tred on defining and scoping the concept of ‘‘net-zero”, such as the The keywords contained in this cluster are derived from the ear-
case of Lützkendorf and Frischknecht [10], particularly scoping liest publications in the sample. Within the first decade (2000–
how the emissions balance can be achieved. On a similar note, is 2010), the LCA case study approach featuring a building, and in
not surprising to find research reviewing the perceptions around some cases several buildings emerge as prevalent within the clus-
carbon emissions associated with buildings in different contexts. tered articles. Early on the sample, the research context has been
Examples of this include Abeydeera et al.’s [58] study on the per- dominated by cases and studies undertaken on the ‘‘Global North”,
ceptions of the Sri Lankan industry and Bui et al.’s study of the case including seminal LCA case studies based in the US [74], Australia
of New Zealand [59]. Furthermore, it is still clear that benchmarks [75], New Zealand [76], and several European countries
and national standards for measuring and assessing carbon are still [52,39,77,78]. While this might result in an overrepresentation in
evolving and being defined, as recent standard reviews such as that the early years of life cycle energy and carbon analysis studies,
of Satola et al. [4] demonstrate. the sample of studies has broadened over the later decade into
‘‘Global South” countries that feature warmer and tropical climates
4.1.2. Deep decarbonisation cluster [79,80,81,82,83].
The deep decarbonisation of the electric grid, as well as the res- One of the benefits of having a well-established/gold-standard
idential and commercial sectors, required to meet the 1.5–2.0 °C methodology, such as the case with the case study LCA with the
targets set by the Paris Agreement, have sparked interest in recent building as the unit of analysis, is that it enables the undertaking
years. For example, Shimoda et al. [60] suggest that current energy of meta-studies and systematic reviews that yield key findings.
efficiency measures, together with efficient HVAC technologies can As a result, a number of articles have been published in recent
lead towards a net-zero energy scenario by 2050. Furthermore, the years focusing on the multitude of building typologies, such as
investment in solar PV in Japan and reduction on demand of heat- the comparison between conventional and highly efficient build-
ing, through low carbon technologies such as heat pumps or bat- ings [14,12], or by filtering studies based on specific climates
tery storage, can yield scenarios that achieve net-zero energy. In [15]. These studies have served to highlight trends and challenges
other countries such as the UK, pathways and scenario models for future years, such as highlighting the increasing impact, both
indicate major challenges due to the magnitude of fossil fuel- proportionally and in absolute terms, of embodied GHG emissions
based heating [61]. Often countries with such gas-based infrastruc- in highly efficient or near zero energy buildings.
ture might benefit from a combination of electrification and bio-
mass (or other low carbon emitter fuel) strategies. The case of 4.1.5. High-rise building cluster
decarbonisation in China [62] indicates challenging paths that The challenge of how tall configurations affect the overall per-
require an uptake and spread of heat pump heating and solar water formance of the building, as well as the surrounding environment,
heating need to be widespread in the commercial and residential have attracted the attention of the scientific domain over the last
sectors. Moreover, electrification of the grid also requires large decade [84,85]. Residential buildings, commonly, single-family
investments in geothermal and solar energies, 11 and 4.5 respec- detached homes and mid-rise buildings are the primary types of
tively from 2020 levels. Therefore, it is not surprising that studies building featured in the articles sampled. However, commercial
on low carbon heating technologies are also included within the buildings, which are largely featured in this cluster have also been
cluster, examples of these low carbon technologies refer primarily featured in relation to net-zero energy and carbon research
E. Navarro Bringas and Godawatte Arachchige Gimhan Rathnagee Godawatte Energy & Buildings 266 (2022) 112119

[86,79,87]. Within this cluster, the most common type of building Early keyword bursts in the sample featured topics related to
refers to office facilities, but other commercial facilities such as energy, such as embodied energy, conservation, and consumption.
hotels [88], educational buildings [37,89,90] and other large public This aligns with findings from recent critiques, whereas energy
buildings [91] can be encountered within the sample. In terms of efficiency has been the primary focus of research [14]. The focus
material performance, while steel and reinforced concrete frame of energy might also be explained by its prevalence on policy for-
buildings are the most common building elements featured in mulation due to the relatively straightforward process for measur-
the high-rise buildings within the sample [92,93,94,95], there are ing it, in comparison to GHG emissions, as well as in setting up
some emerging studies and cases featuring timber high-rise build- targets [4]. In relation to the scope, it is important to highlight that
ings [96]. Moreover, due to the potential benefits of sustainably ‘embodied energy’ appears as the most relevant keyword in the
grown timber in offsetting carbon emissions [72], studies that sample, with the highest strength burst strength score at 22.04.
address the feasibility of timber frame tall buildings are also From the 2010 s, the focus has started to switch from energy
emerging within this cluster [97]. assessment, both embodied and operational, towards assessing
greenhouse gas emissions and global warming potential. These
terms can be mapped to the global environmental agenda, match-
4.1.6. Niche cluster review
ing key recent commitments such as those defined under the Paris
The remaining clusters, while well defined in terms of consis-
Climate Agreement [1]. This has had a more apparent impact in
tency (with Silhouette scores over 0.8), are comparatively smaller
recent years (i.e., 2018–2022), where burst terms, such as decar-
in size (Table 3). Therefore, these clusters are representing more
bonisation (2020–2022) that emerges with a high strength score
niche research themes than those previously discussed.
(10.13), which seem to move the research agenda towards net-
Cluster 5, labelled ‘‘displacement ventilation”, includes research
zero carbon and climate neutrality in the construction sector. Par-
related to operational energy and performance of buildings in rela-
kin et al.’s [55] analysis of the potential for the design space for
tion to HVAC and heating systems, primarily through the investiga-
net-zero carbon vs net-zero energy, also seems to indicate that
tion of a range of benefits of low carbon technologies versus
the use of GHG emissions as outcomes offers 1.8 times larger
conventional heating technologies. These studies feature available
design space than simply focusing on energy. Thus, they suggest
heating technologies such as earth sourced heat pumps [98], ther-
that greenhouse gas emission focused codes and standards offer
mal storage or air sourced pumps [99]. To a lesser extent, cooling
objectively more opportunities for design developments in the
strategies which include displacement ventilation strategies are
future. Moreover, research shows how the strong emphasis and
also part of the cluster [100]. Renewables and electric energy gen-
gains achieved through the focus on operational energy have
eration are also amidst the themes explored within the cluster,
resulted in important advances in the reduction of operational
with solar PV being the primary technology researched
GHG emissions relatively and absolutely over the life cycle of
[101,102,103]. Some of these studies have also featured a strong
buildings. However, as Röck et al. [14] highlight embodied carbon
focus on the cost viability of these technologies, frequently featur-
has emerged as an escalating challenge, including in highly effi-
ing return on investment metrics or cost-saving calculations
cient buildings where it can account for up to 45–90% of the total
[99,100]. An emerging area of research in this cluster appears to
GHG emissions. When looking at the life cycle energy of buildings,
focus on larger-scale technologies as highlighted by recent studies
the increase of the relative proportion of embodied energy against
undertaken on district heating and cooling systems [104,105].
operational is a trend that has also been reported in previous
Cluster 6, labelled ‘‘walling element”, is comprised of themes
research ([12,16,46,15].
centred around material studies. However, unlike the strong focus
Within the context of embodied energy and carbon, construc-
on embodied energy and performance of frame elements that char-
tion material related studies have also been noticeable during
acterised cluster 2, studies in this cluster centre primarily on insu-
the period covered by the sample. As shown in Fig. 10, the spotlight
lation and building envelope material alternatives. They are also
of material research has been placed on concrete, where aggregates
characterised by studies that focus on assessing the thermal prop-
and concrete buildings are all featured in the analysis. This area
erties of these alternatives [106,107]. Beyond this broad walling
includes a variety of seminal studies determining the impact of tra-
element parameter, several masonry materials are also included
ditional reinforced concrete structures [111], as well as identifying
amidst the research featured in this cluster. For instance, research
impacts of different building systems such as walls or structural
assessing the life cycle impact of adobe bricks [108] or the perfor-
slabs [112,113]. Moreover, as highlighted in the clustering discus-
mance of sustainable bricks produced through sawdust and coal
sion, research on the performance and deployment of low-carbon
[109]. One commonality of these studies is the feature of a broader
alternatives to reinforced concrete - e.g., rammed earth
range of analysis that encompasses performance beyond emissions
([114,115,116] has also been an important theme over this period.
and energy assessment, including parameters such as compressive
The emphasis on structural frame related elements and systems,
strength [66,67], durability [110] or hygrothermal performance
such as exterior walls, core frame, foundations, and roof, might
appear justified as the impact of these in GHG emissions is com-
paratively larger than that of inner and surface materials (e.g., clad-
4.2. Burst analysis and discussion ding, insulations) [72]. Finally, in later years (2019–2022) timber-
related research and timber-framed buildings have risen to promi-
Using a burst detection algorithm, the keyword frequency burst nence within the low carbon/emission construction domain. The
over time was analysed and identified based on the keyword co- promise of sustainably grown timber on carbon sequestration over
occurrence network. The analysis was limited to keywords that its lifetime and as a possible alternative for obtaining a net-zero
experienced a burst over a period of at least three years. Figure 11 balance on emissions might explain this raise [72,10]. While the
showcases the top 25 keyword bursts based on the burst strength use of timber for building frames (including tall buildings) is the
over the timespan of the sampled papers (i.e., 2000 – 2022). The primary area of research, other low and net-zero carbon construc-
duration (years of the burst) is represented through the thicker tion applications, such as the use of timber-related materials in
red line. The resulting keyword burst analysis provides a solid walling insulation can also be identified [117].
overview of developments in the net-zero built environment Finally, the links with the domain and the digital built environ-
domain over the past two decades, as well as revealing emerging ment are also can also be observed within the burst analysis
areas for research. (Fig. 10). Early within the timeline, ‘‘computer simulation”
E. Navarro Bringas and Godawatte Arachchige Gimhan Rathnagee Godawatte Energy & Buildings 266 (2022) 112119

Fig. 10. Overview of the top 25 keywords resulting from the burst analysis.

appeared as a key term (2003–2009). This reflects on the different 5. Conclusions

software and tools used in simulation to estimate energy and car-
bon [118]. Within this theme, critical reviews [17,16] have also fea- Current CO2 eq. levels have surpassed a planetary boundary due
tured overviews of available simulation software, as well as to the anthropocentric emissions with potentially catastrophic
available material databases, including industry favourites such consequences for Earth ecosystems and climate that has safely
as’Ecoinvent’ which is used for life cycle inventory processes supported human development [3]. As a result, to mitigate further
[119]. While not appearing in the top 25 terms, the data manage- impacts global commitments to the target of ‘‘Net-zero emissions
ment and integration within building information modelling (BIM) 2050” have been agreed upon [2]. With over a third of the global
has also been an important focal point in the mid/late 2010 s GHG emission, the built environment, in its construction, operation
[120,94,91]. The use of BIM has facilitated the optimisation and and decommissioning, is a primary culprit of this problem. Conse-
integration of LCA data with other important parameters of build- quently, over the past few decades, scholars have conducted
ing design, in particular cost [121,122,123]. The evolution of BIM in research in assessing carbon and energy implications associated
recent years have led to the application of modern concepts such as with the built environment. This paper presented the first compre-
digital twins. BIM digital twins benefit from parametric design hensive scientometric study appraising the state-of-the-art net-
models and previous developments on simulation software, to zero carbon and energy research on the built environment using
explore different design and construction options and their 1934 bibliometric records published over two decades. The analy-
impacts over the life cycle [124,125,126]. This in combination with sis of the research publication trend revealed that the scientific
other automated technologies (e.g. scan to/vs BIM) has promising domain of net-zero carbon in the construction sector has grown
applications for net-zero building retrofits [127,128]. In more gradually over the past 20 years with the UK, USA, and China being
recent years, ‘‘artificial neural networks”, a common machine learn- the major contributors to the field showcasing the efforts put into
ing approach, has risen to prominence as shown by the analysis. In the rehabilitation of a major culprit of carbon emissions by schol-
this context, a few examples of artificial intelligence methods and ars in the past. When observing the outlets in which the sampled
applications have emerged, primarily as a way of optimising LCA articles were featured, Energy and Buildings, Journal of Cleaner Pro-
related outputs with other design parameters [129]. In this area, duction, and Building and Environment published a large proportion
generative design approaches seem prevalent, providing design of the research undertaken in the past 20 years.
recommendations and alternatives early in the process which opti- Rather than focusing on individual case studies and applica-
mise and minimise emissions associated with buildings [130,131]. tions, the main analysis undertaken within this paper focused on

E. Navarro Bringas and Godawatte Arachchige Gimhan Rathnagee Godawatte Energy & Buildings 266 (2022) 112119

generating a co-citation network, a keyword co-occurrence net- assets. Moreover, trends and applications on generative design
work, and a cluster analysis identifying the key articles/authors have the potential to influence design processes, by optimising
and the dominant terms/topics within the dataset. Seven major material and construction embodied carbon with performance
clusters - greenhouse gas emission, deep decarbonisation, earth data resulting from simulations and developed digital twins.
material, residential building, high-rise building, displacement,
ventilation, and walling element were identified from the cluster 5.3. Recommendation 3: Moving beyond the ‘energy-centred’
analysis representing foundational themes within the scientific towards ‘GHG emission-centred’ standards for building/infrastructure
field of net-zero carbon and energy and discussed in detail in the developments
paper. Further to this, the burst analysis revealed how a number
of emerging digital technologies in the sector present opportuni- While improvements on energy efficiency have been substan-
ties to optimise future developments towards the attainment of a tial over the last two decades, led by stringent national guidance
net-zero emission-built environment. regulating energy efficiency of buildings, with current efforts
The scientometric analysis and visualization of the findings pre- placed on the decarbonisation of national electric grids, current
sented in this paper reflect research on net-zero carbon and energy standards, regulations, and guidelines should expand in scope by
within the built environment and the emerging trends in the becoming centred on the whole life cycle emissions associated
domain on a global scale. The findings of the study, therefore, pro- with infrastructure and building projects. As a result, it would
vide a comprehensive agenda for leveraging and advancing net- serve to address the increasing relative and absolute embodied
zero research by shedding light on the existing body of literature, emissions highlighted in this review. These types of regulations
spotting trends and themes, and offering the following directions are further aligned with the top-down net-zero 2050 targets
for further research. pledged in the later decade [1]. Furthermore, emission related
guidelines, when compared to energy efficiency related guidelines,
5.1. Recommendation 1: Expanding the methodological toolkit to appear to provide further opportunities and a broader design
address the complexity associated with built environment related space, which might favour further innovations [55]. In addition,
emissions governmental action might also explore alternative measures such
as the implementation of whole life cycle GHG reduction targets
The scientometric analysis makes apparent the prevalence of and requirements for procurement and delivery of public infras-
LCA case studies as the dominant approach in the field. While this tructure projects.
has led towards key contributions and findings, as recent research
calls suggest [4] future studies should widen the scale of the unit of
analysis of emission assessments to the neighbourhood or even 5.4. Limitations of the study
city scale, a most appropriate unit to address the impact of the sec-
tor on global and national emissions. Similarly, national decarbon- Despite the contributions and concluding thoughts, the study
isation modelling should expand beyond operational emissions has several limitations. The primary limitation refers to the initial
and incorporate scenarios centred on the embodied GHG emis- keyword selection which is an inherent limitation of any biblio-
sions, which aim to influence and inform stakeholder decision- metric or review methods, as the scope of the analysis is defined
making. Given the complexity associated with achieving net-zero at these stages. To minimise potential bias towards the inclusion/
emissions [9,4] the addition of research methods developed to exclusion of search terms, commonly agreed keywords (with refer-
address complexity could be valuable. For instance, systems ence to standards and guidelines) were included as search terms.
approaches and simulation modelling techniques such as systems Second, the data retrieval has been undertaken through the SCO-
thinking and systems dynamics might provide future directions PUS database, which might have limitations in terms of coverage.
for research in the field. In contrast to more linear approaches, such Furthermore, the dataset was limited only to peer-reviewed jour-
as single building case studies, that focus on the individual attri- nal articles that were written in English, which resulted in the
butes of a problem, systems thinking focuses on the ‘‘whole”, exclusion of contributions in other formats (e.g., books or confer-
hence, could be used as a potential framework for examining the ence proceedings). The analysis has been based on graph theory
‘‘journey towards net-zero” and system dynamics could be utilised (network analysis) methods, which provides a unique theoretical
to simulate the policy implications on the net-zero initiatives. framework to analyse a scientific field. The use of bibliometric data
(e.g., references, citations, and keywords) to identify themes and
5.2. Recommendation 2: Leveraging digital technologies to optimise relevance is open for criticism. A degree of judgement might have
embodied/operational emissions and support design stakeholders influenced the interpretation of results. For this, the data retrieval
and parameters used in the analysis are disclosed in the paper, to
Recent reviews have highlighted the increasing significance of provide a way forward to replicate the study here and gradually
embodied carbon emissions on highly efficient buildings. In this remove possible subjective biases. Moreover, future studies may
area, recent emerging themes highlighted by the burst analysis address these limitations by utilising other data sources (such as
appear to offer promising directions for further research. First, WoS), other metrics and indicators, and expanding the analysis
embodied carbon research of materials and construction processes to multiple formats.
has focused on structural frames, in particular, concrete-based
structures. However, research around the use of timber and other Declaration of Competing Interest
low carbon alternatives to concrete (e.g., rammed earth) have
emerged in recent years. Further research on emerging materials, The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
especially timber-based, which has potential links to carbon is to cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
be expected due to the potential for carbon offsetting through car- to influence the work reported in this paper.
bon fixation/assimilation processes. Additionally, trends related to
BIM and artificial intelligence, and in particular its applications to
design activities will be key. In this context, the evolution of BIM
towards data centred digital twins might yield promising results [1] UNFCCC, ‘‘Paris agreement,” FCCCC, Bonn, 2015.
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