Waly 等 - 2023 - Correlating the Urban Microclimate and Energy Dema

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Energy & Buildings 295 (2023) 113303

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Correlating the urban microclimate and energy demands in hot climate

Contexts: A hybrid review
Nourhan M. Waly a, Hamdy Hassan b, c, Ryo Murata d, David J. Sailor e, Hatem Mahmoud a, f, *
Dept. of Environmental Engineering, Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology E-JUST, New Borg El-Arab City, Alexandria 21934, Egypt
Dept. of Energy Resources, Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology E-JUST, New Borg El-Arab City, Alexandria 21934, Egypt
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Assiut University, Assuit, Egypt
Department of Architecture and Building Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama 226-8502, Japan
School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA
Department of Architectural Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Aswan University, Aswan 81542, Egypt


Keywords: Through demand for heating and cooling, local climate can affect the energy loads of buildings by up to 80%. The
Urban building energy modeling (UBEM) main limitation in this field of research is the single-vision approach, where studies focus on either the urban
Microclimate energy performance or the microclimate, neglecting to quantify their interactions. Additionally, hot climate
contexts still lack research covering these topics. Using a hybrid systematic review, the present study aims to
Hot Temperature
bridge these gaps. The review is structured into two main sections. The first section encompasses studies
Thermal comfort
assessing the urban building energy modeling process, while the second section focuses on studies correlating
building-scale energy demands with microclimate, with a focus on hot climate contexts. This review will help to
identify the potential and limitations of coupling urban energy and microclimate modeling. The study also
discusses the feasibility of such research to be widely applied in developing a new urban planning approach
based on energy considerations. The results of this review indicate that improving outdoor thermal comfort is not
necessarily guaranteed to improve energy efficiency. The study also summarizes packages of coupling tools to
guide future researchers and presents an Urban Building Energy Modeling (UBEM) framework to support studies
to achieve comprehensive outcomes.

1. Introduction In this respect, urban energy modeling is an important approach to

assess the energy performance of urban settlements. Planners, archi­
The world is facing an unprecedented increase in urbanization rates. tects, scholars, and developers realized that it is no longer enough to
The urban population now exceeds 56% of the global population ac­ deal with energy consumption of buildings as standalone structures.
cording to statistics of the world bank [1]. The negative effects of Controlling the urban setting with its complexity has become an
climate change and the global energy crisis, along with the rapid pace of important aspect of building energy performance regulation. In addi­
urbanization, place substantial demands to the traditional urban plan­ tion, microclimate simulation studies are becoming an essential part of
ning process. In hot climates, the rise in frequency and intensity of heat designing new urban areas or retrofitting existing ones. As shown in
waves is anticipated to have notable consequences on thermal comfort. Fig. 1, there is an increasing body of research covering urban energy
This applies to both indoor and outdoor settings, along with the added modeling and urban microclimate analysis. Research that couples
burden of increased energy consumption for cooling buildings. These building scale energy modeling and microclimate analysis is also
conditions are widely acknowledged as particularly vulnerable to the growing in popularity.
adverse effects of overheating and urban heat island (UHI) effects [2,3]. Urban energy is assessed through two approaches, top-down and

Abbreviations: UBEM, Urban Building Energy Modeling; BEM, Building Energy Modeling; UCM, Urban Climate Modeling; EPC, Energy Performance Certificates;
EUI, Energy Use Intensity; UWG, Urban Weather Generator; CED, Cooling Energy Demand; UGI, Urban Green Infrastructure; WRF, Weather Research and Fore­
casting; CFD, Computational Fluid Dynamics; TMY, Typical Meteorological Year; UBL, Urban Boundary Layer; UCL, Urban Canopy Layer; USL, Urban Surface Layer;
WWR, Window to Wall Ratio; PET, Physiological Equivalent Temperature; UTCI, Universal Thermal Comfort Index; LCZ, Local Climate Zone.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: hatem.mahmoud@aswu.edu.eg (H. Mahmoud).

Received 9 April 2023; Received in revised form 18 June 2023; Accepted 22 June 2023
Available online 5 July 2023
0378-7788/© 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
N.M. Waly et al. Energy & Buildings 295 (2023) 113303

Fig. 1. Number of publications on urban energy and microclimate modeling from 2012 to 2022.

Fig. 2. Representation of microclimate effect on Building Energy Modeling.

bottom-up. Top-down approaches are mainly concerned with data- provides boundary conditions affecting the energy demand of buildings.
driven methods to statistically analyze the energy performance of Especially in dense urban areas, buildings are exposed to higher tem­
building stocks based on historical energy and socioeconomic data [4,5]. peratures due to greater influence of UHI [13]. As shown in Fig. 2, the
Such models are commonly applied to national scale analysis to extract energy performance is affected through changes in solar radiation, wind
the amount of energy consumed by different sectors or to forecast future speed, ambient air temperature, and relative humidity in the Urban
energy performance of building stocks based on long term relations Canopy Layer UCL [14].
based on available data [6]. In this case, buildings are expressed as one Previous literature reviews have examined different aspects related
entity without considering physical interactions between building and to microclimate, urban energy consumption, and urban form. Specif­
neighborhood geometries. Bottom-up approaches simply follow the ically, there have been comprehensive reviews focusing on the micro­
reverse direction; the assessment process starts by calculating the energy climate with various objectives. Zhu, et al. [15], Stavrakakis, et al. [16],
performance of single buildings which are then aggregated either sta­ Bherwani, et al. [17], Lam, et al. [18] have conducted reviews to assess
tistically or using physics-based simulation approaches [7–9]. Statistical the methods, numerical simulation methodologies, and parameters
or data-driven methods employ machine learning to train models based employed in evaluating the urban microclimate. Furthermore, Zhou,
on collected energy data at the building scale. Physics-based models et al. [19] utilized bibliometric analysis to establish relationships be­
depend on thermal characteristics of building materials affecting the tween methods, application scales, and trend patterns within the field of
amount of heat transfer between the building and the outdoor envi­ urban microclimate. Additionally, studies have explored the assessment
ronment [10]. of green and blue spaces in enhancing outdoor thermal comfort, as
Microclimate is defined as the local climate conditions within highlighted by [20,21].
buildings, where such conditions differ from one area to another, in the Moreover, various approaches to urban energy modeling have been
same climate region, due to changes in urban form [11,12]. Through extensively reviewed. Manandhar, et al. [22] have offered a compre­
various forms of heat transfer between the building envelope and the hensive review of advancements and future prospects in data-driven top-
outdoor environment, indoor thermal comfort is affected and hence down studies. Similarly, Li, et al. [23] have examined grey box studies,
heating and cooling demands change. As a result, the local microclimate which combine physics-based and data-driven assessments and are

N.M. Waly et al. Energy & Buildings 295 (2023) 113303

Fig. 3. Focus of the present review in the context of relevant research topics and keywords.

• What are the microclimate parameters affecting urban energy

Table 1
Keywords and search strings used to filter studies.
• How can UBEM and urban microclimate assessment be coupled into
No Search string one comprehensive framework?
1 “Urban energy modelling” • What are the advantages and limitations of applications in hot arid
2 “ Urban building energy modelling” AND “ Microclimate simulation” AND regions?
“thermal comfort”
• What are the research gaps for this topic in different climate zones?
3 “Coupling” AND “computational fluid dynamics CFD” AND “Building energy
4 “Building energy simulation” AND “microclimate” 2. Methodology
5 “Microclimate simulation” OR “Buildings CFD”
6 “Thermal comfort” AND “building energy simulation” The study employs a hybrid review methodology to analyze a
selected database of papers using the Scopus and WOS scientific data­
considered reduced order models. Furthermore, Quan and Li [24] have base and search strings outlined in Table 1. The methodology consists of
conducted a thorough review of studies investigating the impact of three main sections. The first section involves a preliminary screening of
urban form on energy demands. search results based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, as depicted in
However, to date there is no review offered to address the effect of Fig. 4. The resulting papers at each phase are illustrated in the PRISMA
microclimate on urban energy. This review aims to create a hybrid diagram shown in Fig. 5.
approach that combines systematic and sceintrometic review methods in The second step includes parallel systematic and sceintrometic re­
order to analyze prior research on physics-based urban energy views. Within the systematic review, sources are categorized into two
modeling. The objective is to identify gaps and potential connections clusters: urban building energy modeling and coupled building energy
with microclimate models, as illustrated in Fig. 3. The specific urban and microclimate modeling. These clusters are further divided into
microclimate scale considered in this study focuses on the immediate classes based on the specific research focus. After classifying the sources,
interaction between built environments and the atmosphere, defined as comparative analysis categories are determined. On the other hand, the
the Urban Canopy Layer [25]. study utilizes VOSviewer and CiteSpace software for sceintrometic
The novelty of this review, in addition to its focus on coupling analysis. As defined by [26], sceintrometic analysis quantitatively ex­
microclimate models, is that it integrates previous urban energy amines the development of science. It assesses research impact, explores
frameworks into one comprehensive model that is easily applicable to citation relationships, and maps specific knowledge areas using trends
any context and provides areas of possible future integration to enhance extracted from the academic database. This analysis provides insights
energy simulation results. Hence, this review is important as it addresses into keyword occurrence, co-authorship, and co-citation patterns within
the following questions: the selected database, highlighting the most frequently used keywords,
top-cited articles, and top-contributing authors. For this type of analysis,
• What are the latest developments of physics-based urban energy the study utilizes bibliographic data extracted from the Scopus database
modelling? for analysis. Co-occurrence and co-citation analyses are conducted using
the full-counting method. In both analyses, a minimum threshold of 10

N.M. Waly et al. Energy & Buildings 295 (2023) 113303

Fig. 4. Outline of the review methodology.

occurrences for keywords and 10 citations for references was set. The • Building upon the findings from sections 3 and 4, Section 5 proposes
normalization method employed is association strength. The third sec­ a comprehensive framework for the integration of UBEM with urban
tion of the methodology focuses on presenting the results of the review, microclimate analysis.
emphasizing the identified gaps in the literature, suggesting areas for • Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper and outlines future research
future research, and discussing the significant contributions of the directions.
After applying the specified criteria to the collected reference lists, a Overall, these sections aim to present the outcomes of the review,
preliminary screening using VOSviewer reveals that although there is offer valuable insights, and provide a roadmap for further research in
growing interest in both topics and a general agreement on the sub­ the field of urban-scale energy modeling and microclimate analysis.
stantial impact of microclimate on building energy performance, only a
few studies have explored the link between urban-scale energy modeling 3. Urban building energy modeling UBEM:
and microclimate analysis. Fig. 6 illustrates the co-citation pattern be­
tween publications related to microclimate and building energy. Urban energy modeling is an important approach for scaling up the
The analysis further reveals three main clusters: (A) urban-scale en­ simulation of energy performance from a single building to a whole
ergy modeling on the left, (B) coupled microclimate and building energy on urban setting. It has long been addressed by scholars through various
the lower right, and (C) urban microclimate studies on the upper right. assessment approaches. However, the term Urban Building Energy
The strong connection between clusters (B) and (C) indicates that Modeling UBEM was first introduced by Reinhart and Cerezo Davila
microclimate studies have started to draw attention to the integration of [27], in their review of previous studies aimed at assessing the urban
energy performance. However, as depicted in Fig. 7, the weak citation scale energy demand. They first introduced UBEM as a physics-based
strength between clusters (A) and (B) suggests that further in-depth energy simulation approach incorporating heat transfer of various
investigation is necessary to fully incorporate microclimate analysis as forms between buildings and their surrounding environments to calcu­
a significant component of urban-scale energy modeling. Accordingly, late energy demand on the urban scale. Since then, it has been used
the subsequent sections of this paper are structured as follows: frequently by scholars to indicate physics-based energy analysis at the
urban scale.
• Section 3 presents the results of the review of studies on Urban The analysis of the selected database revealed four major clusters of
Building Energy Modeling (UBEM) to provide insights into the keywords, with UBEM being one of the most frequently occurring words.
typical process, tools used, identified gaps, and potential areas for While “urban building energy” is also commonly mentioned and
coupling with microclimate modeling. strongly linked to other keywords, “urban planning” is comparatively
• Section 4 focuses on examining studies that explore the coupling of weak (see Fig. 8). This suggests that more attention should be given to
UBEM at a single scale, with a specific emphasis on identifying the utilizing the potential of urban energy modeling as a tool for supporting
most influential parameters affecting building energy performance urban planning decisions. Fig. 8 compares the strength of two keyword
in hot climates. networks, serving as evidence for the need to conduct further in-depth
investigations to apply Urban Building Energy Modelling (UBEM) as

N.M. Waly et al. Energy & Buildings 295 (2023) 113303

model simulation which are precedented by databases and followed by

validation and calibration. Their aim was to establish a basic ground for
enhancing the process through the integration of new models. Similarly,
Ali, et al. [6] developed quantitative and qualitative assessments of
various urban-scale energy modeling approaches including top-down
and bottom-up. For the bottom-up physics-based approach they
conceptualized the process as four generic steps of input, simulation,
validation, and visualization. Another conceptualization was developed
by [28], where they compared previous studies according to their data
acquisition. Their focus was on providing alternative sources for
obtaining different types of needed data. They divided the typical UBEM
framework into inputs, thermal zoning, simulation, and validation. [29]
developed a taxonomic review of primitive categories of the urban-
energy simulation. They classified previous studies according to input
data, simulation tools, results, and validation. Additionally, [30] sum­
marizes the process through three main steps of archetype classification,
3D city model, and simulation which are then followed by validation. In
each section they provided basic ground of previous studies along with
possible future enhancements. Ten questions regarding UBEM were
answered by [31]. Their conceptualization of the overview of the pro­
cess was divided to datasets, simulation workflows, results, and stake­
holder metrics to support decision-making. Doma and Ouf [32], divided
the framework into inputs, model generation, model energy simulation,
and results processing and validation. In addition to these attempts, Ang,
et al. [33], added the application section as an important determinant of
the UBEM workflow. Table 4 summarizes different parts of frameworks
developed by previous studies.
Other reviews focused on one particular part of the process and
compared previous work in terms of this part. Kamel [34] developed a
systematic review examining different case studies based on the number
and type of integrated buildings, type of data, and validation. Oraio­
poulos and Howard [35] reviewed previous UBEM studies that were
validated against real measured data to assess their accuracy. Other
reviews focused on the integration of occupant-related parameters as a
trigger affecting the overall energy performance of building stocks. For
instance, [36] compared previous UBEM frameworks based on their
modeling of occupant behavior and provided alternative modeling ap­
Fig. 5. PRISMA flow diagram of screening and selecting articles.
proaches to enhance the quality of input data related to building occu­
pancy. Similarly [32] argued that one major reason for uncertainties in
an urban planning decision support tool.
UBEM simulations is the absence of accurate occupant-behavior data.
Table 2 classifies keywords based on their frequency and total link
Their review provided a breakdown of occupant parameters and their
strength, which indicates how interconnected they are with other doc­
integration into the typical UBEM framework. Collectively, previous
uments. Table 3 lists the top 20 authors who have contributed to the
review work of UBEM agrees on some basic guidelines comprising a
field of urban energy. To provide a current state-of-the-art understand­
typical workflow of the urban-scale simulation process. However, each
ing of UBEM, this study starts by reviewing previous literature and
study categorizes them in a slightly different way according to its focus.
conducting a comparative analysis of selected research papers. This
This could result in different outcomes of the simulation due to varia­
analysis includes examining the context and scale of the studies, the data
tions in the process.
inputs used, the archetype classification, the simulation tools, and the
integrated models employed. The subsequent sections elaborate on these
3.2. Climate context and scale
findings to provide an overall picture of previous studies.
It is agreed that climate conditions have a significant effect on the
3.1. A typical UBEM framework energy performance of buildings. Hence, examining the context of pre­
vious studies is an important step to consider their similarities and dif­
To develop a comprehensive understanding of UBEM, previous re­ ferences when applied to hot regions. By analyzing the climate context
view studies are analyzed to depict the general workflow of carrying out of selected articles, it is found that most of them are carried out in
a physics-based urban scale energy simulation. The aim of this section is temperate climates according to Koppen climate classification as shown
to determine areas of agreement and disagreement between different in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10. Such regions are characterized by having cold
studies reviewing UBEM. Some reviews provided a conceptualization of winter and wet summer which is typically different from hot climate
the typical bottom-up urban energy simulation process. For instance, resulting in major differences in heating and cooling demands, set point
Reinhart and Cerezo Davila [27] classified the process based on inputs, temperature, thermal properties of buildings, different building arche­
thermal zoning, and validation. Ferrando, et al. [4] focused on exam­ types, and microclimate conditions. Even for the same climate region,
ining UBEM tools employed in previous research. Their aim was to extreme weather events and climate change lead to major changes in
provide a user-oriented review to allow future users to choose the tools energy consumption [37]. Murshed, et al. [38], examined the effect of
easily based on five comparing categories of input, model, simulation, climate on energy performance and their results revealed that around
outputs, and post-process. Another review on UBEM by Johari, et al. 10% increase in heating energy demand and around 80% increase in
[10] divided the process into two main sections model development and cooling energy demand are projected due to anticipated changes in

N.M. Waly et al. Energy & Buildings 295 (2023) 113303

Fig. 6. Citation analysis of publications covering three clusters A, B, and C.

Fig. 7. Citation analysis of publications covering UBEM and coupling building energy and microclimate falling under four classes.

climate conditions by the year 2050. Similarly, Heidelberger and Rakha simulation frameworks, encompassing both indoor and outdoor climate
[39] compared energy demands for current and future climate scenarios. simulations. The researchers confirmed the influence of climate
Their results showed changed patterns in both heating and cooling de­ boundary conditions on energy consumption and agreed with the
mands. In their review study, Zou, et al. [40] conducted an assessment of concept that incorporating climate model projections is crucial for
future climate projections and overheating scenarios using various evaluating future impacts of indoor and outdoor overheating. This

N.M. Waly et al. Energy & Buildings 295 (2023) 113303

Fig. 8. The keyword networks of (1) Urban Building Energy Modeling and (2) Urban Planning created using VOSviewer software.

approach is important to enhance the comprehension of climate change

Table 2 effects and aids in the development of adaptive strategies to ensure the
The top 20 most commonly occurring keywords. resilience and comfort of built environments. Therefore, a more
id keyword occurrences total link strength comprehensive investigation into the application of UBEM, specifically
1 urban building energy modeling 80 393 tailored to hot climate contexts, is highly necessary. Such research
2 urban buildings 57 330 would offer invaluable insights and guidelines for planners who are
3 building energy model 45 280 dealing with similar contexts. Understanding the potential and limita­
4 buildings 65 244
tions of utilizing UBEM in these settings would greatly assist in effective
5 energy utilization 43 243
6 energy efficiency 33 178 decision-making and urban planning.
7 housing 21 111 In terms of application scale, studies vary from neighborhood to city
9 energy use 19 143 to national scale. The largest percentage of the reviewed studies apply
10 urban area 19 133 their frameworks on neighborhood or district scale as shown in Fig. 11.
11 building energy use 13 80
12 calibration 13 75
The number of buildings included in these studies range from 22
13 energy conservation 13 93 buildings [41] to 9000 buildings [37]. On the city scale, number of
14 building stocks 11 70 included buildings reaches 68,966 [42]. National scale assessments are
15 greenhouse gases 11 76 mainly associated with top-own statistical approaches. However, Chen,
16 retrofitting 11 90
et al. [8] combined physics-based simulation with statistical analysis to
17 energy management 10 64
18 energy simulation 10 49 develop a dataset of 55,000 buildings containing stochastic occupant
19 gas emissions 10 63 behavior data and representing a national housing stock. Artiges, et al.
20 uncertainty analysis 10 51 [43] used Bayesian Inference to develop archetype datasets representing
the national residential building stock to be later used in UBEM physics
simulation tools.
Table 3
Top 20 authors and their number of citations.
id author documents citations total link strength
3.3. Data acquisition

1 hong t. 9 634 18
The amount and quality of data necessary to achieve precise results
2 chen y. 8 598 13
3 eicker u. 6 35 0 poses a significant challenge in Urban Building Energy Modeling
4 carnieletto l. 5 89 18 (UBEM). Conducting a thorough analysis of energy demand at the urban
5 zarrella a. 5 89 18 level requires several types of data. The reliability and robustness of the
6 reinhart c.f. 5 764 6 data collected play a crucial role in ensuring the accuracy of simulation
7 o’donnell j. 4 120 15
8 ang y.q. 4 72 5
outcomes. Obtaining high-resolution data for urban-scale analysis is
9 zhou x. 4 30 2 particularly challenging. The task becomes even more demanding when
10 ikeda k. 3 30 15 the required data encompasses diverse aspects from multiple sources
11 kim b. 3 30 15 and formats, making the development of unified datasets a complex
12 kimura s. 3 30 15
process. Jin, et al. [44] provided insights into worldwide available
13 ko y. 3 30 15
14 shimoda y. 3 30 15 datasets to examine their usefulness for urban energy modeling studies.
15 yamaguchi y. 3 30 15 Their results highlighted that more accessibility to open datasets would
16 ali u. 3 113 12 enhance the effectiveness of urban building planning, design, operation,
17 hoare c. 3 113 12 and energy policymaking.
18 mangina e. 3 113 12
19 prataviera e. 3 46 12
In their study, Wang, et al. [28] classify the necessary data into four
20 romano p. 3 46 12 categories: weather data, geometric data, non-geometric data, and
validation data. For weather data, most studies use Typical

N.M. Waly et al. Energy & Buildings 295 (2023) 113303

Table 4
Summary of previous conceptualization of UBEM workflow.
Study Different parts of the UBEM workflow
Inputs 3D model Thermal zoning ArchetypeClassification Simulation output validation visualization Application

[27] 1 2 1 2 2 0 1 0 0
[4] 1 1 2 2 1 1 0 1 0
[10] 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 0
[6] 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 1 0
[28] 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 0 0
[29] 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 0 0
[30] 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0
[31] 1 2 2 2 1 1 0 2 0
[32] 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 0 0
[33] 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1

1 Major parts.
2 Sub-parts.
0 Not included.

Fig. 9. Number of UBEM reviewed research studies categorized by Koppen Climate Classification.

Fig. 10. Mapping reviewed studies according to location of case studies.

N.M. Waly et al. Energy & Buildings 295 (2023) 113303

in different climate zones and among various scales to allow users to

determine appropriate sources in their future studies. Data acquisition is
a vital component of the UBEM process. Advances in publicly available
datasets containing fine detail would lead to enhanced performance of
the urban energy simulation [44]. Wang, et al. [28], recommended data
sharing platforms as a future step to ease the process of obtaining,
sharing, and processing needed data.

3.4. Archetype classification and characterization

One significant part of urban scale energy modeling is the concept of

archetypes. In this step, sample buildings from the area of study are
selected to be representatives for the whole building stock. Previous
studies argue that, although use of archetypes offers a very powerful
approach for reducing the complexity of analyzing every single building,
Fig. 11. Distribution of studies according to scale of application.
it might lead to large uncertainties in energy simulation results if the
selected buildings do not accurately represent the target building stock
[52–54]. Archetyping comprises two sections of classification and
Meteorological Year (TMY) files obtained from the nearest weather
station to feed the energy simulation model with representative condi­
The segmentation process is associated with dividing the target stock
tions of temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and wind direction.
of buildings into classes based on either deterministic or stochastic
Through heat transfer in various forms, such parameters affect the in­
methods or a combination of both [55]. The deterministic approach
door thermal environment of buildings and their energy performance. It
depends on classifying the building stock according to previously
is argued that these files do not represent accurate weather information,
determined parameters based on literature or knowledge of the
especially for dense urban areas where urban form greatly affects the
addressed data [56]. Fig. 13 shows sample parameters employed by
microclimate conditions [4]. To overcome this issue, field measure­
previous reviewed research. It is found that most studies depend on the
ments, numerical prediction using software like Urban Weather Gener­
year of construction and building type as two preliminary contributors
ator (UWG), and CFD simulations are used to obtain more accurate
to the change in energy performance of buildings. The year of con­
climate data [31,45]. However, their application on the urban scale is
struction determines the thermal properties of the building envelope due
still limited; only 5% of the reviewed work provided modified climate
to changes in construction materials and methods over time. The
data before running the urban energy simulations.
building type also affects the energy performance through changes in
Geometric data include building form, footprint, height, and opening
heating and cooling loads [53,57,58]. Other parameters, including size,
to wall ratio. Where the Level of Details (LoD) included in the simulation
building height, building conditions, and socio-economic parameters,
must be assigned whether LoD1, LoD2, LoD3, or LoD4. Representation of
were employed by a limited number of studies [39,42,59].
the amount of details associated with each level is provided in Fig. 12.
In contrast, the stochastic approach depends on data driven statis­
Common methods for obtaining these data include CityGML open data
tical analysis of the building stock. Cerezo, et al. [56] compared results
sources, OpenStreetMap, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), and GIS
of EUI simulation using different archetypes classification approaches,
datasets. Several studies have been developed to create 3D models to be
their results revealed a reduction of percentage of errors by 13–45%
used in urban energy modeling using different approaches. For instance,
against deterministic methods. Growing research is offered providing
georeferenced two dimensional GIS data containing buildings footprint,
new approaches of archetype classification to avoid bias due to deter­
age, year of construction were used to create 3D geometries using
ministic methods [43,52,54,59–61]. A novel clustering algorithm was
different methods [42,46–48]. Szcześniak, et al. [49], developed an al­
developed by Tardioli, et al. [62] to identify representative buildings for
gorithm to automatically extract window to wall ratio using street view
a large urban stock in Geneva, Switzerland. The results of their study
imagery. Dai, et al. [50] created a novel building 3D dimension mea­
demonstrated the efficiency of applying statistical analysis to extract
surement approach using geometry calculation algorithm, machine
archetype buildings by reaching a classification accuracy of 89%. Ma­
learning and a vehicle mounted camera. Dochev, et al. [51] used remote
chine learning has demonstrated its significance in stochastic classifi­
sensed imageries to process a 3D city model in the CityGML format. For
cation, as exemplified by the work of Shi, et al. [63]. In their study, they
non-geometric data related to building thermal characteristics, heating
created a classification model that was trained using data on various
and cooling systems, and occupancy patterns, sources of data are often
urban zoning types, including transport and mixed-use facilities.
related to the specific context of the study. In some contexts, these data
There is no agreement on the number of buildings to be selected
are publicly available and easy to obtain. In other contexts, especially in
respecting the total number of buildings under study. However, Fig. 14
less developed communities, it is often challenging to obtain this kind of
depicts the correlation between number of archetypes and total number
data [39].
of buildings in previous studies by comparing the number of assigned
Table 5 summarizes different data sources used in reviewed studies
archetypes with their percentage of the total number of addressed

Fig. 12. Representation of different levels of details required for simulation according to CityGML open source.

N.M. Waly et al. Energy & Buildings 295 (2023) 113303


Following the clustering comes the characterization which is asso­

ciated with providing full details of the representative archetypes to be


included in the simulation process. This includes thermal properties,
open city GML internal loads related to lighting, occupancy and equipment, and me­
chanical systems. Similar to the classification, characterization is either
done by collecting detailed information for the representative buildings,

1 or using data-driven statistical analysis to detect the properties of a

virtual building [27]. Heidenthaler, et al. [64], used EPCs to perform
Google’s database

statistical analysis to characterize a city building stock. De Jaeger, et al.

[65] used a probabilistic method to characterize building stocks using
regression models. This approach allows for reducing bias in the results

due to more accurate representation of building properties.


3.5. Simulation and validation

GIS datasets

Due to increased interest from scholars to assess urban scale energy


performance, a variety of tools is now available to simulate and estimate



energy demands of urban areas. The scope of this review is limited to

geometric data

tools using a physics-based approach which depends on engineering


calculations of energy demand based on thermal characterization.

However, such approaches lead to increased complexity and computa­

tion of time when applied on urban scales. Hence, a tremendous amount



of research is now focusing on providing user-friendly workflow envi­

ronments for urban scale energy simulations. Such tools have a backend

simulation engine and fronted user interface as shown in Table 6. The


most common engine employed by the majority of reviewed studies is

field survey

EnergyPlus through different interfaces of (i) websites such as MIT

UBEM [66] and CityBES [41,47,48,67,68], (ii) plugins such as UMI and

Grasshopper plugins to Rhinoceros [37,49,54,56,69,70] or (iii) software



such as Openstudio [8,42,71,72], UrbanOPT [73], and AutoBPS [74].

Other studies employed Python scripts to build in-house simulation
public data

models based on EnergyPlus engine such as SimStock [75], MUBEM-


UBEM [76], cesar-p [77], and AutoBEM [7].




Other tools include TRNSYS [38], Teaser [52,78–80], Python-based

Non-geometric data

EUReCA [81,82], City Energy Analyst (CEA) [83], Citysim [84] and D-
authorized sources

eST urban [9]. Table 6 analyzes the frequency of using each of these
tools among the reviewed works. GIS has been employed in some at­
tempts to numerically calculate energy performance of buildings and

allocate it to specific geographic contexts [85]. de Rubeis, et al. [86]



offered a new method to model urban energy using ArcGIS software.

They started by using a validated energy model for representative


* Climate zones codes are described according to koppen climate classification.

buildings and applied the numerical calculation of the addressed stock


Climate data

using a GIS platform.

TMY files

The reliability of the energy simulation results to be used in urban


planning decisions is attributable to three parts of thermal resolution,


temporal resolution, and validity. One of the common methods followed



in UBEM studies to reduce the complexity and time needed for simula­
Summary of different data sources used in previous studies.

tion, is decreasing thermal zoning details and assume that each building




represents a thermal zone [68,81,87–90]. Another commonly used

method is to model each floor as a thermal zone [7,72,91]. Other at­

tempts to increase the accuracy of thermal models were achieved by



employing developed algorithms to automatically divide floor spaces


into heated and non-heated zones [92]. One common method used for

this thermal subdivision is the shoeboxer algorithm [56,69]. It is argued



that the simplification of thermal resolution lead to bias in the simula­

Number of studies

III: Neighborhood/ district scale.

tion results. Hence, Johari, et al. [93] investigated the effect of thermal
I: National Scale of application.

modeling on energy demands by employing different zoning methods to

II: City Scale of application.

the same context. Their results revealed considerable differences of

N/A: No available data.

about 5% in heating loads between simulation tools in terms of their

Percentage of studies

response to thermal simplification. Similarly, Faure, et al. [76]



compared different zoning methods and agreed that an acceptable level

would be one zone per floor method. In the reviewed works, more than





80% of the studies utilized either the building or floor level as thermal
Table 5

zones, while the remaining studies employed a more detailed approach



by subdividing each floor into different thermal zones.

N.M. Waly et al. Energy & Buildings 295 (2023) 113303

Fig. 13. Different classification parameters employed by previous studies.

Fig. 14. Correlating number of archetypes to total number of buildings.

Previous studies have employed various temporal resolutions to es­ measuring the percentage of difference between measured and simu­
timate energy demand, including sub-hourly, hourly, daily, monthly, lated energy outcomes. Other, more complex, methods include mathe­
and annual timeframes. The simulation tools utilized in these studies matical formulas developed to spot the faults in the simulated results.
vary in their capability to handle temporal data. While the majority of Although such validation is very important to prove the applicability of
tools can accommodate aggregated annual measurements, some tools, as the energy models, the percentage of validated studies in the UBEM field
mentioned by Bass et al. (2022), can handle fine time resolution by is only 9% of the total published work. Thus, future studies need to pay
running simulations with time steps as short as one minute and then more attention to the validation of their models. It is also important to
aggregating the results to predict annual energy consumption. Other benchmark the measures of errors to spot acceptable and non-acceptable
tools can provide simulated energy data at an hourly or sub-hourly level. ranges based on the scope of application of different studies.
However, the availability of real data for validating these fine time Collectively, validation of urban scale energy models is a complex
resolutions is often limited. Consequently, approximately 50% of the process and there is no standard for the required level of accuracy since
reviewed studies attempted to use annual energy simulations, 30% it is different from one scope to another. Hence, the level of required
relied on monthly data, and only 20% employed hourly data. accuracy and feasibility of achieving robust validation need to be
In terms of validation, previous research uses real energy data from carefully considered by individual research efforts. For example, Mar­
EPCs, authorized sources, or through field surveys to validate the results tinez, et al. [91] simulated a district of 337 buildings which was still
of their simulation models. Among the reviewed database of papers only under construction. Meaning that it is not possible to obtain actual en­
47% were validated. Such validation reveals different levels of accuracy. ergy data to validate the model. Hence, they validated the results against
Validating the aggregate annual energy could yield a percentage of error sample reference buildings of a similar building stock based on thermal
up to 1% when compared to actual annual energy use which confirms properties. Similarly, Malhotra, et al. [78] validated annual energy use
the power of UBEM In presenting high-quality simulations. However, of representative archetypes against standard measures obtained from
this percentage is attributable to the quality of input data, archetyping, TABULA data. Such data is not available outside Europe, confirming that
temporal resolution, and thermal resolution. Oraiopoulos and Howard validation is subject to the type and magnitude of available data in each
[35] in their review assessing the accuracy of UBEM mentioned that the geographic context.
simplest validation method, employed by the majority of studies, is Hence, future studies are recommended to consider the available

N.M. Waly et al. Energy & Buildings 295 (2023) 113303

Table 6 On the other hand, microclimate coupling has been addressed by a

Tools employed by previous UBEM studies. limited number of studies. Such studies agree on the considerable effect
Engine Interface Count of Count of of thermal comfort on energy demand even at the urban scale [94].
interface engine However, to date, such coupling is not addressed properly. Prior
City Energy Analyst 1 coupling attempts include developed in-house models to quantify the
(CEA) microclimate effect on urban energy demands [14,95,96]. Their results
City Energy Analyst 1 agree that the effect of microclimate on urban energy is significant.
(CEA) Other studies used the Urban Weather Generator (UWG) to create
CitySim 1
CitySim 1
modified TMY files to feed the urban energy models with more accurate
D-eST urban 1 climate data [73,82,97].
D-eST urban 1 The integration of a generative design model into the Urban Building
DIMOSIM 2 Energy Modeling (UBEM) process has not been implemented yet.
Nonetheless, there have been some efforts to explore the relationship
EnergyPlus 31
Openstudio 1 between urban geometry and urban energy consumption. For example,
Cesar-p 1 in a study by Demir Dilsiz, et al. [98], a sensitivity analysis was con­
Designbuildier 1 ducted to investigate the impact of various urban form parameters on
EnergyPlus 8 energy demands. Another study by Wang, et al. [99] demonstrated the
Grasshopper 1
significant influence of urban morphology, specifically relative
Openstudio 2 compactness, building coverage ratio, and building height distribution,
Python 3 1 on urban energy. Mutani, et al. [100] examined six different urban block
UBEM.io 1 typologies to determine the optimal density and shape of buildings.
Vartholomaios [101], using parametric sensitivity analysis, confirmed
AutoBEM and 1
OpenStudio the synergy between high urban compactness strategies and passive
CityBES 5 solar design.
CityBES and 1 However, it should be noted that all these findings are attributed to
OpenStudio changes based on the urban microclimate and may not be universally
SimStock python 1
applicable to different contexts. Moreover, reviewed work of existing
HTB calculation 1 UBEM frameworks either incorporate one of these models or disregard
method them entirely. Therefore, it is crucial to develop a comprehensive UBEM
VirVil in SketchUP 1 model for future research.
INSEL 1 4. Coupling building energy simulation and microclimate
Insel4Cities 1 modelling
Python-based 2
EUReCA There is a widely held belief that weather data collected from
EuReca 2
SimStadt 1
weather stations alone do not adequately capture the true characteristics
SimStadt 1 of the local climate in various locations. Pei, et al. [102] proved that the
Teaser 3 utilization of typical climate data resulted in an overestimation of the
Teaser 3 heating load, approximately by 5.8%, and an underestimation of the
cooling load, approximately by 8.7% Therefore, it is considered crucial
Grand Total 47 to have climate data specific to each location in order to accurately
assess the energy efficiency of buildings. Lauzet, et al. [103] conducted a
comprehensive review study examining the influence of local climates
data for validation before starting the simulation process. It should be on building energy models (BEMs) using eight different coupling chains.
noted that in contexts where real energy data is lacking, particularly in Their findings strongly support the idea that utilizing climate data
developing countries, validating urban energy models can be a chal­ specific to a particular location significantly impacts the thermal
lenging task. Therefore, it is crucial to dedicate additional attention to behavior of buildings. While there is increasing interest in single
identifying potential validation methods that can be applied in these building coupling, the researchers recommended a generalized coupling
specific contexts. framework to enhance the accuracy of BEMs. Thus, it is essential to
adequately incorporate microclimate considerations not only in indi­
3.6. Integrated models vidual building assessments but also in urban-scale energy evaluations.
The previous section’s findings suggest that incorporating microcli­
Prior UBEM research agreed that better quality of urban energy mate factors into the Urban Building Energy Modeling (UBEM) process
simulation results could be achieved through integration of multiple requires further advancement. Meanwhile, there is a growing interest
models, including microclimate, occupant behavior, and generative among researchers in studying the combined impact of microclimate
design. However, only a handful of previous studies comprising merely and individual building energy requirements. Hence, the objective of
9% of the research field have gone through such integration. On the one this section is to examine previous research that intends to link the urban
hand, occupant behavior models have been addressed to model sto­ microclimate with the energy performance of individual buildings. This
chastic patterns of users instead of using traditional occupancy sched­ analysis will facilitate the breakdown of microclimate parameters that
ules. Mosteiro-Romero, et al. [90], compared three different models of influence the energy performance of built environments, ultimately
occupant behavior using deterministic, stochastic and agent-based enhancing the application of this integration in urban-scale energy
modeling. Their results revealed significant variance of 10–20% in modeling.
sub-yearly measurements of heating and cooling demand due to The examination of keywords in previous studies focusing on
changing occupant patterns. Similarly, Chen, et al. [8] developed a new coupling reveals the prominence of certain terms such as UHI (Urban
model of stochastic occupancy patterns and proved that such models Heat Island), global warming, building retrofits, computational fluid
could lead to enhanced performance of urban energy models. dynamics, urban microclimate, and building energy modeling, as

N.M. Waly et al. Energy & Buildings 295 (2023) 113303

Fig. 15. The keyword networks of (1) UHI, (2) CFD, and (3) Urban Planning created using VOSviewer software.

depicted in Fig. 15 and Table 7. These studies cover a wide range of

Table 7
climates, but for the purpose of this review, the focus is specifically on
The top 20 most commonly occurring keywords on coupling studies.
hot climate contexts. The selection of these contexts is performed ac­
id keyword occurrences total link strength cording to the Köppen climate classification, specifically the A (tropical)
1 atmospheric temperature 33 295 and B (arid) categories, as they are known for experiencing particularly
2 energy utilization 35 284 hot summer seasons. In these specific contexts, the effects of urban heat
3 urban heat island 34 276
island (UHI) and overheating are considered to have a substantial in­
4 buildings 33 267
5 energy conservation 21 198
fluence on the energy demands of buildings. This is primarily attributed
6 computational fluid dynamics 26 179 to the increased cooling requirements necessary to maintain thermal
7 energy efficiency 24 179 comfort levels in both indoor and outdoor spaces. It is widely
8 building energy simulations 19 169 acknowledged that cooling demand significantly increases in such
9 climate change 19 162
contexts. Since heat flow between building and outer environment is
10 microclimate 18 152
11 climate models 15 143 highly affected under such extreme environmental conditions. There­
12 air conditioning 15 138 fore, it is imperative for scholars to devote serious attention to these
13 heat island 11 131 areas and tailor specific considerations accordingly.
14 ventilation 14 128 In such contexts, scholars are increasingly interested in assessing the
15 air temperature 12 127
16 building energy simulation 14 124
outdoor thermal performance of the built environment using a single
17 computer simulation 12 122 vision approach. This approach typically assumes that improving ther­
18 energy management 14 118 mal comfort would result in better energy performance. For instance,
19 urban planning 11 111 [104] studied the influence of urban geometry parameters on outdoor
20 cooling demand 12 107
thermal comfort, but they did not quantify the resulting energy perfor­
mance of buildings at either the urban or building scale. Similarly, [105]

Fig. 16. Breakdown of three sets of correlated parameters.

N.M. Waly et al. Energy & Buildings 295 (2023) 113303

examined the impact of orientation and densification on outdoor ther­ where they examined the effect of different design parameters on the
mal comfort and concluded that urban morphology modifications could canyon scale including canyon orientation, vegetation, and WWR. Their
lead to a decrease of up to 5.5 ◦ C. However, there is no quantified evi­ results reveal that not all design strategies that lead to enhanced thermal
dence to support the notion that such solutions would enhance energy comfort promote energy efficiency, some conflicts are depicted between
performance. both meaning that it is not enough to only examine one aspect and
neglect the other and confirms the importance of the microclimate and
4.1. Breakdown of microclimate parameters affecting the energy energy coupling.
performance Confirming the importance of assessing energy demands and thermal
comfort simultaneously, a study conducted by Xu, et al. [110] empha­
To better understand the complexity of the interaction between sized the significance of considering both factors to achieve optimized
various parameters affecting energy and microclimate of urban areas, it outcomes. The researchers compared the Universal Thermal Comfort
is important to first classify and breakdown these parameters. The Index (UTCI) and Cooling Energy Demand (CED) in relation to various
typical coupling framework depends on manipulating three correlated urban parameters such as density, height, and wall-to-plan ratio. The
sets of parameters to examine and quantify their effect on one another study results confirmed the significance of conducting multi-objective
based on the scope of different studies. These sets of parameters are optimization considering specific contexts, as the correlation between
classified in this review to (i) urban/architecture, (ii) microclimate, and UTCI and CED is subject to temporal and spatial variations that influence
(ii) energy performance as shown in Fig. 16. the magnitude of their effects. By developing a multi-phase optimization
Upon closer examination of previous coupling work, it can be framework, [111] aimed to identify problematic urban microclimates
broadly categorized into three groups: (i) the first category encompasses and inefficient energy performance during the initial design phase. They
studies that evaluate the impact of various urban and architectural pa­ emphasized that addressing the trade-offs between energy performance
rameters on microclimate and energy demand for specific buildings, (ii) and outdoor thermal comfort does not have a single solution but rather a
The second category focuses on examining the effects of adjusting range of acceptable solutions depending on specific contextual factors.
microclimate data on building energy modeling, without considering In their study, Bansal and Quan [112] utilized statistical analysis to
the influence of urban parameters, (iii) The third category is concerned investigate the Energy Use Intensity (EUI) across various Local Climate
with examining the effect of different building conditioning systems on Zones (LCZs), which represent the thermal characteristics of the built
the outdoor environment. A more detailed investigation of recent environment. The findings of the study further supported the notion that
advancement of research in each category is offered below. energy usage can be attributed to the specific configuration of LCZs,
In all categories, coupling is achieved either in a one-way linear emphasizing that a single perspective on energy or microclimate is no
format or a two-way cyclical format [16]. One-way coupling involves longer adequate for providing decision-makers with suitable solutions.
incorporating enhanced microclimate data from different sources into Salvati, et al. [113] investigated the effect of urban densification and
building energy simulations. On the other hand, two-way coupling agreed that, especially in cooling load, urban form and microclimate
provides a more comprehensive perspective by exchanging boundary play a significant role.
conditions between microclimate and energy simulation platforms. This Other studies focused on examining the effect of urban layout pa­
allows for monitoring the coupled effects resulting from alterations rameters including the configuration of buildings to control air flow and
determined in each study. A detailed description of various parameters, temperature [114]. The result In this case showed an increase of 1.9 ◦ C
tools, type of employed coupling, and resulting effect is provided in in Mean Radiant Temperature and reduction of 4.9% of total energy use.
Appendix-A. Abdollahzadeh and Biloria [115] introduced a parametric optimization
In the first type of studies, various urban parameters are evaluated at approach to control design of urban blocks using courtyards, cubic and
different scales, including the urban block, canyon, and building levels. rectangular forms based on energy and microclimate criteria. The results
For instance, several studies have explored the impact of green infra­ of this study argued that and enhancement of up to 25.85% of thermal
structure and vegetation cover on energy consumption and thermal comfort and reduction of up to 93.14% of energy demands could be
comfort. In their review, Zhu, et al. [15] examined previous research achieved by alternating building typology, urban grid, building height,
focusing on the influence of Urban Green Infrastructure (UGI) on and aspect ratio. Jareemit and Canyookt [116] examined the effect of
Building Energy Models (BEM). They emphasized that current BEM tools building orientation, geometry, and WWR and proved that up to 32%
have not fully incorporated the modeling of site-scale vegetation to ac­ energy saving could be achieved due to controlling these parameters.
count for its impact on microclimate and shading. An assessment con­ Hadavi and Pasdarshahri [117] also confirmed the importance of con­
ducted by Dardir and Berardi [106] focused on evaluating the influence trolling urban layouts and reached a 16.4% energy saving under UHI
of increased horizontal and vertical green infrastructure on the micro­ effect by alternating the geometry, configuration, and built-up area.
climatic and energy demand of three urban typologies. The study Nazarian, et al. [118] assessed the impact of using high albedo wall
highlighted the importance of employing multi-objective optimization materials and revealed that in hot humid climate, such modification
due to the varying effects of different greening interventions. The could lead to 10% reduction of cooling energy. In a study conducted by
study’s findings demonstrate that increasing tree canopy coverage has a Mahmoud, et al. [104], the impact of varying built-up densities was
significant effect on reducing canyon air temperature, resulting in a evaluated, leading to energy savings ranging from 1.8% to 14.4%.
temperature decrease of 0.23 ◦ C for every 0.10 increment in fractional While coupling is highly influential in studies involving the design of
tree canopy. On the other hand, green façades were found to have the future scenarios or retrofits for existing urban areas, a significant limi­
most substantial impact on energy savings, with a projected reduction of tation found in most of the reviewed studies is the omission of quanti­
0.15 kWh/m2 for every 0.10 increase in fractional vegetation cover on fying the impact of incorporating modified microclimate data compared
building facades. Ge, et al. [107], developed a coupling framework be­ to traditional weather data. This quantification is crucial in demon­
tween Envi-met and EnergyPlus to address this effect. Their results strating the significance of coupling frameworks.
reveal that enhancement of cooling by adding vegetation was more For the second type of studies, the main focus is on the tradeoffs
obvious in low-rise buildings. Additionally, energy saving of 2.3 % of between microclimate and energy platforms to predict the impact of UHI
total consumption could be achieved. and overheating effect on existing urban areas, to fine tune existing
Similarly, [108] first examined the effect of UHI then mitigated the weather data, or to estimate the effect of future climate conditions on
effect with alternation in vegetation and addition of high albedo mate­ energy demands [119–123]. Xu, et al. [124], examined the effect of
rials. Their results showed a 29% decrease in total cooling load. Another using different microclimate data from TMY files, and locally measured
example of this type of coupling studies is done by Zheng, et al. [109], by different locations of station and showed an enhancement of the

N.M. Waly et al. Energy & Buildings 295 (2023) 113303

Table 8 [108,116,119,130]. Noting that UWG is also gaining increased interest

Packages of tools employed in reviewed coupling studies. and is argued to yield robust predictions of microclimate parameters
Energy tool Microclimate tool Count of Count of [118,126].
Microclimate energy For the third type of studies, recent research examined the effect of
tool tool evaluating the impact of air conditioning systems on urban microcli­
Designbuildier 1 mates through a coupling between a building energy model and an at­
ENVI-met 1 1 mospheric model. In a study by Alhazmi, et al. [131], a novel approach
EnergyPlus 13 was proposed to assess the overall sensible heat emitted by buildings to
ANSYS-Fluent 2 2
ENVI-met 2 2
the environment, taking into account the thermal properties of the
in-house model and field 1 1 buildings as well as emissions from HVAC systems. The findings indi­
measurements cated that the building envelope emits more heat to the surroundings
Measured microclimate 1 1 compared to the HVAC system. Furthermore, Salamanca, et al. [132]
data and linked through
demonstrated that the operation of air conditioning systems could lead
GIS tool
OpenFOAM 3 3 to an increase in outdoor air temperatures by approximately 3 ◦ C. Xu,
UWG 3 3 et al. [133] argued that the influence of air conditioning on the outdoor
WRF-UCM 1 1 thermal environment is negligible, around 1 ◦ C in the morning, but
eQuest 1 becomes more noticeable during the night, with an increase of approx­
ENVI-met 1 1
imately 2.4 ◦ C.
ENVI-met 3 3
In-house code 1 5. Results and discussion
In-house code 1 1
Ladybug and 1
Based on hybrid review methodology on UBEM integration with
Ladybug and Honeybee 1 1 microclimate some gaps are depicted among prior studies. This section
TRNSYS 1 presents each of these gaps and discusses the need for future work to
In-house model 1 1 address them properly.
UWG 1 1
Grand Total 22
5.1. A comprehensive UBEM framework

By examining previous UBEM work, it is found that various frame­

results of energy simulation by 6%. Luo, et al. [125] simulated the effect works could be followed to assess the energy performance of urban areas
of increased heat waves on energy demand. Their results showed heat using a physics-based approach. Although it is argued that a more reli­
transfer from the building could increase by 77% due to increased mean able and robust UBEM simulation results could be achieved through the
radiant and surface temperature. Santos, et al. [126] developed an al­ integration of models of occupant behavior, mobility and microclimate,
gorithm to couple the effect of UHI to produce more accurate energy previous frameworks commonly neglect to mention areas where future
models using UWG. The results of this paper argued the feasibility and research can integrate such models. The depicted gap here is that a
highest accuracy of UWG to modify microclimate data. A similar comprehensive UBEM framework covering different aspects of previous
coupling tool is The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model frameworks and providing areas of future enhancement is needed.
which employs advanced numerical algorithms and physical parame­ Hence, this study provides a comprehensive UBEM framework collecting
terizations to simulate various atmospheric processes, such as radiation, these views together under four broad categories each with relevant
cloud formation, turbulence, and land-surface interactions. It utilizes subcategories as shown in Fig. 17. It also highlights areas of further
existing Land Use Land Cover (LULC) maps to enhance its simulations. future integrations that may vary from one research to another. Each of
The WRF model offers the flexibility of adjusting resolutions for fore­ the integrated models is also highlighted with areas where input data
casting purposes. For example, in a study by Shu, et al. [127], two need to be modified. Noting that integrating all models at the same time,
different resolutions of 25 km and 1 km were tested, revealing that is a complex process which would typically require high computational
simulations at higher resolutions resulted in more accurate representa­ and economic resources. Hence, it is important to determine the goal of
tions of microclimate parameters such as temperatures and wind. the study, the desired quality of the results, and the stage of design
Similarly, another study Ciancio, et al. [128] demonstrated that modi­ before deciding which model to integrate.
fied climate data using the WRF model led to changes in energy de­
mands, with cooling demand showing an increase of up to 49.25%. 5.2. Conflict between energy performance and outdoor thermal comfort
However, there is currently no research available that explores the
application of the WRF model specifically in hot climates. It is no longer enough to represent local climate conditions with
The depicted gap here is that this type of study mostly neglects the typical weather data that are unable to capture accurate representation
urban/architectural parameters. Noting that, either with or without of the urban microclimate. Coupling studies have confirmed that out­
urban parameter modifications, the majority of studies use radiant door thermal comfort and building energy demands are correlated.
temperature or surface temperature as primary contributors to changes However, these studies do not follow the same pattern. Some studies
in the microclimate scale specifically when focusing on monitoring proved that enhancing the thermal comfort reduces energy consump­
changes in the cooling loads followed by relative humidity and wind tion, while other studies revealed the conflict between both [109–111].
speed. Hence, future studies assessing the urban microclimate or energy de­
For these two categories, common packages of coupling tools are mands must consider the coupling approach to maintain high quality of
illustrated in Table 8. It is found that EnergyPlus is dominating the en­ their results. In terms of most affecting parameters, it is found that in hot
ergy modeling filed with different user interfaces coupled with various arid climates studies focus on measuring air and surface temperature
tools for the microclimate analysis including CFD utilizing Envi-met, and leave the rest of parameters as obtained from TMY files. In tropical
OpenFOAM, and ANSYS Fluent or numerical calculations and field climates, temperature is important too, but humidity must be included
measurements employing UWG or in-house developed models in the modified microclimate data. Radiation of long and short waves
[107,117,120,122,124,125,129]. For the microclimate pat, the domi­ along with shadowing effect are also very important factor which is
nating method is CFD with the most common tool Envi-met included in some UBEM tools. It is also important to note that modifying

N.M. Waly et al. Energy & Buildings 295 (2023) 113303

Fig. 17. Comprehensive UBEM framework.

N.M. Waly et al. Energy & Buildings 295 (2023) 113303

the data must be accompanied with quantifying the energy change due

Shading WWR
to these modifications.





5.3. Integration of microclimate on UBEM process




Due to the complexity and multidimensionality of urban settings,
unrealistic and uncertain simulation results often occur. Hence, a

coupled UBEM microclimate approach is essential to reduce errors and
enhance simulation results. Based on single building coupling studies,





several methods could be adopted to better represent the boundary
conditions of the urban energy models. These methods include:

Vegetation Building
• Modify typical weather data using field measurements of microcli­




mate parameters at pre-specified points based on the urban form.
Where temperature is believed to be the most influencing factor in
hot climates. This method is useful when simulating energy demands






of existing urban forms. However, at the urban scale, it would require
high resources to capture change in different locations along the

addressed context.



• Use UWG or WRF model to develop modified weather files repre­
senting different contexts. This method is useful when predicting

scenarios of future climatic changes including overheating and UHI

based on historic data. Although the WRF model has not been
extensively tested in hot climates, its efficiency and effectiveness in




weather forecasting for lower resolutions up to 1 km have been

demonstrated in other contexts. For both models, application in two-

way coupling frameworks is limited.




• Employ the advanced technologies of CFD to simulate the urban
microclimate. This would be useful when planning new cities in BUA FAR Building
order to make use of detailed physics-based analysis to assess the





impact of different urban forms. Also, useful to integrate parametric
and generative design when coupling two software for CFD and



• Develop in-house algorithms to run parallel simulation platforms




between microclimate and urban energy.

5.4. Hot climate contexts





One of the findings of this review is the lack of research covering hot

climate contexts both in urban energy modeling and single building






couplings. Although, it is important to upgrade this type of research in
hot climates since it agreed that the overheating effect and UHI are

major contributors to the increase in energy demands. It is also impor­


tant because the calculation of heating and cooling loads is different and





is highly affected by the boundary conditions.

6. Conclusion and future work

I: Architecture/
urban model

Based on a hybrid review methodology, the findings of this study


emphasize the need for a comprehensive UBEM framework that in­

tegrates previous efforts and provides guidance for future model inte­
Architecture/urban parameters and associate tools.




gration. Such a framework would enable planners to assess the energy


performance of their master plans effectively. The study also under­

Type of

scored the significance of incorporating microclimate factors into urban




energy assessments, with a particular focus on identifying the micro­



climate parameters that have the most influence on energy performance


Urban block
Urban block
Urban block
Urban block

Urban block
Urban block

Urban block
Urban block
Urban block
Urban block
Urban block

Urban block
Urban block
Urban block

in hot climate contexts, such as radiant air temperature, surface tem­

perature, and relative humidity.

Moreover, the research provided a summary of alternative methods



to obtain modified microclimate data and presented an overview of

previously employed UBEM tools and potential coupling packages. This

offers opportunities for future research to harness the power of coupling












approaches in designing new urban areas or retrofitting existing urban

agglomerations. The study highlights the importance of using these
Table A1




approaches to accurately represent future configurations, as historic

weather data alone does not encompass the strategies employed by

N.M. Waly et al. Energy & Buildings 295 (2023) 113303

Table A2
Microclimate and parameters and packages of tools.
Source II: Microclimate modeling II: Microclimate modeling Depicted change
Tool Surface Mean Relative Wind Wind Solar and Tool Cooling Heating
temperature radiant Humidity speed pressure Sky load load
temperature radiation analysis analysis

[107] ENVI-met 1 1 1 1 0 0 EnergyPlus 1 0 (-) 1.7 ◦ C radiant


(-) 2.13% of total

[109] In-house code 1 1 1 1 1 1 In-house code 1 0 up to (-) 23.8% in
heat stress and up
to (-) 5% in
cooling load
[119] ENVI-met 1 0 1 0 0 0 IES-VE 1 0 (-) 9% cooling
load due to
modifications of
temperature and
[114] ENVI-met 1 0 1 1 0 0 IES-VE 1 0 (-) 1.9 ◦ C radiant

(-) 4.9% cooling

[115] Ladybug and 1 1 1 1 0 0 Ladybug and 1 1 (+) 1 ◦ C radiant
Honeybee Honeybee temprature

(+) 10 to 15
(+) 25.85%
thermal comfort
(-) 93.14% total
[124] Measured 1 1 0 0 0 0 EnergyPlus 1 1 (-) 6% in
microclimate simulation errors
data and linked when compared
through GIS tool to actual energy
[120] UWG 1 1 1 0 0 0 EnergyPlus 1 1 up to (+) 2.49 ◦ C
[108] ENVI-met 1 0 0 0 0 0 Designbuilder 1 0 (-) 2.1 oC radiant

(-) 29% cooling

[129] UWG 1 1 1 0 0 0 EnergyPlus 1 0 up to (+) 26%

up to (-) 7.3%
gaps in estimated
[117] OpenFOAM 1 1 1 1 1 1 EnergyPlus 1 0 (-) 16.4% total
[121] ANSYS-Fluent 1 1 1 1 1 1 EnergyPlus 1 0 up to (+) 20%
simulated PET
due to modfied
microclimate data
[116] ENVI-met 1 1 0 0 0 0 eQuest 1 0 (-) 32% total
[130] ENVI-met 1 1 0 0 0 0 IES-VE 1 0 (-) 13% total
[122] OpenFOAM 1 1 0 0 0 0 EnergyPlus 1 0
[123] OpenFOAM 1 1 1 1 0 1 EnergyPlus 1 0
[134] in-house model 1 1 1 1 1 1 TRNSYS 1 0 up to (-) 29% total
[125] WRF-UCM 1 1 1 1 1 1 EnergyPlus 1 0 up to (+) 77%
heat transferred
from buildings
when simulating
heat waves
(continued on next page)

N.M. Waly et al. Energy & Buildings 295 (2023) 113303

Table A2 (continued )
Source II: Microclimate modeling II: Microclimate modeling Depicted change
Tool Surface Mean Relative Wind Wind Solar and Tool Cooling Heating
temperature radiant Humidity speed pressure Sky load load
temperature radiation analysis analysis

[118] UWG 1 1 1 1 1 1 TUF-IOBES 1 0 up to (-) 10%

cooling load
[135] in-house model 1 1 1 1 1 1 EnergyPlus 1 0 up to (-) 60%
and field cooling load
[136] ANSYS 1 1 1 1 1 1 EnergyPlus 1 0 up to (+) 64%
accuracy of the
simulated energy
[126] UWG 1 1 1 1 1 1 EnergyPlus 1 0

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