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Contingency Plan Subprocess - NXTSP-011

The Next 150 Mexico (TN150)


Issued 09/10/2023

Valid through 09/10/2024


Created by:

Javier Pacheco

Reviewed by:

Juan Verhook

Approved by:

Pablo Kohan


October, 2023

Date Approved:

October, 2023






Responsibilities and Authorities



Applicable documentation.

Revision history.


The Contingency Plan establishes the basic response procedures and actions that must be
taken to face in a timely, adequate, effective manner and with the necessary resources in
the eventuality of accidents and/or states of emergency that could occur in the event of fires,
explosions, falls, evacuations and any other emergency situation.


Establish the appropriate parameters for action and response in the event of an emergency
or work incident.


The Contingency Plan provides response actions in cases of disasters, emergencies with
implications for the natural or social environment. The plan is designed to address situations
whose magnitude will be evaluated in each case.


Production assistant, production operator, forklift operator.

Laboratory analyst.

Maintenance technician (special assignment - shift leader).

Safety and hygiene coordinator.

Shift leader.

Facility management, operations management, operations director.

Responsibilities and Authorities

It is the responsibility of the operations team to wear, care for and supervise the use of
personal protective equipment.

It is the responsibility of all functional areas of GBS: Irapuato facility, that affect quality,
productivity and safety, monitor the compliance, update and review of the subprocesses that
correspond to them.


The Emergency Plan: It is the main instrument that defines the policies and the applicable
organizational systems to confront calamity, disaster or emergency situations in a timely,
efficient and effective manner, in their different phases, in order to mitigate or reduce the
negative or harmful effects of situations that arise in the organization.

Contingency plan: It is the set of specific rules and procedures that, based on vulnerability
analysis, facilitate the prevention or timely and appropriate response to an emergency or
disaster situation.

Alarm: Urgent notification through mechanical, electrical, electronic or other devices, with the
objective of providing alert or alarm signals and putting into operation the Emergency
Program in the event of the occurrence or imminence of an incident.

Alert: Notification of the occurrence of a risk condition or an incident that could require the
eventual execution of the emergency plan.

Hazard: Probability of occurrence of a potentially disastrous event of natural or man-made

origin, during a period of time at a given site. A threat has the potential to affect exposed
resources or elements.

Risk: It is the probability of occurrence of a phenomenon, whether natural or anthropogenic.

Hazard: Potential source, situation or act of harm in terms of illness or injury to people or a
combination of these.

Emergency: Any situation that implies a state of partial or total disruption of the company,
with the capacity to produce injuries or damage to people, physical elements or the
environment caused by the imminent possibility of occurrence, or the actual occurrence of
an accident and the magnitude of which can endanger the stability of the affected
community, and therefore requires immediate action.
Evacuation: Planned action through which each person threatened by collective risks
develops predetermined procedures aimed at reaching safety by their own means, or by
existing means in their area, by moving to and through places of lower risk.

Accident: Unwanted event with the capacity to generate negative effects. It can be
accidental or intentional.


Preventive activities

The Safety and Hygiene Coordinator:

Must train personnel for emergency care.

Must coordinate the execution of drills at least once a year for the emergency brigade.

Inventory of the personal protective equipment.

Evaluate staff performance during an incident.

Evaluate the response time in the event of an emergency.

Must develop, review and, where appropriate, update the procedures for carrying out risky
work or activities within the facility.


The most important thing to control an incident is prompt action to minimize damage, in
such a way that, if a person notices a fire incident and knows how to control it with the
appropriate equipment, they must act quickly to control it.



Operations Personnel/shift leader

1. Immediately notify the shift leader and safety and hygiene coordinator.

Shift leader/Safety and hygiene coordinator

2. Check the employee who suffered a work incident, stay calm, provide care using the first
aid kit and avoid taking any action that could cause any other risk.

If the incident is a fire:

Close the gas valves.

Turn off all electrical equipment with the emergency stop.

De-energize equipment.

Take the nearest fire extinguisher, remove the safety lock and if the fire itself allows it, try to
fight it.

Do not use water to control an electrical fire; for this type of fire, a CO2 or Dry Chemical
Powder extinguisher should be used.

If the fire cannot be controlled, evacuate personnel in an orderly manner, following the
evacuation route, and wait at the emergency point for the arrival of external support.

Shift leader/Safety and Hygiene Coordinator.

3. If the work incident is controlled, the operation is reestablished and the work incident
report is filled out (NXTF - 035S), otherwise request external support through an emergency
call to 911, notify the incident to the operations management and coordination of human

This subprocess is made up of:


Contingency Plan subprocess.

NXTF – 035S

Work incident report

Aplicable documentation.


document name


Document Master List

Revision history.




01/ October/ 2023

Document issuance

Location: SharePoint The Next 150 México GBS IRAPUATO: OPERATIONS Safety and
hygiene process and Sub-process. Contingency plan NXTSP-011

The Next 150 Mexico

October 2023

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