OTT Questions

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Operation Theatre Technology

Operation Theatre Management

Define Operating department?

The operating department is a critical function within an organization that manage the day-to-
day activities and processes of the business.


Write a short note on operation room suit?

An operating theatre also known as operating room or operating room suit.

Operating room suit is a facility within a hospital where surgical operations are carried out in
Aseptic environment.


write duties of OT technician?

Following are the duties of OT technician:

• Maintenance of theatre.
• Preparation of OT instruments for surgical procedure.
• Sterilization of OT instruments.
• Rivision of OT instruments for surgical procedure.
• Maintenance of equipment.
• Assistance to surgeon.
• assistance to anaesthetic.
• Assistance to OT nurse during surgery.

Right the humidity and heating requirements during an operation on children?

Maximum total air exchange for per hour maximum related humidity 60% temperature range 72 to
78F and 22° to 26°C.

Write down the protocol of tissue disposal?
The tissues can be disposed of pathology waste.Pathology waste must be placed in red bag
and labelled with the word “BIOHAZARD”
• Pathology waste bags must be securely tide.
• Secondary containers must be rigid, have tight fitting cover, be clean and in good
• Pathology waste must be transferred to EHS(Environment health safety) within
seven days.

Do not dispose of biomedical waste using sink, drains or as regular trash.


How to take care of operating room during a surgery?

Following are the points for the care:

• The operating room should be uncontaminated and dust free.

• It should be kept as minimum as possible with just the basic necessary equipment and
• Shelving and other storag unit should be manufactured from durable non linting material
such as stainless steel or aluminium.


Write down the steps of fire safety?

Following are the steps for for safety:

• Identify fire hazards.

• Identify the source of ignition.
• Identify the source of fuel.
• Identify the people at risk.
• Identify the source of oxygen.
• Evaluate,remove,reduce and protect from risk.
• Evaluate the risk of fire occurring.
• Evaluate the risk two people.


What are the lighting requirements during an abdominal surgery?

The lighting requirements during an abdominal surgery are quite high to ensure the surgeon can see
the area clearly.

Following are the qualities of OT light:

• Shadow dilution
• Central illumination
• Total irradiance
• Light field diameter
• Correlated colour
• Depth of illumination

Enlist members of surgical team an their duties?

Following members are include in the surgical team:

• Surgeon
• Anesthesiologist
• Certified registered nurse anesthetist
• Surgical technician
• Operating room nurse
• Resident or Medical student
• Physician assistant
• Pedical device company representative



What is grounding system?

Grading system refers to the limit of the define values the voltage has in ground in every part of
electrical system.


It connects the current carrying point of the electrical system to the ground.

ie:The neutrals of transformers.


Write the uses and care of electronic equipment?

Electronics or widely used in automobile industry in engine control and car entertainment system.

• It is used in the utility system like boiler field pump, high voltage DC transmission,Static circuit
• Electronics play an important role in the aerospace industry.

Care of electronic equipment:

Following are the steps that help to keep the devices running smoothly:

• Light and other piece of machinery, electronic devices require regular maintenance to
function properly.
• Keep them clean.
• Avoid extreme temperature changes.
• Protect them from physical damage.
• Handle with care.


Write down the difference in tubular form between “direct” “semi direct” and “indirect” lighting?


Direct lightning is when the light Semi direct lightning is defined as Indirect lightning is defined as the
form a fixer or lamp falls on a mostly direct lightning with a one of the fixture uses to AIM light
specific area of an object. smaller parts that reflect as indirect. into ceiling and upper walls which
act as reflectors and distribute the
light throughout the room.
Direct light is created from a fixture Semi direct lightening has a greater Indirect light is the form of ambient
focus All light in a certain angle. portion of the light beamed light.

Flood light, spotlight, track light, Wall scones with an opalescent Indirect lighting minimise shadows.
pendent light. glass globe is an example of semi
direct lightning.

Such light are used in office, hospital Sunlight that reaches US is the
and reception room. prominent example of indirect

Moon does not have a light of its


Light through the curtain and

LED strip lights.

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