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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Poblacion, Dimasalang, Masbate



In Compliance to Entrepreneurship 12


January 2024
Table of Contents
List of Tables ...................... 24
List of Figures ..................... 23
List of Appendices .................. 25

Proposed name of the
business.............................. 6
Address of the business................ 6
Name of the owner or owners............ 6
Description of the business...........
Location of the business.............
Funding requirements and
sources................................ 7

Executive Summary
Vision, mission, goals and
objectives of the business............ 8
Business model........................ 9
Business and product positions........ 10
Wealth improvement
approches............................ 11
Parties supporting
the business........................... 11

Environmental Analysis
Global analysis ..................... 12
Social analysis ..................... 12
Political forces .................... 12
Economic forces ..................... 12
Socioeconomic forces ................ 12
Technological dances ................. 12
Ecological forces................... 13
Legal forces ....................... 13
Industry analysis Customers......... 13
Competitors ........................ 13
Creditors .......................... 13
Suppliers........................... 14
Government ......................... 14
Shareholders ....................... 14
Employees .......................... 14
Trade associations.................. 14
Market forecast .................... 14
Market share........................ 15
Market position .................... 15
Marketing strategy ................. 15

Business Description
Nature of the organization.......... 15
Product or service that it
plans to produce or serve ......... 16
Various plant and office
equipment ......................... 16
Size of the proposed
business .......................... 16
Future parties with whom contracts
may be necessary .................. 16
Personnel requirements............. 16
Administrative operation........... 16

Organizational Plan
Form of business
organization ..................... 17
Liability of the owner or
owners......................... 17
Organizational structure........... 17
Roles and responsibilities......... 17
Salary requirements................ 17

Production Plan
Production schedule................ 18
Production process................. 18
Processing plant and
equipment ........................ 18
Sources of materials............... 18
Production cost .................. 19

Operation Plan
Evaluation of supplier............ 19
Materials requisition and
receiving procedures.............. 19
Storage and inventory
control system .................... 19
Shipment system and
control .......................... 20
Functions of support
Services ......................... 20
Marketing Plan
Product........................... 20
Place............................. 20
Price............................. 20
Promotion ....................... 21
People ........................... 21
Packaging ........................ 21
Positioning ..................... 21

Financial Plan
Major assumptions .............. 21
Projected statement of
comprehensive income ............... 22
Projected statement of
cash flows ......................... 22
Projected statement of
changes in equity .................. 22
Projected statement
of financial position............... 23
Financial statement
analysis.......................... 23

LMD'S Icy Corn Delights





 The "MAIS CON YELO" is a well know Filipino dessert

that is particularly popular during the hot summer
months. "ICY CORN DELIGHTS" is a perfect choice for
anyone looking to cool down during hot weather. It
so common to use a regular canned corned but, our
product uses grilled corn on the cob! Simply grill
the corn until its slightly charred, then cut the
kernels off the cob and use them in place of canned
corn. It adds a delicious smoky flavour to the dish
the mission Is to provide our customer with the
highest quality and most refreshing "MAIS CON YELO"
experience possible. The proponent are committed to
using only the freshest and most Flavorfull
ingredients, and to continually innovating and
improving the proponent recipes to exceed our
costumer's expectations. The proponent strive to
create a welcoming and enjoyable atmosphere for our
customers, and to be an integral part of the
community and the proponent serve The vision of the
business wants to create a friendly and inviting
environment where customers can enjoy their Icy Corn
Delights and beat the heat. They will also offer
drinks and snacks strive to become popular and
respected brand in the community, exceptional
customer service The objective Is to become a
profitable and sustainable business, the proponent
aim to get a second branch to spread the name of our
business and to spread our product. That can
continue to provide customers with a delicious and
refreshing treat for years to come.


 Poblacion port, Dimasalang Masbate


 The proponent planning to invest a sum of money
between one hundred fifty thousand pesos to two
hundred thousand pesos in BDO Capital & Investment
corporation. Once the investment grows to three
hundred thousand pesos. the proponent going to
withdraw it from BDO.

Executive Summary

Vision, Mission, Goal and Objectives

Business Title: Icy Corn Delights

 The business wants to create a friendly and inviting
environment where customers can enjoy their ICY CORN
DELIGHTS and beat the heat. The proponent will also
offer drinks and snacks strive to become popular and
respected brand in the community, exceptional
customer service

 Is to provide our customer with the highest quality
and most refreshing "Icy Corn Delights" experience
possible. We are committed to using only the
freshest and most Flavorfull ingredients, and to
continually innovating and improving our recipes to
exceed our costumer's expectations. We strive to
create a welcoming and enjoyable atmosphere for our
customers, and to be an integral part of the
community we serve.

 Our main goal is to establish a strong presence in
the community by providing exceptional products at
competitive prices. The proponent aim to become a
trusted and integral part of the neighborhood,
fostering lasting connections and offering an
unparalleled experience. Through our dedication to
quality, affordability, and community engagement, we
strive to become deeply ingrained in the lives of
our customers.

 Is to become a profitable and sustainable business,
we aim to get a second branch to spread the name of
our business and to spread our product. That can
continue to provide customers with a delicious and
refreshing treat for years to come.

Promoting Sustainability:
 At Icy Corn Delights, the proponent prioritize
sustainability by implementing eco-friendly
practices. This includes using biodegradable
packaging and sourcing ingredients from sustainable
suppliers. Our commitment to sustainability allows
us to contribute to a healthier environment while
offering our customers delicious treats.

Community engagement:
 The proponent actively participate in local events,
collaborate with artists and organizations, and
support charitable initiatives. Our goal is to
foster a strong sense of connection and make a
positive impact within the community.

Business model:

Value Proposition:
 At Icy Corn Delights, the proponent offer a diverse
range of high-quality and innovative mais con yelo
creations. With a focus on customization, customers
can personalize their icy corn delights by choosing
their preferred sweetness level, toppings, and
flavors. Our commitment to using premium ingredients
ensures a delightful and satisfying experience,
making Icy Corn Delights the go-to destination for
unique and flavorful treats.

Customer Segments:
 The proponent cater to students, young
professionals, teachers, and icy corn delights
enthusiasts who appreciate quality beverages and
crave new flavors. We aim to attract customers who
value the refreshing and unique options we offer.
Whether you're a student in need of a refreshing
break or looking for exciting flavors, Mais con Yelo
is the perfect destination for you.

 The proponent offers both in-store and online
options for customers to enjoy our delicious icy
corn delights. Whether you visit our physical
storefront or order through our website and social
media platforms, we strive to provide exceptional
service through multiple channels.
Customer Relationships:
 Icy corn delights shop values strong customer
relationships through personalized service and a
welcoming atmosphere. By engaging with customers and
understanding their preferences, we ensure that our
offerings meet the community's demands. Our
commitment to building genuine connections goes
beyond serving icy corn delights.

Revenue Streams:
 Mais con Yelo shop earns revenue through the sale of
a wide range of products, including icy corn
delights, snacks, beverages, and essential items.
Additional services like photocopying, phone
loading, and bill payment contribute to our revenue

Key Resources:
 Our Icy Corn Delights Shop has a well-trained staff,
high-quality ingredients, modern equipment, a well-
designed physical space, and a strong online
presence. They strive to provide a unique and
enjoyable experience for Mais Con Yelo lovers.

Key Activities:
 At Mais Con Yelo Shop, our key activities include
creating unique icy corn delights flavors, sourcing
high-quality ingredients, preparing and serving
delicious mais con yelo beverages, marketing and
promotion, and continuously enhancing the customer

Key Partnerships:
 At Mais Con Yelo Shop, we focus on partnering with
local suppliers for high-quality ingredients and
collaborating with influencers and brands for
effective marketing strategies. These partnerships
help us maintain the quality of our Icy Corn
Delights and expand our customer base.

Cost structure:
 The proponent have a comprehensive cost structure
that covers expenses such as rent, employee
salaries, ingredient procurement, marketing,
equipment maintenance, and operational costs. By
efficiently managing our expenses, we are able to
offer our customers a delightful Mais Con Yelo
experience at a reasonable price.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

 Mais Con Yelo Shop stands out with their innovative
and visually appealing Icy Corn Delights, offering a
unique dessert experience.


Business and Product Positions:

 The proponent positions Icy Corn Delights as a
standout player in the beverage industry, offering a
distinct and indulgent alternative to traditional
snacks and beverages. The focus is on creating a
memorable and refreshing experience for customers
through high-quality ingredients and unique flavor


Wealth Improvement Approaches:

 To ensure the growth and success of Icy Corn
Delights, the proponent has identified several key
approaches to improve wealth:

1. Market Expansion: The proponent plans to expand

distribution channels and reach a wider geographic area,
tapping into new markets and customer segments. This will
increase sales potential and revenue streams.

2. Product Innovation: Continuous research and

development of new flavors and product variations will
keep offerings fresh and exciting. By staying ahead of
consumer trends and preferences, the proponent can
attract new customers and retain existing ones.

3. Strategic Partnerships: Collaborations with local

grocery stores, online platforms, and influencers will
increase brand visibility and reach a larger audience.
These partnerships will help expand the customer base and
drive sales.

Parties Supporting the Business:

 The proponent recognizes the importance of
collaboration and support from various parties to
ensure the success of Icy Corn Delights. The
following parties play a crucial role in supporting
the business:

1. Suppliers: The proponent partners with reliable and

quality-focused suppliers who provide fresh and premium
ingredients, ensuring the consistency and excellence of

2. Employees: A dedicated and skilled team is

instrumental in the day-to-day operations of the
business. Their passion and commitment help maintain high
standards of quality and customer service.

3. Customers: Loyal customers are the backbone of the

business. Their support and feedback drive continuous
improvement and help tailor offerings to their


Environmental analysis

Global Analysis:

 Analyze global factors that may impact the

proponent's business, such as international trade
policies, import/export regulations, and global
consumer trends.
 Consider the potential demand for Icy Corn Delights
in different countries and the challenges of
entering international markets.

Social Analysis:

 Analyze social factors that can influence the

success of the proponent's business, such as
consumer preferences, dietary trends, and cultural
acceptance of cold desserts.

 Understand the target market's demographics,

lifestyle choices, and social media behavior to
tailor marketing strategies effectively.

Political Forces:

 Evaluate political forces that can impact the

proponent's business, including food safety
regulations, licensing requirements, and government
policies related to the food industry.

 Stay updated on any changes in regulations that may

affect the production, distribution, or marketing of
Icy Corn Delights.

Economic Forces:

 Assess economic factors that can impact the demand

for Icy Corn Delights, such as disposable income
levels, consumer spending patterns, and economic
growth rates.

 Consider the affordability of the product and its

competitiveness in the market compared to other cold

Socioeconomic Forces:

 Analyze socioeconomic factors that can influence

the success of the proponent's business, such as
income distribution, employment rates, and social

 Understand how these factors can affect the

purchasing power and affordability of the target

Technological Advances:
 Evaluate technological advancements that can impact
the production, packaging, and distribution of Icy
Corn Delights.

 -Consider adopting innovative technologies to

improve efficiency, enhance the product's quality,
and streamline the production process.

Ecological Forces:

 Assess ecological factors that can impact the

proponent's business, such as sustainable sourcing
of ingredients, packaging materials, and waste
management practices.

 Consider consumer preferences for environmentally

friendly products and the potential impact of
climate change on the availability of ingredients
like corn and ice.

Legal Forces:

 Analyze legal factors, including food safety

regulations, licensing requirements, and
intellectual property rights, that can impact the
production and marketing of Icy Corn Delights.

 Ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations

to maintain product quality and consumer trust.

Industry Analysis:

 Conduct an analysis of the cold dessert industry,

including market trends, competitors, and growth

 Identify key players in the industry, their market

share, and any emerging opportunities or threats.


 Analyze the target customers of the proponent,

their preferences, and buying behavior.

 Understand their needs, wants, and expectations to

develop effective marketing strategies and customer-
centric products.

 Identify the proponent's direct and indirect
competitors in the market.

 Analyze their strengths, weaknesses, market share,

pricing strategies, and marketing tactics to develop
a competitive advantage.


 Assess the relationship with the proponent's

creditors, such as banks or financial institutions.

 Understand the terms of credit, interest rates, and

repayment schedules to manage financial obligations



 Analyze the proponent's suppliers and their

reliability in providing quality ingredients and

 Evaluate their pricing, delivery capabilities, and

potential alternatives to ensure a smooth supply


 Consider the influence of government agencies and

policies on the proponent's business.

 Stay updated on regulations related to food safety,

labeling, and taxation that may impact operations.


 Analyze the expectations and interests of the

proponent's shareholders.

 Consider their investment goals, dividend

expectations, and long-term vision for the business.


 Assess the skills, knowledge, and motivation of the

proponent's employees.
 Develop strategies to attract, retain, and train a
competent workforce to support business growth.

Trade Associations:

 Identify relevant trade associations or industry

groups related to the cold dessert business.

 Join these associations to stay updated on industry

trends, network with peers, and access valuable

Market Forecast:

 Conduct a market forecast to estimate the potential

demand for Icy Corn Delights.

 Consider factors such as population growth, consumer

trends, and market saturation to determine future
market opportunities.

Market Share:

 Analyze the proponent's current market share and

compare it to competitors.

 Identify strategies to increase market share through

effective marketing, product differentiation, or
expansion into new markets.

Market Position:

 Determine the proponent's market position by

assessing brand perception, customer loyalty, and
competitive advantage.

 Develop strategies to strengthen the position and

differentiate from competitors.

Marketing Strategy:

 Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy for Icy

Corn Delights.

 Consider the 4Ps of marketing (product, price,

place, promotion) to create a compelling value
proposition and reach the target market effectively.
Business Description

Nature of the organization:

 Icy Corn Delights is a food and beverage company

that specializes in offering a unique and refreshing
twist to traditional corn-based snacks. Our
organization is dedicated to providing high-quality
and delicious corn-based products to our customers.


Product or service that it plans to produce or serve:

 At Icy Corn Delights, we plan to produce and serve a

variety of innovative corn-based delights. Our
signature product is a range of frozen corn-based
treats, including ice cream, popsicles, and sorbets,
all made from fresh and locally sourced corn. We
also offer other corn-based snacks such as corn
chips and corn fritters.

Various plant and office equipment:

 To ensure the production of our corn-based delights,

we will utilize state-of-the-art plant and office
equipment. This includes industrial-grade freezers,
food processing machinery, packaging equipment, and
a modern office setup for administrative tasks.

Size of the proposed business:

 Icy Corn Delights aims to start as a small-scale

business, initially serving the local community and
gradually expanding our reach. We plan to establish
a production facility with sufficient capacity to
meet the growing demand for our products.
Future parties with whom contracts may be necessary:

 As our business grows, we anticipate the need to

collaborate with various parties to support our
operations. This may include local farmers for a
steady supply of fresh corn, distributors for
product distribution, and marketing agencies to
promote our brand.

Personnel requirements:

 To run our business smoothly, we will require a team

of dedicated and skilled personnel. This includes
production staff for food preparation and packaging,
sales and marketing professionals to promote our
products, administrative staff for day-to-day
operations, and management personnel to oversee the
overall business.

Administrative operation:

 The administrative operation of Icy Corn Delights

will involve various tasks such as inventory
management, financial management, customer service,
and marketing. We will implement efficient systems
and processes to ensure smooth operations and
provide excellent customer experiences.
Organizational Plan

Form of the Business Organization:

Legal structure: The chosen legal structure for the Icy

Corn Delights business is a sole proprietorship.

Rationale for the Chosen Legal Structure:

 The sole proprietorship structure is selected for
the Icy Corn Delights business due to its
simplicity, ease of setup, and full control over the
business. As a sole proprietor, the owner has the
freedom to make independent decisions and has direct
ownership of the business.

Registration and Licensing Requirements in the

 To establish a sole proprietorship in the
Philippines, the owner must fulfill the following
registration and licensing requirements:

1. Business Name Registration: Register the business name

with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and
obtain a Certificate of Business Name Registration.

2. Barangay Clearance: Secure a Barangay Clearance from

the local barangay office where the business will
3. Mayor's Permit: Obtain a Mayor's Permit or Business
Permit from the city or municipality where the business
is located.

4. BIR Registration: Register with the Bureau of Internal

Revenue (BIR) to obtain a Tax Identification Number (TIN)
and comply with tax obligations.

Pros and Cons of Sole Proprietorship:

1. Easy and inexpensive to set up and maintain.
2. Complete control and decision-making authority.
3. Flexibility in managing business operations.
4. Direct and simplified tax reporting.
1. Unlimited personal liability for business debts and
2. Limited access to capital compared to other business
3. Sole responsibility for all aspects of the

✓Liability of the Owner:

 As a sole proprietor, the owner has unlimited
personal liability. This means that the owner's
personal assets can be used to satisfy business
debts and legal obligations. It is important for the
owner to carefully manage risks and consider
obtaining appropriate insurance coverage to protect
personal assets.

Risk Mitigation Strategies:

 Implementing risk mitigation strategies can help
protect the business and minimize potential risks.
Some strategies to consider include:

Maintaining proper financial records and ensuring

compliance with tax and regulatory requirements.
1. Implementing quality control measures to ensure
product consistency and customer satisfaction.
2. Developing a comprehensive business plan and
regularly reviewing and updating it.
3. Diversifying the customer base and exploring new
markets to reduce dependency on a single revenue

Business Insurance Options:

 It is important to consider obtaining business
insurance to protect against unforeseen
circumstances and liabilities. Some common types of
business insurance to consider for the Icy Corn
Delights business include:

1. General Liability Insurance: Provides coverage for

third-party bodily injury, property damage, and
advertising injury claims.

2. Property Insurance: Protects business property,

equipment, and inventory against damage or loss.

3. Product Liability Insurance: Covers potential claims

arising from the consumption or use of the Icy Corn
Delights products.

4. Business Interruption Insurance: Provides coverage for

lost income and expenses in the event of a business
interruption or closure.

Organizational Structure:
 The organizational structure of the Icy Corn
Delights business will be as follows:

Ownership Structure:
 The business will be solely owned by the proprietor.

Departments and Their Functions:

1. Production: Responsible for the preparation and

assembly of Icy Corn Delights desserts.
2. Marketing: Handles promotional activities, market
research, and customer engagement.

3. Sales: Manages sales channels, customer orders, and


4. Finance: Handles financial management, budgeting, and


Reporting Relationships:
 The employees in each department will report to
their respective department heads. The department
heads will report directly to the owner.

✓Roles and Responsibilities:

 Key roles and responsibilities within the
organization include:

1. Owner: Overall business management, decision-making,

financial management, and strategic planning.
2. Department Heads: Supervise and manage their
respective departments, oversee operations, and ensure
targets are met.

3. Employees: Carry out assigned tasks, such as

production, marketing, sales, or finance, as per their

✓Salary Requirements:

Salary Structure:
 The expected salary and benefits for each role will
be determined based on industry standards, job
responsibilities, and the financial capacity of the

Competitive Analysis:
 A competitive analysis will be conducted to compare
salaries with industry standards in the Philippines
to ensure fair compensation for employees.

Salary Allocation within the Business Budget:

 The allocation of salaries within the business
budget will be based on the importance of each role,
market rates, and the financial sustainability of
the business.

Incentive Programs for Employees:

 Incentive programs, such as performance bonuses or
profit-sharing plans, may be implemented to motivate
and reward employees based on their contributions to
the success of the business.

Profit-Sharing or Bonus Plans for Owners:

 Profit-sharing or bonus plans for the owner will
depend on the financial performance of the business
and may be determined annually or based on
predefined milestones.


Production Plan
Production Schedule:
 The production of Icy Corn Delights will take place
daily from Monday to Sunday. The production schedule
will be divided into two shifts: morning shift from
8:00 AM to 12:00 PM and afternoon shift from 1:00 PM
to 5:00 PM. Each shift will have a team of four
production staff members.

Production Process:

Step 1: Preparation
 Gather all the necessary ingredients for Icy Corn
Delights, including sweet corn, crushed ice,
condensed milk, sugar and the proponent specialty
topping leche flan or ube
 Clean and sanitize the production area and

Step 2: Cooking the Sweet Corn

 Boil the sweet corn in a large pot until tender.
 Drain the cooked sweet corn and let it cool.

Step 3: Assembly
 In individual serving cups, layer crushed ice,
cooked sweet corn, condensed milk, and sugar.
 Repeat the layers until the cup is filled.
 Top it off with a sprinkle of sugar, ube or leche
flan on the final layer.

Step 4: Packaging and Storage

 Seal each cup with a plastic lid or cover.
 Store the packaged Icy Corn Delights in a
refrigerated area until ready for distribution.

Processing Plants and Equipment:

 The production will take place in a dedicated
kitchen facility.

Equipment needed includes:

 Large pots for boiling sweet corn
 Refrigerator for storing ingredients and finished
 Ice crusher or blender for crushing ice
 Serving cups and lids for packaging

Source of Materials:
 Sweet corn: Source from local farmers or wholesale

 Crushed ice: Produced in-house using ice machines or

purchased from a reliable ice supplier.

 Condensed milk and sugar: Source from reputable

suppliers or local grocery stores.

Production Cost:

 The production cost will include the cost of

ingredients, labor, packaging materials, and
overhead expenses.
 It is important to keep track of the cost of each
ingredient and calculate the total cost per cup of
Icy Corn Delights to ensure profitability.

1. Ingredients:
- Sweet corn: 560
- Crushed ice: 279
- Condensed milk: 279
- Toppings (e.g., nata de coco, leche flan): 560

Total ingredient cost: 1,678

2. Packaging and Supplies:

- Cups: 280
- Spoons: 168
- Napkins: 280
- Straws: 280

Total packaging and supplies cost: 840

3. Equipment:
- Shaved ice machine: 11,196
- Blender: 2,799
- Food processor: 2,799

Total equipment cost: 16,794

4. Utilities:
- Electricity: 2,799 per month
- Water: 1,118per month

Total monthly utilities cost: 3,917

5. Rent:
- Store space: 22,990 per month
6. Labor:
- Staff wages: 44,784 per month
7. Miscellaneous Expenses:
- Marketing and advertising: 5,589 per month
- Cleaning supplies: 1,118 per month
- Maintenance and repairs: 2,795 per month

Total monthly production cost: 77,276

Operation Plan

Valuation of supplier:

 To ensure the quality and reliability of the

proponent's ingredients, Icy Corn Delights will
conduct a thorough evaluation of potential
suppliers. This evaluation will include an
assessment of the proponent's product quality,
pricing, delivery capabilities, and the proponent's
adherence to food safety standards. The proponent
will establish long-term partnerships with suppliers
who meet the proponent's criteria and maintain
consistent quality.

Materials requisition and receiving procedures:

 To streamline the production process, Icy Corn

Delights will implement efficient materials
requisition and receiving procedures. This will
involve maintaining a detailed inventory of required
ingredients and packaging materials, establishing a
system for timely requisition, and ensuring proper
documentation and inspection upon receipt of

Storage and inventory control system:

 Icy Corn Delights will implement a robust storage

and inventory control system to ensure optimal
utilization of space and efficient management of
inventory. This will involve categorizing and
organizing materials based on their characteristics
and shelf life, implementing a first-in, first-out
(FIFO) inventory rotation system, and regularly
conducting inventory audits to prevent stock outs or
excess inventory.

Shipment system and control:

 To ensure timely and accurate delivery of the

proponent's products, Icy Corn Delights will
establish a well-defined shipment system and control
process. This will include selecting reliable
logistics partners, implementing proper packaging
and labeling standards, and maintaining a tracking
system to monitor the movement of shipments. The
proponent will also establish quality control
measures to ensure that the proponent's products are
delivered in optimal condition.

Functions of support services:

 Support services play a crucial role in the smooth
operation of Icy Corn Delights. These functions
include maintenance and repair of production
equipment, waste management and disposal, facility
cleaning and sanitation, and compliance with health
and safety regulations. The proponent will allocate
resources and establish standard operating
procedures for each support service to ensure a safe
and hygienic working environment.

Marketing Plan


 "Icy Corn Delights" is a unique and refreshing corn-

based beverage that combines the sweetness of corn,
the coolness of crushed ice, and the creaminess of
condensed milk. It offers a delightful and
satisfying treat for the target market.

 The proponent plans to offer various flavors of "Icy

Corn Delights" such as classic corn, mango, and ube
(purple yam). These flavors add diversity to the
product line and cater to different taste


 The location of Icy Corn Delights is in Poblacion,

Port Masbate.


 small - 20
 medium - 35
 large - 50



 To generate awareness and demand for "Icy Corn

Delights", a comprehensive promotional strategy will
be implemented. This will include social media
advertising, collaborating with influencers or food
bloggers, hosting sampling events at local community
gatherings, and running targeted promotions.

 The proponent will leverage the power of social

media platforms like Instagram and Facebook to
engage with the target audience, share visually
appealing content, and create a buzz around the


 The target market for "Icy Corn Delights" includes

individuals of various age groups, particularly
young adults and families who enjoy refreshing and
unique beverages. The proponent will consider their
demographics, interests, and lifestyle choices when
crafting marketing messages.

 By understanding the needs, preferences, and

purchasing behavior of the target market, the
proponent will tailor product offerings and
marketing strategies to effectively reach and engage
with them.


 The packaging of "Icy Corn Delights" will be

designed to be visually appealing and functional.
Vibrant graphics and clear product information will
be used to catch the attention of customers.

 The packaging materials will align with the brand

image, reflecting the refreshing and indulgent
nature of the product. The aim is to create
packaging that stands out on the shelves and entices
customers to try "Icy Corn Delights".


 "Icy Corn Delights" will be positioned as a unique

indulgence that offers a refreshing and satisfying
treat. The key attributes, such as being a cool and
creamy beverage made with high-quality ingredients,
will be highlighted.

 The product will be positioned as a delightful

alternative to traditional snacks or beverages,
appealing to those seeking a refreshing and
indulgent experience.
Financial Plan

Major assumptions

The proponent projects that the starting

capital of P170,000 will be earned back within the first
four months of operation. In order for this to possible,
it has been calculated that the proponent's store has to
earn at least P6,700 each day to accumulate a total of
P200,000 in a single month. This is because of the
equipment bought at the start of the business venture in
order to process the proponent's ingredients and turn in
into a fine final product, the accumulated income within
the very first month won’t suffice. However, it is
expected that immediately at the fourth month after the
proponent business has opened, the proponent will be able
to totally get back all the money spent in funding the
business ever since the beginning.

After the starting capital has been earned

back, the proponent next step is to focus on our own
products and employees. The proponent's plan on improving
their own product within a year of establishment, in
order to establish their own position within the
competitive market. With products and services in mind,
it is also important to take care of the proponent's
workers, as they the foundation of a strong, healthy but
competitive business, and so the proponent plan on
improving the quality of life within the workplace by
increasing their salary depending on their performance
and giving them work benefits like bonuses and such.

Within a year of business implementation,

it is expected that the proponent will be ready and have
enough funds to expand the business by opening another
branch within the province of Masbate, thus starting the
journey to become a powerhouse corporation when it comes
to making and serving Icy Corn Delights in the

Projected statement of comprehensive income

As stated above in major assumptions, the

proponent expect to earn a daily amount of P6,700 in
order to have a monthly income of P200,000 to cover all
the proponent's expenses. This includes procuring the
ingredients, the cost of supplies and ingredients, the
monthly payment of bills, rent, salary of the employees,
cleaning and maintenance and of course advertising.

Just like what have been stated earlier,

it won’t be until the fourth month before the proponent
fully acquire again our starting capital. This is because
of the equipment, which includes the Shaved Ice Machine,
Blender, and Food Processor which has a total cost of
P16,794. But in the second month, we don’t have to deduct
that amount in our monthly income anymore.

Based on these numbers, the proponent can

compute the actual monthly income with gross profit and
net income.

Cost of goods sold = P75,540

Sales = P200,000

GROSS PROFIT = Sales – Cost of goods sold = P200,00 –

= P124,460

Operating expenses = P77,276

NET INCOME = Gross profit – Operating expenses = P124,460

– P77,276

Projected statement of cash flow

The store of the proponent is expected to have a monthly

income of P120,000 and down below is where most of the
income will go at the end of each month within the first
year of business implementation

Ingredients = P1,678 (every month so multiply by 30x) =


Supply and packaging = P840 (every month so multiply by

30x) = P25,200

Electric and water bill = P3,917

Rent = P22,990

Salary of employees = P44,784

Cleaning and maintenance = P2,795

4. Projected statement of changes in equity

Beginning equity: PHP 100,OOO.OO

Add: Net Income for the month = PHP 120,000

Ending Equity: Beginning Equity + Net Income =

PHP 220,000

5.Projected statement of financial position

Assets: Cash = PHP 100,000, Inventory = PHP 50,000,

Equipment = PHP 16,794

Liabilities: Assume no liabilities for simplicity

Equity: PHP 100,000

Total Liabilities and Equity: PHP 100,000

6. Financial statement analysis

1. Profit Margin: 37.5%

2. Current Ratio: Infinity (no liabilities)
3. Return on Equity: 37.5%

These metrics indicate high profitability, strong

liquidity, and favorable return on equity for Icy Corn

With this computation, it can be observed that the store

of the icy corn delights has a monthly net income of
P47,184. With this amount of monthly income, it is
expected that the proponent will be fully able to recover
the starting capital of P170,000 in just four months.


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