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I.'. Nr. f't

Sub: Revision of the rates of various allowances after enhancement of Dearness Allowances to 50%- reg.

Consequent upon the revision of the rate of Dearness Allowance to 50% with effect from 0L.01 .2024
vide the DOE oM No. L/L12024-E)| (B) dated L2th March, 2024, the rates of Allowances (House rent
Allowance, CEA, Travelling Allowance) stand revised with effect from 01.01.2024, in accordance with the
instruction contained in Ministry of Finance Office Memorandum dated 07.07.20L7 and 13.07.2019 w.e.f.
01.01..2024. as under.

i)Children Education Allowance

Existing rate (per child per Revised rate (per child per
year) year)
CEA Rs. 27,000 Rs. 33,750
Hostel Subsidy Rs. 81,000 Rs. l-,0L,250
!E4le'-qryye!E__ Rs. 54,000 Rs. 67,500
*Other terms and condition will remain
same as stipulated in G.1., DoPT, OM No. A-
27 O12/ 0212017-Estt. (AL) dated !7 .07 .ZOLB.

ii) House Rent Allowance

Classification of Cities/Town Existing Rate Revised Rate

X 27% of Basic pay 30% of Basic pay
Y 18% olBasic pay 20% of Basic pay
Z 9% of Basic pay 1,0% of Basic pay
*Other terms and condition
will remain same as stipulated in G.1., DopT, OM No. Z/5lZOtl_
E.ll (B) dated 07.o7.z1t7.

Allowance related to TA, DA during travel:

iii) Hotel accommodation
Pay Level (per day)
Er'{1g|ate Revised Rate (per day)
L4 & above Rs. 7,500 + Taxes Rs.9,375 + Taxes
12&13 Rs. 4,500 + Taxes Rs.5,625 + Taxes
9to11 Rs. 2,250 + Taxes Rs.2,8L3 + Taxes
6to8 Rs. 750 + Taxes Rs.938 + Taxes
5 & below Rs. 450 + Taxes Rs.563 + Taxes

(touring station)
Pay Level Existing Rate (per day) Revised Rate (per day)
L2 & above
No change
9to11 Rs. 338 Rs. 423
6toB Rs. 225 Rs. 281
5 & below Rs. LL3 Rs, 1.41.
Travel on foot Rs. 1.2 per km
_EL1l per km
v) Reimbursement of Food Charges/Lumpsum amount or Daily Allowance
Pay Level Existing Rate (per day) Revised Rate (per day)
14 & above Rs. 1,200 Rs. 1,500
L2 & 13 Rs. 1,000 Rs. 1,250
9to1L Rs. 900 Rs. 1,125
6to8 Rs. 800 Rs. L,000
5 & below Rs.500 Rs. 625

vi) For journey performed by

own carftaxi, auto rickshaw, own scooter etc. at the place where
no specific rate has been prescribed by Director of transport of concerned State or the
neighboring State
Existing Rate Revised Rate
For journey in own car/taxi Rs. 24 per km Rs. 30 per km
For journey by auto, own Rs. L2 per km Rs. 15 per km
scooter etc.

Note: ln case the rate has been presented by concerned state, the same shall be applicable.

vii) Rate of transportation of personal effects by road on transfer etc.

Pay Level Existine Rate Revised Rate
6 & above Rs. 50 per km Rs. 63 per km
5 & above
Rs. 25 per km
Rs. 15 per km
Rs. 31
Rs. 19 per km
Other terms and conditions will remain same as stipulated in O.M.No. I9030ltl2O17-E.lV
date 10th July, 2017.

This issues with approval of AS&FA, DARE/ ICAR. --t---\..^zt.

Senior Finance & Accounts Officer


1. pso to DG, tcAR/ Sr. pPS to Additional secretary, DARE & Secretary, lCAR/PPS to AS&FA, DARE/ICAR
Z. Directors/project Directors of all ICAR institutes/ National research Centres/ Project Directorates/
3. All Officers/Sections, ICAR, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi including Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan I & ll,
NASC, Pusa, New Delhi.
4. PD, DKMA for placing on lcAR website, ADG (lCT)for E,office upload
5. Helpdesk ERP tASRl, New Delhifor necessary action
6. Guard file/Spare CoPies.

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