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 The number formed by 5rd and 6th digit = a

 The number formed by 3rd and 4th digit = a^2

 5th digit = 0 (bcoz 5th and 6th is 2 digit means the sqrt will be 3 digit number. e.g. 10^2=100)

 2nd digit is half of 4th digit then 4th digit is even

 if 4th is even then a is also even , a=[2,4,6,8]

 [a^3] digit + 1 digit = 7th digit no. then possibility are [2,3,4]

 e.g. 0^3 = 1 digit + 1 digit = 2 digit ; 4^3 =64 ==> 2 digit + 1 digit = 3 digit ; 9^3 = 729 ==> 3 digit +
1 digit = 4 digit number.

4/6 2 0 4
0 2 2 6/4

 a=2 ------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|----------|----------|----sum = 20

6/9 3 1 6 0
4 3 7/4

 a=2 ------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|----------|----------|----sum = 30

6/9 3 3 6
0 6 4 2/9

 a=2 ------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|----------|----------|----sum = 30/40

4/6 2 4 0
8 4 2/0

 a=2 ------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|----------|----------|----sum = 30

Q1) The sum of all the single digit natural number which are definitely not present in rinesh's pin is

a) 1

b) 7
c) 5

d) all natural numbers are present in rinesh pin

Q2) The least possible possible sum of all digits of the pin is?

a) 40

b) 30

c) 50

d) 20

Q3) Which of the following statement is definitely true?

a) if 6 is the first digit, then 4 is the Last digit.

b) if 9 is the first digit, then 4 is the last digit.

c) if 4 is the first digit, then 6 is the last digit.

d) if 0 is the third digit, then 4 is the fourth digit.

ans: 1) c

2) d

3) d

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