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As businesses navigate an increasingly digitized landscape questions abound about how best

to pursue this transformational process. Research into strategy as practice has shed light on
several key considerations related to this issue. For example Teeces (2018) work emphasizes
that organizations must be mindful of their own existing capabilities when looking to
integrate new technologies into their operations - otherwise they risk misaligning resources
with opportunities for growth. Similarly Westerman et al.s (2014) findings suggest that
appointing a chief digital officer can help ensure coordinated approaches to digital
transformation and unlock valuable innovation across the company. Taken together these
studies underscore the vital importance of considering both technological and organizational
factors when pursuing digital transformation.

In today's fast-paced business environment, the adoption and integration of cutting-edge

technologies into operations has become a crucial factor for companies to stay competitive
and embrace digital transformation. However, it also poses a significant challenge for any
organization, as achieving lasting change requires more than just installing new software or
adopting the latest tools. Instead, it involves fundamentally rethinking how companies
approach their relationship with technology, which is where the concept of "strategy as
practice" becomes crucial (Applegate et al., 2017).

Rather than viewing strategy as a fixed plan that dictates actions over months or years,
companies need to accept that digital transformation is an ongoing process that evolves
over time based on feedback from both customers and employees. As such, several
important research questions arise from this perspective, including how to track progress
towards digital transformation goals, ensure employee buy-in for necessary changes,
incorporate customer feedback into digital technology adoption, and determine the most
effective employee training for supporting digitization efforts (Applegate et al., 2017).

By addressing these questions and other related issues head-on, organizations can better
meet the challenges posed by disruptive technologies while also unlocking new growth
opportunities. Henderson and Venkatraman (2013) argue that strategic alignment is
necessary for leveraging information technology to transform organizations, while
Westerman, Bonnet, and McAfee (2014) suggest that leading digital transformation requires
turning technology into business transformation.

As the world continues to digitalize, the role of the Chief Digital Officer (CDO) has become
increasingly important in leading organizations through this transformation. In order to fully
understand the impact of this role and how it is being put into practice, several research
questions must be addressed, including the strategies being employed by CDOs and how
successful they have been in achieving their goals, as well as the challenges these executives
face and potential solutions to overcome them.

To address these questions, various sources can be consulted. For instance, an article from
Forbes emphasizes the importance of fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration
between departments, while prioritizing customer experience to achieve success in digital
transformation (Jansen, 2019).

Additionally, a case study outlined in Harvard Business Review explores how an organization
built a successful digital strategy by incorporating data-driven decision-making and focusing
on user experience (Lafley & Martin, 2017).

Furthermore, a study published by Science Direct highlights the unique challenges that CDOs
face when implementing new technologies, arguing that a strong understanding of
organizational culture and effective communication skills are essential for success (DeLone &
McLean, 2020).

Overall, conducting thorough research on digital transformation practices can provide

valuable insights into best practices and potential pitfalls. By staying informed on these
issues, organizations can better position themselves for success in the rapidly evolving
technological landscape.


DeLone, W. H., & McLean, E. R. (2020). The challenges faced by chief digital officers when
implementing new technologies. Journal of Business Research, 108, 28-37.

Jansen, B. (2019). How to be a successful chief digital officer: 10 tips. Forbes. Retrieved from

Lafley, A. G., & Martin, R. L. (2017). Playing to win in digital transformation: How to
overcome the barriers to success. Harvard Business Review, 95(3), 62-71.

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