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8C!LC1 8LC81 Cn
1ralnlngs lor ulsLrlbuLor's Sales And 1echnlcal SupporL

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The Sales Manager's Objective:
When you sell products or services through distributors and wholesalers your key objective
is to
O evelop successful distributors so that you can drive up the volume and profitability
of your sales
O ind distributors who have the right levels of knowledge to be able to successfully
sell and support your products in their various markets
O !rovide the initial training and support, and have a ongoing programme of
consistent training
O Manage your resources so that you can run your department profitably

The essence of a good sales person - one with whom the customer feels comfortable - is one
who knows his product. To move your products in the volumes you want, you need good
sales people in your company and inside your istributors. To be good, those sales people
need consistent training to be familiar with, and knowledgeable about, the product.

However, the chain of information and product training can be long. You have to have
your own sales, marketing and support people trained. Then you have to get the sales and
support staff of your istributor trained. Then they have to train the sales and support
staff of their Resellers.

This all takes time. You want sales. But you know sales will come most rapidly with sales
people who know your products.

How do you speed up product training and ongoing training programmes - so that sales
and profit flow increases rapidly?

elivering the Results - Sales and !rofits!

Using Virtex's Communicator

you can deliver consistent product training and other

communications over the Internet to the sales and support staff of your istributors. This
ensures that everyone in the chain between the product marketing team and the end-user
are fully capable of the sale and support of the product or service.

You can get your best presenter to deliver product or other training to YOUR sales and
support staff, your istributors' sales and support staff, and to their Resellers' sales and
support staff - all at the same time! Every one in the channels is up to scratch together! You
can deliver product throughout the distribution chain, and know that the end salesperson
knows about it and can handle it with the customer!

Those people who are busy at the time it is delivered live can see an archive of it on-
demand - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Your target audience can view the training and presentations from their !Cs, their laptops
or from some !ocket !Cs/!s. If they want to review some part of the presentation for
greater understanding, they can relook at the archive at any time.

nd you can get lots of feedback - you'll know who attended your sessions, and you'll be
able to monitor their progress and understanding.

The costs are low - the returns are high!

The Benefits of Virtex's Communicator

to Sales Managers

Helps you give dynamic and influential presentations to a local, regional, national or world-
wide audience
O Cuts excess travel time and costs for employees, distributors and customers
O Cuts excess travel time and costs for presenters
O !rovides both video and audio presentations so you can use whatever is appropriate
for your audience and budget
O elivers your message over the Internet, thus cutting out the costs (incurred by
other methods) of conferencing over phone lines
O elivers a consistent message
O Helps you reach your target audience by multiple means, e.g. Internet, corporate
intranet, or the mobile Web
O elivers your message in the way the audience wants it - on a !C, laptop, !,
!ocket !C or an overhead screen
O !rovides your message 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through the archived on-
demand facility
O Makes your message available wherever the user is located
O Makes your best expert presenters available to everyone - wherever they are located
O Is easy to use by the users - they view your presentations from their web browsers
O llows users to question the speaker live
O Enables presentations to be delivered from the presenter's !C with a simple web
camera, or run as a more formal presentation with full video equipment
O Can improve product/service knowledge throughout your organization and
O !rovides detailed information about who attended
O Can enable you to test the knowledge of "attendees" through surveys and online
O Is a hosted service - so you can be up-and-running very quickly

istributors, are you looking for proven, cost-effective sales resources
you can use to:
O develop your personal effectiveness
O coach a sales person
O train, educate and develop sales people?
Why use ave Kahle`s sales training programs?
O Specifically designed for Wholesale istributors: ave has personal experience in
distribution, and. for 20+ years, has worked with over 200 distribution companies
and tens of thousands of distributor sales people to help them increase their sales
and develop their people. You can be sure that these materials hone in on the unique
challenges of the distributor`s selling situation.
O Educationally sound: ave has both a B.Ed. and Master`s in Teaching. His
material incorporate educationally sound, interactive learning experiences that set
them apart from every one else. In a world full of old sales people telling their
stories and passing them off as training materials, ave`s materials stand head and
shoulder above the pack.
O !roven: Since 1988, ave has been training B2B sales people in the best practices of
the profession. His messages have been honed and refined by literally tens of
thousands of sales people who have implemented his training. You can count on this
material making an impact.
O !ractical: This is a characteristic of all of ave`s sales training programs.
Everything is focused on helping you apply the practices to your job.
O Results-driven: Every sales training program offers practical, how-to instruction
that can be easily implemented to make an immediate impact on your performance.
ll our sales training programs are designed to bring you measurable results by
making specific changes in the behaviors of the sales people.
O Easy to understand and easy to use: You`ll know exactly what to do and how to do it
after every sales training program.

the /$ istributor !rogramme:

The /$ istributor !rogram trains suitably qualified people and organisations to become
distributors of /$ audiophile products.
In which regions do we require istributors?
/$ products are currently available in over 35 countries worldwide. The /$audiophile
product range is supplied through our authorized network of highly trained, extensively
supported distributors and their appointed dealer networks.
If you believe that you have the expertise to sell and support the /$ audiophile product
range and /$ owners in your market we would like to hear from you.
What pre-existing knowledge is required?
/$ distributors normally have a background in high end audio sales, distribution and
support. They also have an excellent reputation and existing relationships with the
mainstream and specialist hi-fi media in their geography.

What opportunities are available through selling /$ products?
/$ is the world leader in high end digital audio components. Since 1987 /$ has been at
the forefront of digital audio - creating products that are a unique synthesis of exact science
and creative imagination. ue to the increasing worldwide demand for our audiophile
products, /$ represents an excellent partnership opportunity for both you and /$.
What is involved in the distribution of our products?
/$ products are designed and hand built in the UK to deliver a totally unique listening
experience. The best materials combined with decades of experience and skilled
manufacturing guarantee amazing performance.

In return we expect our distributors and dealers to take as much care and attention when
selling and supporting /$ products as we do when building the product. Since
distributing /$ involves a number of professional services, this is not just a freight
forwarding job. The services we expect our distributors to perform include:

1. Selecting appropriate /$ dealers
2. Training - provide indepth training to /$ dealers
3. Sales - emonstration and Sale of /$ !roducts to ealers and End Users
4. Installation of emonstration Systems in /$ ealers
5. Local language technical support to /$ ealers and Owners
6. Ongoing technical support to /$ ealers
7. Manage relationships with local media and specialist hi-fi press
In addition, we expect our distributors to invest in the /$ brand through marketing,
advertising, trade shows and other activity that increases the visibility of /$ in your area.

Vendor Imperatives:
Clearly, distributors are motivated to continue to evolve their services and remain
relevant as brokers of the IT world. s a result, they are delivering advanced partner
technical education, practice consulting and sales specialization training on behalf of
vendors that have the vision to leverage these services.
These higher-margin services, however, can't be created without the help and support
of the vendor community. Vendors need to continue to foster distributors' eforts to
invest in channel development services. This requires a shift in thinking for vendors to
view distributors as long-term enablement partners. Results are still measured quarterly,
but investment planning should span 12 to as many as 18 months forward. Success
will more naturally follow vendors who make sustained investments and empower
and demand results from their distributors around the development of true partner
skills development and market success.
Vendors who follow these distributor engagement strategies will likely achieve the
best results:

1. Show your distributors a path to investment in new partner
development services.
istributors are investing in specialization that delivers value to both VRs and
vendors. Vendors need to pull out the channel !L model and think creatively about
how to include distributor systems and programs as a direct, not indirect, extension of
their own operations. This may include the ~outsourcing of certain partner
development services previously conducted exclusively by the vendor.

2. Invest in the organizations that create sales success.
With more sophisticated pipeline tracking systems in place, distributors are far better
equipped than in the past to track and land qualiied opportunities with or on behalf
of their VR customers. Too often, distributors are disconnected from the vendor`s
direct VR and end-user demand generation eforts. This may or may not require an
expansion of the vendor`s channel marketing budget, but rather requires a shift from
vendor-direct to partner-led (and distributor supported) sales and marketing programs.
3. Utilize distribution core competencies to extend cloud coverage.
It is still early in the cloud services business, but distributors are not taking a passive
role. They still provide many of the same non-transactional services such as VR
proiling and recruitment, education and demand-generation marketing. istribution
has always added value by removing cost from the supply chain and will continue to
develop methods for reducing costs and complexity from the partner development
cycle. VRs are still a critical local touch point to the end user, and they (and their
vendor and distribution stakeholders) continue to look for ways to add value in a
cloud world. istributors are still a viable way to scale to this audience.

4. Redeine what success means.
Expectations must be properly set here as distributors are still high-volume,
low-margin organizations. Vendors must be willing to pay for services as they ramp
and gain partner adoption but, more importantly, also hold the distributors
accountable for delivering promised return on investment. Ideally, vendors should be
collaborating with distributors to develop a new set of metrics that measure
distributors' channel development success. While 10 to 15 years ago the expectations
revolved around quarterly purchases and total sell through, in 2015, smart vendors
will be using a whole new set of metrics to gauge two-tier success, including per-VR
productivity, percent of net-new revenue, services attach rate, time from program
enrollment to irst deal and subscription renewal rates.

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