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Biogeochemical Cycles

 The words “Bio” means living, “Geo” means rock and “Chemical” means element.
 Thus, the biogeochemical cycle can be defined as the cyclic exchange of material
between living organisms and their non-living environment to ensure conservation of
nutrients in the ecosystem.
 Therefore, the nutrients are never lost from the ecosystems and the earth’s
components are constantly recycled.

Biogeochemical Cycle: Various Types

Depending on the nature of the reservoir, the nutrient cycles or biogeochemical
cycles are of two types-
(a) Gaseous Biogeochemical cycle.
(b) Sedimentary Biogeochemical cycle

Gaseous Biogeochemical Cycles: Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Water:

Carbon Cycle: The carbon cycle involves the circulation of carbon in various forms, primarily
carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane(CH4).

 Exchange: Carbon cycling occurs through the atmosphere, ocean and living and dead

 Carbon Sink: A considerable amount of carbon is fixed annually in the biosphere

through photosynthesis.

 Respiratory Activities: A considerable amount of carbon returns to the atmosphere as

CO2 through respiratory activities
Nitrogen Cycle: Nitrogen is circulated from the atmosphere to the living organisms and later
back to the atmosphere in cyclic fashion.

 Key processes: Include nitrogen fixation (conversion of atmospheric N2 to ammonia

by bacteria), nitrification (conversion of ammonia to nitrate), denitrification
(returning nitrogen to the atmosphere as N2), and nitrogen uptake by plants.

 Essential Component: All plants and animals require nitrogen to produce amino
acids, proteins, and DNA

Oxygen Cycle: It includes the movement of oxygen through the Atmosphere (air), Biosphere
(plants and animals) and the Lithosphere (the Earth’s crust).

 Critical for Survival: Oxygen is critical for most life forms on Earth.

 Generation and Consumption: It is generated primarily through photosynthesis by

plants and certain microorganisms and is consumed through respiration by animals
and microbes
Water Cycle: It is continuous circulation of water in various forms (liquid, vapor, and ice)
between the Earth’s surface, the atmosphere, and underground reservoirs such as aquifers
and oceans.

 Movement: It includes storage and movement of water between biosphere,

lithosphere and hydrosphere.

 Key Processes: Evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff are key

processes in the water cycle

Sedimentary Biogeochemical Cycles: Phosphorus, Sulphur, and the Rock Cycle

The reservoir of the sedimentary cycle is located in Earth’s crust.

 Slow Movement: Biogeochemical cycles involve the slow movement of elements and
compounds between the geosphere (Earth’s crust) and other Earth systems, such as
the hydrosphere (water bodies) and biosphere (living organisms).

 Examples: Sedimentary cycles include the phosphorus cycle, rock cycle along with
sulphur cycle.

 Phosphorus Cycle: Phosphorus is a major constituent of biological membranes,

nucleic acids and cellular energy transfer systems.

o Reservoir: The natural reservoir of phosphorus is rock, which contains

phosphorus in the form of phosphates.

o Uptake by Plants: When rocks are weathered, minute amounts of these

phosphates dissolve in soil solution and are absorbed by the roots of the

 Sulphur Cycle: Sulphur is found in all living things as a constituent of some amino

o Movement: The sulphur cycle involves the movement of sulphur between

rocks, soils, water, the atmosphere, and living organisms.
o Mostly Sedimentary: Sulphur cycle is mostly sedimentary except for two of its
compounds, hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and Sulphur dioxide (SO2), which add a
gaseous component.

Rock Cycle: This cycle involves the transformation of rocks through geological
processes like weathering, erosion, sedimentation, and metamorphism.

What Environmental Factors Impact Biogeochemical Cycles?

Environmental factors, including soil characteristics, moisture levels, pH, temperature, and
other conditions, play a critical role in regulating the rate of release of nutrients into the

 Soil Characteristics: Sandy soils tend to drain quickly and may release nutrients more
rapidly, while clayey soils can retain nutrients, making them less available to plants
and potentially slowing nutrient release.

 Moisture: Adequate moisture is essential for microbial activity and the processes
involved in nutrient transformation.

 Drought conditions can reduce nutrient release rates, while waterlogging can lead to
leaching of nutrients.

 Acidity or Alkalinity: Different nutrients have varying solubility and availability at

different pH levels.
o Example: Acidic soils can lead to increased release of aluminum and
manganese, which can be toxic to plants, while alkaline soils can lead to
reduced availability of some essential nutrients like iron.

 Temperature: Warmer temperatures generally accelerate nutrient release and

transformation processes, while colder temperatures can slow them down.

o Example: In cold climates, the decomposition of organic matter may be

slower, affecting the release of nutrients.

 Microorganisms: Microbial populations are sensitive to temperature, moisture, and

organic matter availability.

o These microorganisms play a crucial role in nutrient cycling by breaking down

organic matter and facilitating nutrient transformations.

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