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1. Both atria squeezes simultaneously and

(3) O to AB (4) B to O
pushes blood though ventricles known as:
(1) artial diastole. 8. In case of ECC. ’P.’ wave represents.
(2) artial systole (1) Spread of impluse through ventricles
(3) ventricle diastole (2) Produced by activation of SA node
(4) joint diastole. (3) Contraction of atria
(4) Repolarization of venticles
2. Homeostasis is used to describe:
(1) Disturbance of self regulatory system
Assertion and Reason type Questions
(2) Ability of biological system to change with
slight variation in environment.
(3) Ability of biological system to resist slight (1) If both Assertion and Reason are true
changes. and Reason is the correct explanation of
(4) None of these. Asser- tion.
(2) If both Assertion and Reason are true but
3. In case of artificial pacemaker electrodes are in- Reason is not the correct explanation of
serted in which chamber: As- sertion.
(1) Left ventricle (2) right auricle (3) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(3) left auricle (4) right ventricle. (4) If both Assertion and Reason are false.

4. ECG is less efficient in recogonising abnormal- 9. Assertion: Every time heart contracts or
ities in : beats, left side pumps blood to lungs.
(1) coronary blood flow Reason: Dexygenated blood ’from the left
(2) Cardiac contraction ven- tricle reaches lung for oxygenation
(3) cardiac rhythm
10. Assertion: Clear transparent fluid around
(4) atrio ventricular conduction.
tis- sues and interstitial fluids of vertebrates
5. Decrease in stoke volume can be achieved by: called lymph.
(1) Decreasing blood pressure Reason: Lymph are colourless due to
(2) Increasing Venous pressure. absences of erythrocytes.
(3). Decreasing peripheral resistance
11. Assertion: Oxygen is transported fiom the
(4) Increasing heart rate
respiratory suface to tissues and CO2 removed
6. Maximum surface area of circulating system is from tissues is taken to organ.
seen in : Reason:Respiratory gases are transported by
(1) Arteries (2) Veins the blood
(3) arterioles (4) Capillaries.
12. Assertion: Cardiac muscles fibers formed.
7. In ABO blood group system Transfusion is by several cells joint together functions to
not possible from: boost muscle contraction waves.
(1) A to AB (2) B to AB Reason: Specialized region of cardiac muscles

present between two cells called as
plasma cells
intercalated disc.

13. Assertion: B lymphocytes produces specific (c) Pmnl - c involved in cell mediated immunity
anti bodies for specific antigen.
(d) Lymphocyles - d Three different kinds are
Reason: B lymphocytes are plasma cells
neutrophils basophils esinophils
shows antigen antibody reaction.
(1) 1-b , 2-c , 3-d , 4-a
14. Assertion: O -ve blood can be safely given (2) 1-c , 2-b , 3-d , 4-a
to all people at time of transfusion, and these (3) 1-b , 2-d , 3-c , 4-a
ideal for whole te blood transfusion. (4) 1-c , 2-a , 3-d , 4-b
Reason: O-ve group lacks Rh protein and
anti- A and anti-B is plasma. 19. (a) Tunica intima - a Collagenfibres

15. Assertion: Continues production of (b) Tunica media - b Endothelial cells

corpuscles occurs in the body.
Reason: Due to their short life span of RBC (c) Tunica externa - c Smooth muscles
and WBC (1) 1-b, 2-c , 3-a
(2) 1-c, 2-a , 3-b
16. Match column I and II (3) 1-b, 2-a , 3-c
(4) 1-a, 2-b , 3-c

20. Decrease in stroke volume can be achieved by

(1) decreasing blood pressure
(2) increasing venous pressure
(3) devasiry peripheral resistance
, (4) increasing heart rate
1. 1 − b, c; d · 2 − a·
2 1 · a; 2 − b; c, d· 21. True or false related to platelets
3. 1 · b, c; 2 − a, b
4. 1 · c; 2 − d. (i) Platelets are nucleated cells.
(ii) Involved in blood clotting and inflammation
17. Match column I and II
(iii) These do secrete histamine and serotonin
(iv) Do help in recógonition of antigen
(1) FTTF (2) TTFT
(3) FTFF (4) F F T T

22. All of the following statement about lympho-

cytes are true expect.
(1) Mature in bone marrow or thymus gland.
(2) Cell initially produced in bone narrow
(3) Seen only in lymphatic vesicles and lymph
(1). 1 − a, d; 2 − b, c nodes.
(2) 1 − d, c, 2 − a, b (4) Differentiated from pluripotent stem cells,
(3) 1 − c; 2 − a, b, d
(4) 1 − b, c; 2 − a, d. 23. If AVN removed from heat without.
disruptirg signal tansmirsion to Bundle of
18. (a) Lymphocytes - a Secret lympho kinase His.
(1) No effect on heart activity is observed.
(b) Tlymphocytes - b Functional cells called (2) decrease of heart rate
(3) contraction of ventricles
(4) Experience time lag between atrial and
(2) diastole.
ven- tricular contractions
(3) systole
24. Which of the following statement are correct (4) Throughout the cycle.
re- garding circulation :
30. Cardiac output depends on all of the following
(a) The human circulatory system can circulate except.
millilitre of blood from heart to feet and (1) cardiac contractility
back. Within 60 sec. (2) cardiac rate
(b) Circulatory system do not help in exchange. (3) body surface area:
of gases for lung. to tissues (4) stroke volume.
(c) Maintain the homeostatic regulation S) car-
dio vascular system. 31. The blood coagulation (extrinsic system) is trig-
(d) Transport hormones to target organs. gered by :
1) a, b, c, d 2) a, c, d, only (1) fibrinogen (2) Thromboplastin
3) a only 4) c and d only. (3) Thrombin. (4) Prothrombin.

25. In a normal adult blood, the amount. of 32. Plasma. makes :

plasma protein was estimated. The result (1) 55% of body weight
expected was as : (2) 15% of body weight
(1) Shows no presences of. albumin, (3) 5% of body weight
globulin., prothrombin. (4) 10% body weight.
(2) Snowed traces of albumin, globulin and
pro- thrombin only. 33. The first heart sound is due to
(3) Had presences of fibrinogen, albumin, (1) opening of AV value:
glob- ulin and prothrombin. (2) closing of aortic and pulmonary valve
(4) none of above. (3) AV valve closure
(4) openeng if acrostic and pulmonary valve
26. Which of the blood protein is associated with
ionic balance maintance and. in immune 34. The first reactionary changes to occur after
func- tion: ves- sel injury and hemorrhage is:
(1) albumin and globulin. (1) Vaso constriction
(2) fibres and albumin (2) vasodilation
(3) globulin and prothrombin (3) raised adrenaline.
(4) prothrombin and fibrin (4) raised cortisol.

27. Liver receives oxygenated: blood. from the 35. People living at sea level have 5 million. RBC
heart via: per cubic ml of their blood while one in high.
(1) hepatic portal vein. altitude to 5400 metre have around 8
(2) hepatic artery million.
(3) hepatic portal arteriole. (1) More RBC production due to large intake
(4) hepatic portal venules. of food
(2) People live in less polluted environment so
28. The hormone secreted by the kidney in move RBC production.
response to low oxygen and help in (3) Lesser atmospheric oxygen at high altitude
production of RBC. so more RBC production.
(1) Erythromycin (2) erythrocytes (4) UV radiation less so enchances RBC pro-
(3) erythropoietin (4) Erythrin duction.

29. Blood flow in the verseles supplying. the por- 36. In man blood passes from inferior vena cava
tion of left ventricles occurs during into diastolic right atrium because :
(1) Diastole and mid’ half of systole (1) suction pressure
(2) pushing of venous blood
(a) Non - phagocytic
(3) Electric impulses from SA node
(b) Have 3 to 4 lobbed nature connected by
(4) pressure difference between inferior
cy- toplasmic connection
vena cava and atrium.
(c) Increase at time of allergic and pathogenic
37. T ’ wave of ECG reprerents: infection.
(1) Ventricular depolarization (d) 2 to 3% of total WBC
(2) ventricle depolarization is compelete 1. a, b, c, 2. a, c, d.
(3) ventricle depolarization is incompelete 3. b only 4. a and d,
(4) artrial depolarization
43. A hemocytometer counting of dilute blood of
38. Open ciculatory sytem flow the path is : adult man was done. The. results interpreted
as nomal. Which one arnong there would be
(1) circulating hemolymph → heart → sinuses
appropriate result.
(haemocoel) → tissue.
(2) Ciculating fluid hemolymph → sinuses (1) RBC − 4.5 million, Neutrophil - 60,
(haemocoel) → tissue → heart. eosinophil-2, banophil-1, monocycte
(3) heart → curculating fluid hemolymph → si- (2) RBC − 2 mullion, Neutiophil-33,
nuses (haemocoel) → terne eosinoflul- 5, banophil -1, monocyctes -
(4) none of above
(3) RBC − 4.5 million, Nentophil-20,
39. Erythroblastsis foetalis condition can erosmophil-2, Basofhil -1 , monocyctes -3
be avoided administering: .
(1) H anti body (4) RBC- 4.5 million, Neutrophil-60,
(2) anti-D. antibody eosinopliel-7, basopliil-1, monocyces - 6 .
(3) H-antigen
(4) D-antigen
Assertion and Reason Type Questions
40. Normally in. healthy human, WBC ranges... A
... per micro liter of blood, while RBC in
(1) If both Assertion and Reason are true
range of ....B. million cells per micro litre.
and Reason is the correct explanation of
(1) A − 1000 − 400; B − 3.2 − 2 · 2
Asser- tion.
(2) A − 4.7 − 6.1; B − 4500 − 11000
(2) If both Assertion and Reason are true but
(3) A − 4500 − 11000; B − 4.7 − 6.1
Reason is not the correct explanation of
(4) A − 500 − 1000; B − 3000 − 11000.
As- sertion.
41. Which of the statement is true regarding the (3) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
blood group. (4) If both Assertion and Reason are false.
(1) Blood group have B antigen and produces 44. Assertion - In reptiles double ciculation is
B antibodies. in- complete.
(2) AB blood group have no antigen have Reason :- Unlike birds and manmals, in
anti- bodies A and only rep- tiles left atrium recieves oxygenated
(3) A blood group have A antigen and B anti- blood and right atrium recieves
bodies in plasma deoxygenated Blood.
(4) O blood group have no antigen and have
an- tibodies so considered as universal 45. Assertion:- When blood pressure falls due
donor. to loss of hood, this is compensated by
(1) FFTT (2) FTFT vasocon- striction of veins.
(3) TFFT (4) FTTF Reason:- Vein holds large amount of blood
which can shift to arteries as and whens re-
42. Which of the following are true about quired.
46. Assertion: Atherosclerosis is a disease charac-

terized by the thickening of arterial walls.
55...............Can increase the cardiac output.
Reason:- Deposition of sodium and
(1) Epinephrine (2) Adrenaline
potassium in the arterial walls causes
(3) Both a and b (4) none of these
56. Insufficient blood supply of heart muscles leads
47. Assertion :- The permeability of lymph -
cap- illaries can be easily altered
(1) coronary heart disease
Reason:- Capillary inpermeability leads the
(2) Heart attack.
Oedema or swelling
(3) cardiac arrest
48. Assertion :- SAN is known as pace maker. (4) Heart failure.
Reason :- The maximum number of action
57. Bundle of His are.
potential is generated by SAN. and generates
(1) Sudden a specialised muscle bundle Con-
heart contraction.
necting atrial and ventricular ar chamber.
49. Assertion :- Closed circulatory system is more (2) Specialised muscle bundle connecting
effective than open type. ven- tricles.
Reason: - The closed circulatory system (3) Specialised muscle bundle connecting
con- siderably enchances the speed, precision atrium.
and ef- ficiency of circulation (4) Specialised muscle bundle near SAN

50. Major cause anaemia is 58. Heart failure is a result of

1) Deficiency of Ca2+ (1) Sudden stop of blood supply to heart
2) Deficiency of Na+ mus- cles.
3) Deficiency of fe2+ (2) Sudden stop of heart beating.
4) Deficiency of Mg2+ (3) Sudden stop of O2 supply to heart cells
(4) Blocking of arteries.
51. A dark reddish brown scum formed at site of
injury is 59. Which of the following statements are correct.
(1) clot (2) scar (A) Basophils are most abundant cells of total
(3) coagulum (4) both a and c. WBCs.
(B) Basophils secrete histamine, Serotonin
52. Prothrombin protein is depended on vita- and heparin.
min......for its function in blood clotting (C) Basophils are involved in inflammatory re-
(1) k (2) A sponse.
(3) C (4) none of above. (D) Basophils have kidney shaped nucleus
(E) Basophils are agranulolytes. Choose the
53. During the cardiac cycle each of ventricle
correct one.
pumps out approximately. ml of blood which
(1) C + E only (2) B + C only
is called
(3) A + B only (4) D + 𝖲 only.
(1) 50. Cardiac output.
(2) 70 stroke volume 60. A unique vascular connection between the di-
(3) 50 stroke volume gestive tract and liver is called
(4) 70, cardiac output (1) Hepato cystic System
(2) Hepato pancreatic System
54. In which of the following heart pumbs mixed
(3) Hepato portal system.
(4) Hepato renal system.
(1) Single Circulation
(2) Double circulation 61. Number of heart chambers present in fish,
(3) Incomplete double circulation am- phibians, reptiles, birds and mammals
(4) Both arad b respec- tively

1) 2, 3, 4, 4, 4 2) 2, 2, 3, 4, 4 ex-
3) 2, 3, 3, 3, 4 4) 2, 3, 3, 4, 4

62. If due to some injury the chordal tendinae of

the tricuspid valve of the human heart is
partially non-functional. What will be the
immediate ef- fect?
(1) The flow of blood in to aorta will be
slowed down
(2) The pace maker will stop working
(3) The blood will fend to flow back in to the
left atrium
(4) The flow of blood in to pulmonary artery
will be reduced

63. Identify the given figure and select the

correct option.

(1) Neutrophil - Phagocytic cell which destroy

foreign organisms entering the body.
(2) Eosinophil - Their number increases during
allergic infection.
(3) Lymphocyte - Small sized non-motile and
non- phagocytic.
(4) Monocyte - Motile and phagocytic in na-

64. Given below are two statements. statement I.

The coagulum is formed of network of
threads called thrombins. statement II:
Spleen is the graveyard of of erythrocytes.
Choose the appropriate answer from the
options given below:
(1) Both statement are corset
(2) Both statement are incorrect
(3) Statement I is correct of II incorrect
(4) Statement I is incorrect and statement II
is correct.

65. Which one of the following statement is

(1) The AV node Generate action potential to
stimulate Atrial contraction.
(2) The AV valve open due to the pressure

erted by the simultaneous contraction of
(3) Blood moves freely to the ventricle during
joint diastole.
(4) Increased ventricular pressure causing
clos- ing of semilunar valve.

66. Which of the following conditions causes

ery- throblastosis foetalis.
(1) mother Rh+ve and foetus Rh−ve.
(2) Mother Rh−ve and foetus Rh+ve.
(3) Both mother and foetus Rh−ve
(4) Both mother and foetus Rate.

67. Acetyl choline from parasympathetic nerve

fi- bres innervate SAN and AV node.
(1) increase (2) normalise
(3) Slow down (4) Stops

68. ........... accelerates heart beat by producing

epinephrine and nor epinephrine (under
normal conditions)
(1) Adrenal medulla (2) Adrenal cortex
(3) SA node (4) both A of B.

69. Which one of the following is correct?

(1) Blood = plasma + RBCs + WBCs +
(2) plasma = Blood -lymphocytes.
(3) Neuron = Cyton +∞ Dendron + Axon
(4) Lymph = plasma +WBC+ Lymphocyte

70. In the given figure the duration of events of

the cardiac cycle are given.Identify this events
and select the correct option

(3) pericardium (4) none of above

80. Thrombus in artery tends to cause:-

(1) Heart attack (2) stroke
(3) Hypetención (4) Angia Pectoris.

81. Rh factor occurs in........ :

71. Movement of blood between heart and lung is
(1) man and Rhesus monkey
(1) Circulation
(2) all mammals
(2) Systemic circulation
(3) vertebrates
(3) pulmonary Circulation
(4) all reptiles
(4) Double circulation
82. Oxygen is carried by:
72. Sudden recurring thoracic pain to left arm is
(1) Blood. (2) Lymph.
sign of
(3) Serum (4) Plasma.
1) Haematoma
2) Artherosclerosis 83. Which one of the following is correct?
3) arteriosclerosis (1) Blood = Plasma +RBC + WBC+ Platelet
4) Angina pectoris (2) Plasma = Blood - Lymphocytes
(3) Nerve - Cyton +Dendeon + Axon +
73. If all blood cells from blood is removed the
left liquid is
1) Serum: 2) plasma (4) Lymph = Plasma +WBC + RBCS
3) water 4) only corpuscles 84. Blood does not clot inside the vessels became :-
74. Blood P H is maintained by balancing ratio of (a) Constant speedy flow of blood prevents
(1) NaHCO3 and H2CO3 ac- cumulation fibrin threads, if at all
(2) CO2 and H2O formed.
(3) pyruvate (b) Absence of herpain, an anti- coagulant
(4) lactate. hav- ing antithrombin activity in blood.
(c) Smoothness of endothelial lining of ves-
75. Storage of blood occurs in :- sels prevents repture of platelets to
(1) Liver (2) Heart release thromboplastin.
(3) Spleen. (4) Kidney. (d) Presences of monomolecular layer of
nega- tively charged protein on inner
76. Pulse is the rate of throb felt in due to surface of endotheluim.
pumping activity of left ventricle. 1. a, b, c are correct
(1) Vein (2) artery 2. a, and b are correct
(3) Capillaries (4) venules 3. b and d are correct
4. a and c are correct.
77. Mitochondria is absent in :-
(1) WBC (2) RBC 85. Which one of the following is a matching pair?
(3) Platelets (4) Cartilage
(1) Lubb-sharp closing of AV values at the be-
78. Arteries are surrounds the heart is known as gining of ventricles systole.
:- (2) Dup-sudder opening of semilunar values
(1) Coronary artery at the begining of ventricles diastole.
(2) Coronary vein (3) Pulsation of radial artery values in the
(3) Coronary capillaries blood vessels.
(4) Coronary radiate. (4) Initiation of the heart beat- Purkinje fibres

79. Outer layer of heart wall is known as. 86. Find out the wrong match :-
(1) myocardiuim (2) endocardium (1) Eosinophils- allergic response
(2) Basophil - secrete histamine and serotonin
(1) Carries mixed oxygenated and deoxy-
(3) Neutrophils - phagocytic and eat foregin or-
genated blood.
(2) Transport blood from the arteries to the
(4) Monocytes - Secrete heparin
87. Given below are two statement (3) Slow blood flow
Statement I: Atherosclerosis begins with (4) There are broader vessels which means no
dam- age of inner layer of an artery. friction which restricts blood vessels
Statement II: Plaque build up by deposition 93. Erythropoiesis staits in:-
of calcium of cholesterol during
(1) Liver (2) Spleen
(3) Red bone Marrow. (4) Kidney.
(1) Statement I - is correct.
(2) Statement II is correct. 94. Blood pressure in the mammalian aorta is max-
(3) Both Statements are correct. imum during:
(4) Both statements are wrong. (1) Diastole of the right ventricle
(2) Systole of the left ventricle
88. Statement I: Spleen is store house of iron.
(3) diastole of the right atrium
Statement II: Spleen is grave yard of RBC,
(4) Systole of the left atrium.
removes abnormal blood cells.
(1) Statement I - is correct. 95. Doctor uses stethoscope to hear the sound
(2) Statement II is correct. pro- duced during each cardiac cycle. The
(3) Both Statements are correct. second sound heard when :-
(4) Both statements are wrong. (1) AV node receives signal form SA node
(2) AV values open up
89. Identify correct statement on lymphocytes:
(3) Ventricular walls vibrate due to gushing
1) These develops in spleen.
in of blood from atria
2) Pumped through arteries and flows though
(4) Semilunar values close down after the
blood flows ito vesseles from ventricles
3) Involved in double circulation.
4) Attack forgein cells involved in immune 96. P-ware of ECG indicates
gen- eration.
(a) Depolarization of atrial nuscles
90. Identity correct satement regarding (b) Activation of S.A node
hypophy- seal portal sytem. (c) Spread of excitation from SA node to AV
(1) Portal syptem formed by vein from hy-
(d) Repolarzation of atria and depolarization
pophyseal and pituitary gland called as
of ventricles
pophysical portal sptem.
(2) They are pored into the duct not to blood. (1) a, b, and c
(3) These produces and pored to posteror (2) a, b are correct
putu- atary (3) b and d are correct
(4) None of aboue. (4) a and c are correct

91. Heart rate is increased by:- 97. Which one of the following pairs two terms rep-
resent the same thing:-
(1) Increase in blood pressure in aorta and
1) Lymphocyte Leucocyotes
large arteries.
2) Plasma - Serum.
(2) Increase in blood CO2 concentation
3) Mitral value - Bicuspid value
(3) Decrease in blood O2 concentation
4) Atrio ventricle node - Pace maker
(4) Decrease in adrenalire.
98. Which one of the following pairs two terms rep-
92. Identify incorrect statement regarding
resent same thing

(1) lymphocyte – lenocyte
(2) statement II correct.
(2) Plasma – Serum
(3) Both statements correct
(3) Mitral valve – Bicuspid valve
(4) Both statements are incorrect.
(4) Atrioventricular node – pacemaker
104. Statement I : Mitral values prevents back of
99. Statement I :- Ncutrophils and monocytes
blood from aorta to left ventricle when left
are not capable of under going phagocylosis
ven- tricles relaxes.
of pathogen.
Statement II : Senuhinar values prevent
Statement II :- Neutrophils and monocyctes back of blood from left ventricle to left atrium
play a vital role in immune system. when left ventricle contracts
(1) Statement A correct (1) statement I correct
(2) Statement B correct (2) statement II wore caret
(3) Both statement correct (3) Both statements correct
(4) Both statement wrong. (4) Both statements woo wrong

100. Statement I:- Basophils prevents the abnor- 105. Statement I:- Systole is another term for re-
mal clotting of the blood within blood laxation
vessels. Statement II :- Heparin are statement II:- Diastole is another term for
secreted by the Basophils. contraction.
(1)Statement A (wrong-) correct (1) Statement I is correct
(2) Statement B correct (2) statement II is correct
(3) Both statement correct (3) both statements are correct
(4) Both statement wrong. (4) Both statements are wrong

101. Statement I: Macrophages are special leco- 106. Statement I:-During time of ventricular con-
cytes which are seen in dual location can traction, blood. forces against the flap of right
phago- cytize pathogen and circulate in blood and left Av values and opens them.
or lymph Statement II :- Macrophages do Statement II :- When ventricle contracts they
not exhibit ameboid movements. pump blood to the arteries.
(1) Statement I - is correct. (1) Statement I correct
(2) Statement II is correct. (2) statement II correct
(3) Both Statements are correct. (3) State Both statements are correct
(4) Both statements are wrong. (4) Both statements are wrong.

102. Statement I :- Clots do not usually forms in 107. Statement I:- The heart sounds which is the
intact vesseles. loudest and longest is caused by closing of
Statement II : Walls of vessels are made of semilunar values.
en- dothelial cells which repells clotting and- Seatement II :- The second sound is caured
factors and platelets. by closing of pulmonary semilunar values.
(1) Statement. I correct (1) statement I correct
(2) Statement II correct (2) Statement II correct
(3) Sate Both statement correct (3) Both statement correct
(4) Both statement wrong. (4) Both statement wrong

103. Statement I: Liver is store house of iron con- 108. Which of the following statements is are most
verts them to bilirubin. appropriate explanation for blood coagulation
statement II: RBC′ s reaching 120 damp are process.
phagocytized by macrophages in spleen and (i) Wound continous to bleed for a long time,
store heme in liver. blood do not stop in normal wound.
(1) statement I correct (ii) Blood exhibits coagulation in response to
injury by release of fibrin which traps
(ii) Blood from pulmonary veins and vena
dead cells of blood at site of injury.
cara flows into left and right ventricles
(iii) An enzyme complex fibrin is required for
respectively during cardiac cycle.
(iii) SAN during cardiac cycle generate action
(iv) The injury will trigger the WBC of the potential stimulates ventricles first.
blood to release certain factors which ac- (iv) Arial systole increases the flow of blood
tivates the mechanism of coagulation.
into ventricle by 30% during cardiac cycle.
(1) statement(i), (iii) (iv)
(2) statement (iii)enly correct.
(1) Both statement (i) and (iv) correct
(3) statement (iii) and (Iv) correct
(2). Statement (iii) only correct
(4) statement (iv), (ill), (iv) are correct
(3) Statement (ii) and (iv) are correct
109. Which of the following statement is / are most (4) Statement is only correct
appropriate explanation for muscular cham- 112. Select the correct statement regarding systemic
bered heart. circulation.
(i) Fishes hove 2 chambered heat with two (i) Systemic circulation provides nutrients, O2
atrium. and other essential substances to tissues.
(ii) Amphibians have 3 chambered heart with (ii) Systerric circulation removes CO2 and
one ventricle and two atrium. other harmful substances from circulation for
(iii) Annelid and chordates have open circula- elimina- tion
tory system. (iii) Systemic circulation carries blood. (oxy-
(iv) All vertebrates do not have muscular genated) from left ventricles through
cham- bered heart. arteries.
(1) statement (ii) correct (iv) Deoxygenated blood returns through a
(2) statement (i), (iii) are correct sys- tem of vein to right atrium.
(3) statement (iv) correct (1) i only
(4) statement (iii) and (iv) correct (2) ii, iii, iv only.
(3) ii and iii, are wrong.
110. Select the incorrect statement? (4) All state rents we correct.
statement i - Mixing of oxygenated and de 113. Pick out which all statements are correct.
oxygenated blood occurs in double (i) Hepatic portal system exists between diges-
circulation. statement ii - In case of fishes tive tact and liver.
left atrium re- ceives oxygenated blood from: (ii) Hepatic portal system carries blood to
and right atrium receives de oxygenated liver before delivering to systemic
blood from other body parts. circulation.
statement iii - Human have double. (iii) Coronary system of blood vessels is
circula- tion system. present for circulation of blood to brain.
statement iv - In incomplete circulation (iv) Volume of blood pumped out by each
mix- ing of oxygenated and deoxygenate ven- tricle of heart per minute is called as
blood oc- curs. cardiac output.
(1) statement (ii) correct (1) (i), (ii) only
(2) statement (i) only correct (2) (i), (ii), (iii) only
(3) statement (ii), (iii) are soong (3) (ii) only
(4) Only statement (i) is wrong (4) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
111. Select the correct statement regarding cardiac 114. Which statement is wrong related to
cycle:- hypertension:-
(i) Four-chamber of heart in relaxed state
(i) Hypertension term given for blood
called as systole.
pressure higher than normal (120/80).
(ii) 120 mmHg measure systolic pressure
(iii) 80 mmHg measures diastolic pressure.
(ii) Lymph provides immune responses
(iv) High blood pressure leads to other heart
(iii) Lymphatic system includes lymph, lymph
dis- eases.
nodes, and. lymph vessels only.
(1) (i) only (iv) Lymph carries nutrients, hormones etc.
(2) (ii) and (iii) only 1). 1, It, iv only correct
(3) (i), (ii), (iii), and (iV) 2). I only correct
(4) None of these. 3) (iii) is caret.
115. Donor x and recipient y belongs to same blood 4). none of above is correct
group:- Choose curet option where transfusion 118. Assertion:- Blood flows from both atria into
has led to RBC alleration:- the ventricles which then expands.
(i) X is Rh , Y is Rh
+ −
Reason :- Blood circulation starts when
(ii) x is Rh−, y is Rh+ heart relaxes between two heart beat.
(iii) Both are Rh+ (1) If both Assertion and Reason are true
(iv) Both are Rh− and Reason is the correct explanation of
(1) (i) & (ii) caret (2) (ii) only Asser- tion.
(3) (iii) & only. (4) (iv) only. (2) If both Assertion and Reason are true but
Reason is not the correct explanation of
116. Select the correct statement related to the
As- sertion.
vein possesses a large lumen because :-
(3) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(i) Tunic media is a thin coat.
(4) If both Assertion and Reason are false.
(ii) Tunic interna, turrica media and tunica
ex- terna are thin. 119. RB′C in mammals have no nucleus because.
(iii) Tunic media and tunica interna form a (1) It degenerate during development
sin- gle coat. (2) They do not have nucleus since their
(iv) Tunic media and tunica interna. forms a forma- tion
single coat. (3) Nucleus is harmful for RBC
(1) ii only correct (4) It decrease the surface area & RBC
(2) (i), (ii), (iii) only correct
(3) (i), (iii) correct 120. Anti coagulant drug prevents the blood
(4) iv only correct dotting is most useful in the treatment of:-
(1) Lukemia
117. Select the correct statement among following (2) Anaemia
(3) Coronary thrombosis
(i) Fat absorbed though lacteal of intestinal
(4) Haemophillia


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