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⁷Political Science Class 12 Important Questions Chapter 2 The End of Bipolarity

Multiple choice questions

1. Highlight any one feature of the multi-polar world as visualized by both Russia and India.
(All India 2017)

2. Which one of the following statements about the Berlin war is false? (Delhi 2016)

• it symbolised the division between the capitalist and the communist world.
• It was built immediately after the Second World War.
• It was broken by the people on 9 November 1989.
• It marked the unification of the two parts of Germany.

3.Which one of the following was NOT given primacy by the makers of the Soviet system?
(All india 2016)

• Abolition of private property.

• A society based on the principle of equality.
• No opposition party to be allowed.
• No state control over the economy.

1 mark questions

1. Define ‘Bipolarity’. (Delhi 2015)

2. Highlight any one major distinction between the Soviet economy and the capitalist
economy. (All India 2012)
3. Highlight any one consequence of ‘Shock Therapy’. (All India 2015)
4. How was the US benefitted by the Soviet disintegration? (AH Indio 2015)
5. What is the new name of the former USSR? (All Indio 2011)
6. For how many years did the Civil War continue in Tajikistan? When did it come to
end? (Delhi 2012: All India 2010)
7. The transition from an authoritarian socialist system to democratic capitalism was
influenced by the IMF and the World Bank. What was this transition known as? (All
India 2010)
8. Which two republics of the USSR have had violent secessionist movements at the
time of its disintegration? (Delhi 2010)
9. As a result of ‘Shock Therapy’, to which economic system, each state of the Soviet
bloc was gradual to be absorbed? (Delhi 2008)
10. On which ideology was the Soviet political system based? (All India 2008)
11. Mention the name of the Eastern alliance led by the Soviet Union. (Delhi 2008)
2 Marks Questions

1. State any two features of the Soviet system. (Delhi 2014)OR Which were the two
important features of the Soviet system? (All India 2013) OR List any two
characteristics of the Soviet Union. (AH India © 2008) OR Mention any two
characteristics of the Soviet political system. (Delhi 2012, 2008; All India 2008)
2. What is meant of ‘Shock Therapy’? (All India 2014,2009; Delhi 2013)
3. Mention any two characteristics of the Soviet economy during the Cold War days.
(All Indio 2012)
4. Why is it said that the collapse of the Berlin Wall signified the collapse of the bipolar
world? (HOTS: Delhi; 2011.2009)
5. List any two consequences of ‘Shock Therapy’. (Delhi 2010)OR Mention any two
negative effects of ‘Shock therapy’. (All India 2008)
6. Why did the Soviet Union disintegrate? Highlight any two arguments in support of
your answer. Delhi 2010 OR Mention any two main reasons for the collapse of the
Soviet Union. (All Indio 2009)
7. List any two differences between the socialist and communist parties. HOTS; All
India 2008

4 Marks Question

1. Describe any four consequences of ‘Shock Therapy’. (Delhi 2014)

2. Explain any two reasons for the disintegration of the USSR. (Delhi 2013)OR Explain
any four factors responsible for the disintegration of the Soviet Union. (All India
3. Describe any four consequences of the disintegration of the Soviet Union. (All India

6 Marks Questions

1. In what three ways did the collapse of the Soviet Union affect world politics?
Explain. All India 2017 OR Examine any six consequences of the disintegration of the
Soviet Union. (All Indio 2014,2010; Delhi 2013, 2012,2008 [C])
2. Highlight any three positive and three negative features each of the Soviet system in
the Soviet Union. (Delhi 2016)
3. How did the Soviet Union suddenly disintegrated? Explain any six reasons, (All India
4. Describe any six factors responsible for the disintegration of USSR. (Delhi 2015)
5. Explain any three reasons for the disintegration of the USSR. (Delhi 2014)
6. Examine any six factors which led to the disintegration of the former Soviet Union.
(Delhi 2011)
7. Describe the role of Gorbachev to reform the Soviet system and the effects of these
reforms on the USSR. (Delhi 2015)
8. Describe the factors that make most of the former Soviet Republics prone to
conflicts and threats. (Delhi 2015) OR Give any three examples to show that most of
the former Soviet Republics were prone to conflicts and tensions. (Delhi 2013)
9. If the Soviet Union had not disintegrated and the world had remained bipolar, how
would that situation have affected world politics? (All India 2015)
10. What was the Soviet system? Assess any four features of the Soviet system. (Delhi
11. Explain any six factors that forced Gorbachev to initiate reforms in the Soviet Union.
(Delhi 2012) OR What were the factors that forced Gorbachev to initiate reforms in
the USSR? (All Indio 2010)
12. ‘Although India has maintained good relations with all the post-communist
countries, yet the strongest relations are still between India and Russia?’ Explain the
statement with any three suitable arguments. (HOTS; Delhi 2012, 2010)OR Why are
India’s relations with Russia considered an important aspect of India’s foreign
policy? Explain. (All India 2012)
13. What is meant by ‘Shock therapy’? Assess its consequences on the Post
Communist regimes? (Delhi 2009)
14. Examine India’s relationship with the former Soviet Union during the Cold War.
(Delhi 2009)
15. ‘India and the USSR enjoyed a special relationship during the Cold War, which led
critics to say that India was a part of the Soviet camp.’ Do you agree? Support your
answer with any two arguments. (HOTS; All India 2008)
16. Examine any six characteristics of the Soviet system during 1971-1991. (All Indio ©

Passage-Based Questions

Question 1.

Read the passage given below carefully and answer the following questions (Delhi 2016)

Each of these countries was required to make a total shift to a capitalist economy, which
meant rooting out completely any structures evolved during this period. Above all, it meant
that private ownership was to be the dominant pattern of ownership of property.
Privatization of state assets and corporate ownership patterns were to be immediately
brought in. Collective farms were to be replaced by private farming and capitalism in
agriculture. This transition rules out any alternate or ‘third way’.

(i) Name any two countries which were required to make a total shift?
(ii) Why were the collective farms to be replaced by private farming?
(iii) Since the ‘third way’ has been ruled out, what were the only two ways controlling
the economy?

Question 2.

The value of the Ruble declined dramatically. The rate of inflation was so high that people
lost all their savings. The collective farm system disintegrated leaving people without food
security, and the government started to import food. The old trading structure broke down
with no alternative in its place. The old system of social welfare was systematically
destroyed. The withdrawal of government subsidies pushed large sections of the people
into poverty. (All India 2016)

(i) What is meant by subsidy?

(ii) How did the disintegration of the collective farm system lead to the loss of food
(iii) This passage is associated with which country? Why did the government start
importing food?

Question 3.

Study the passage given below carefully and answer the questions that follow (All India

The collapse of communism was followed in most of these countries by a painful process
of transition from an authoritarian socialist system to a democratic capitalist system.
Privatization of state assets and corporate ownership patterns were to be immediately
brought in.

(i) Why has the process of transition been ’ described as painful?

(ii) Which political system existed before the transition and which system replaced
it, if any?
(iii) What does privatization imply?

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