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(RSRDH) 2023
November 28, 2023 | Via Zoom Teleconference Platform

Guidelines for the paper and oral presentation:

Presentation Length: Your oral presentation should be approximately 10-15 minutes in

duration. Please adhere to the time limit to ensure all presenters have an equal opportunity to
share their research.

Structured Content: Organize your presentation into key sections, including rationale,
introduction, objectives, methodology, results, and conclusions. Ensure a logical and clear flow
of information throughout your presentation, making it easy for the audience to follow your
research. Please note that your entries will be related to Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural
Resources (AANR) with two (2) different categories – the Research and Development category.

Visual Aids: Utilize visual aids such as PowerPoint slides provided by the organizers to support
your presentation. Keep slides concise, use legible fonts, and incorporate visuals to enhance

Clarity and Conciseness: Clearly articulate your research questions, methods, and findings.
Avoid jargon or overly technical language that might be difficult for a general audience to grasp.

Engage the Audience: Encourage audience engagement through questions and discussions. Be
prepared to respond to questions from the audience following your presentation.

Practice: Rehearse your presentation to ensure you stay within the time limit and deliver a
well-structured talk. Familiarity with your content will boost your confidence.

Visual and Audio Setup: Ensure that your presentation materials, microphones, and any
technology you plan to use are working correctly. Arrive early to set up and test equipment, if

Presentation Attire: Dress professionally, considering the formal nature of the conference. Neat
and appropriate attire is recommended.

Contact Information: Include your contact information on the last slide of your presentation
in case attendees wish to reach out to you for further discussion.
Respect for Fellow Presenters: Attend other presentations to show your support for fellow
researchers. Avoid disruptions during other sessions and engage in respectful discussions.

Time Management: Adhere to the conference schedule and timing. Be punctual for your
presentation slot and respect the time limits of the conference.

Q&A Session: Prepare for a question-and-answer session after your presentation. Anticipate
potential questions related to your research.

Feedback: Be open to feedback and constructive criticism from your peers. Use this input to
improve your research and future presentations.

Networking: Take advantage of networking opportunities to connect with other researchers,

share ideas, and build collaborations.

By following these guidelines, you can create a well-structured and engaging oral presentation
or paper that effectively communicates your research at the conference. Good luck with your

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