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The Cardiovascular System

Narciso E. Rodriguez

After reading this chapter you will be able to: • Calculate cardiac output given stroke volume and heart
• Describe the anatomy of the heart and vascular systems. rate.
• State the key characteristics of the cardiac tissue. • Calculate ejection fraction given stroke volume and
• Describe the local and central control mechanisms of the end-diastolic volume.
heart and vascular systems. • Identify the electrical and mechanical events related to the
• Describe how the cardiovascular system functions under normal cardiac cycle.
normal and abnormal conditions.

Functional Anatomy, 207 Control of the Cardiovascular System, Regulation of Cardiac Output, 215
Heart, 207 214 Cardiovascular Control Mechanisms,
Vascular System, 211 Regulation of Peripheral Vasculature, 218
215 Events of the Cardiac Cycle, 221

acute coronary syndrome (ACS) ejection fraction (EF) pericardium
afterload end-diastolic volume (EDV) positive inotropism
angina pectoris end-systolic volume (ESV) preload
arteriovenous anastomosis epicardium pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR)
atria excitability pulseless electrical activity (PEA)
atrial kick fibrous pericardium P wave
atrioventricular (AV) rings Frank-Starling law refractory period
atrioventricular (AV) valves foramen ovale (FO) regurgitation
automaticity heart failure semilunar valves
a waves heart rate (HR) serous pericardium
baroreceptors interatrial septum ST-segment elevation myocardial
cardiac output (CO) interventricular septum infarction (STEMI)
cardiac tamponade ischemia stenosis
central venous pressure (CVP) left ventricular aid stroke volume (SV)
chemoreceptors negative feedback loop sulci
chordae tendineae cordis negative inotropism systemic vascular resistance (SVR)
conductivity Non-ST segment elevation myocardial thebesian veins
congestive heart failure (CHF) infarction (NSTEMI) thoracic pump
contractility mitral valve tricuspid valve
coronary artery diseases (CAD) myocardial infarction (MI) T wave
coronary circulation myogenic control vasoconstriction
coronary sinus pericardial effusion vasodilation
c wave pericardial fluid v wave
dicrotic notch pericarditis

CHAPTER 10 The Cardiovascular System 207


Second left
Second right intercostal space
intercostal space

Third left
intercostal space

Fourth left
intercostal space
VALVE Fifth left
intercostal space
(mitral apical)

Fig. 10.1 Anterior view of the thorax showing the position of the heart in relation to the ribs, sternum,
diaphragm and position of the heart valves. (From Seidel HM, Ball JW, Dains JE, et al: Mosby’s guide to
physical examination, ed 2, St Louis, 1991, Mosby.)

FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY 1. Fibrous pericardium: Tough, loose-fitting and inelastic sac

surrounding the heart
Heart 2. Serous pericardium: Consisting of two layers:
Anatomy of the Heart a. Parietal layer: Inner lining of the fibrous pericardium
The heart is a four-chambered muscular organ approximately b. Visceral layer or epicardium: Covering the outer surface
the size of a fist. It is positioned in the mid-mediastinum of the of the heart and great vessels
chest, behind the sternum (Fig. 10.1). Approximately two-thirds A thin layer of fluid called the pericardial fluid separates the
of the heart lies to the left of the midline of the sternum between two layers of the serous pericardium. Inflammation of the peri-
the 2nd and the 6th ribs. The apex of the heart is formed by the cardium results in a clinical condition called pericarditis. An
tip of the left ventricle and lies above the diaphragm at the level abnormal amount of fluid can accumulate between the layers,
of the 5th intercostal space to the left. The base of the heart is resulting in a pericardial effusion. A large pericardial effusion
formed by the atria and projects to the right, lying below the may lessen the pumping function of the heart, resulting in a
2nd rib. Posteriorly, the heart rests at the level of the 5th to the cardiac tamponade, which compresses the heart muscle, leading
8th thoracic vertebrae.1 As a result of its position between the to a serious decrease in blood flow to the body. This, ultimately,
sternum and the spine, compression of the heart maintains blood may lead to shock and death.1,4
flow during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).2
RULE OF THUMB A cardiac tamponade should be suspected in patients
RULE OF THUMB High-quality chest compressions improve survival from presenting with hypotension, jugular venous distension, pulsus paradoxus,
cardiac arrest. High-quality compressions include ensuring adequate rate, tachycardia, tachypnea, narrowing pulse pressures and/or severe dyspnea.
adequate depth, allowing full-chest recoil between compressions and minimiz-
ing interruptions.
The heart wall consists of three layers: (1) outer epicardium,
(2) middle myocardium, and (3) inner endocardium. The myo-
RULE OF THUMB During cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the heel of one cardium composes the bulk of the heart muscle and consists of
hand should be placed on the center of the chest on the lower half of the bands of involuntary striated muscle fibers. The contraction of
sternum while performing chest compressions. Compressions must be done these muscle fibers creates the pump-like action needed to move
at a depth of at least 2 inches (5 cm) for an average adult, avoiding excessive blood throughout the body.
chest-compression depths. Support for the four interior chambers and valves of the heart
is provided by four atrioventricular (AV) rings, which form a
Externally, surface grooves called sulci mark the boundaries fibrous “skeleton.” Each ring is composed of dense connective
of the heart chambers. tissue termed annulus fibrosus cordis, which encircles the bases
The heart is enclosed in a sac called the pericardium.3 The of the pulmonary trunk, aorta and heart valves and electrically
structure of the pericardium can be summarized as follows: isolates the atria from the ventricles. No electrical impulses can
208 SECTION II Applied Anatomy and Physiology

Pulmonary artery
Left atrium Aorta
Orifices of coronary
Left auricular appendage arteries
Right auricular
Mitral valve—anterior cusp
Pulmonary veins
Superior vena cava Aortic valve cusps

Right ventricle
Left atrium
Aorta Interventricular
Right atrium septum

Membranous Papillary
septum muscles
Medial cusp
Tricuspid Left ventricle
valve Posterior cusp
Anterior cusp

Mitral valve— Papillary muscle

posterior cusp
Left ventricle
Right ventricle

Fig. 10.2 Drawing of the heart split perpendicular to the interventricular septum to illustrate anatomic rela-
tionships of the heart. (From Berne RM, Levy MN, editors: Physiology, ed 5, St Louis, 2004, Mosby.)

be transmitted through the heart muscle and connective tissue cordis (see Fig. 10.2). During systole, papillary muscle contrac-
from the atria to the ventricles.1,3 tion prevents the AV valves from swinging upward into the atria.
The two atrial chambers are thin-walled “cups” of myocardial Damage to either the chordae tendineae cordis or the papillary
tissue that contribute little to the total pumping activity of the muscles can impair the function of the AV valves and cause
heart. They are separated by an interatrial wall or septum. On leakage upward into the atria.1
the right side of the interatrial septum is an oval depression Common valve problems include regurgitation and stenosis.
called the fossa ovalis cordis, the remnant of the fetal foramen Regurgitation is the backflow of blood through a malfunction-
ovale (FO). Each atrium has an appendage, or auricle, the func- ing leaky valve and stenosis is a pathologic narrowing or con-
tion of which is unknown. In the presence of cardiac dysrhythmias striction of a valve outlet, which causes blood to back up and
(e.g., atrial fibrillation), blood flow can pool on these appendages, increased pressure in the proximal chamber and vessels. Both
leading to the formation of thrombi. conditions can affect cardiac performance. In mitral stenosis,
The two lower-heart chambers, or ventricles, make up the high pressures in the left atrium back up into the pulmonary
bulk of the heart’s muscle mass and do most of the pumping circulation and these high pressures can cause pulmonary edema
that circulates the blood (Fig. 10.2). The mass of the left ventricle and a diastolic murmur (see Chapter 16).4,6
is approximately two-thirds larger than the mass of the right A set of semilunar valves separates the ventricles from their
ventricle and has a spherical appearance when viewed across arterial outflow tracts, the pulmonary artery (in the right) and
anteriorly.5 The right ventricle has a thinner wall than the left the aorta (in the left) (Fig. 10.3). Consisting of three half-moon-
and forms a pocket-like attachment to the left ventricle. Because shaped cusps attached to the arterial wall, these valves prevent
of this relationship, the left ventricle pulls in and pushes the right backflow of blood into the ventricles during diastole (or when
ventricular wall, aiding to its filling and contraction. This effect, the chambers of the heart fill with blood). Like the AV valves,
termed left ventricular aid, explains why some forms of right the semilunar valves can leak (regurgitation) or become partially
ventricular failure are less harmful than might be expected. The obstructed (stenosis).1
right and left ventricles are separated by a muscle wall termed Similar to the lungs, the heart has its own circulatory system,
the interventricular septum (see Fig. 10.2).5 which is called the coronary circulation; however, in contrast
The valves of the heart are flaps of fibrous tissue firmly to the lungs, the heart has a high metabolic rate that requires
anchored to the annulus fibrosus cordis (Fig. 10.3) and because more blood flow per gram of tissue weight than any other organ
they are located between the atria and ventricles, they are called except the kidneys. To meet these needs, the coronary circulation
atrioventricular (AV) valves or AV valves. The valve on the right provides an extensive network of branches to all myocardial
side is called the tricuspid valve and the valve on the left is called tissue (Fig. 10.4).
the bicuspid or mitral valve. The AV valves close during systole Two main coronary arteries, one in the left and one in the
(contraction of the ventricles), preventing backflow of blood right, arise from the root of the aorta right underneath the semi-
into the atria. The free ends of the AV valves are anchored to lunar valves. Blood flows through the coronary arteries only
papillary muscles of the endocardium by the chordae tendineae during diastole when the semilunar valves are closed. Partial
CHAPTER 10 The Cardiovascular System 209

Anterior cusp
Pulmonic Right cusp
Left cusp

Left cusp
Aortic Right cusp Anterior cusp
Posterior Medial cusp Tricuspid
cusp valve
Posterior cusp
Annulus fibrosus

Annulus fibrosus

Fig. 10.3 Four Cardiac Valves as Viewed from the Base of the Heart. Note how the leaflets overlap in
the closed valves.

MINI CLINI elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) and (3) ST-segment

elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI).
Mitral Stenosis, Poor Oxygenation, and Increased
Although heart disease mortality rates have declined over the
Work of Breathing
past four decades in western countries, this condition remains
The mitral valve lies between the left atrium and left ventricle. Mitral stenosis responsible for approximately one third of all deaths in individu-
causes high resistance to the blood flow into the left ventricle from the left als over the age of 35.7 Nearly one-half of all middle-aged men
atrium. This increased resistance causes a backflow into the pulmonary circula- and one-third of middle-aged women in the USA will develop
tion, leading to pulmonary edema with fluid collecting in the alveoli and inter- some manifestation of a coronary heart disease (CHD). The
stitial spaces in the lungs, impairing oxygenation and breathing.
2016 Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics update of the American
Problem Heart Association (AHA) reported that 15.5 million people in
Why does a patient with mitral stenosis have poor oxygenation of the blood the USA have CHD. The reported prevalence increases with age
and increased work of breathing? for both women and men. In the US the lifetime risk of devel-
oping CHD with ≥2 major risk factors is 37.5% for men and
Discussion 18.3% for women.8
Blood flows from the lungs into the left atrium, where it may encounter high
resistance through a narrowed, stenotic mitral valve; this causes high pressure
to build in the left atrium. The pressure in the pulmonary veins and, eventually, RULE OF THUMB Classic signs of tissue ischemia (decreased oxygen
in the pulmonary capillaries also increases. This high pressure within the supply) are chest pain and shortness of breath resulting in a clinical condition
capillaries engorges them and forces fluid components of the blood plasma called angina pectoris. Symptoms of a myocardial infarction include tightness
out of the vessels and into the interstitial spaces of the lungs and inside the or pain in the chest, neck, back or arms, as well as fatigue, lightheadedness,
alveoli, creating pulmonary edema. This collection of fluid interferes with oxygen abnormal heartbeat and anxiety. Women are more likely to have atypical
diffusion from the lung into the blood. Engorged capillaries surrounding the symptoms than men.
alveoli create a stiff “web” around each alveolus, which makes expanding the
lungs difficult; thus, mitral stenosis, a cardiac problem, often has significant
pulmonary consequences. After passing through the capillary beds of the myocardium,
the venous blood is collected by the coronary veins that closely
parallel the arteries (see Fig. 10.4). These veins gather together
obstruction of a coronary artery may lead to tissue ischemia into a large vessel called the coronary sinus, which passes left
(decreased oxygen supply). Complete obstruction of a coronary to right across the posterior surface of the heart. The coronary
artery may cause tissue death or infarct, a condition called myo- sinus empties into the right atrium between the opening of the
cardial infarction (MI).4 inferior vena cava (IVC) and the tricuspid valve.1 In addition,
Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) is the name given to three some coronary venous blood flows back into the heart through
types of coronary artery diseases (CAD) that are associated with the thebesian veins.1 The thebesian veins empty directly into all
gradual and/or sudden obstruction of the coronary arteries. These the heart chambers. Any deoxygenated blood coming from the
are (1) unstable angina or angina pectoris, (2) Non-ST segment thebesian veins that enters the left atrium or ventricle lowers
210 SECTION II Applied Anatomy and Physiology

Pulmonary veins
Superior vena cava

Circumflex branch
of left coronary artery

Area of sinus node

Great cardiac vein
vena cava

Coronary sinus
Right coronary

Posterior descending
branch of right coronary artery

Posterior View

Superior vena cava Left atrium

Left coronary
Aorta artery

Right atrial
appendage Circumflex
coronary artery Descending

Anterior Great cardiac

coronary veins vein


Anterior View
Fig. 10.4 Coronary circulation as seen on anterior and posterior surfaces of the heart, illustrating the location
and distribution of the principal coronary vessels.

the overall oxygen content of the systemic circulation. Because Excitability is the ability of cells to respond to electrical,
the thebesian veins bypass or shunt around the pulmonary cir- chemical or mechanical stimulation. Electrolyte imbalances,
culation as part of the normal anatomy, this phenomenon is congenital cardiac anomalies and certain drugs can increase
called an anatomic shunt. When combined with a similar bypass myocardial excitability and produce abnormalities in electrical
in the bronchial circulation (see Chapter 9), these normal conduction that may lead to cardiac arrhythmias.
anatomic shunts account for approximately 2% to 3% of the Inherent rhythmicity, or automaticity, is the unique ability of
total cardiac output.1,5 the cardiac muscle to initiate a spontaneous electrical impulse
(depolarization and repolarization). Although such impulses can
Properties of the Heart Muscle arise from anywhere in the cardiac tissue. This ability is highly
The performance of the heart as a pump depends on its ability developed in specialized areas called the heart pacemaker or nodal
to (1) initiate and conduct electrical impulses and to (2) syn- tissues. The sinoatrial (SA) node and the atrioventricular (AV) node
chronously contract the heart’s muscle quickly and efficiently.5 are the heart’s primary pacemakers. An electrical impulse from
These actions are only possible because myocardial tissue pos- any source other than a normal heart pacemaker is considered
sesses the following four key properties: abnormal (or ectopic) and represents one of the many causes of
• Excitability abnormal heart rhythms or cardiac arrhythmias (see Chapter 18).
• Inherent rhythmicity or automaticity Conductivity is the ability of the myocardial tissue to spread
• Conductivity and conduct electrical impulses. This property allows the myo-
• Contractility cardium to contract without direct neural innervation (as required
CHAPTER 10 The Cardiovascular System 211

Heart Rate and Coronary Perfusion
Why might an extremely high heart rate decrease blood flow through the
coronary arteries?

Discussion T tubule
Blood flow through the coronary arteries occurs only during ventricular diastole
when the aortic semilunar valves close and the heart relaxes. During systole, the Nucleus
myocardium contracts with such force that coronary artery pressures increase disc
to values greater than aortic pressures. As the heart rate (HR) increases, both Mitochondrion
systolic and diastolic times must decrease. As diastolic time decreases, increas-
ingly less time is available for coronary artery perfusion that occurs during diastole T tubule
and, therefore, coronary blood flow is significantly reduced. This reduction in Sarcoplasmic
flow is critically important for an individual who already has reduced coronary reticulum
circulation caused by arteriosclerotic heart disease. Not only is coronary artery Sarcolemma
perfusion decreased with severe tachycardia but also the shortened ventricular
filling time causes decreased stroke volume (SV) and decreased cardiac Fig. 10.5 Major Structural Features of Cardiac Muscle Fibers. Note
output (CO) leading to decreased systemic and coronary perfusion. the presence of intercalated discs connecting successive sarcomeres.
(Modified from Moffett DF, Moffett SB, Schauf CL: Human physiology:
foundations and frontiers, ed 2, St Louis, 1993, Mosby.)
Pulseless Electrical Activity and Cardiopulmonary Microanatomy of the Heart Muscle
Understanding how cardiac muscle contracts requires knowledge
Problem of the microanatomy of the heart. Cardiac cells are short, fat,
Why should pulmonary resuscitation should continue even in the presence of branched and interconnected. Individual cardiac fibers are
a normal sinus rhythm (NSR) in the monitor during a resuscitation attempt? enclosed in a membrane called the sarcolemma, which is sur-
rounded by a rich capillary network (Fig. 10.5).
Pulseless electrical activity (PEA), also known as electromechanical dis- Cardiac fibers are separated by irregular transverse thickenings
sociation, refers to cardiac arrest in which the electrocardiogram (ECG) shows of the sarcolemma called intercalated discs. These discs provide
a heart rhythm that should produce a pulse, but does not.9 In this case there structural support and aid in electrical conduction between fibers.
is an ‘electrical’ signal but the heart muscle does not respond accordingly to Each fiber consists of many smaller units called myofibrils, which
generate a palpable pulse. In the absence of a pulse (non-perfusion state), contain repeated structures approximately 2 µm in size termed
even in the presence of a “normal” ECG cardiac rhythm, chest compressions sarcomeres. Within the sarcomeres are contractile protein filaments
must continue to guarantee adequate perfusion to central organs during the responsible for shortening the myocardium during systole. These
arrest. Troubleshooting of the possible causes of PEA must ensue immediately proteins are of two types: thick filaments composed mainly of
(see Chapter 18). myosin and thin filaments composed mostly of actin. Myocardial
cells contract when actin and myosin combine to form reversible
by skeletal muscle). When the electrical signals of a depolarization bridges between these thick and thin filaments.3,6
wave reach the contractile cells they contract (systole). When The tensions developed during myocardial contraction are
the repolarization signals reach the myocardial cells they relax directly proportional to the number of cross-bridges between
(diastole) and thus the electrical signals cause the mechanical the actin and myosin filaments. This principle underlies Starling’s
pumping action of the heart; mechanical events always follow law of the heart, also known as the Frank-Starling law, which
the electrical events. is discussed later in this chapter. According to this law, the more
The rate at which electrical impulses spread throughout the a cardiac fiber is stretched (up to a point), the greater the tension
myocardium is variable. These differences in conduction rates it generates when contracted. This relationship is extremely
are needed to ensure synchronous contraction of the cardiac important and is explored later in the discussion of the heart as
chambers. Abnormal conductivity can affect the timing of a pump.10
chamber contractions and decrease cardiac efficiency.
Contractility, in response to an electrical impulse, is the Vascular System
primary function of the myocardium. Contrary to the contrac- The vascular system has two major subdivisions: the systemic
tions of other muscle tissues, cardiac contractions cannot be circulation and the pulmonary circulation. The systemic circula-
sustained or tetanized because myocardial tissue exhibits a pro- tion begins with the aorta on the left ventricle and ends in
longed period of inexcitability after contraction. The period the right atrium. The pulmonary circulation begins with the
during which the myocardium cannot be stimulated is called pulmonary artery out of the right ventricle and ends in the
the refractory period and lasts approximately 250 ms, nearly as left atrium. The blood flow to and from the heart is shown in
long as the heart contraction or systole. Fig. 10.6.3
212 SECTION II Applied Anatomy and Physiology

CO2 O2
Circulation to
tissues of head
and upper body





Pulmonary circulation

CO2 O2

Circulation to
tissues of
lower body

Systemic circulation
Fig. 10.6 Generalized circulatory and gas exchange pathways between the heart, lung, and systemic

Venous, or deoxygenated, blood from the head and upper the capillary network of the various body tissues, the deoxygen-
extremities enters the right atrium from the superior vena cava ated venous blood returns to the right ventricle through the
(SVC), and venous blood from the abdomen and lower body SVC and IVC.1
enters from the inferior vena cava (IVC). From the right atrium,
blood flows into the right ventricle. The right ventricle pumps Systemic Circulation
the blood into the pulmonary arteries, which are the only arteries The systemic circulation has three major components: (1) the
in the body that carry deoxygenated or venous blood. From arterial system, (2) the capillary system, and (3) the venous system.
there, this venous blood participates in gas exchange in the lungs, These vessels regulate not only the amount of blood flow per
picking up oxygen and eliminating carbon dioxide through the minute (CO) but also the distribution of blood to organs and
alveolar-capillary membrane of the lungs. tissues (perfusion). To achieve these functions, each component
has a unique structure and plays a different role in the circula-
RULE OF THUMB When performing hemodynamic calculations requiring tory system as a whole.3
the use of mixed-venous blood samples, these blood samples must always be The arterial system consists of large, highly elastic, low-
drawn slowly from a line inserted in the pulmonary artery vessel. This is resistance arteries and small, muscular arterioles of varying
commonly called a Swan-Ganz catheter or Pulmonary Artery catheter (PAC). resistance. With their elasticity, the large arteries help transmit
A PAC can also help determine whether any hemodynamic, or blood-flow- and maintain the head of pressure generated by the heart.
related, abnormalities exist in the heart and lungs.10 Together, the large arteries are called conductance vessels. Just as
faucets control the flow of water into a sink, the smaller arterioles
Arterial, or oxygenated, blood returns to the left atrium control blood flow into the capillaries. Arterioles provide this
through the pulmonary veins. The left atrium pumps blood into control by varying their flow resistance; they play a major role
the left ventricle and the blood is then pumped to the body in the distribution and regulation of blood pressure and are
through the aorta. After gas exchange at the tissue level, from referred to as resistance vessels.
CHAPTER 10 The Cardiovascular System 213

volume of circulating blood to that needed to maintain adequate

tissue perfusion. The components of the venous system, especially
the small, expandable venules and veins, are termed capacitance
Capillary vessels.
network The venous system must overcome gravity to return blood
to the heart. The following four mechanisms aid the venous
return to the heart: (1) sympathetic venous tone; (2) skeletal
muscle pumping or “milking” (combined with one-way venous
valves); (3) cardiac suction; and (4) thoracic pressure differences
caused by respiratory efforts.5
The last mechanism is often called the thoracic pump. This
Arteriole Venule is particularly important to respiratory therapists (RTs) because
artificial ventilation with positive pressure reverses normal tho-
racic pressure gradients. Positive pressure ventilation (PPV)
impedes, rather than assists, venous return. As long as blood
volume, cardiac function and vasomotor tone are adequate, PPV
generally has a minimal effect on venous return; however, patients
who are hypovolemic or in cardiac failure are vulnerable to a
reduction in cardiac output when PPV is applied to the lungs.10
Although the heart is a single organ, it functions as two sepa-
anastomosis rate pumps. The right side of the heart generates a systolic pres-
sure of approximately 25 mm Hg to drive blood through the
low-resistance, low-pressure pulmonary circulation. The left side
of the heart generates systolic pressures of approximately 120 mm
Hg to propel blood through the higher pressure, high-resistance
systemic circulation. This pressure gradient helps the cardiac
Fig. 10.7 Components of a Microcirculatory Network. Blood flows
from arteriolar to venular vessels through a network of capillaries. The suction effect in returning the venous blood to the right side of
opening of the arteriovenous anastomosis directs blood flow out of the the heart.
capillary network. (Modified from Stevens A, Lowe J: Human histology,
ed 2, St Louis, 1997, Mosby.) Vascular Resistance
Similar to the movement of any fluid through tubes, blood flow
through the vascular system is opposed by frictional forces. The
The vast capillary system, or microcirculation, maintains a sum of all frictional forces opposing blood flow through the sys-
constant exchange of nutrients and waste products for the cells temic circulation is called systemic vascular resistance (SVR). SVR
and tissues of the body. For this reason, the capillaries are com- must equal the difference in pressure between the beginning and
monly referred to as exchange vessels. Fig. 10.7 shows the structure the end of the circuit, divided by the flow. The beginning pressure
of a typical capillary network. Blood flows into the network by for the systemic circulation is the mean aortic pressure; ending
an arteriole and out through a venule. Direct communication pressure equals right atrial pressure or central venous pressure
between these vessels is called an arteriovenous anastomosis. (CVP). Flow for the system in its entirety equals the cardiac output
When open, these anastomoses allow arterial blood to shunt (CO). SVR can be calculated by the following formula:
around the capillary bed and flow directly into the venules.
Downstream, the arteriole divides into terminal arterioles, which Mean aortic pressure − Right atrial pressure
branch further into thoroughfare channels and true capillaries. Cardiac output
Capillaries have smooth muscle rings at their proximal ends,
called precapillary sphincters. Contraction of these sphincters Given a normal mean aortic pressure of 90 mm Hg, a mean
decreases blood flow locally, whereas relaxation increases local right atrial pressure of approximately 4 mm Hg and a normal
perfusion. In combination, these various channels, sphincters CO of 5 L/min, normal SVR is computed as follows:
and bypasses allow precise control over the direction and amount
of blood flow to a given organ or area of tissue. 90 mm Hg − 4 mm Hg
The venous system consists of small, expandable venules and 5 L min
veins and larger, more elastic veins. Besides conducting blood = 17.2 mm Hg L min
back to the heart, these vessels act as a reservoir for the circula-
tory system. At any given time, the veins and venules hold The same concepts can be used to compute resistance in the
approximately three-quarters of the body’s total blood volume. pulmonary circulation. Beginning pressure for the pulmonary
The volume of blood held in this reservoir can be rapidly changed circulation is the mean PA pressure; ending pressure equals left
as needed simply by altering the tone of these vessels. By quickly atrial pressure. Flow for the pulmonary circulation is the same
changing its holding capacity, the venous system can match the as it is for the systemic system, which equals the CO; hence,
214 SECTION II Applied Anatomy and Physiology

the vascular system or changing both. Volume changes can

RULE OF THUMB Changes in resistance are the primary means by which
blood flow is regulated within organs because control mechanisms in the body
reflect absolute changes in total blood volume, such as changes
generally maintain arterial and venous blood pressures within a narrow range. resulting from hemorrhagic shock or blood transfusion. Alter-
When applying Ohm’s law for the flow of blood in a blood vessel (Blood natively, changes in “relative” volume can occur when vascu-
Flow = ΔP/Resistance or MAP = CO/SVR), the ΔP is the pressure difference lar space increases or decreases. Vascular space decreases when
between any two points along a given length of the vessel. When describing vasoconstriction (constriction of the smooth muscles in the
the flow of blood for an organ, the pressure difference is generally expressed peripheral blood vessels) occurs, which causes blood pressure
as the difference between the arterial pressure (PA) and venous pressure (PV). to increase even though blood volume is the same. Vascular
For example, the blood flow for the kidney is determined by the renal artery space increases when vasodilation (relaxation of the smooth
pressure, renal vein pressure, and renal vascular resistance. muscles in the arterioles) occurs, which causes blood pressure to
decrease even though blood volume has not changed (e.g., during
septic shock).
In a normal adult, MAP ranges from 80 to 100 mm Hg. When
pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) can be calculated by using MAP decreases below 60 mm Hg, which may accompany some
the following formula: forms of untreated shock, perfusion to the brain and the kidney
is severely compromised and organ failure may occur in minutes.4
Mean PA pressure − Left atrial pressure The blood pressure value that should be targeted during the
Cardiac output management of septic shock is an important clinical issue. The
MAP is one of the first variables that is monitored in septic
Given a normal mean PA pressure of approximately 16 mm patients.11 Prolonged hypotension, defined as a MAP of less than
Hg and a normal mean left atrial pressure of 8 mm Hg, normal 60 to 65 mm Hg, is associated with poor outcome in general.
PVR is computed as follows:
RULE OF THUMB The results of the SEPSISPAM (Sepsis and Mean
16 mm Hg − 8 mm Hg
PVR = Arterial Pressure) study suggest that a MAP target of 65 to 75 mm Hg is usually
5 L min sufficient in patients with septic shock, but a higher MAP (around 75 to 85 mm
= 1.6 mm Hg L min Hg) may be preferable in patients with chronic arterial hypertension.12

Resistance to blood flow in the pulmonary circulation is

approximately one-tenth of that of the systemic circulation. The To avoid organ and tissue damage and maintain adequate
pulmonary circulation is characterized as a low-pressure, low- perfusion pressures under changing conditions, the cardiovascular
resistance system and the systemic circulation as a high-pressure, system attempts to balance relative volume and resistance. When
high-resistance system. a person exercises, the circulating blood volume undergoes a
relative increase, but blood pressure remains near normal, because
Determinants of Blood Pressure the skeletal muscle vascular beds dilate, causing a large increase
A healthy cardiovascular system maintains sufficient pressure in system capacity; however, when blood loss occurs, as with
to propel blood throughout the body.6 The priority of the car- hemorrhage, the system capacity is decreased by constriction of
diovascular system is to maintain perfusion pressures to tissues the peripheral vessels. Perfusion pressures may be kept near
and organs at functional levels, even under changing conditions. normal unless the volume loss is extreme.
If the equation for computing SVR is rearranged by deleting the Regulation of blood flow and pressure is much more complex
normally low atrial pressure, the average blood pressure in the than is suggested by these simplified equations. Cardiovascular
circulation is directly related to both CO and flow resistance, as control is achieved by a complex array of integrated functions,
follows: some of which are explained subsequently.
Mean arterial pressure (MAP) = (CO × SVR) + CVP
Some MAP formulas disregard the CVP contribution because
the CVP levels are generally negligible under normal circum- The cardiovascular system is responsible for transporting metabo-
stances (0 to 6 mm Hg). It is important to note that under many lites to and from the tissues under various conditions and
conditions, vascular resistance tends to vary inversely with the demands. It must act in a highly coordinated fashion achieved
size of the blood vessels (i.e., the capacity of the vascular system). by integrating the functions of the heart and vascular system.
All else being constant, MAP is directly related to the volume of The goal is to maintain adequate perfusion to all tissues accord-
blood in the vascular system and inversely related to its capacity: ing to their needs.10
The cardiovascular system regulates blood flow mainly by
Volume altering the capacity of the vasculature and the volume of blood
Capacity it holds. The heart plays only a secondary role in regulating
blood flow; the vascular system tells the heart how much blood
Based on this relationship, MAP is regulated by either chang- it needs, rather than the heart dictating what volume of blood
ing the volume of circulating blood, changing the capacity of the vascular system will receive.
CHAPTER 10 The Cardiovascular System 215

These integrated functions involve local and central neural MINI CLINI
control mechanisms. Local, or intrinsic, controls operate indepen-
Calculating Cardiac Output
dently without central nervous system control. Intrinsic control
alters perfusion under normal conditions to meet metabolic needs. Problem
Central or extrinsic control involves both the central nervous How to calculate the CO of a patient with a resting HR of 70 beats/min and
system and circulating humoral agents. Extrinsic control mecha- a measured stroke volume (SV) of 75 mL/beat?
nisms maintain a normal level of vascular tone; however, central
control mechanisms take over when the competing needs of local
A normal resting CO of approximately 5 L/min can be calculated by substituting
vascular beds must be coordinated. Basic knowledge of vascular a normal HR (70 beats/min) and SV (75 mL, or 0.075 L, per contraction):
regulatory mechanisms and factors controlling CO is essential
to understand how the cardiovascular system responds under CO = 70 beats min × 0.075 L beat = 5.25 L min
both normal and abnormal conditions.3 This calculation is a hypothetical average because actual CO normally varies
according to a person’s gender, height and weight, as well as being impacted
Regulation of Peripheral Vasculature by various diseases.
A normal level of vascular muscle tone is normally maintained
throughout the vascular system at all times. Normal vascular
muscle tone must be present to allow for effective regulation. If
blood vessels remained completely relaxed, further dilation would Regulation of Cardiac Output
be impossible and local increases in perfusion could not occur. The heart, similar to the vascular system, is regulated by both
Local vascular tone is maintained by the smooth muscle of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. These mechanisms act together,
the precapillary sphincters of the microcirculation and can func- along with vascular control, to ensure that the output of the
tion independently of neural control at the local tissue level heart matches the different needs of the tissues.
according to metabolic needs. Central control of vasomotor tone As previously discussed, the total amount of blood pumped
involves either direct central nervous system innervation or cir- by the heart per minute is called the cardiac output (CO). CO
culation hormones. Central control mainly affects the high- is simply the product of the HR and the volume ejected by the
resistance arterioles and capacitance veins. left ventricle on each contraction, or stroke volume (SV):

Local Control CO = HR × SV
Local regulation of tissue blood flow includes both myogenic and Regardless of an individual’s state of health or illness, a change
metabolic control mechanisms. Myogenic control involves the in CO must involve a change in SV, a change in HR or both. SV
relationship between vascular, smooth-muscle tone and perfusion is affected primarily by intrinsic control of three factors: (1)
pressure. Myogenic control ensures relatively constant flows to preload, (2) afterload, and (3) contractility (all three factors are
the capillary beds despite changes in perfusion pressures. discussed subsequently). HR is affected primarily by extrinsic
Metabolic control involves the relationship between vascular, or central control mechanisms.4,10
smooth-muscle tone and the level of local cellular metabolites.
High amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) or lactic acid, low pH Changes in Stroke Volume
levels, low partial pressures of O2 levels, histamines (released during The heart does not eject all of the blood it contains during
an inflammatory response), endothelium-derived relaxing factor, systole. Instead, a small volume, called the end-systolic volume
and some prostaglandins all cause relaxation of the smooth muscle (ESV), remains inside the ventricles. During the resting phase
and vasodilation, increasing blood flow to the affected area. or diastole, the ventricles fill to a volume called the end-diastolic
The influence of myogenic and metabolic control mechanisms volume (EDV). SV equals the difference between the EDV and
varies in different organ systems, with the brain being the most the ESV, as follows:
sensitive to changes in the local metabolite levels, particularly
CO2 and pH.3
In a healthy person at rest, the EDV ranges from 110 to 120 mL.
Central Control Given a normal SV of approximately 70 mL, a normal ejection
Central control of blood flow is primarily achieved by the sym- fraction (EF), or proportion of the EDV ejected on each stroke,
pathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. Smooth- can be calculated as follows:
muscle contraction and increased flow resistance are mostly
caused by adrenergic stimulation and the release of norepineph- SV
EF = × 100
rine. Smooth-muscle relaxation and vessel dilation is caused by EDV
stimulation of either cholinergic or specialized β-adrenergic recep- 70 mL
= × 100
tors. Although the contractile response is distributed throughout 110 mL
the entire vascular system, the dilation response appears to be = 64%
limited to the precapillary vessels. In addition to the sympathetic
control, blood flow through the large veins can also be affected As shown in Fig. 10.8, an increase in SV occurs when either
by abdominal and intrathoracic pressure changes. the EDV increases or the ESV decreases. Conversely, a decrease
216 SECTION II Applied Anatomy and Physiology

Normal Increased SV Decreased SV


Diastolic reserve

A volume B C D E

Systolic reserve

Fig. 10.8 Relationship between stroke volume (SV), end-diastolic volume (EDV), and end-systolic volume
(ESV). (A) Normal relationship between EDV, ESV and SV; (B) increased SV resulting from increased EDV;
(C) increased SV resulting from decreased ESV; (D) decreased SV resulting from decreased EDV (hypovole-
mia); and (E) decreased SV resulting from increased ESV (poor contractility).

MINI CLINI TABLE 10.1 Factors Affecting Preload

Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathy Factor Affect
On each contraction, a healthy heart ejects approximately two-thirds of its End-diastolic filling pressure Total blood volume
stored volume (60% to 66%). Decreases in EF are normally associated with a Blood volume distribution
weakened myocardium (heart failure), decreased contractility or both. When Atrial contraction
the EF decreases below 30%, a person’s exercise tolerance becomes severely Venous compliance
limited.10 Total peripheral resistance
Venous return
Problem End-diastolic stretch End-diastolic filling pressure
Why does a patient with heart failure and low EF develop generalized weak- Compliance of ventricle and pericardium
ness and difficulty breathing? Myocardial wall thickness Normal physiology
Compensatory hypertrophy
A healthy heart beats about 60 to 100 times per minute to pump oxygenated Data from Chiumello D, Carlesso E, Cadringher P, et al: Lung stress
blood throughout the body. Heart failure, also known as congestive heart and strain during mechanical ventilation for acute respiratory distress
syndrome, Am J Respir Crit Care Med 15;178:346, 2008.
failure (CHF), occurs when a person’s heart is weakened and not able to
pump blood the way it should, therefore the EF falls below normal, healthy
levels. As a result, the body does not get enough blood—and the oxygen that terms in medicine, the definitions of preload and afterload vary
blood cells carry—to maintain the body and its normal functions. considerably in the literature.13 This variability seems to be related
Low EF can be caused by many cardiac and vascular conditions such as to the term load, which in general means “a force against which
cardiomyopathy, CAD, MI, heart valve disease and systolic heart failure (see something that causes motion (a pump or motor) acts.” In the
Chapter 31). context of the cardiovascular system, the heart is analogous to
a pump and force, in this sense, is related to stretch of the cardiac
muscle according to the Frank-Starling Law.
in SV occurs when either the EDV decreases or the ESV increases. Using this description of load and preload therefore represents
This relationship is key to understanding regulation of CO. the combined force of all the factors that contribute to ventricular
The heart’s ability to change SV solely according to the EDV wall stretch at the end of diastole. Preload may be calculated in
is an intrinsic regulatory mechanism. As mentioned before, a manner that recognizes the forces that stretch the resting cardiac
according to the Frank-Starling law, the force the ventricle can muscle to a given length before contraction. Many factors deter-
generate results from the length (or stretch) of the myocardial mine preload, including venous return, total blood volume and
fibers just before contraction. As the ventricle fills with blood, distribution and atrial activity. These and the other factors that
the myocardial fibers are stretched and as the stretch increases, influence preload are summarized in Table 10.1.13
the tension (force) within the walls of the heart increases (analo- In a similar fashion, afterload can be described as the com-
gous to stretching a rubber band).10 bined force of all the factors that the left ventricle encounters
The concepts of tension or force and filling volume are often and must overcome when stimulated to contract and achieve
described in terms of preload and afterload and as with many the end of systole. Several factors determine afterload, most
CHAPTER 10 The Cardiovascular System 217

Fig. 10.9 Factors determining afterload within the cardiovascular system during systole. (From Norton JM:
Toward consistent definitions for preload and afterload, Adv Physiol Educ 25:53, 2001.)

notably peripheral vascular resistance and the physical charac-

teristics of arterial blood. These and the other factors that deter-
mine afterload are shown in Fig. 10.9.13
It should be noted that an increased preload or afterload
caused by an abnormal increased downstream resistance over
time can be “normalized” (up to a point) by increasing the wall
Stroke volume

thickness of the heart, which the body attempts to do by increas-

ing muscle mass (hypertrophy), leading to cardiomyopathy and
heart failure.13

RULE OF THUMB Increases in preload (EDV) and decreases in ESV result

in increased SV in the healthy heart.

All else being constant, the greater the afterload on the ven-
tricles the harder it is for the ventricles to eject their volume. Stretch
For a given EDV, an increase in afterload means the ESV increased.
If the EDV remains constant while the ESV increases, the SV Fig. 10.10 The Frank-Starling law: stroke volume (SV) as a function of
(EDV-ESV) decreases (see Fig. 10.8). Normally, however, the ventricular end-diastolic stretch. An increase in the stretch of the ven-
tricles immediately before contraction (end-diastole) results in an increase
healthy heart muscle responds to increased afterload by altering
in end-diastolic volume and SV. Ventricular end-diastolic stretch is syn-
its contractility. onymous with the concept of preload.

RULE OF THUMB Increases in afterload can decrease SV, especially in referred to as positive inotropism. The opposite is also true. A
the failing heart by increasing the ESV. lower SV for a given preload indicates decreased contractility,
referred to as negative inotropism. Drugs that increase contrac-
Contractility represents the amount of systolic force exerted tility of the heart muscle are called positive inotropes and drugs
by the heart muscle at any given preload. At a given preload (or that decrease contractility are negative inotropes.10
EDV), an increase in contractility results in an increased EF, a In addition to local mechanisms, cardiac contractility is
decreased ESV and an increased SV. Conversely, a decrease in influenced by neural control, circulating hormonal factors, and
contractility results in a decreased EF, an increased ESV and a certain medications. Typically, neural or drug-mediated sym-
decreased SV. pathetic stimulation has a positive inotropic effect. Conversely,
Changes in contractility affect the slope of the ventricular func- parasympathetic stimulation exerts a negative inotropic effect.
tion curve (Figs. 10.10 and 10.11). A higher SV for a given preload Profound hypoxia and acidosis impair myocardial function and
(increased slope) indicates a state of increased contractility, often decrease cardiac contractility.
218 SECTION II Applied Anatomy and Physiology

Effect of Increased Afterload on Cardiac Output
↑Heart rate in a Normal Heart
Afterload is the resistance the ventricle must overcome or the forces that
oppose ejection of blood pressure generated as the heart works to eject its
SV. As afterload increases, the SV ejected by the ventricle decreases, assuming
Cardiac output

that the contractility of the heart (force with which the heart contracts) remains
↑Afterload constant.
↓Heart rate Problem
During exercise, a healthy person’s blood pressure increases considerably,
indicating that the afterload has increased. Yet the SV and CO in a healthy
heart do not decrease. Why is this so?

When afterload increases, the initial ventricular contractions that experience
the increased afterload produce smaller SVs, which causes more blood to
Fig. 10.11 Effects of preload, afterload, contractility and heart rate on remain in the ventricle at the end of systole (i.e., ESV is increased). During
cardiac output function curve. (Modified from Green JF: Fundamental the subsequent diastole, blood rushes in from the atria to fill the ventricles,
cardiovascular and pulmonary physiology, ed 2, Philadelphia, 1987, Lea
and because of the higher-than-normal ESV, the ventricles become more dis-
& Febiger.)
tended and stretched. Healthy heart muscle responds to increased stretch in
a way described by the Frank-Starling law; that is, the heart now contracts
with greater force than before, ejecting a greater SV. By increasing contractility
RULE OF THUMB Hypoxia and acidosis decrease cardiac contractility
in this fashion, SV and CO are not compromised by increased afterload in a
and output.
healthy heart.
As expected, CO increases and decreases with similar changes in HR; however,
Changes in Heart Rate this relationship is only maintained up to approximately 160 to 180 beats/min
The last factor influencing CO is HR. In contrast to the factors in a healthy heart. At higher HRs, there is not enough time for the ventricles
to fill completely between each heartbeat, causing a decrease in EDV, SV, and
controlling SV, the factors affecting HR are mainly of central
CO. Even worse, as the HR exceeds this level, oxygen consumption of the
origin (i.e., neural or hormonal). Factors that increase HR are
heart increases and coronary perfusion decreases, further comprising the patient.
called positive chronotropic factors. Likewise, factors that decrease This phenomenon often occurs at significantly less than 160 beats/min in the
HR are called negative chronotropic factors. failing heart.

RULE OF THUMB Increase in HR increases CO in a healthy heart up to

a rate of 160 to 180 beats/min. RULE OF THUMB Under normal conditions, blood flow to a specific
vascular bed is primarily regulated by local mechanisms.

The combined effects of preload, afterload, contractility and

HR on cardiac performance are graphically portrayed in Fig. Central control of cardiovascular function occurs by the
10.11. The middle curve represents the normal state and the interaction between the brainstem and selected peripheral recep-
upper, steeper curve represents a hyperdynamic heart. In the tors (Fig. 10.12). The brainstem constantly receives feedback
hyperdynamic heart, a given preload results in a greater than from these receptors about the pressure, volume and chemical
normal CO. Factors contributing to this state include decreased status of the blood. The brainstem also receives input from higher
afterload, increased contractility (decreased ESV), and increased brain centers, such as the hypothalamus and cerebral cortex.
HR. The bottom curve has a lower slope than normal, indicating These inputs are integrated with the inputs coming from the
a hypodynamic heart. Factors contributing to this state include heart and blood vessels to maintain adequate blood flow and
increased afterload, decreased contractility (increased ESV), and pressure in all but the most abnormal conditions.4
decreased rate. When the pumping efficiency of the heart is so
low that CO is inadequate to meet tissues needs, the heart is Cardiovascular Control Centers
said to be in CHF as discussed before.4,10 Fig. 10.12 is a simplified diagram of the cardiovascular regula-
tory centers. Areas in the medulla receive input from higher
Cardiovascular Control Mechanisms brain centers, peripheral pressure and chemical receptors. Stimu-
Cardiovascular control is achieved by integrating local and central lation of the vasoconstrictor area within the medulla causes
regulatory mechanisms that affect both the heart and the vas- vasoconstriction and increased vascular resistance.
culature. The goal is to ensure that all tissues receive sufficient Closely associated with the vasoconstrictor center is a car-
blood flow to meet their metabolic needs; however, when demands dioaccelerator area. Stimulation of this center increases HR by
are increased or abnormal, such as during exercise or massive increasing sympathetic discharge to the SA and AV nodes of the
bleeding, central mechanisms take over primary control. heart. A cardioinhibitory area plays the opposite role. Stimulation
CHAPTER 10 The Cardiovascular System 219

3. Impulses from baroreceptors

stimulate cardioinhibitory center
(and inhibit cardioacceleratory
center) and inhibit vasomotor
4a. ↓Sympathetic
impulses to heart
cause ↓HR,
↓contractility, and
2. Baroreceptors
in carotid sinuses
and aortic arch
are stimulated.

4b. ↓Rate of
vasomotor inpulses
Imb allows vasodilation,
1. Stimulus: alan causing ↓R. 5. ↓CO and ↓R
ce return blood
↑Blood pressure
(arterial blood pressure to
pressure rises above homeostatic range.
normal range). Homeostatis: Blood pressure in normal range

1. Stimulus:
↓Blood pressure
Imb (arterial blood
ce pressure falls below
5. ↑CO and ↑R return normal range).
blood pressure to 4b. Vasomotor
homeostatic range. fibers stimulate
causing ↑R.

2. Baroreceptors
in carotid sinuses
and aortic arch
are inhibited.

4a. ↑Sympathetic
impulses to heart
cause ↑HR, 3. Impulses from baroreceptors
↑contractility, and stimulate cardioacceleratory center
↑CO. (and inhibit cardioinhibitory center)
and stimulate vasomotor center.
Fig. 10.12 Simplified diagram of cardiovascular regulatory centers. CO, Cardiac output; HR, heart rate; R,
resistance. (Modified from Marieb EN, Hoehn KN: Anatomy and physiology, ed 4, San Francisco, 2011,
Pearson Benjamin Cummings.)

MINI CLINI of this center decreases HR by increasing vagal (parasympathetic)

stimulation to the heart.
Heart Rate and the Administration of
Higher brain centers also influence the cardiovascular system,
Bronchodilator Drugs
both directly and through the medulla. Signals coming from the
Problem cerebral cortex in response to exercise, pain or anxiety pass directly
You are giving a bronchodilator-aerosolized drug to a patient and you notice through the cholinergic fibers to the vascular smooth muscle,
a significant increase in the patient’s HR. Would you expect increased HR to causing vasodilation. Signals from the hypothalamus, in particular
be a common side effect of pulmonary bronchodilators? its heat-regulating areas, indirectly affect HR and vasomotor
tone through the cardiovascular centers.
The discharge rate of the sinus node and the HR are increased by sympathetic
The cardiovascular centers are also affected by local chemi-
nervous stimulation and decreased by parasympathetic nervous stimulation. cal changes in the surrounding blood and cerebrospinal fluid.
The airways of the lung are dilated by sympathetic nervous stimulation and Decreased levels of CO2 tend to inhibit the medullary centers and
constricted by parasympathetic stimulation. Drugs that cause bronchodilation general inhibition of these centers causes a decrease in vascular
either mimic sympathetic stimulation (sympathomimetic) or block parasympa- tone and a decrease in blood pressure. A local decrease in O2
thetic stimulation (parasympatholytic). Both of these drug actions can also tension has the opposite effect. Mild hypoxia in this area increases
cause the HR to increase (see Chapter 36). sympathetic discharge rates, which tends to elevate both HR and
blood pressure; however, severe hypoxia has a depressant effect.
220 SECTION II Applied Anatomy and Physiology

Although the high-pressure arterial receptors constantly control

Peripheral Receptors blood pressure, the low-pressure sensors are responsible for long-
In addition to high-level and local input, the cardiovascular term regulation of plasma volume. The low-pressure atrial and
centers receive signals from peripheral receptors (see Fig. 10.12). venous baroreceptors regulate plasma volume mainly by acti-
There are two types of peripheral cardiovascular receptors: baro- vating several chemical and hormonal mechanisms. Table 10.2
receptors, or stretch receptors, and chemoreceptors. Barorecep- provides a detailed description of some of these mechanisms.
tors respond to pressure changes, whereas chemoreceptors respond The major pathways for plasma-volume control are outlined
to changes in blood chemistry.4 in Fig. 10.13. Combined with a central nervous system-mediated
The cardiovascular system has two different sets of barorecep- increase in renal filtration, these humoral mechanisms decrease
tors. The first set is located in the aortic arch and carotid sinuses the overall plasma volume. A decrease in blood volume has the
and these receptors monitor arterial pressures generated by the
left ventricle. The second set is located in the walls of the atria
and the large thoracic and pulmonary veins and these low-pressure TABLE 10.2 Hormonal Control
sensors respond mainly to changes in vascular volumes. Baro- Mechanisms Affecting Blood Pressure
receptor output is directly proportional to the stretch on the Hormone Place of Action Effect
vessel wall. The greater the blood pressure, the greater is the
Angiotensin II Arterioles ↑ SVR (vasoconstriction)
stretch and the higher the rate of neural discharge to the medulla.
Antidiuretic Kidneys ↑ Blood volume (↑water
Together with the cardiovascular regulatory centers, these hormone retention)
receptors form a negative feedback loop, where stimulation Arterioles ↑ SVR (vasoconstriction)
of a receptor causes an opposite response by the effector. In Atrial natriuretic Arterioles ↓ SVR (vasodilation)
the case of the arterial receptors, an increase in blood pres- peptide
sure increases aortic and carotid receptor stretch and their Aldosterone Kidneys ↑ Blood volume (↑water
neuronal discharge rates. The increased discharge rates cause and salt retention)
an opposite response by the medullary centers (i.e., depressor Cortisol Kidneys ↑ Blood volume (↑water
response decreasing blood pressure). Decreased blood pressure and salt retention)
(decreased baroreceptor output) has the opposite effect, causing Norepinephrine Heart (β-1 receptors) ↑ Cardiac output (HR
peripheral vessel constriction and increased HR and contractility. and contractility)
Arterioles (α receptors) ↑ SVR (vasoconstriction)
This mechanism usually restores blood pressure to normal (see
Fig. 10.12).3,4 HR, Heart rate; SVR, systemic vascular resistance.

blood volume


nervous system

↓Vasopressin ↑Natriuretic ↓Sympathetic

release hormone activity

↓Aldosterone perfusion

↑Glomerular filtration rate

↑Sodium and water excretion


Fig. 10.13 Major Pathways for Plasma Volume Control. See text for details. (Modified from Smith JJ,
Kampine JP: Circulatory physiology: the essentials, ed 3, Baltimore, 1990, Williams & Wilkins.)
CHAPTER 10 The Cardiovascular System 221

opposite effect (i.e., sodium and water retention and an increase

in plasma volume).
Chemoreceptors are small, highly vascularized tissues located
near the high-pressure sensors in the aortic arch and carotid sinus

ADH µ units/mL
that are sensitive to changes in blood chemistry. They are strongly 100

(log scale)
stimulated by decreased O2 tensions, low pH or high levels of CO2.
Simply put, the major cardiovascular effects of chemoreceptor
stimulation are vasoconstriction and increased HR.

RULE OF THUMB As the arterial oxygen content or the pH drops, che-

moreceptors will cause an increased in the HR and systemic vasoconstriction.

These changes occur only when the cardiopulmonary system 180

is overtaxed and so the chemoreceptors probably have little influ- Heart rate
ence under normal conditions; however, their influence on res-

Cardiovascular responses
piration is clinically important and therefore discussed in greater Venomotor tone
detail in Chapter 9.

(% control)
Blood Volume Regulation 100
Arterial blood
The coordinated response of the cardiovascular system is best pressure
shown under abnormal or stressful conditions. Among the most
common clinical conditions in which all essential regulatory 60
mechanisms come into play is the large blood loss that occurs
with hemorrhage. Fig. 10.14 illustrates changes in these key factors Central venous
during progressive blood loss in an animal model. pressure
With 10% blood loss, the immediate decline in the CVP causes
a 50% decrease in the discharge rate of the low-pressure (atrial)
Receptor firing rate

baroreceptors; however, there is little change in the activity of

Arterial receptors
the high-pressure (arterial) receptors. The initial response, medi-
(% control)

ated through the medullary centers, is an increase in sympathetic 50

discharge to the sinus node, which causes a progressive increase
in HR. At the same time, plasma levels of antidiuretic hormone
Atrial receptors
(vasopressin) begin to increase and thus maintaining normal 0
–10% –20% –30%
arterial blood pressure.
As the blood loss becomes more severe (20%), atrial receptor Decrease in blood volume
activity decreases further, which increases the intensity of sym-
pathetic discharge from the cardiovascular centers. Plasma antidi- Fig. 10.14 Plasma levels of antidiuretic hormone (ADH), cardiovascular
uretic hormone and HR continue to increase, as does peripheral responses and receptor firing rates in response to graded hemorrhage
vasculature tone. An increase in vascular tone occurs through in the dog. See text for details. (From Richardson DR: Basic circulatory
physiology, Boston, 1976, Little, Brown; venomotor tone data are those
the constriction of the capacitance vessels in the venous system,
of W. Sears J, as cited in Gauer OH, Henry JP, Behn C: The regulation
slowing the decrease in CVP.4 of extracellular fluid volume, Annu Rev Physiol 32:547, 1970. All other
The arterial pressure does not start to decrease until blood data are from Henry JP, et al: Can J Physiol Pharmacol 46:287, 1968.)
loss approaches 30%. At this point, arterial receptor activity
begins to decrease, resulting in a marked increase in systemic shock, after which death often occurs. Similar events can occur
vascular tone. Despite the magnitude of blood loss, CVP levels in the presence of severe dehydration and volume depletion by
off. If no further hemorrhage occurs, blood pressure and tissue other means such as severe vomiting and diarrhea.
perfusion can be maintained at adequate levels.
If blood loss continues, however, central control mechanisms
begin to take over, causing massive peripheral vasoconstriction,
shunting blood away from skeletal muscle to maintain blood This chapter has emphasized the mechanical properties of the
flow to the brain and heart. Increasing levels of local metabolites heart; the electrical activities of the heart are discussed in Chapter
such as CO2 and other acids override central control and cause 18. Although they are discussed separately, the mechanical and
further vessel dilation and increased blood flow to these vital electrical events are interdependent. Given the role of RTs in
organs; however, as these metabolites build up, tissues become dealing with cardiovascular problems, in-depth knowledge of
hypoxic, cardiac function becomes impaired and vasodilation how these events relate is quite useful.3
occurs throughout the body. In such an instance, this vasodila- The events of the cardiac cycle are depicted in Fig. 10.15. The
tion signals the onset of late stage and irreversible hypovolemic top of the figure shows a time axis scaled in tenths of a second;
222 SECTION II Applied Anatomy and Physiology

Atrial systole Ventricular systole Atrial and

(atria contract) (ventricles contract) ventricular diastole

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Seconds
Systole Diastole
Diastole Systole Diastole
Diastasis Ejection Diastasis Ventricles

Completion of Isometric
contraction Isometric Rapid
ventricular ventricular
120 relaxation
filling filling

Dicrotic notch
valves close
Pressure (mm Hg)

valves open
Ventricular pressure

valves close
Atrial pressure

c Atrioventricular
valves open

QRS complex

P wave
C T wave

First Second Third

heart heart heart

sound sound sound


Volume (mL)

E 100


Fig. 10.15 Cardiac Cycle. (A) Timing of cardiac events. (B) Simultaneous pressures created in the aorta, left
ventricle and right atrium during the cardiac cycle. (C) Electrical activity during the cardiac cycle. (D) Heart
sounds corresponding to the cardiac cycle. (E) Ventricular blood volume during the cardiac cycle. (Modified
from Moffett DF, Moffett SB, Schauf CL: Human physiology: foundations and frontiers, ed 2, St Louis, 1993,
CHAPTER 10 The Cardiovascular System 223

next are the timing bars for ventricular systole and diastole and • Inflammation of the pericardium results in a clinical condi-
pressure events in the atria, ventricles and aorta; these are fol- tion called pericarditis.
lowed by an ECG, heart sounds, and ventricular flow (see Chapter • An abnormal amount of fluid can accumulate between the
18 for an explanation of the ECG waves). pericardial layers, resulting in a pericardial effusion. A large
Going from left to right, the P wave (atrial depolarization) pericardial effusion may lessen the pumping function of the
begins the ECG. Earlier, the ventricles have been passively filling heart, resulting in cardiac tamponade.
with blood through the open AV valves. Within 0.1 seconds, • The two lower-heart chambers, or ventricles, make up the
the atria contract, causing a slight increase in both atrial and bulk of the heart’ ’s muscle mass and do most of the pumping
ventricular pressures (a waves). This atrial contraction helps that circulates the blood.
preload the ventricles, increasing their volume by 25%. This • Common valve problems include regurgitation and stenosis.
help from the atria to ventricular filling is called the atrial kick. Regurgitation is the backflow of blood through a malfunc-
Toward the end of diastole, the electrical impulses from the atria tioning valve. Stenosis is a pathologic narrowing or constric-
reach the AV node and bundle branches and ventricular depo- tion of a valve outlet, which causes blood to back up and
larization (QRS complex) is initiated. Within a few hundredths results in increased pressure in the proximal chamber and
of a second after depolarization, the ventricles begin to contract. vessels. Both conditions affect cardiac performance.
As soon as ventricular pressures exceed pressures in the atria, • The heart’s circulatory system is called the coronary circula-
the AV valves close, with closure of the mitral valve occurring tion. To meet the heart’s needs, the coronary circulation
first, followed immediately by the closure of the tricuspid valve. provides an extensive network of branches to all myocardial
This closure marks the end of ventricular diastole, producing tissue.
the first heart sound on the phonocardiogram.3 • Complete obstruction of a coronary artery may cause tissue
Immediately after AV valve closure, the ventricles become death or infarct, a condition called myocardial infarction (MI).
closed chambers. During this short isovolemic phase of contrac- • ACS is the name given to three types of CAD that are associ-
tion, ventricular pressures increase rapidly. Upward bulging of ated with gradual and/or sudden obstruction of the coronary
the AV valves during this phase causes a slight upswing in atrial arteries: (1) unstable angina or angina pectoris, (2) NSTEMI,
pressure graphs, called the c wave. Within 0.05 seconds, ven- and (3) STEMI.
tricular pressures increase to exceed the pressures in the aorta • Heart diseases remain responsible for approximately one third
and pulmonary artery and open the semilunar valves. of all deaths in individuals over the age of 35.7 years. Nearly
Toward the end of systole, as repolarization starts (indicated one-half of all middle-aged men and one-third of middle-
by the T wave), the ventricles begin to relax. Consequently, ven- aged women in the USA will develop some manifestation of
tricular pressures decrease rapidly. When arterial pressures exceed a CHD.
pressures in the relaxing ventricles, the semilunar valves shut. • Symptoms of a MI include tightness or pain in the chest,
Closure of the semilunar valves generates the second heart sound. neck, back or arms, as well as fatigue, lightheadedness, abnor-
Rather than immediately dropping off, aortic and pulmonary mal heartbeat and anxiety. Women are more likely to have
pressures increase again after the semilunar valves close. The atypical symptoms than men.
dicrotic notch is caused by the elastic recoil of the arteries. This • The thebesian veins bypass or shunt around the pulmonary
recoil provides the extra “push” that helps maintain the pressure circulation as part of the normal anatomy, this phenomenon
created by the ventricles. is called an anatomic shunt. When combined with a similar
As the ventricles continue to relax, their pressures decrease bypass in the bronchial circulation, these normal anatomic
to less than the pressures in the atria and this decline in pressure shunts account for approximately 2% to 3% of the total CO.
reopens the AV valves. As soon as the AV valves open, the blood • Myocardial tissue possesses the following four key properties:
collected in the atria rushes to fill the ventricles, causing a rapid excitability, inherent rhythmicity or automaticity, conductivity
decrease in atrial pressures (the v wave). Subsequently, ventricular and contractility.
filling slows as the heart prepares for a new cycle. • During a resuscitation attempt even in the presence of a
Knowledge of these events can help in understanding many “normal” cardiac rhythm in a monitor but with an absent
of the diagnostic and monitoring procedures used for patients pulse, chest compressions must continue to guarantee adequate
with cardiopulmonary disorders, including balloon-directed perfusion to central organs.
pulmonary artery catheterization and direct arterial pressure • Mechanical and electrical properties of cardiac tissue, com-
monitoring. bined with internal and external control mechanisms, provide
the basis for coordinated cardiac function.
• According to the Frank-Starling law, the more a cardiac fiber
SUMMARY CHECKLIST is stretched (up to a point), the greater the tension it gener-
• The heart is a four-chambered muscular organ approximately ates when contracted.
the size of a fist. It is positioned in the mid mediastinum • The systemic circulation has three major components: (1)
of the chest, behind the sternum. arterial system, (2) capillary system, and (3) venous system.
• The cardiovascular system consists of the heart and a vascular These vessels regulate not only the amount of blood flow per
network that accounts for normal distribution and regulation minute (CO) but also the distribution of blood to organs
of blood flow throughout the body to ensure tissue perfusion. and tissues (perfusion).

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