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Rectangular Plate - Topics

Page 2

Fourier Series (5-9) Navier s Solution (10-17)

Uniform Load (18-25) Sine Load (26-35) Uniform Load Over Subregion (36-39) Point Load (40-42) Uniform Load (54-64) 3 Simply Supported Edges, 1 Clamped Edge (65-69) Opposite Edges Simply Supported, 1 Free, 1 Clamped (70-72) Simply Supported with Load Function of x (73-78)

Levy s Solution (43-53)

Rectangular Plate - Topics

Page 3

Simply Supported Hydrostatic Load (79-80) Simply Supported Long Rectangular Plates (81-88)

Constant Load (89) n Partial Line Load (90-91) n Concentrated Load (92-93)

Symmetric Edge Moments (94-100) One Edge Moment (101-104)

Superposition (105-112) Strip Method (113-117)

3 Simply Supported Edges, 1 Fixed Edge (118-121)

Continuous Plates (122-128)

Background: Expressions To Know

Page 4

d du (sin u ) = cos u dx dx d du (cos u ) = - sin u dx dx d du (sinh u ) = cosh u dx dx d du (cosh u ) = sinh u dx dx

1 (sin ax )dx = - a cos ax 1 (cos ax )dx = a sin ax 1 (sinh ax )dx = a cosh ax 1 (cosh ax )dx = a sinh ax

Fourier Series
Page 5

If f(x) is continuous, bounded, periodic function of period 2L over the range L to +L, i.e. f(x+2L) = f(x). Then f(x) may be represented by the Fourier series:
a0 npx npx f ( x) = + an cos + bn sin 2 n =1 L L

Fourier Series
Page 6

Coefficients are found through the use of orthogonality relations:


mpx npx Lcos L cos L dx = 0 (m n) = L (m = n ) mpx npx sin dx = 0 all m, n L L mpx npx sin dx = 0 ( m n ) L L = L (m = n)



cos sin



Fourier Series
Page 7

To determine the coefficients bn of the following Fourier series:

f ( x ) = bn sin
n =1

npx L

Multiply both sides by: To obtain:

mpx sin L

mpx npx mpx f ( x) sin = bn sin sin L L L n =1

Fourier Series
Page 8

Integrate both sides:


mpx npx mpx f ( x) sin dx = bn sin sin dx L L L L -L


And using the orthogonality relationship, the coefficients are +L found: 1 npx
bn =

f ( x) sin L
-L +L


n = 1,2,3...

In the same way:

1 npx an = f ( x) cos dx L -L L n = 0,1,2,3...

Fourier Series
Page 9

If a function is even so that f(x) = f(-x), then f(x)sin(nx) is odd.


thus bn = 0 for all n.

If a function is odd so that f(x) = -f(-x), then f(x)cos(nx) is even.


thus an = 0 for all n.

Navier Solution for Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates

Page 10

Rectangular geometry:

a x b


load = p(x,y)


closed form solutions like circular plates.

Navier Solution for Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates

Page 11

Solution assumes load and deflection can be represented by Fourier series:

p ( x, y ) =
m =1

pmn sin
n =1 n =1

mpx npy sin a b

(x, y ) = amn sin mpx sin npy w a b

m =1


amn = coefficients to be determined.

Navier Solution for Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates

Page 12

Deflections must satisfy the governing differential equation:

4w 4w 4w p 4w = 4 + 2 2 2 + 4 = x x y y D

Boundary conditions (due to sin terms, automatically satisfied):

w=0 w=0 2w =0 2 x 2w =0 2 y (x = 0, x = a) (y = 0, y = b)

Navier Solution for Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates

Page 13

Physical interpretation:

Consider term m = 1 and n = 2 of w: This term represents a single sin wave deflection in the xdirection, and a double sin wave deflection in the y-deflection, as shown: Note that sin terms automatically satisfy simply-supported boundary conditions. Increasing the number of terms in the series can improve accuracy.

a12 sin

px 2py sin a b

Navier Solution for Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates

Page 14

The general procedure:


coefficients pmn: Find pmn from p(x,y) by multiplying both sides of equation by: m 'px n 'py
sin a sin b dxdy

integrate from 0 to a and 0 to b:

m 'px n 'py p(x, y )sin a sin b dxdy 0 =

m =1

n =1 mn 0 0

mpx npy m 'px n 'py sin sin sin sin dxdy a b a b

Navier Solution for Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates

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orthogonality relations, in this case:

mpx m 'px a ' sin sin dx = 0 if ( m m ), if ( m = m ' ) a a 2 0 npy n 'py b sin sin dy = 0 if (n n ' ), if (n = n ' ) b b 2 0

pmn 4 = ab 0

p(x, y )sin

mpx npy sin dxdy a b

Navier Solution for Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates

Page 16


amn by substituting p(x,y) and w(x,y) expressions into governing equation:

m =1

mp 4 mp 2 np 2 np 4 p mpx npy amn sin =0 + 2 + - mn sin a a b b D a b n =1


m 2 n 2 p amnp 4 + - mn = 0 D a b 1 pmn amn = 4 2 2 p D m 2 n + a b

Navier Solution for Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates

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expression for amn into w(x,y):

1 w= 4 p D m =1

n =1

pmn m 2 n 2 + a b

sin 2

mpx npy sin a b


series is convergent if you use enough terms, you will approach the exact solution.

Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates Under Various Loadings

Page 18

Uniformly distributed load: p(x,y) = p0

pmn pmn pmn 4 = ab 0
a b

p0 sin

mpx npy sin dxdy a b


4p mpx b npy = 0 sin cos np dx ab 0 a b 0 4p mpx b (1 - cos np ) dx = 0 sin ab 0 a np 4 p0 ab a (1 - cos mp ) b (1 - cos np ) mp np


pmn =

Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates Under Various Loadings

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pmn = pmn 4 p0 (1 - cos mp )(1 - cos np ) 2 p mn 4p m n = 2 0 1 - (- 1) 1 - (- 1) p mn



pmn =

16 p0 p 2 mn

( m, n = 1,3,5,...)

Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates Under Various Loadings

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into w:
1 m n mn + a b
2 2

16 p0 w= 6 p D m

sin 2

mpx npy sin a b

( m, n = 1,3,5,...)


plate must deflect into a symmetrical shape for a uniform load, knew ahead of time that m and n must be odd.

Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates Under Various Loadings

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deflection occurs at center of plate:

n n

a b wmax = w , 2 2 16 p0 wmax = 6 p D m 16 p = 6 0 p D

1 m n mn + a b 1
2 2

sin 2

mp np sin 2 2

(m, n = 1,3,5,...)



16 p = 6 0 p D

m n

m n mn + a b 1
2 2

(- 1) (- 1)
(m+ n ) 2 -1

m -1 2

n -1 2

m n mn + a b
2 2

(- 1)

Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates Under Various Loadings

Page 22


2w 2w M x = - D 2 +n x y 2

16 p Mx = 40 p

m n +n mpx npy a b 2 2 2 sin a sin b n m n mn + a b

(m, n = 1,3,5,...)

Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates Under Various Loadings

Page 23

2 2

m n n + 16 p0 mpx npy a b My = 4 sin sin (m, n = 1,3,5,...) 2 2 2 p a b m n m n mn + a b 16 p0 (1 -n ) 1 mpx npy M xy = cos cos (m, n = 1,3,5,...) 2 2 2 p 4 ab a b m n m n mn + a b

Mx and My are zero at x = 0, x = a, y = 0, and y = b. However, Mxy does not vanish at edges and corners.

Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates Under Various Loadings

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square plate: a = b Use first term of Fourier series: m = n = 1

wmax 16 p = 6 0 p D m n mn + a b 16 p0 1 4 p0 a 4 = 6 = 6 2 2 p D 1 p D 2 a p0 a 4 = 0.00416 D
m n 2 2


(- 1)

(m+ n ) 2 -1



Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates Under Various Loadings

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first four terms: m,n = 1,3

p0 a 4 = 0.00406 D (exact solution )


M x ,max = 0.0534 p0 a 2 M x ,max = 0.0469 p0 a 2

( first term) ( four terms )


does not converge as rapidly as deflection.

Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates Under Various Loadings

Page 26


px py p (x, y ) = p0 sin sin a b

Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates Under Various Loadings

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4 = ab 0


p0 sin

px py mpx npy sin sin sin dxdy a b a b ( m = n = 1)

pmn =

4 p0 ab = p0 ab 4


1 m 2 n 2 mn + a b sin 2 mpx npy sin a b

p0 w= 4 p D m


p0 1 px py sin sin 2 p 4D 1 a b 1 + 2 a2 b

Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates Under Various Loadings

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2w 2w M x = - D 2 +n x y 2

Mx =

py 1 n px + 2 sin sin 2 b a b 1 a 2 1 p 2 + 2 b a



2 w 2w M y = - D 2 +n y x 2

My =

1 px py n + 2 sin sin 2 2 b a b 1 a 2 1 p 2 + 2 b a

Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates Under Various Loadings

Page 29


M xy
M xy = p0 (1 -n )

2w = - D(1 +n ) xy

1 px py cos cos 2 a b 1 1 ab 2 p 2 + 2 b a

Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates Under Various Loadings

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Qx =

2w 2w Qx = - D 2 + 2 x x y

p0 px py cos sin 1 a b 1 pa 2 + 2 b a


Qy =

2w 2w Qy = - D 2 + 2 y x y
p0 px py sin cos 1 a b 1 pb 2 + 2 b a

Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates Under Various Loadings

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total applied load:


ptotal =
0 a

p0 sin

px py sin dxdy a b a 2a px cos = - [- 1 - 1] = a 0 p p


Note : ptotal =

px a sin dx = a p 0 4abp0 p2

Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates Under Various Loadings

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M xy Vx = Qx + y p0 px py p0 (1 - n ) 1 px py Vx = cos sin + cos sin 2 2 1 a b a b 1 1 ab 1 pa 2 + 2 p 2 + 2 b a b a

reactions at edges:


x = a:

Vx = -

p0 py p0 (1 - n ) 1 py sin sin 2 2 1 b b 1 1 ab 1 pa 2 + 2 p 2 + 2 b a b a

Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates Under Various Loadings

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1 (1 -n ) py 1 + 2 + 2 sin 2 2 b b b 1 a 1 pa 2 + 2 b a p0 1 (2 -n ) py Vx = + 2 2 2 sin b b 1 a 1 pa 2 + 2 b a Vx = p0

for Vy at edge y = b:
Vy = p0

1 (2 -n ) px + sin 2 2 b a2 a 1 1 pb 2 + 2 b a

Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates Under Various Loadings

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of all reactions:

2 V y dx + 2 Vx dy


4a p

p0 1 (2 - n ) 4b 1 (2 - n ) + + 2 2 2 2 2 p a b2 1 1 b 1 1 a pb 2 + 2 pa 2 + 2 b b a a p0


simple manipulation: 4 p ab 8 p0 (1 - n ) =- 0 p2 1 1 p 2ab 2 + 2 b a

Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates Under Various Loadings

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that first term equals total applied load, so reactions are larger. From concentrated reaction at each corner:
Fc = 2 M xy at x = a, y = b Fc = 2 p0 (1 -n ) 1 1 p 2 ab 2 + 2 b a

Rc = - Fc =

2 p0 (1 -n ) 1 1 p 2 ab 2 + 2 b a

reactions (one at each corner). Equilibrium is therefore satisfied. This is physical corners tend to rise.

Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates Under Various Loadings

Page 36

Total load P distributed uniformly over a sub-region 4cd:

P p ( x, y ) = 4cd

Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates Under Various Loadings

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pmn pmn

4 = ab 0 P = abcd

mpx npy p(x, y )sin a sin b dxdy 0

y1 + d x1 + c

mpx npy -d x -c sin a sin b dxdy y1 1

pmn =

4P mpx1 npy1 mpc npd sin sin sin sin p 2 mncd a b a b


See next slide

Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates Under Various Loadings

Page 38


x1 + c

mpx a -c sin a dx = - mp x1 a =mp

mp ( x1 + c ) mp ( x1 - c ) - cos cos a a

mpx 1 cos a x1 -c

x +c



cos(a + b ) = cos a cos b - sin a sin b

cos(a - b ) = cos a cos b + sin a sin b cos(a + b ) - cos(a - b ) = -2 sin a sin b


2a mpx1 mpc = sin sin mp a a

Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates Under Various Loadings

Page 39


expand load to cover entire plate surface by substituting the following:

a x1 = 2 b y1 = 2 a c= 2 b d= 2


the previous solution:

pmn 16 P = 2 p mn

Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates Under Various Loadings

Page 40

Point load at x = x1, y = y1:

Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates Under Various Loadings

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previous derivation, with c,d 0.

4P mpx1 npy1 mpc npd sin sin sin sin p 2mncd a b a b mpc sin a =0 lim(c 0) c 0 use L' Hopital' s Rule : mp mp c cos a = mp lim(c 0) a 1 a npd sin b = np similarly, lim(d 0) d b 4P mpx1 npy1 pmn = sin sin ab a b pmn =

Simply-Supported Rectangular Plates Under Various Loadings

Page 42



4P w= 4 p Dab m

1 m 2 n 2 + a b

sin 2

mpx1 npy1 mpx npy sin sin sin a b a b


P is applied to the center of a square plate (a=b):

b y1 = 2 4 Pa 2 w= 4 p D

a x1 = 2

m n



2 2

(m,n = 1,3,5...)

first nine terms (m,n = 1, 3, 5):

wmax Pa 2 = 0.01142 D Pa 2 exact = 0.01159 D

Levy s Solution for Rectangular Plates

Page 43

Navier solution slow convergence of series for bending moments. Levy s solution:

slow convergence. Uses single series (Navier uses double series) Allows for more general boundary conditions (Navier only valid for simply-supported conditions on all sides).
n Particular

BC on two opposite sides (x = 0 & x = a) n Arbitrary BC on remaining edges (y = -b/2 & y = +b/2)

Levy s Solution for Rectangular Plates

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before, result is sum of homogeneous and particular solution:

w = wh + w p


solution is obtained for each specific loading. Homogeneous solution is independent of loading:
4 wh = 0

Levy s Solution for Rectangular Plates

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Homogeneous solution assumed to be:

mpx mpx wh = f m ( y ) sin or wh = f m ( y ) cos a a m =1 m =1 b f m ( y ) fulfill boundary conditions at y = 2

Levy s Solution for Rectangular Plates

Page 46

For example, if plate is simply-supported at x = 0 and x = a:


the sin term, which will automatically satisfy the boundary conditions at these edges.
mpx wh = f m ( y ) sin a m =1


2w =0 2 x

(x = 0, x = a)

Levy s Solution for Rectangular Plates

Page 47

Substitute into governing equation:

4 wh = 0
2 4 2 d 4 fm mpx mp d f m mp - 2 + f m sin =0 1 dy 4 a dy 2 a m= a

Term inside brackets must be zero linear differential equation with constant coefficients.
2 d 4 fm mp d f m mp - 2 + fm = 0 4 2 dy a dy a 2 4

Levy s Solution for Rectangular Plates

Page 48

Solution (from differential equations):

2 d 4 fm mp d f m mp - 2 + fm = 0 4 2 dy a dy a 2 4

Can be written as:


m 4 - 2 A2 m 2 + A 4 = 0

- A2


m = C1e Ay + C2 e - Ay + C3 ye Ay + C4 ye - Ay

m = A, A

Levy s Solution for Rectangular Plates

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And thus the general solution is:

f m = A'm e
mpy a

+ B 'm e

mpy a

+ C 'm ye

mpy a

+ D 'm ye

mpy a

Can also be written as (usually easier to work with):

f m = Am sinh

mpy mpy mpy mpy + Bm cosh + Cm y sinh + Dm y cosh a a a a 1 u -u e -e 2

sinh u =

cosh u =

1 u e + e -u 2

Levy s Solution for Rectangular Plates

Page 50


mpy mpy mp y mpy mpx wh = Am sinh + Bm cosh + Cm y sinh + Dm y cosh sin a a a a a m =1 Am , Bm , Cm , Dm constants determined for specific cases

Levy s Solution for Rectangular Plates

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Particular solution:

( y )sin mpx wp = km
m =1

a mpx p(x, y ) = pm ( y )sin a m =1 2 mpx pm ( y ) = p (x, y )sin dx a0 a


Last equation found by multiplying both sides by the sin term below and integrating:
m' px sin a

Levy s Solution for Rectangular Plates

Page 52

Plugging into differential equation:

p wp = D 2 4 2 4 mpx pm mpx d km mp d k m mp 1 dy 4 - 2 a dy 2 + a km sin a = 1 D sin a m= m=

d km p mp d k m mp - 2 + km = m dy 4 a dy 2 a D
4 2 2 4

Levy s Solution for Rectangular Plates

Page 53

The general procedure thus becomes:


loading p(x,y), find pm. From pm, find km and thus wp. Using boundary conditions, find Am, Bm, Cm, Dm and thus wh. Result is sum of wp and wh.

Levy s Solution for Rectangular Plates

Page 54

Simply-supported rectangular plate under uniform loading.


a a

p( x, y ) = p0 2 2 a 2 2a mpx mpx pm ( y ) = p0 sin cos dx = p0 = p0 a 0 a a mp a 0 a mp 4 p0 (m = 1,3,5...) pm ( y ) = mp

Levy s Solution for Rectangular Plates

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d km 4 p0 mp d k m mp - 2 + km = dy 4 a dy 2 a mpD
4 2 2 4

n Since

the right hand side is not a function of y, then km cannot be a function of y, so derivatives of km are zero:
4 p0 mp km = a mpD

4 p0 a 4 km = 5 5 mp D

Levy s Solution for Rectangular Plates

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wp becomes:
4 p0 a 4 wp = 5 p D 1 mpx 3... m5 sin a m =1,


particular solution represents the deflection of a uniformly loaded, simply-supported strip parallel to the y-axis (very long in the y-direction).

Levy s Solution for Rectangular Plates

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must evaluate constants in homogeneous solution. Observing that the deflection must be symmetrical with respect to the x-axis: Am = Dm = 0.
n sinh

function is not symmetric. n cosh function is symmetric. n y*sinh is symmetric n y*cosh is not symmetric.



Levy s Solution for Rectangular Plates

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for deflection is now:

mpy mpy 4 p0 a 4 mpx w = w p + wh = Bm cosh + Cm y sinh + 5 5 sin a a m p D a m =1, 3...


governing equations and simply-supported boundary conditions at x = 0 and x = a. Remaining boundary conditions:
w=0 2w =0 2 y b y= 2

Levy s Solution for Rectangular Plates

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mpb b mpb 4 p0a 4 Bm cosh + Cm sinh + 5 5 =0 2a 2 2a mp D mpb m pb mpb Bm mp 2 + Cm cosh + Cm sinh =0 2a 2a 2a 2a


mpb 4 p0 a 4 + mpp0 a 3b tanh 2a Bm = mpb m 5p 5 D cosh 2a 2 p0 a 3 Cm = mpb 4 4 m p D cosh 2a

Levy s Solution for Rectangular Plates

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mpb am = 2a


4 p0 a 4 + mpp0 a 3b tanh a m Bm = m5p 5 D cosh a m 2 p0 a 3 Cm = 4 4 m p D cosh a m

Levy s Solution for Rectangular Plates

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4 p0 a 4 w= 5 p D

1 a m tanh a m + 2 2a y 1 cosh m 5 2 cosh a m b m =1, 3... m


1 mpy 2a y mpx sinh m sin 2 cosh a m a b a

deflection is at x = a/2, y = 0:
1 a m tanh a m + 2 mp 1 sin 3... m5 2 cosh a m 2 m =1,


4 p0 a 4 = 5 p D

Levy s Solution for Rectangular Plates

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deflection can be simplified:

4 p0 a p 5D
4 m =1,3...

wmax =

(- 1)

( m -1)


a m tanh a m + 2 1 2 cosh a m
( m -1)

manipulate to the following form:

wmax 5p a 4p a = 0 - 50 384 D p D
4 4 m =1, 3...

(- 1)


a m tanh a m + 2 2 cosh a m


that first term is the previous solution for a uniformly loaded simply-supported strip.

Levy s Solution for Rectangular Plates

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a square plate (a = b):

5 p0 a 4 4 p0 a 4 p0 a 4 = - 5 (0.68562 - 0.00025 + ...) = 0.00406 384 D p D D


n Note

that the series converges rapidly.


rewrite equation as:



pa = d1 0 D

5 4 d1 = - 5 384 p

m =1, 3...

(- 1)

( m -1)


a m tanh a m + 2 2 cosh a m

Levy s Solution for Rectangular Plates

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also write similar expressions for moments:

M x ,max = d 2 p0 a 2 M y ,max = d 3 p0 a 2


cases. Note that as plate becomes long (b/a tends to infinity), results equal that of simply-supported strip. If ratio of sides is large (b/a > 4), effect of short sides is negligible and plate can be considered as infinite strip.

d1, d2, d3 can be determined for various

Levy s Solution for Rectangular Plates

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3 edges simply-supported, 1 edge clamped, uniform pressure.


is symmetrical about x = a/2. Thus, w uses only odd m.

Levy s Solution for Rectangular Plates

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mpy mpy mpy + Bm cosh + Cm y sinh Am sinh 3... a a a m =1,

mpy 4 p0 a 4 mpx + Dm y cosh + 5 5 sin a m p D a Note that the particular solution is the same as before, since it is for a uniform load with simply-supported boundary conditions at x = 0 and x = a, and has nothing to do with the boundary conditions on the y sides. Also, the simply-supported boundary conditions at x = 0 and x = a are automatically satisfied due to the sin term in x.

Levy s Solution for Rectangular Plates

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boundary conditions:
w=0 w=0 w =0 y 2w =0 2 y (y = 0) (y = b)


boundary conditions provide 4 equations to solve the 4 unknown constants, shown on next page.

Levy s Solution for Rectangular Plates

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some manipulation, the constants are:

2 p0a 4 2 cosh 2 b m - 2 cosh b m - b m sinh b m a Am = 5 5 =Dm mp D cosh b m sinh b m - b m mp 4 p0a 4 Bm = - 5 5 mp D mp 2 1 a Cm = - b m 2 bm = mpb a mp mp sinh b m cosh b m - sinh b m - b cosh b m a a cosh b m sinh b m - b m

Levy s Solution for Rectangular Plates

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a square plate (a=b):

wcenter p0a 4 = 0.0028 D a a x = ,y = 2 2 a x = , y = 0 2

M y ,max = 0.084 p0a 2

Levy s Solution for Rectangular Plates

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Opposite edges simply-supported, 3rd edge free, 4th edge clamped, uniform pressure.

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mpy mpy mpy Am sinh + Bm cosh + Cm y sinh 3... a a a m =1,

mpy 4 p0 a 4 mpx + Dm y cosh + 5 5 sin a m p D a Note that the particular solution is the same as before, since it is for a uniform load with simply-supported boundary conditions at x = 0 and x = a, and has nothing to do with the boundary conditions on the y sides. Also, the simply-supported boundary conditions at x = 0 and x = a are automatically satisfied due to the sin term in x.

Levy s Solution for Rectangular Plates

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Remaining boundary conditions:

w=0 w =0 y (y = 0) 3w 3w + (2 - n ) 2 = 0 3 y x y shear (y = b) 2w 2w +n 2 = 0 2 y x moment

The boundary conditions provide 4 equations to solve the 4 unknown constants. Not shown here, but it is straightforward if not tedious. Same procedure for any similar uniformly loaded plate.

Levy s Method Applied to Nonuniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates

Page 73


rectangular plate simply-supported at x = 0 and x = a. Assume load is a function of x only.

mpx p(x ) = pm sin a m =1

2 mpx pm = p( x )sin dx a0 a

Levy s Method Applied to Nonuniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates

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before, assume for the particular solution:

mpx w p = k m ( y )sin a m =1


into governing equation:

p D

4 wp =

2 4 d 4km mp d 2 k m mp pm mpx 1 dy 4 - 2 a dy 2 + a km - D sin a = 0 m=

Levy s Method Applied to Nonuniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates

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pm is only a function of x, km cannot be a function of y, and the derivatives with respect to y are zero.
d km p mp d k m mp - 2 + km = m dy 4 a dy 2 a D
4 2 2 4

p mp km = m a D

pm a 4 km = 4 4 mp D


solution, which represents deflection of a strip under load p(x), becomes:

a 4 pm mpx w p = 4 4 sin p D m =1 m a

Levy s Method Applied to Nonuniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates

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the two arbitrary edges, y = -b/2 and y = b/2, are also simply-supported:

mpy mpy pm a 4 mpx w = w p + wh = Bm cosh + Cm y sinh + 4 4 sin a a m p D a m =1

n Note

that, as before, Am and Dm are eliminated since they are associated with terms that are not symmetric in y.


and Cm are determined from boundary conditions at y edges:

w=0 2w =0 2 y b y = 2

Levy s Method Applied to Nonuniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates

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evaluation of boundary conditions, the deflection

a 4 pm a m tanh a m + 2 m py w = 4 4 1 cosh p D m=1 m 2 cosh a m a + am = m pb 2a 1 mpy mpy mpx sin sinh 2 cosh a m a a a


p(x) find pm find w find M find .

Levy s Method Applied to Nonuniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates

Page 78


of pm for various loadings.

Levy s Method Applied to Nonuniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates

Page 79


Hydrostatically loaded plate.

x a
a a

p ( x ) = p0

2 x mpx 2 p0 mpx pm = p0 sin dx = 2 x sin dx a0 a a a 0 a 2p pm = 20 a 2p pm = 20 a pm = a mpx xa mpx sin - cos a mp a 0 mp

2 a

a2 0 - mp

cos(mp ) - 0 + 0

2 p0 (- 1)m+1 mp

(m = 1,2...)

Levy s Method Applied to Nonuniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates

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now find w by substituting expression for pm. If plate is square (a = b), for example, the maximum deflection is:


p0 a 4 = 0.00203 D

a x = , y = 0 2

Levy s Method Applied to Nonuniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates

Page 81


Line loads on long rectangular plates.

Levy s Method Applied to Nonuniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates

Page 82


need to consider one half of plate (positive y) due to symmetry:

w =0 y (y = 0)


half takes half the load:

P ( x) 2 Qy = = -D w 2 y

(y = 0)

Levy s Method Applied to Nonuniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates

Page 83


alternate form of governing equation:

mpy mpy mpy mpy mpx A'm e a + B 'm e a + C 'm ye a + D 'm ye a sin wh = a m =1


is no surface pressure, so the particular solution is zero and:

w = wh


w and its derivatives should vanish at y = :

A'm = C 'm = 0

Levy s Method Applied to Nonuniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates

Page 84


for w:

mpy mpy mpx B 'm e a + D 'm ye a sin w = a m =1


symmetry boundary condition:

(y = 0)
mpy a

w =0 y mp B 'm e a

p p - ma y mp - ma y + D ' m e - ye =0 a mp mp B 'm D 'm = B ' m + D 'm = 0 a a

Levy s Method Applied to Nonuniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates

Page 85


remaining boundary condition:

P ( x) 2 Qy = = -D w 2 y

(y = 0)

2 w 2 w P( x) D 2 + 2 = y x y 2

to evaluate derivatives (next slide).

Levy s Method Applied to Nonuniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates

Page 86

2 mpy mpy 2w mpx mp B 'm e a + D 'm ye a sin = - x 2 a a mpy mpy mpy 2 w mp mpx mp a a a = + D 'm e - B 'm e D 'm ye - sin y 2 y a a a 2 2 mpy mpy mpy mpy 2 w mp mpx mp mp mp = B 'm e a - D 'm e a - D 'm e a + D'm ye a sin y 2 a a a a a mpy mp mpx w = - 2 D'm e a sin a a mpy mp 2 2 mpx a w = 2 D'm e sin y a a 2

Levy s Method Applied to Nonuniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates

Page 87


into boundary condition:

2 w 2 w P ( x) D 2 + 2 = y x y 2
mp 2 D 'm e a 2 mpy a

pm 2D

(sin terms cancel) pm a 2 D'm = 4m 2p 2 D


p mp 2 D 'm = m a 2D


from previous expression:

pm a 3 B 'm = 4m 3p 3 D

Levy s Method Applied to Nonuniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates

Page 88


deflection becomes:

p mpy pm a 3 - ma y pm a 2 y - a mpx sin w = 3 3 e + e 4m p D 4m 2p 2 D a m =1

a 3 pm mpy w = 3 3 1 + e 4p D m =1 m a

mpy a


mpx a

for P(x):
mpx P( x ) = pm sin a m =1

Levy s Method Applied to Nonuniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates

Page 89


p(x) = p0:
a a

2p 2p 2 mpx mpx p0 sin dx = 0 - cos = 0 [1 - cos mp ] a 0 a mp a 0 mp 4 p0 pm = (m = 1,3,5...) mp pm =

p0 a 3 1 mpy w= 4 3... m 4 1 + a e p D m =1, wmax wmax

mpy a

mpx sin a

3 mp a p0 a 1 = w ,0 = 4 sin 2 p D m =1,3... m 4 2

pa (- 1) = 04 p D m =1,3... m 4

m -1 2

p0 a 3 = 4 p D

5p 5 5pp0 a 3 = 1536 1536 D

Levy s Method Applied to Nonuniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates

Page 90


p(x) is a constant load p0 but only partially along line:

Levy s Method Applied to Nonuniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates

Page 91

p( x) = p0 from x1 - c to x1 + c 2 1 2p mpx mp (x1 + c ) mp (x1 - c ) pm = p0 sin dx = 0 - cos + cos a x1 - c a mp a a

x +c

pm =

4 p0 mp

mpx1 mpc sin a sin a

mpy a

And plugging into expression for w:

sin mpx1 mpc mpx sin sin a a a

p0 a 3 1 mpy w = 4 4 1 + e p D m =1 m a

For x1 = a/2 and c = a/2, get previous result.

Levy s Method Applied to Nonuniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates

Page 92


case of concentrated load:

Levy s Method Applied to Nonuniformly Loaded Rectangular Plates

Page 93


the following expressions into w:

m pc m pc sin a a
mpy a

P P = 2cp0 or p0 = 2c
3 P a 1 mpy w = 4 4 1 + e a 2c p D m =1 m


mpx1 mpc mpx sin a a a

Pa 2 1 mpy w = 3 3 1 + e 2p D m =1 m a

mpy a


mpx1 mpx sin a a

Rectangular Plates Under Distributed Edge Moments

Page 94


rectangular plate, symmetrically distributed edge moments at y = +b/2 and y = -b/2:

Rectangular Plates Under Distributed Edge Moments

Page 95


mpx f (x ) = M m sin a m =1

a Fourier sin series for the moment distribution:

b y= 2

2 mpx M m = f (x )sin dx a0 a

2w =0 2 x 2w - D 2 = f (x ) y

w=0 w=0

(x = 0, x = a )
b y= 2

Rectangular Plates Under Distributed Edge Moments

Page 96



p0 = 0 and plate deflection is symmetric about xmpy mpy mpx w = Bm cosh + C m y sinh sin a a a m =1

n Above

expression satisfies governing equation and first set of boundary conditions. n Use other two boundary conditions to determine constants.

Rectangular Plates Under Distributed Edge Moments

Page 97


boundary condition:

b y = 2 b mpb Bm cosh a m + Cm sinh a m = 0 am = 2 2a b Bm = -Cm tanh a m 2 mpy b mpy mpx w = Cm y sinh - tanh a m cosh sin a 2 a a m =1 w=0

Rectangular Plates Under Distributed Edge Moments

Page 98


boundary condition: 2w b - D 2 = f (x ) y=
y 2


basic derivation:

mpx mpx mp - 2 D Cm cosh a m sin = M m sin a a a m =1 m =1 aM m Cm = 2mpD cosh a m a Mm w= 2pD m =1 m cosh a m mpy mpy mpx b tanh a m cosh - y sinh sin 2 a a a

Rectangular Plates Under Distributed Edge Moments

Page 99


f(x) = M0 (uniformly distributed moments):

a x =a x =0

2 mpx 2M 0 mpx M m = M 0 sin dx = cos a0 a mp a

4M 0 m = 1,3... mp

2 M 0a 1 mpy mpy mpx b w= 2 tanh a m cosh - y sinh sin ... m 2 cosh a 2 p D m=1, 3 a a a m

square plate (a = b), results at center:

M 0a 2 w = 0.0368 , M x = 0.394 M 0 , M y = 0.256 M 0 D

Rectangular Plates Under Distributed Edge Moments

Page 100


along axis of symmetry (y = 0):

M 0 ab tanh a m mpx w= 2 sin p D m =1,3... m 2 cosh a m a


a very long strip (a >> b), i.e. center deflection of a strip of length b subjected to two equal and opposite bending moments at ends:
tanh a m a m cosh a m 1 am = mpb 2a M 0 ab a m mpx M 0b 2 1 mpx w= 2 3... m 2 sin a = 2pD m3... m sin a p D m =1, =1, M 0b 2 p M 0b 2 w= 4 = 8D 2pD

Rectangular Plates Under Distributed Edge Moments

Page 101


with one edge moment:

n Note:

This problem switches previous x and y directions.

Rectangular Plates Under Distributed Edge Moments

Page 102


same Fourier series expression:

npy = M n sin b n =1

(M x )0

(x = 0)

2 npy M n = (M x )0 sin dy b0 b

is in the following form:


npx npx npx npx npy An sinh + Bn cosh + Cn x sinh + Dn x cosh sin b b b b b n =1

Rectangular Plates Under Distributed Edge Moments

Page 103


2w - D 2 = (M x )0 x 2w =0 2 x 2w =0 2 y

w=0 w=0 w=0


(x = 0 ) (x = a ) (y = 0, y = b )

two boundary conditions are automatically satisfied, as always. First boundary condition results in: Bn = 0.

Rectangular Plates Under Distributed Edge Moments

Page 104


3 boundary conditions can be used to solve for remaining 3 constants, resulting in:

npx a sinh Mn b np (a - x ) b sin npy x cosh w= npa npy 2pD n=1 n sinh b b sinh b b

on moment, can find Mn and then substitute into w expression above.

Method of Superposition Applied to Bending of Rectangular Plates

Page 105

Complex problem replaced by several simpler situations.

Simpler solutions: Navier or Levy approach. Superposed so that the overall governing equation and boundary conditions are fulfilled.

For example, consider a rectangular plate under any lateral load, one edge (y=0) clamped and others simply-supported.
Start with plate with all edges simply-supported. Add the solution of plate with bending moment applied along y=0, with magnitude to eliminate rotations along clamped edge.

Method of Superposition Applied to Bending of Rectangular Plates

Page 106

Example: Two edges simply-supported, two edges clamped, uniform pressure.

Method of Superposition Applied to Bending of Rectangular Plates

Page 107

Plate 1 (from previous Levy approach):

4 p0 a 4 w1 = 5 p D 1 a m tanh a m + 2 2a y 1 cosh m 3... m5 2 cosh a m b m =1,

where : a m =

mpb 2a

1 mpy 2a y mpx sinh m sin 2 cosh a m a b a

For plate 2, need to determine the moment along the edges so that the sum of the rotations of plate 1 and plate 2 along these edges equals zero (clamped boundary condition). Thus, need to find the rotation along these edges in plate 1.

Method of Superposition Applied to Bending of Rectangular Plates

Page 108


along edge found by taking derivative of w with respect to y:

1 a m tanh a m + 2 2a m 2a y sinh m 5 2 cosh a b b m =1, 3... m m

w1 4 p0 a 4 = 5 y p D +

1 mpy 2a m 2a y 1 mp 2a y mpx cosh m + sinh m sin 2 cosh a m a b b 2 cosh a m a b a


y = b/2:
1 a m tanh a m + 2 2a m 3... m5 - 2 cosh a b sinha m m =1, m

w1 4 p0 a 4 = 5 y p D

1 + 2 cosh a m

2a m 2 1 mp mpx cosh a m + sinh a m sin b 2 cosh a m a a

Method of Superposition Applied to Bending of Rectangular Plates

Page 109



w1 4 p0 a 4 = 5 y p D w1 4 p0 a 4 = 5 y p D w1 2 p0 a 3 = 4 y p D

2 1 am am am mpx tanha m (a m tanh a m + 2 )+ + tanh a m sin 5 b b b a m =1,3... m

am (a m - tanha m (a m tanh a m + 1))sin mpx 3... m5b a m =1,

1 (a m - tanha m (a m tanh a m + 1))sin mpx 3... m 4 a m =1,

where : a m =

mpb 2a

Method of Superposition Applied to Bending of Rectangular Plates

Page 110


2, from previous solution:

mpx M y = M m sin a m =1

b y= 2

a Mm mpy mpy mpx b w2 = - y sinh tanh a m cosh sin 2pD m =1 m cosh a m 2 a a a


rotation for this case:

b mpy mp tanh a m sinh 2 a a mpy mpy mpx mp - sinh - y cosh sin a a a a

w2 a Mm = y 2pD m =1 m cosh a m

Method of Superposition Applied to Bending of Rectangular Plates

Page 111


manipulation, substituting y = b/2:

w2 a Mm = 1 m cosh a (a m tanh a m sinh a m y 2pD m = m mpx - sinh a m - a m cosh a m )sin a w2 a Mm = (a m tanh a m tanh a m - tanh a m - a m )sin mpx y 2pD m =1 m a w2 a Mm = [tanh a m (a m tanh a m - 1) - a m ]sin mpx y 2pD m =1 m a

Method of Superposition Applied to Bending of Rectangular Plates

Page 112


must be equal and opposite:

b y= 2 4 p0 a 2 a m - tanh a m (1 + a m tanh a m ) gives : M m = 3 3 m p a m - tanh a m (a m tanh a m - 1)


w1 w2 =y y

result is then found by:

n Substituting

Mm into w2. n Add solutions of w1 and w2.

Strip Method
Page 113

Simple, approximate approach for computing deflection and moment in rectangular plate with arbitrary boundary condition.

is assumed to be divided into two systems of strips at right angles to one another. Each strip is regarded as functioning as a beam. Not accurate, but this method gives conservative values for deflection and moment. Employed in practice.

Strip Method
Page 114

Based on deflections and moments of beams with various end conditions derived from mechanics of materials.

RA =

5 pL 8

RB =

3 pL 8

Strip Method
Page 115

Consider the rectangular plate:


of span a carries uniform load pa. Strip of span b carries uniform load pb.

Strip Method
Page 116


conditions that must be satisfied:

wa = wb

p0 = pa + pb

(x = y = 0)

simply-supported edges (same for clamped plate):

5 pb b 4 wb = 384 EI pa a 4 = pb b 4 b4 pa = p0 4 a + b4 a4 pb = p0 4 a + b4

5 pa a 4 wa = 384 EI wa = wb p0 = pa + pb

Strip Method
Page 117


wmax 5 pa a 4 5 pbb4 5 p0a 4b4 = = = 384 EI 384 EI 384 EI (a 4 + b4 )


the expressions for beams in the given tables, once the center deflection is determined, can find the deflection and moment anywhere along either strip.

Strip Method
Page 118

Example: 3 edges simply-supported, 1 edge clamped, uniform p0.

Use expressions for displacement of a beam simplysupported on each end along y, and a beam clamped on one end and simply-supported on another along x. Determine mid-span deflection and maximum moments

Strip Method
Page 119


mid-span deflections equal (note: this is not always the location of maximum deflection):
pa a 4 5 pbb 4 = 192 EI 384 EI 2 pa a 4 = 5 pbb 4 2a 4 pb = p0 4 2a + 5b 4

wa = wb wa = wb

5b 4 p0 = pa + pb pa = p0 4 2a + 5b 4 5 pbb 4 5 p0 a 4b 4 wcenter = = 384 EI 192 2a 4 + 5b 4 EI

Strip Method
Page 120


find maximum moments, must first find where maximum occurs for each beam, then substitute for appropriate load and span. For example, for the y-span (simply-supported to simply-supported), it is known that the maximum moment occurs at midspan:
2 b b b b pb b M y = pb - pb = 8 2 2 2 4 p0 a 4 b 2 ( y = 0) My = 4 4 4 2a + 5b

( y = 0)

Strip Method
Page 121


the x-direction span, must first determine where the maximum moment occurs:
n Reaction

force at simply-supported end = 3paa/8.

1 3 2 M x (x ) = pa x - pa ax 2 8 dM x 3 = pa x - p a a = 0 dx 8

3 x= a 8

9 3 1 3 3 3 M x a = p a a - pa a a = pa a 2 128 8 2 8 8 8 45 p0 a 2b 4 3 Mx = x = a 128 2a 4 + 5b 4 8

Simply-Supported Continuous Rectangular Plates

Page 122

Continuous plate:
A uniform plate that extends over a support and has more than one span that may be of varying length. Intermediate supports provided by beams or columns.

Analysis is based on equilibrium of individual panels and compatibility of displacements or force at adjoining edges. Assume only rigid intermediate beams:
Plate has zero deflection along axis of supporting beam. Beam does not prevent rotation, i.e. simply-supported.

Simply-Supported Continuous Rectangular Plates

Page 123

Consider two-paneled continuous plate, as shown:

mpy f ( y ) = M m sin b m =1,3...

Simply-Supported Continuous Rectangular Plates

Page 124


each panel separately. On connecting edges, assume a moment is applied (value unknown). Use regular plate boundary conditions to solve for constants. Need one additional equation since there is an additional unknown (moment). This equation is based on continuity at the connecting edges, i.e. the slopes must be equal.

Simply-Supported Continuous Rectangular Plates

Page 125

Expressions for deflections of each plate:

w1 =
m =1, 3...


sinh lm x1 + Bm cosh lm x1 + Cm x1 sinh lm x1

4 p0b4 + Dm x1 cosh lm x1 + 5 5 sin lm y m p D mp lm = b w2 =

m =1, 3...


sinh lm x2 + Fm cosh lm x2 + Gm x2 sinh lm x2

+ H m x2 cosh lm x2 )sin lm y

Simply-Supported Continuous Rectangular Plates

Page 126

Boundary conditions:
w1 = 0 w1 = 0 w2 = 0 w2 = 0 2 w1 =0 2 x1

(x1 = 0) (x1 = a )

2 w1 -D = M m sin lm y 2 x1 m =1, 3...

2 w2 =0 2 x2

( x2 = a ) ( x2 = 0 )

2 w2 -D = M m sin lm y 2 x2 m =1, 3...

Simply-Supported Continuous Rectangular Plates

Page 127

Additional boundary condition continuity:

w1 x1 w2 = x2

x1 = a

x2 = 0

Find constants Am Hm and Mm (9 unknown) using given 9 equations.


results on next page.

Simply-Supported Continuous Rectangular Plates

Page 128

Am =

4p 1 coth lm a M m 2 po l a a + 4 ( -1 + cosh lm a ) + 5 o coth lm a - m - cschlm a D sinh lm a 2lm lm b 2 lmb 4 po l5 Db m Cm = 2 p0 l4 Db m

Bm = Dm = Em =

cschlm a M m 2 po + 4 ( -1 + cosh lm a ) 2l D m lm b Fm = 0 Mm coth lm a 2lm D

M ma (1 - coth 2 lm a ) 2lm D Mm 2lm D Hm =

Gm = -

Homework Problem 6
Page 129

A simply supported rectangular plate is under the action of hydrostatic pressure expressed by p = p0x/a, where constant p0 represents the load intensity along the edge x = a.

Homework Problem 6
Page 130

Determine, employing Navier s approach and retaining the first term of the series solution, the equation for the resulting solution:
w= 8 p0 1 px py sin sin p 6D 1 1 2 a b a 2 + b2

Homework Problem 7
Page 131

A water level control structure consists of a vertically positioned simply supported plate. The structure is filled with water up to the upper edge level at x = 0.

Homework Problem 7
Page 132

Show, using Levy s method, that by taking only the first term of the series solution, the value for the deflection at the center for a = b/3 is:

p0 a 4 w = 0.00614 D

Homework Problem 8
Page 133

A rectangular plate is subjected to a uniform loading p0 and supported as shown. Determine the maximum stresses using the strip method.

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