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Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University, Bharat

Minor in Physics
Course Syllabus

1. General Physics (PMP10010) Credits: 4

Unit-1: Introduction, Celestial Objects and Motions, Laws of motion
Unit-2: Energy, Atoms and molecules, Particles in motion, Waves
Unit-3: Light, Electromagnetism, Electromagnetic Waves
Unit-4: Special and General relativity, Black Holes.
Unit-5: Quantum mechanics, Nuclear and Particle Physics, Cosmology

Reference Books:
1. Physics for Beginners by M. Raspanti
2. Physics for Dummies by S. Holzner
3. Physics of Everyday Phenomena by W. T. Griffith
4. Concepts of Physics Vol. I and II by H. C. Verma
5. Fundamentals of Physics by Resnick & Halliday
6. Concepts of Modern Physics by A. Beiser

2. Quantum Mechanics (PMP10020) Credits: 4

Unit-1: Inadequacy of Classical Physics, Black-body radiation and Planck’s theory, Dual
Nature of Light
Unit-2: Wave-particle duality, Uncertainty Principle, Schrodinger Equation
Unit-3: Applications of Schrodinger Equation: One dimensional and three dimensional
Unit-4: Quantum Reality and Philosophy, EPR Paradox and Quantum entanglement
Unit-5: Applications of Quantum Mechanics: Quantum Information and Computation,
Quantum Technology

Reference Books:
1. No Nonsense Quantum Mechanics by J. Swichtenberg
2. Quantum Physics for Dummies by S. Holzner
3. Concepts of Modern Physics by A. Beiser
4. Quantum Mechanics by N. Zettili
5. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by D. J. Griffiths

3. Condensed Matter Physics (PMP20010) Credits: 4

Unit-1: Introduction, Crystallography and Symmetry

Unit-2: Magnetism and Magnetic materials
Unit-3: Semiconductor Physics and Superconductivity
Unit-4: Soft matter and Nanotechnology
Unit-5: Research and various applications

Reference Books:
1. Condensed Matter Physics: A very Short Introduction by R H McKenzie
2. Solid State Physics by S O Pillai
3. Solid State Physics by C. Kittel
4. Solid State Physics by A J Dekker
5. Solid State Physics by Ashcroft and Mermin

4. Nuclear & Particle Physics (PMP30010) Credits: 4

Unit-1: Introduction, Nuclear Structure, Nuclear properties, and Nuclear Models

Unit-2: Radioactivity
Unit-3: Nuclear Reactions and reactors
Unit-4: Particle accelerators and Detectors
Unit-5: Elementary particles

Reference Books:
1. Concepts of Modern Physics by A. Beiser
2. Nuclear and Particle Physics by B. R. Martin
3. Nuclear Physics by S N Ghoshal
4. Nuclear Physics by I. Kaplan
5. Introduction to elementary particles by D J Griffiths

5. Photonics and Industry (PMP30020) Credits: 4

Unit-1: Introduction, LASER, and Fiber Optics

Unit-2: Photonic materials
Unit-3: Biophotonics and medical imaging
Unit-4: Nanophotonics
Unit-5: Industrial Photonics

Reference Books:
1. Optics for dummies by G C Duree Jr.
2. Introducing Photonics by Brian Culshaw
3. Fundamentals of Photonics by M C Teich
4. Elements of Photonics by U. Keller
5. Photonics Devices, Systems and Sensors by J. Landers

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