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Hambledon Public School

2022 - Semester 2

Maaz Khan
Year 5 - Class 5 Sapphire
Mr Ben Abbott

Our school provides a written report twice a year on your child's progress. Interviews or meetings also occur throughout
the year. The learning program for all students in New South Wales is divided into Stages. Kindergarten students are in
Early Stage 1, Year 1 and 2 students are in Stage 1, Year 3 and 4 students are in Stage 2 and Year 5 and 6 students are
in Stage 3.

Leaming programs are developed from the New South Wales syllabus to ensure students learn content from each of the
six key learning areas. This report provides information about your child's performance during this semester. It is expected
that a child's achievement should be at or above sound for their grade. Please contact the office, or your child's classroom
teacher to arrange a meeting if you are concerned with your child's progress in regards to this report, or wish to discuss
your child's learning in further detail.

If you require written information that shows your child's achievement compared to his or her peer group at school, this
can be obtained by making an appointment with the Principal any day over the next month. This information will show you
the number of children in the cohort in each of the achievement levels.

Assessment of Achievement
-~-- ------------------------------
Achievement Grade Achievement Description
Outstanding A The student has an extensive knowledge and understanding of the content and can
readily apply this knowledge. In addition, the student has achieved a very high level
of competence in the processes and skills and can apply these skills to new
High B The student has an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the content and a high
level of competence in the processes and skills. In addition, the student is able to
apply this knowledge and these skills to most situations.
Sound C The student has a thorough knowledge and understanding of the main areas of
content and has achieved a grade appropriate understanding of syllabus content.
Basic D The student has an elementary knowledge and understanding of the content and has
achieved a basic level of competence in syllabus content.
Limited E The student has a partial knowledge and understanding of the subject content and
has achieved limited competency of grade appropriate knowledge and skills.

Effort Grade Effort Description
Excellent Ex The student consistently applies an outstanding level of effort in this subject area in
all learning environments.
Good G The student consistently applies a high level of effort in this subject area in most
learning environments.
Satisfactory s The student applies an acceptable amount of effort in this subject area in most
learning environments.
Causing Concern cc The level of effort in this subject is of concern and improvement is desired.
Hambledon Public School
Semester 2, 2022

General Comment 10
Maaz · is a q_
uiet, respeclflll class member who enjoys the social aspect of schOO!- H_e is_encouraged lo contribute
d1scuss1ons m the c1assioom and share hi• ideas more often. Maaz enJ<>Y• perllc1potmg '" class fitness act,v<ies a
demonstrates good teamwork skills. His Independent work heblls ere continuing to develop end he is learning to beg~
and complete set tasks in a timely manner. Maez regularly completes his homework.

Maaz's Set f Reflection

My next learning goals
My achievements
Improving my division skills in maths
Reading with better fluency Writing with neater hand writing
Spelling difficult words correctly Getting into the soccer PSSA team
Getting faster a.t running

What I like about school

I like playing with my friends, chess and creative writing.

Attendance - -- - - -
1 Partial Days Absent O
Whole Days Absent
Studetants_wh~ attend schoo~ regularly ~re likely to benefit more from their schooling. The Department of Education's
expec 110n ,or attendance 1s 90% or higher.

Maaz's attendance rate for Semester 2 is 98.8%.

~-chool Le~ dership and Ex~a Curricular Activities

Chess Club (K-6) ----
Premier's R~ading Challenge (K-6)

Maaz Khan Page 2 of 5

Hambledon Public School
Semester 2, 2022

Overall Achievement A B [!] D E Effort Ex [!J S cc I
Areas of Learning Basic Limited

Outstanding High Sound
Reading and Viewing
Speaking and Listening
Writing and Representing

Reading a variety of informative and imaginative texts for enjoyment and understanding
Developing an understanding of the use of inference by authors to engage and inform readers
Creating well-structured texts that explain ideas about less familiar topics
Employing a range of strategies to accurately spell most words
Delivering oral presentations to an audience
Areas for future growth
Understanding the effect of elements in multimedia including film techniques, framing and close-ups
Using evidence from the text to support literal or inferred perspectives represented by the author
Incorporating a variety of language features and grammatical concepts to create engaging texts
Utilising editing criteria to edit their own texts

Overall Achievement A B IT] D E Effort Ex fil S . CC
Outstanding High Sound Basic Limited

Areas of Leaming
Number and Algebra
Measurement and Geometry
Statistics and Probability

Rounding numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand and ten thousand
Demonstrating knowldege of factors and multiples
Adding and subtracting proper fractions with like or unlike denominators
Recognising and matching three-dimensional objects with their nets
Constructing and interpreting dot plots for numerical data
Areas for future growth
Multiplying two-digit numbers by two-digit numbers to solve challenging word problems
Adding and subtracting proper fractions with like or unlike denominators to solve problems
Calculating perimeters of irregular two-dimensional shapes, including those with more than four sides

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Hambledon public School
Semester 2, 2022

Science and Technology

This semester our focus /Jas been Earl/J and Space
Overall Achievement A B C D E
Effort [fil G
s cc

Strengths .
. . d F' I N t'ons
1 navigation practices
Investigating the Earth's place in the solar system, the key features of the planets an ,rs a
making use of the night sky
Communicating ideas and processes, using scientific representations such as graphs, tables and diagrams
Areas for future growth
Communicating ideas, explanations and processes, using scientific representations including multimodal forms

Human Society and Its Environment

This semester our focus has been History
Overall Ach ievement A m C D E Effort [EJ G s cc
Examining , discussing and sequencing key figures and events that led to Australia's Federation
Identifying and locating an extensive range of relevant sources to support an historical inquiry
Areas for future growth
Comparing information from a range of sources

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education

Overall Achievement A B C D E Effort Ex G s cc
Areas of Leaming Outstanding High Sound Basic Limited
Health, Wellbeing and Relationships
Healthy, Safe and Active Lifestyles
Movement Skill and Performance
Adapting movement techniques to cater for the use of different equipment and physical activities
Investigating and applying strategies that promote and maintain health, safety and wellbeing
Areas for future growth
Examining the benefits of physical activity to social health and mental wellbeing

Creative Arts
Overall Achievement A s [TI D E Effort Ex G s cc
Outstanding High Sound Basic Limited

Areas of Learning
Visual Arts

Identifying the musical elements of pitch , tone colour and structure in a variety of musical works
Making a variety of artworks using different artistic concepts such as colour, tone, light and scale
Areas for future growth
Reflecting critically on the process of artmaking

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Hambledon Public School
Semester 2, 2022
Additional Learning Support
English as an Additional Language or Dialect

English as an Additional Language or Dialect

EALD Progressions
Consolidating on the 3-6 Scales

Att~~pti~g to use tense correctly when writing
Wntmg simple compound sentences with commonly used conjunctions

Areas for future growth

Writin~ grammatically correct complete sentences
Planning and writing longer texts for a range of purposes

Miss Ezzy

Social (?evelopments and Work Habits

Be a Leamer C U S R Be Responsible
Collaborates with others to complete tasks Completes set tasks independently
Positively influences others
Asks questions to guide learning
Seeks assistance when required
Shows initiative in the classroom
Listens actively
Be Respectful C U S R
Be Safe C U S R
Demonstrates respect towards others
Cooperates with teachers and students
Respects school rules
Demonstrates self-control
Makes safe choices in the playground Cares for personal and school belongings
C = Consistently, U = Usually, S = Sometimes, R = Rarely

. · 71s·1gnature

Maaz Khan
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