Like Verb Ing Direct Method Activities 132305

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A) Fill ın the blanks with the suitable words below

riding- reading- playing (2)- singing- writing- flying- watching-


1) I like-------- comics.
2) Do you like -------- with marbles.?
3) You don’t like------- to classical music.
4) I like ---------- a kite.
5) I like ------- a bicycle.
6) I don’t like-------- computer games.
7) I like --------- cartoons.
8) I don’t like -------- pizza .
9) Do you like ------- a song?
10)You like ------- a letter.

swimming–dancing -playing(2)-drinking- coloring-skipping- doing-eating-


1) I like ------------- cookies.

2) Do you like ------------chess?
3) Do you like ------------ a car ?
4) I don’t like---------- coca-cola.
5) I like------------- in the sea.
6) Do you like ---------- pictures ?
7) I like ------------ at parties.
8) I like -------------- my homework.
9)I like ----------- rope.
10) Do you like ---------- with dolls ?

B) Answer the questions about you.

1) What is your favourite activity? --------------------------

2) Who is your favourite cartoon character ?-------------------
3) Do you like reading a book ?
4) What do you like eating for breakfast in the mornings ?
5) Where do you like riding a bike ?
6) What time do you like getting up at weekends ?
7) Where do you like having lunch at school or home ?
8) Who do you like playing with in the school garden at breaks?
9) Where do you like swimming ,in the pool or sea ?
10) Do you like going to the cinema ?

C) Fill in the blanks with AND or BUT.

1)I like running ------ climbing a tree.
2) ı like playing football ------I don’t like playing with dolls
3)I like going to the cinema------- I don’t like jumping rope.
4) I like doing our homework -------- exercises.
5) I like playing the guitar ------- singing songs.
6) I like eating bananas -------- I don’t like eating hamburgers.
7) I like playing chess -------I don’t like playing tennis.
8) You like drinking milk ------- fruit juice.
9) I like riding a horse ------- I don’t like jogging.
10) I like playing basketball ---- volleyball.

D) WORD ORDER ( Like + verb-ing ) Please Use long answers

Eg: You/like/ride /a bike/ Do you like riding a bike?
Yes, I like riding a bike.
No, I don’t like riding a bike.
1) You / like / read/ a book/ ---------------------------------?
Yes, ---------------------------
No, --------------------------
2) you /like/ watch/ cartoons/---------------------------------?
No, --------------------------------------
3) You /like / play/ with /marbles/--------------------------?
4) You /like /eat / ice-cream/ ---------------------------?
No, -----------------------
5 ) The students/like/ play/ hopscotch/ ---------------------------?
Yes, ------------------------------
6) You /like / swim /in the sea /--------------------------------?
Yes, -------------------------------
7) You/like / listen/ to music /--------------------------?
8) You/like/fly/a kite /---------------------------------------?
9) You/like/visit/the museum/ -------------------------------?
10)You/ like/ paint/pictures/ -------------------------?
No,----------------------------------. Lütfiye TIN

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