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wosect wah Fd Pee v phi psd Ptob vib ber Sih | Syllabus UNIT INTRODUCTION Project, Manegement, Sofware Project Management Actuites, Challenges in Sofware Pray Stakeholders, Objctves and Goals Project Planning: Step-vise Planning, Project Scope, Project Products and Delverables, Proje ‘Activites, Efort Estimation, infrastructure ul PROJECT APPROACH Lutecyce Modale, Choosing Technology, Prototyping, erative nd Incremental Process Framework Lifecycle Phases, Process Aifacs, Process Worklows UNIT-I [EFFORT ESTIMATION AND ACTIVITY PLANNING Estimation Techniques, Function Point Analyse, SLOC, COCOMO, Usscae-based Estimation Actviy Identifcation Approaches, Network Planing Models, Citta Path Analysis, UNIT:IV ISK MANAGEMENT Risk Categories, Heniicaton, Atessment, Planing and Management, PERT Technique, Monts caro Approach UNITV ‘PROJECT MONITORING AND CONTROL. RESOURCE ALLOCATION creatg a Framewo or Mootng and Conia Pregess Mentor, Cot! Motor, Erne ave pny, Deets Trchig, eaes Tracking Sia Reports, Type of Resource sare Requirements, Resource Scheduling UNITVI SOFTWARE QUALITY Fremang aly, onfring ty —160 9126, Ou Meanie, Outs Cust Masse Plannin, Product Qualty nd Process Quality Theme statelProcoes Cone! Copal Mau Mods, Entancig Stare vat ‘% Waid - WIUNITS - 4, 5 & 6) wo mUNITS 4586) as [ ESSAY QUESTIONS WITH KEY _ (01. What ae the four catego Explain in dota bout Boers isk engineering tak breakdown, (03. Explain about the isk dentication (Refer Unit, 019) te with an example the concep of risk assessment (Rotor Unit, 221) cuss nde isk management. (Reter Unita, @23) (06. Whalis PERT? Discuss about the PERT caleiatons which depend upon tes time Explain the three-step method used by PERT to calculate the probability of meeting or missing a target date (Rater Untev, 026) (08, Explain how monte caro simulation technique is uted to evaluate thers of ot achieving deadines. 09 Expiain 210. Explain in dota about progress monitoring C11, Discuss about cost monitoring 12. Describe earned value in deta. (213, Explain about detects racking In dota about stats reports wih an example. (215, What are types of resourses? Explain. (16. Discuss about resource scheduing ctr, wnatis meant by software gusty? Discuss clea the MeCals sotare gusty (Refer Uniev, 218) factors res iy ” Univ, 20) 1 describe qually of software products (Rater 218, What a ros tat describe ‘ate. Explain about quantitative aualty management panna (Refer Uniev, 223) explain the concop of product quay and roca cushy sin @nour a (Refer Unit, 024), M.16 a2 1 22. . Discuss variot SOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGEME! What are the seven core metrics to be used on all software projects? Explain. Explain the following, (a) Software quality (b) Statistical process control. us Key Process Areas (KPAs) that must be achieved in each level. What are the three techniques that can be employed to improve a software development process. And also ex ‘plain how the inspection process is carried out. NT [JNTU-KAKINAD, (Refer Unit-VI, a3, (Refer Unit-Vi, a2 (Refer Unit-VI, 03 (Refer Unit-Vi, 30 R16 fC ) Question P Note: C ESSAY QUESTIONS WITH KEY managemen” Essai ne ran acta of managenest C2 Eile shear jc manga! etn denty the main peso personnel emesoyed nan information systems parent For each stage o ypc 'S develope fre ant ant prj at the pes of personel who ae Cot. Whoa stakeholders? Expiin management conto (08 Wh neat diagram explain sepswee Objective and goa of project panning 5 Describe projet sone C7. oscuss abou project products or everabes) (08. How io Wenty project inkastcture? Explain 9, plan wate mode ‘210. Explain eromental Mode att, Disussin deta about sofware prtoKypng (o12, What ae ile cycles about Explain elaboration phase in deta ‘ata, Wnat are the management arcs? Ex ‘q14. Discus in deta about the various engnwengartacts instar project management ‘a15. What are software process worktows? Explain in deta (016. Explain in deta about teraton worktow Cat? Whats the basis for sohwar estimating? Expin sofware afl esknaion techniques ‘at8. Discuss about albrecht function pont anaes wih xaroe 19. Explain in detail bout COCOMO rade with exam (peer itt 17) (rater it 219) (Roter Ue, 221) (peter it 023) (ater Units, 228) (Ror Unie 27) (Rafer ose, 28) (Rater oie, 033) (Rete Unies 17) (ater Unit, 020) (Refer Unit, 029) (afer Unt, 03) (roer Unit, 248) (Reer Unita, 248) (Refer Unita, 250) (Rater Unita, 253) (Rater Unita a1) (Refer Unita, 22) (Rafer Unita, 026 219, xn nl ON a RUF at ‘SPRCTmaM ALLaRHORE TOGRNAL FOR Brel manana SoaRTE St GROUP M8 Q20. 21 22. 23. 24. What are the three approaches to identify the activities that make up @ project? Explain. Explain network SOFTWARE PROJE planning models. Distinguish between the forward pass and backward pass with Compare PERT How to formulate and CPM. fe a network model? Explain. CT MANAGEMENT [JNTU-KA! ‘examples. KINADA| (Refer Unit-ill, 029) (Refer Uni 033) (Refer Unitlll, 034) (Refer Unit-Ill, 035) (Refer Unit 37) UNIT INTRODUCTION . TO PROJECT AND PROJECT PLANNING cus croup PART-A ‘SHORT QUESTIONS WITH SOLUTIONS Qt, Whats project and project planning? oR What is a project? (ent apr. |x 84, a) No.8, (fer Ont Topi: Projet “Aproject refers to ase of various activities which are corelaed and sequenced ina specified onder, This order needs 10 ve ie eta yee roretnonee Sr rag nha rin eign ae iil i i SS Saae cones opener? a eee nm tb tc ting eo Spor mie sae? ene oe en i He mp cn enpeeiener re ee Rrbeun ethane ‘Qa. List he characteritics that catingulshes project. The character tha rte poets a & Involvement of nonoutn tasks Newtof planning Fencing never ech he prtulr btie oro rent pari rot SeacTRIN auction ORAL FOR RMON a Sia GROUP Sct MANAGEMENT LINTUCAgy SOFTWARE PRO = uw! Shiva tnd ie ww Tans ascii with thes x High cant of secs invoed in werk |& Tempera group fred caro ie wh & Wok iperfomed a vatous stage $id aroun of scares usd rot ‘G5 Whatare the activities of a management? 4 Actes of Management . ‘The ates vein the mangement a, a (Plantes - Nimes dso which are wo cary ot hs ©) Organing ws ‘Wamolvesarangements ( Saming _ ‘imotves dings aid wth people working inthe projet sac i o (0) Dieting ~ "inches he introns (2) Mttring Winolvescaptrng th cuenta ofthe rjc, 0 Contot Ivinvolves stone soci with projet aviv (2) Innovating involves upgrading (volving ew ides o ‘Gi Wre «bce note on activites Invohved In identification of project scope and objectives ‘ — osurea 1 dencate of rojetscope and abject ip te epee png b era rot pares can chee jive otha the ret canbe acplshed mrcesty ' Activites wih thi ep ae, 1. Determining he cent objectves and mewtret 2. Setting project tory 3. Deteiningtakeholer 4 Changing he objectives in aecondance wih he kaha Seng communion wit al pats, Look for the SUA GROUP L090 {ih on the TITLE COVER before you buy UNIT.1_ntoduction io Projet an Projet Planning “ Gi Unt te challenges faced by eee {G._Unt he challenges fced bya sofware prom Lasko software enineing pracics 4. Undeveloped ol and echnigues 5. Compleity 6__Vepuctuncte) requirenenss (Oh. What ea stakeholder? ‘The people who arene cas sake shar) inte jected stakeholders. They mast dermis ing be iia pases de foe flowing eso (©) Tocasly communicate with them tougher he proj development ie cle {i)_Totnow the sakeholders dpe of evovement inte pest (28, List the terms tobe Included In project description according to PRINCE:2 PRINCE® standard defies tat the btm kvl prods of PRS mist be document inte of Pradut Descriptions wich eae, Prot ameter Product purpose 4 Prod derivation (he, product dered fom the) © Product composion 1% Prodt format © Related sandards aay (process which dtemies the cept of he produ). : (10, Wite «short note on product low diagram. Anower eter ‘Are ow gam esses th ett xt among isis prod, Thi elspa nhs Fe fx het cretion Coser i example, A program canbe coe ol rhe surges on crap ote elaesips wig Mout low Dara (PFD). rae em {es | re ae [seemed Ee tere eet ie em = amna To tramae Tope, ———————$ia GROUF ds roc feuing pes ‘retin of program design Bel ANAGEMENT INTURAL i oy jane PROJECT ‘SOFTWARE, we = ay wor a Ta a tran notes on producing Wee! # 3 a ties Tete atv, 7! ecm meme hs ng HIME SE Fir At Nowa ine resus constains 0 tha any suber ne of het re oft eto atid considering te he inode ean be developed tn making be a ue. (212. What project management? au Projet manssemen she appeton proec whose secs a he systems approach othe management of technologically comple Morover projet management priant lem aching tg goals ofthe organization he stad wy of ng bans Tere ea ests tat som the portant ef pect management. The 1. Short Product Life Cele nt eo of enn of en iat ving fice ein th enn dea The tne ae tomarket the new products ans mpance Adela oe meme cna ech Sree emerienad ‘of months can rel 3 percat 8 2 Narrow Winds New preety fe fom tine lates, Oration att for aching rw pdt nthe make can th rtnizatins so ee ae Ue tag of 2 9 . rods inthe mare the ly cad dt any reason for ore an fe) ind lyin ror by aching se posh ad ce mare Sa are cot mas apr 3. Globalization Leading to Emergence of Global Markets. . Air prods nd services The ened lava ee ee ene fay Soon mkt as Be, icone and supen, bata cred chalet ae Cue he methods fete Toetmeamesntemctcin eine Projet mmgencngn eet bl neh cs Sete dermpens ccna ewan Look fr the SUA GROUP Loco on the TITLE COVER boro why LUNIT-1_ Intoductiono Project and Project an Fi. Boylan about a ee owing when staff willbe carrying out ash ‘Te above gant chat is ef epson, ets which ve performed y the al a shown long wih the veal sisal te ime lapsed (o) ration of mon for complting arcs ak sown along the ozo 8 ‘Gt4, How to analyze project charactoriatcs? Anewer + owe ante one) Examining te characteris fhe eject which inv, 4 Differeniatng the objective nd produc driven poet {© Determining the oer characteris ofthe proj {© Determining the cial ks associ wh te poet ‘© Considering the wer requement eae 0 implenentin Selecting of life-cycle approach 4 _Evaunting ll he sour _ {i Lat the products crested bythe step wite planning process Anower + (oat apart octet, Sa 1) Th products crested by the sepwie planing roses afl, 1 Deiverabies| Then te rhc that ar delivered othe let athe nd of be poe development 2 intermediate Products These arte interesante procs whi 3. Teehncal Products Trae ped ke etn or operating. gue or raising, anaes uly nae used fr creating deliverables 4. Management Products Ten ene eda which contains armen edu lming acumen These are the prods which ons manage rs ag osumeny__—__— ‘pacar aLrnron yours FoR eNoIMEERING STaDENTS sun GROUP > ONS ¥ ESSAY QUESTIONS WITH SOLUTI 2 4.4 nernoDUCTION TO PROIEE ‘ 4A.tet Project, Management 16. Whatis a project? Explain, . = sete antsoencet aspire TEP gg oct nse concn oa ve ak, vty Planing vols hiking, fc plimor designe) planed at ene mene es es my PANN i et wl exit between 100 eXEMES Which The cits that Heit rom conventions! projet mange a ‘ O [eo] a Ue Esa U [een) , 0 gc: Activin which pots Bnatid from Prost ‘ Ther is huge dierence betwee he nna poet ad the rote job. However, routine ask donee! time sees ao ws jes wich Svc eae the one Wich ‘lage lees anit wh wt ‘ Characterits o roe, Projets dlr asd on he lowing characte, Following rte to ech partis ojetive ot crete pila prac Aleay deed me a, Tasks ascites with ote, High amount of specialisms involved in work Temporary group formed oprfonm he ask Limited amouat of resources used in project. Big (on comple projet The compesity of tsk dey proportional 1 the numberof of members A group of peopl be wed perform ai. Advantage eran 4 inversely propel cam econ cial part doe workin group i tat pei TITLE COVER bofore you buy 4 1 {7-1 Introduction to Project and Project Planning = 7 What management? Exlan the iret eavne oT # anager snow sears. Management irs stthos dete management in dent way, Some ofthe rw follows + Mumamen seth pel ting hing de gh hr Magen ecole cc ‘by dinecting the efforts of ethers” 7 “ {¢"Managrcn sth tnd since of decison making and ede” RC Davie Management in a ress designing and maintaining a vironment in which individuals work together a ros, sccomplsh selected wi icin Koont ond Wetrich "Management isthe art of geting things dane hough and with pope in oma npn ups” Heol Koontz Management canbe simply defined" he priest by which mange ina prj et things dove thecugh te eos of ihr peopl in rouped actives” Actives of Management ‘The stv involved in management as, (©) Panaog Ninoives decision which re ie cay ot (©) Organising involves arangemen (© Sattog Ivinvohe eins sociated wh pope volved inthe projec sch siti opiate people ores (8 Directing cds the inatrctins (2 Moniering volves apuring cuenta of poet © Controting nivolves ston asoited with project survival. involves wring) iolving new iene. (0) Repreentag Communicating with ri sign ma te thn _Cnmnnn wi rin eevee mater mieten ae Same Bre apa ——"sia ROOF a ang new ayater into Being axsen tat “ass. wnt a neat ehatch explain thew Thereae three suscsve processes thal nodes #90 => igre Sansa Prcenet xen Tse ree HCE Fw Penn ym by acre ful or not by using a valid business case It involves the following activites, ¢ temmeetnumee + teen ong with he mean of scheving ese goals. Fstmation of outs amociied with development and operation. sumtin of how system izes te eres 2. Plantog Project planning begins te feast uy ves a postive response about the projet. Detaled planning canbe forthe projets whch re mpl nd wal However fr lpr poet, aly an tine plan forthe project pL te retin» dead plan for he rt ge, 1. Prajct Execution Inthe net ep, te poet pe excel involving to sbphases They ae 0) implemen Desig ple incl dein soat how the product ue created 11s related othe software's external appearust ® snr alec The plans hea ee 7 ‘ 19, Ustnd explain pies sequence of etwas devionnen Activities recommended by 18012, on Explain sofware project management activites, (ott apn aa) |ctmov- 1.843 on ia ar sctlion covered by software project management? Exiin, Lhe oR Wat are the active covered by software project mang LUNIT-1_Inroducton te Project and Project Planing om ” 19 4] a {== ) marae ||} [SS | ‘Fr: 10 12207 Setar evel it Ce Ine above figure, cvs ae elted system and stare, Requirement A inves the collection of eiremens esac wih manage an sero he ne system. is silat ton thar repond othe specie qcres An cue of sacha fon sending Sr igade when fre alar raise Ink ce, tno eal pend a perfomance fal ree soe e, hardware software and human eo. Architecture Design ‘ietifythecompoents requied for new ystem tsa each omen New componente eu ithe existing CERES nt te requremen. These components canbe sofware, hardware work process, Software See ie tum conden, requiem oct with soware at pat Thse requirements ae eh ‘NGeuted to varios software components chs termed as second rhc Detaled Design ertearesomponent conn of mull sofware unis whharecoledan tested individually, Detaled eign involve {thee conseratons. Code and Test. ‘Tis tne moves coding fal niu units alog wih ba essing, Integration ‘lhe compe Performed afer integrating ealieaion Test aannncn es cmetertin of overall egies by eng the system hao along with software component. sae inte ad ted check wher the ati he sftware galt) no. Hee, ttn is Theme componers wih hardware ad er nteractons Insaaton "ia maetw opty sting op tus ree uch sing at nd ym parameter long Thenew 9 snare over ara par od providing appropriating towers. eth he installation of Acceptance Support Aran re aig fer hat eta ee. Hho pets ingle aed exe ‘Sea aa OnE JOURNAL FOR ERGINEERING STUDENTS "Sia GROUP 110 ‘a What ore the calonge omen, 41 challanges in sfteare projet Discus challenge 7 is? Expl. ‘Wat ace te problms wit stare Po} ma “The challenge in softnare projets ar 1. Greater evel of aentons 2. Lack ofzoftware engineering practices 2. Stille deficiency 4 Undeveloped oot and techniques 6 Unclear requitemens, er Level of Invention Level of novation an esti aad to deliver saffmae poets is big challenge because software pag edt focus onthe delivery of sofware code sper the spectstions 2 Lack of oftware Enpacering Practices Incompaitonto onde, sofware indy neve ew andreqie ge amount fresh nein ‘cath propa engieing pacer Soltero! mange eee Tcl i cots ssenecing pact 3. Ske Decency ue tothe equ evans instars indus itis dito provide enough edcation a tani to eet ‘Tis makes the software projects onl people wih es han the egied sil 4. Undeveloped Tost and Techaiques ue tothe eu’ evans, S— Complenty te ical eet ppropite tools, ecologies and models forthe sofa pt Pst magnet ua er oe manger mt fe he del with Any typeof ject, Any size of poet Desdines Supplies staff and castors Reporting isso higher authorities eo eeee Solving iss od sks, Uncle Requirements (One ofthe major challenge in softwar projet ito en hand, resources shouldbe ident and mainained ca) 4 itn kis an ine snl Sean matinee yeti land resources, Acco "er itis necessary t involve kill = Duet these challenges, many aspect ofthe ection of work, tam management, ee get aioe Look for the $1 GROUP Loco {ii Tents te in tHe a personnal emplayedin an nfarmaton eyes depart For each #8. QD ef atypical development projec. iat he types of personnel who ae kal tobe involved aoe se apmlives och ice ie llwone SL maoget projet mene si rcatedy poe ag operon fester pret mag eme senior engine i employed tcc Ned aly called Stetam member. Ons Fir Cit Pope Team Orpen Sot exuostamat expe respnsble ani whe he pence wi bale reheat semen and dct! hem The) ao collet roduc infemston rte pest eqenens Finale emia he nents, aca, fd arg them Fox anne Haba; ——————"sia @ROUP de ‘ecTman ALLAR-ORTE JOURNAL Sinaia ore —e sos mm oan ened the lg hg si Trae ag rr nce san ERP : ce sc poe ae te MA ay ° ager ceping 878 Ophea any PN tie ay Arent rai exe oro eH yi sce sr ae ancien Jaen —_—§———_n7 8 in about the project a Wt a way of ealgorting star pres? Ext coecectnom det gro a ect ayo pling ad managing be PH The flowing ae the ctr ie fr aegorzng tare pr ten owt gt ‘reer ti ECR 1.SLETTIE eg me 0) Compatary Vs Vatntary Users anane ‘ - erpnizatigoal work are ANT 88 COMPU ay Tes mete in he fice no ws tenes te nel SO ne ‘Whereas uy who te sytem fi plying gues a ho en system and mie (formation System Vs Embedded Stems razon inert ster aan era et stocdind yon An angi 2 crane cel ser anda example or embeded ys ‘todd yom An cuample nrmaon | (a) Objectives Va Products ; tthe defined objectives. Craton of prc can ee The ama prjectin either to geerat a prac me ‘nbc he hen specie he eta de egoible for valating The objectives are the requirements re ‘Sn bythe chent Proc a Sytem Project el acts at tem oan be the procs of generating #new stem frm an existing oe. Aste sp cay we refers group of smponent ier conn te ltd Yo cach ee I ca be sed aaa pt of ep ‘stem and can cary multiple stem, each caning ot lainey diferent anton The system it surounded by the components hing tha cannot be ane by the system directly They ae wg ‘called stems eneoument Th components hee diet impact on te performance afte ene Asystem a bier an open system of closed system. The yes that are capable of communicating with met ‘ment ar open systems andthe rystems tha camotconmancie wih he evtoumenl ee ans a {2c open and fr hs es, they ae pre to maieatons fee tet se Abe category of systems calle sneha tm wed to cary sovare projects. Due othe ft ah people nl echo ae vane mpc rot meg ss inrtthor then be capabic of handing bth of them 4 111.3 etatenaiders, Objectives and Goat 23. Who are stakeholders? Explain management cont (ot Poe 030) Her ‘Th prope nh ar inetd rans (har) inthe pct are uring thei pane dic othe following ress peices refered (0) Toca commune wih hem ouput ep deve £3) Toho the nahi dee oem nthe poy Look for ine SUA GROUP L0G0 gh on stakeholders They musthe de” lopment ie eck TILE COVER before you buy (ay Tay ter Managem eptmin Cane emploee deste yobaly ropes Figur Poe Cua ple arng hs pase al te dat manages ole 2 Date Proce The dai ater thea 3. Decalon Making Th a nds dealin of ting te sens oi ncn Lud implemen nhs pe. vic the manager a aime Haba ———— Sa GROUP ce WANAGEMENT (NTU gy) 8 unit eae veces oft bets inom tear POH an / tal ers objective One oF IH OD}AUVE Inonagement of he dlrs slong ite Severe Saebjectiver and Goal sin th developer ons within the og hemi, ane ocd afer the ah cbjeciver Sabjeves ae Wen a 25, Mention the objective defined by mnemonic SWART. oe Well dened objectives dened by the mpemnie SMART Speci, Measurable, Achievable Relevant gg 1 Specie civ tins come olen ha a fe wie sipping the nd one For example we cent eons Osi oe poe! shad be much wa Ba tsa ley ee he ees Moot objetives cay ceria mesics which aes the effet measure ane aswerng sine ye gestions, Te et teem peo pe. Example Does th testing pat competed within wo days? imma ec mh be ey nl) goon Te tte led soul eae tote gaa he ret 5 Time Deals shold be reset inthe poet oth resent inthe poet 0 that he 0 Hetve can be achieved with 7 the gen tine ‘ook forthe SIA GROUP L.0G0 QB on ihe HrLE coves before you buy Le, 4 < UNIT Invoduaton to 1.2 pRogNCT PLANNING 1.2.4 stepeiae Planning ‘24, What do you mean by project planning? With nea sketch expan the overvaw of sap-wise planning (h on Wh net alagram explain stapavis Objective and goals of proj planning. (ve an outine of step wise planning sctvtes nt 7, 30) Pf step wiae project planning en, (Halt Ont Tote: Sep, p83 Planing nears hiking carefully before arin someiog Proje planing fe inion sjectves sles and acon acd ln appropete deen making tbe ‘An Overview of Stepmine Plana ‘The main principe f poet tuning io cree a oul plun nly flowed by he eed plan icing nde ely. ‘Step planing civ iota’ inthe gues eo steppes cating Toca efter ot in pale Fr each avy inthe rjc stp F and ys eps ns ep a Cen pot at esas dig the Sad conraatn of te ep e, test of wives ae me o Tre once of ae Fase Aer ini te Fo aeration inconserd ‘Te actve requed for planing ae ote! blon Sioa ee aa ar aR TERT ———— a ROU ce Sen poet : ‘ ives in accordance with ves and 1@ Changing the obec Seng communication wih al partes sup . ‘esemining he proj inastture which ines Seung stelatoneteen pet and sateie plone 4 Desermining the rgnanton of pj en. Determining the procedare and standard for sup © Difcentinting the objective and prot den roe Deering the oer chances oft roe © Desermining the eal es said wih be © Considsing the wer requitements elated to imlemenaton © Selecting of fel ape © raking alte eouces step Deming heal tite of be pet Determining the prot the project with sesaed deepen © Gathering the peer product Mow ening he intances of he prj. © Veda hese! activity network wc | charging the sages by viding | introducing checkpoints — Sup Cale ing he effet for each ativiy which involve Conveying he boom exits, Reviewing the plan to impose controllable Look for t ncollosting the activ Fe pecoing anol hn ary meastres and Tsk ry Nee we ; To : , adjusted accordinaly sunt ures which involve, ‘Assigning Fr pecogniing and assigning TN bun Feviewing the plans ad imate sup! 1. vauting Implementing the plan, 4 Bvahting the quality ofthe project pl & Pblishing/Implementing the plans ap oem ‘ ‘Step 3K Pian execution Lowerevels of planning whiny t 12.2 Project Scope ‘ of ion st sot ate 1 ‘GD ct sap neces on i one pie sap (metres one on oo tyra sap Ho ty roc sop nt tt denifcation of i jet sop and ative ‘the steps inthe st mai c Eres ter weeping wc Seopa cn chee tae soe be accomplished successfully —— Activites within thi step are, 4+ Determining the successful objectives 2% Senge a project authority Determining stakeholders CaEIBINE the objectives in accordance saeholders Seti 44p communication thal pais 4 MITA troduction fo Project and Project Pa = he objetives are 4 Analyting the cots 1 Reconlng of jb egests 2 Setdagup« Project Aathoriey ‘Setingup up post authority that ons overall apt the poet make te ppl ved un Determining Stakeholder, ‘etiyng al the partis interest and aang the sacle net in th ost 4 Changing the Objectives in Accordance with taeolers nore fo ge the fil sppt of acer here ay te anes chage the sbjcne ofthe poet, Then AGES cles adding be frre sem ote sacle pee suppr ete poet Ts meaton ‘ould te done eareflly Secu actin mht arene he sno ce he oral eves ge mo A Sengup Communication wih all Parte Aner af an communicate with each ther hl he projet er who implements th url pte must eis toma po ith BACS (Bankr Automated Clea Shee 4.2.3 Project Products snd Dativerablos, Project Activities Discus about project product (or deers. tt fr of cies, et cae rd he abe fain. Fox ene ee doe rma ens whch on betaine w pres Nag the pode eS ee aloe pis whic ae ured een wich eed EG — “cer the products ae etna rit ke tos operating and ngurenens fr ning manage einen : 7 ea saben eh treme ee tae En Papel Oa Con cae EN Peds ot pet ranaemen Fig: rah Soweto Prfuts ‘oven 3 procs and these sub pra ar further dvd the wrk vit aba whole whee toto level peace ae angle pea each ct ru ntl prc, The prot which re higher han tom vel ae ‘endidal modules ae grouped it the po ‘othe subd fate Inthe is SAagtathe amer a oo oH anata naner of ase ef es ‘Dacre aucan-OWe JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STODENTS wa Grou AGEMENT NTUsy, cor ne PRO! Suni) ws prc hing nap er vst te doumeed nes of rag yg ton fines a he anor eve pos of PBST ; 9 Poet ervation (ef deve i Ah) ws 120. How to identity project products and activities? Expat oe on Explain bout identtying project products and activites. thon Step: Determining the Products of 1 Detaled Description For answerer Ut 028 te terme ence ot ecg og Ragen of dit 4: Veding the dea Actty Network uu 1230, Write about product Now diagram, hip tha ei among va te ereaton. Connon, "example of «program that a elatonahip Fo Di Took for the St GROUP Loco dh on the tLe COVER peseu my @ ‘asa. How art canbe enimated for e4ch act ake estimated by foie SP Peorming bt estimates SS Revenge enon vert rar te ong ied for exch activity Artis pom proce the flowing whic rr ‘Estimation of afer 7 © Elgedtine eraetrosial aie visacesay cate te dren Between lp, rll activities: svi “The ope faa ifles based nthe pe oft A yeaa tine taken by APO}ctoeaene cf sire ot fied saan of wrk and slap te defined om | Example staff members in 2 das. Cones which involves 6 dys fff ta can be completed bythe 2 Aste 6 tok 2p comple, elas ie 2 sale sumatehe eflor equred reach nial activity ana tg whe bton-up estimate Which abouyg stop down evn. Doss caedesv onthe atv ewok 10 mae thi estimation in (0) Review Pas for Creating Cantrallabie Actives q Freee einstcf naive, ng (ne cosumingonescane aptrd fa projet conn smchacvines then # bcos el cone Moreover wil become ico capt the amount of werk coop Tomake simple, vd sch sn mate bls ‘ Thre might bea umber faves which ei vey es ime nth ase combine these activites ia sigey ene to av progress meeting ever 0 weeks 3 th the completed tt can be reported. arr {Unt and srl th saps ved atin Wena of projet nseuuctae oR How to identity project Inrastructure? Explain, ‘ we Project infsrucr cas be iene by. Sree menliaen ose. « » i rpc mat nce ero fe sw of SC a ene (© Deermiing Orpsictono Feet Team Inthe case of age projec pj though the organzanal sma pr neta, vied OPT, the way the oi ‘e0k or ine SUM GROUP Loco gi nthe project tam on the TmEG ‘OVER before you buy UNIT ‘ PROJECT APPROACH oi PART-A : ‘SHORT QUESTIONS WITH SOLUTIONS 4. Let the dleadvantages of waterfall model afl mkt as elongate Sie we ase Therein poet can es 4m by ering the pei enced project. ute devlnent em prc ic sine he er ene hkl abort quence Hewes oe eed Titra developmen ots so 1) Atawar shoul chen rte revo Arownreget Un ug fe ak se ea campeon set enh hata tg han peru fros ited er o20 u Th i) Waterfillmode demands the ication ll eget he decline fi psf development st, which tshowever ery dificult oh opened In) As water mode roses he wok ra a tc of ech pa fis eee oa document nen Jroces This proces is ual mo sa rman apa whee craton ocuments pally at fee drmg developmen anand rth geo apse we he ay ‘ricaion peu cabored urng deep 32 Ustthe stages involve in apral model oar Four sage ae tvoved in pra made They ae 6) Objet Sing (i) Risk Assesment and Reduction (i) Development and valiation Object Seng Spot bjertves rhe tae te projet eine Poe rs alg wth contrat roca on he ‘roc ae seni. (Rak Amearment and Reduction veces went projec rks» tna cared a Se rahe ee th i © Development end Vston earn a deepen ben hen 7 decison de whether coi wh ute asp the pare ie ied Dee rs op fort nu raf he Fs ae one Fon avemEnDe TOS: ——————— sa @ROUF ENT LJNTU-Kayy 02 wre 7 oF proto 22 Tor davtoping # asowe! arts weaning ates PS sa wes the roped PDL Ot, work ree jdm oanabsis Elen nsw pe le ome pgs ured metvods? toa Pape OW. se mths in thet apa ing, a nie Icon ancrk whi a fe one wears and Tle zat a cn ne os nf tae copes Ts SS enty ote deleped soy can rie sandad ocuments (5. What are the advantages and dasdvantages of incremental model? 1. When es umber of people ae ined nthe rjc nerementl models the cotet choice 2. Withesch increment te ecient pet ae eed 3. Thecatemer an npc tet core roduc in ho span fine fom the projet tam Diesvanagef Incremental Model 2 istic o determine he common fies o ete wsed by cach nreent (25. Define methodology and technique Methaogy dries eof metode where a method sting a ‘hep. United Software Development Poses USDPL gence ‘snd ana Centered Design etme of te cups wires a 1 cofon way of doing a particular task as? ed ystems Analy and Design Meod SY rin metdologee he wo edge dived rom he Grek os et Tc wo Teco which . bn se of vou scien, mathemati or gal ps at Ui technique sain i | | ove Ws Cavan seme Vag yur 2 Protect Aproach ON Gi betes wot aa egg a a 5 STrometo of abe informa ation 3 stage ad ey 0 manage ech} 3. | Diiate acmineteconmen| 3. | gpa where ale expe of Ey ots and deb se sma s.] Rand development othe work regurements can be Se (8, What ar the effects of chosen methods and echnologies? Th fet of chon method ecologies ae Arrangement for maintaining he en © Hardware and oftware development rsicamest ‘8, What are the conetructon phase primary objectives? Ammer (ocume1St,49onimon i 8 On) Pry bjeives of contin pate 4 flows “reduce he cnt ce te desler Pe sub) Maing phe al Yess 7 the unnecessary rework, (Toque oui be dee tay ceo vei eh a it Barmera SUA FOR TOES OBOE —————51g GROUP ah i PROJECT MANAGEMENT Ty sorTwa 7 wens? incroments 3 ‘art ware mari ane drat of ree “a a tte em a en rh 1 cy i Ie 1 emer Incremental Detery Describe th Vprocess model 7 groces den een othe waterfall nde. The een typically esis the testing pon reside meen rap ving Be cna coe any eet 8 detec cra en Da Ct ang wt fear Se acepeace crcra = Sie deveopang the nftware poe 8 as ‘For eelin abut tcc contri aT ‘erro eed pc el til) fae la event a mere 4 Need of Development ‘ih Dieta abut te management aa ee cone ce (at es be umes wee cmierd th jr eatenent he aces Tisha oft towing 4 re cae dome ong ih aoe est mee east th ta rm wy any/fepi ett mese po nn pss ed sect of vere rm car vest rye 1 Seige np in lr planing pes. on of coding als Mae er pr 8 ern mined he deve rte masa waning Het Dent oe man be der eer we en torn ny eet each a stn, ay sed Noe ssn te nex pos of veh ach pas of developmen stv ae (si Review report, iy tment che pocesisrmpoyeda perth pei ord ent ea peed wl sucess malibe cbjntivs Le. tine and consti ae success ue At he i gpd Toone berries ae Asaccessfl pods canbe achieved Whe sun and design phases mn treea ‘ened to aes pO iy tthe wes ges of Waterfall Model ys despite fs wie wee. ren by ering te previously executed poets. Bu he deve So epg abt te egrets Hence, 8 POS projects s difficult since de wer es reine or development seed eer xterm ees ly ei wrest cen a ee ap ed hare fm Th et tnt ben the barre eto ee ee RO — Dereon ALLaNOnE uecT MANAGEMENT INTL ay pe see yaee st oo _— ora fueatecoen Fak eon et Rear © Neon oth senses el macros Seether ie FRM a) Deven hdnten ‘teapot ml ft ence Frees erin i ‘opine dlp noe mh be lua pt ay asare te mance Je {Sewn ermal tomar ny beth mos peop and oo Th ea elmay bth ms SPAS evelopment model he mai ee ik sey eran od pe peach tage he et of oquemen vc wha fre lp thespian) 9 iti ded be cangd depending othe resin ndanogss “he routs developed ase th commnicain done wi cust Th, proper communctn ma elk Far Baan protetyping mod prowl Medel In comms to smulion model «potty ieopesek Ripe i a mock ox model of afte pod cra 8 rue merry oer he al po Type.» pote es id etna epbisis,low bit tomee ere etd recone ns abe ec regan yi ese ree ear paing beer understanding of cst eds a ner imlcneing a cay oxen roped mat OR) ey sn Sepa earner of a cet eee fs apna pape nan thes me fai, du ele be wes enna comple st of speciation or 8 etre int tates tc pe witout me cxploton Eat bmi ot eo Seas era el cae eh ‘etd ee epee se oe ed a cre mf cn bb wre Fang deste ning ohe efrmed m parr wotare r sdepedet on he ate of ep ad et ae mm ta bea eel ee ma wh We reg Netot a Prottyping Pespeng pocess ht enables he develops 0 esate ae or 0 econ mole ha pct mae am nie ein Mrtemeacion wil oe iy, ech iteration ees be of he nto gai fr the deed softer ot 8) Awkng prttype ts “ ob cons dese hash es tht il be grove pon he ©) An exising program a ems e+ motel ofthe software whshste be bul Te mt eat ‘Baan Lar One JOURNAE FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS Sa GRoUF CEMENT LINTUKAR I, int apcns a ee oH = ia fron pss ate er ot ome . 2. Toget the prototype work quickly the developer usually makes ian : bi. sip esiahetaharincreiinrah nemeraion compromises. Once he 4 and iis dla ort, a Selon oa hese "rues re quickly and intlly defined then prot se the che = © Geena GROUP coco Gov ne pes on the TITLE COVER belo youbuy 232 Se meee od corto ee meee comparonno Lie Cyc Medes cules wine srr ond and managed. ste > ei Fac ape sere he cal eodng ne. TH sitet as are integrated iene ei em For anewer refer Uniti. QU. Spal Process Mode For anewer refer Until, QU 2.2 cuoosina TECHNOLOGY (G24. What do you mean by software techniqui? Write a note on identifying a project as either object ‘ive or product driven is dvved fom he Gresk wor Techno whch means ah of various siete, rotate developed befor he ining of pj ‘wicca sofa itn td on whch, hrf sob erly eens eee From project manager lementatio of objectives 0 way o sole them. In such suas so be used in case of ethers. ook forthe SIA GROUP Lose Gf Wve uncertainties and discrepancies PO, asistance canbe taken fom CT on the TITLE COVER before you buy an a oan emer eee eee eereereeeeee te eeeeeeeeeae oi rand explain the GuesUne ‘ed Tor analysing he characteristics of other Pro} Example | Whether there exe specie toe fr implementing the partis typeof application (or) no Fer example, (8) Waether concurrent proceing snc _Ancampic of such projects sof tecnigus than be employedin als andesgnofasytem concent (0) Wit he projec generates «Laowledgebated “Ancaampleofsuchaystemisaystem thal tke sin sonsderaton nd seers exper vice wich helps {in slving problems ot higher degre of compater graphics? ‘ Saftware that focuses on enertinmentreques desiam a cvetona aware prot « The sofware environmen may va wih ese ‘splemeed overs plat with ay ‘Sema processor based onthe confine tial ence Tee ee haa sara anne Pn erase oPeTS Sia GROUP ‘Te developed using many specaizs o? meat. For example, apy UNT.2 Proje ‘TRGM ALLAR-ONE JOURNAL FOR: NEERING STUDENTS ap 63 on nose.) /RAD) wherein automate ols and CASE tots are wed et reese! sie apd in eabtime senario.S0 FO Prottype teenie apie, ae pretty alt only cera specs fhe steve sre cant be ed dummy copies of input tren for we de erin econds jut by typing a eit Oce the requis nent the stem ested tthe nse of operator ineractin. ne taines oes request done a ping the compar model consti pte 5% ft se ume of rovesing. TY ny canbe rovevel rng to deerisuner whicncan weeding decease te equirement of documentation Detaled orien ning he working prorype x consiered generate a featured product : way ha it soul generate the te inpat while providing the expect Emam eee ‘G52. List and explain the various drawbacks of prototyping, q s 24,1 titecycle Phases {force te to stnges of th We cyte to ste economies fat sd higher return on nvevrent =|” bd (What are fe cycles about? Explain elaboration phase et (9) Construction Phase For answer fer ) To demonstrate the cope of the software concept and the deta things sou be Tocvalune took or ine SIA GROUP L000 Gf on te THLE GovER Tose mw 7 | Wena acancone ura FOR EraMEERING SPENT: Tok fr the SIA GROUP L060 Gen te TLE COMER OES 5 on the THLE CovER toto youvoy 4, Define artifact sets 24.2 Process Artitacts Explain various typos of aract aot, Managemen set sapaho He Chane ott database dene ‘Sia GROUP > -TWant {ook for he SIA GROUP L000 Gon he paosect MANA ——— AGEMENT NTU KAR TITLE COVER before you bay EEE EEE eee Heer eee eet igor eye ration ft tr es ring bration Phase Regier] = Desa] Tier eye Ereatin othe rte Sets Duro Trost Phase ‘Tis phase focuses on oly the design and tlhe component (tha ae ene) are pected oh O\ERER EER WE cla ese elt ca ter Forte we of acm cons ote flowing tre aE. seose bys Tis ats pase ‘epanond oy ENT IJNTU-KAKy : janie pAQUECT MANAGEM “a {44 Compare between implementation sal and deploymentset ‘The perfomance of some slot sates ike dynamic veri checkpoid rollback ‘The consti asocited with viral machine sich feds be it ors vd requirements ist GEMENT LINTU KAKI ‘item aucarrone journal FOR er ‘SIA GROUP Loco Look for the on he THLE COVER batoe you by tina Arttact? Write short notes on Engingerng Artfact on ie engineering artifacts avaliable atte life-cycle architecture milestone. ENT LINTU KAKI, 242 (249, Expain pragmatic attacts of software project m oR Discuss in detall about pragmatic artacts, Pragmatic Artifacts # Norigoras engineering meth of guest hee raphe rpesttinn an paprSotment ae {0k forthe SUA GROUP L000 Gove THLE COVER oaoemeee gs snr 48 sseimiatsstrore Te =a ces tn at pov equal a yh emu oe iy of te nein w Temninn fot siento eae i Jims yee ples eeu proton ossand sce dents For naging sels ‘acne eles ste eed so a iio hse id Rework Sag the Ie sages poet mtn dm lt late nny te wri ni acm itn i ype tne arteries the norma |) Pepe neto reiew infront he i's ngs gh te sms, As tits writen te [ps nouns ns ote renew ye ents ngage ese he reeves sould vee wedge pene 1 vc infirm ut do a vet capi esto The develo oarization at Pe salts no skal avec apt of viewing the einceing aac eline. The pope a seach craters Wh hep soe standardize nog visualization Nan ee cunsholin at aly ichmge format Ihe ate stole don ace th above reat ca hc fen software deelpment recs a Cred fy rlestold wei engin ns wacom compte ne in al one wt) Fe ming vine ngage owe eis eae and eyed ‘teins when ee rane svg eke hh ene gh rerio ita es The ain en roth hee the ait permed We we, ny pete Te pote es er ering te lig, (Understandable representations (©) More rigorous sions (6) rosea fora and (a) Resdiced ear sno epee dv organization wos be ening res vlog te dof somgonen deo et proce Wh The selfdocumenting engines Re RE eaRRAL FOR STORENG ODEHTS SI GROUP & +r MANAGEMENT LINTU-KAKay SOFTWARE PROJECT ce ee te nent SL STS EES atc ave my “ de ec a Gece Define wortiow. Explain about software process workow. on ‘Wat ret seven wortiows inthe e-cyle? or ‘nat ae software process wortows? Explain in deta 1 Fancoes of Management werkow sores in (re 243 process Worksiows - a ica a © woriow ring axah of Be four phase (ncaption, ion ment re Ay eae ect eee “ | ow cri ti pa 1 Contin Tanto pose of hee pas eee pre sate pontion i Lat vty lvl represent one of ey fhe ey sro modem pa anew Te we hows te pce cnty fort Paes] ncetee | Hieron | Comemcton | Trostion | [ism me oy me Regie meat Deployment Tiere Ay Ld cesta ot eee Pee och oft cyl phases aa flows, The lees of atvy in workflows sent Workin “reprimand VON Develops ola omrlig end bering development MANAGEMENT [JNTU-KAKIN, 2.46 SOFTWARE PROJECT 2. “Tavroament Worklow aes vel Tint change management 71 Development environment inasracte we defied avironment is installed #0 bliss. ud change Elaboration Development en ranagerent database Constretion ‘Maina development environment Transition “Tans iene evi Define concep of operation Elaboration Define gous of rchitete Consrtion Define gosto iteration Improve ease objstvs "aeivity Levels Define concep af wchiecre Get architect baseline Component designing Improve architecture and components ‘Soppon prototypes of ahiecae Architecture baseline produced Complete components are priced Maina components Tet eevee Tneeon ‘Assent of DPX Ps lv Esborton Assent of aie Consretion Assen of enporaryreets asin Assesment of ee Examine wer groups ‘User manual defition Prepaton of easton materials ‘Ship end pdt ower Tox tar the SIA GROUP 1000 Gf ov he THLE COVER MSS yit2 Pret Approach Figs hows the expec a Arehltectare-4rst Approach tn thi PFOA, comprehensive ecie < eet eal, eign, inplemenlaton an ansesnet alive at eae jr te costection phase when at flac at se implenotaion the rma) concer. Templeton and wehtete cis pit othe Flea pent development and component Tocsing on completeness “ate uly et esting Ira ose bel ocsing on con Pere Lee Proce "eel arn the our eof software development Hae Asshow in igure ah ie cycle phase tocn nant ach won Smet iat ete ilo, ame ree woul be rage ne PRC eels ron nd ne hes eed many eros 8 on ethan oe pss each lao bern aden ei 4 Revad-tlp Engineer nts approach, increase in enviromental atin sie erection ofthe pinnae ns ma itn iy bea ene e oeai | Demonstraton-based Approueh Inti porsche implementsion and asessmen stir get started nthe nil vgs f the ie-yle Hens se ius ison constructing the executable sabes ofthe cies Documentation eutsas aby prdof hme ow aves Quality aan is ail ssc inlnst al eaten mid (52. What are the artifacts and lifecycle emphases associated with each workflow? net Astcated with Workiow ‘The afc ezocited with lferen workflow wea flows, 1 Management Workiiow ‘The following are the rfc stocinted wt the management workflow (Busines case (i) Software developmen pln (iy. Saas msests () Vision (0) Werk breakdown sete 2 avronment Werkon The following are the anit (0) Environment (Software change order abe 3 Requirements Workon ‘The following are the aris me sass wih he emioent woo, sated with he requerents wrkow, (Requirement st (i) Release seit | TE ——— ET ‘DRCTRON ALLaN-ONE JOUR {ENT UNTU-KAR Na sorTWARE PROJECT MANAGEME rs hues Wut oon for tne SIA GROUP Loco Gp on ne THLE COE 0k for ine SUA GRE Donne n . 4. Deen a)__nive cd oft erations rh se 9 imgoe th anf beeen eon Deployment {Ba Explain abou the Heration om tucson Emphasis Across tbe Lie C2 peo iecyle Tey emo eee eto ae actives Dies ma enum sme ei (o) Requirements (o)_Besian enna = e ‘Pecrmar aOR TOORNA crrwane PROJECT MANAGEMENT INTUKALa aso _srrwane prone igre hraton Epes a cin md bron Phe Fur ten phi Corton Phe ert in Transton pase emphasize onthe llowing ates, ig aon apa Trae Phe (258, Diferenate between lersions and Increments In development iecycie wth example Debate An teat etn te ae fie ache ad te comple delve sytem For example he ia mde whch comer nd eoliionty mode epic te tee nate | Using his oltiony mde sofar is developed increta le re, Dring arty nein. ie | clea wis cater model (0 rT iy terion. Taok forte SUA GROUP L090 Qj on the TLEGOVER Dou yartoy ‘An increments dfn ‘eration. so rogreaive work ht wll the eu ofthe previo teraton 0 swoteren PvE work ta wil be combine with th ren of be re Increment can ao be deta seen of 7 |& Each increment ncemen involved nap Produce comple product For example, ie consider inc isd ims on delivery of complete prodact wih ach inseresn, Consider the development ofa sotvare ; ott. The sage evolved inthe projet are 2. Design 2. System building 4 Testing sod evahaton 5. Contingency $a, inorder caryout hese saps therein ned ll et avtesin proporonl mane ich epithe 1110 weeks ae aloe tthe ethene lowing scale wind days Weeks (12) Design: Week 3 Sytem ung: Weeks (7) Texting and Evhaton: We (9) Coningeny = Week 19 Itwe swith increments then the above projet phases re epee lows possi; Weeks 02) Desig: Wek (nrenet 1) lent: Week 4 Uren) Design: Weck $remen 2 Buits; Wek 6 (rene?) Design: Wee 7 nee!) Budest: Week 8 Usenet) vlan of sem: Wook? Contingency : Week 1 cements recoil ou care p nahi © Generally fest inreent 8 Senin ee oe ete fein co ‘These increment deliverable oe ty ieee epee ge reeves ferns of fa rout WH jr inet. ows irene vee The folowing dina earn aurora youre Fm cach ge of rect which epic the nerementa ie. emenial developmest mode, epithe incremental approach tn he same el pad per benefit hy dng some nite re pot to dleel Thee ae feed 18‘ dom! TT ———— Si ROOF : “yonposd smado ue 2onpod 0} syuautozoUT pumas wim payeoo|fe Aqjeuonrodoid st yom yaford se 4oofoud azemyos v Joy sus9} jUSUH {au uy se paztuBoo01 oq Wed SJUSUFOIOUT pue suOHeIay “sjuSUTALOUT pue SuONZaIt 105 ssa001d asim dais amp st smu, : g uoneray A ¢ uoneiey Luoneiayy Ky A pyuoneray A guORRIay = = ZuOKeINT 7 ITSO] T uonesayy | ¢ }uSuT: € UoneIaT 7 uOneIay So rrr "WOERING] INSWEDWNVIN Loaroud 3HVMLIOS tat EFFORT ESTIMATION rps AND ACTIVITY PLANNING | PART-A \e SHORT QUESTIONS WITH SOLUTIONS af, Waite a Brief note on Parkinson, and expert judgement as a way of estimating effort. 5 Priceo- Win © Topdown Approach 2 oom.up App ST LaniFPUG's rule desorpvons EMENT LINTU-KAKy, = ‘SOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGE ‘GE List the imitations of ure canes s $$ Gr. write a bre note on Rybrd approach af Senying an rou. The atte ae ded Bones oy snes ap mn ene th ey ea etivity- based Final, after determining ativivis in ativity-based WS the only ta me various Sk cpa pean codon mete sneer te Sysem shat ee, ute cop Use projet pei fits sucha comply an ea iu oe 4. Theat asecited wah abead comple projec ay TUM 2 BERT 3 efor Est et PROJECT MANAGEMENT NTU ta Sn a 7 iM EMENT (NTU, JOJECT MANAGE SOFTWARE PR (ne 883.240 hag, | ln nth ptm roe emer * he adrtage of ote sytem ans te cost by the approval of easily stud. ser etal ce mil fe plan and ps ata lcomtem Sime 1958, tha technge a prove be il oral oor whch heer "Noa? Explain software effort estimation techni vat setrare Saal Pee etre tos 7 ee OM formation aig ra soe coon patetomaty gt ata SEF aentsange tarpon atte eran eae reat anche Neer teeting Sevan RS waned ex Seal eo Te po pose : Bion Weg which must be xm yh poet manager the ie of ‘The eo canbe defied a ahréwerk ged. sone required a comple pj, ‘he drtion cn be ee aie ken ta comple he poet ly Inara, he drtion is ese : ac ee ee man arto hh mtn eA ron CS cate nett an remo Stren a ery a ecg er oe Porchetta nn ee a ‘Thesize ofthe project can aio be reered ens of wh Seen ea oteatareenectenti nce vmrenp onan re net ascent mer sreay ted oe {Beyer and team, ition 1th, the ime he ecg esteem van tel pnt Boreas Stnpharaened cence ed ee ead ha poets ineyndet varie wile the fl ane ae eae reenact oft sie ane deren wo we Sic Lis oC SLC) nin it. Te orm eee doped res my amon whch aay en ik See of ie dandanages of SLOC memes a Improper definition of SLOC an een on PENNE Ambit in estimating tes of PE 1 Remco coding ao Fini considering the complet of chases JT MANAGEMENT LJNTU KAR | ps 08 imate oF What re sofware aor entimaton techniques? Explain —" yiware devel 1. Algerie Model steer alg with otc sted inate cated efor diver 2 Expert dudgement An etlesive to eimaton rue sagen fo well quid a expres sal member According a Pais, heeft windup th ane sa wrk 0 acomplish he rojec Estimation of the ft canbe rity comping cient project with ome aad completed poem similar chest er the esate tpl aise’ which computd by cmering various ts astoited With he pet soca nt fs cet at De eed ow peo act were and wi ona. © Topsoma Approach 7. atomep Approach ie aly he eof op down pprah wie nas oe erin add which rete cam (G21. Waite about (8) Bottomap eatimating (@) Top-down estinating. or Discuss In data he Bottom up satiation approch (fr Only Tp: tomy Exim) conc nina eth en nel mo aa he van ein This mesa ordi stge of proj planing 3 tune eater vags ac mg {Look for the SIA GROUP LOG0 Qf on the TTLECOVER bara you bay tench le, pia, oy ie et sci actor cha cy lei od eh asvociated with sieeg ical iia ein the cbnined eximates Theda sy completes fee Pe cane ceed compute vel el caren ec new apOWE, he cen nti he to an pase ese of proj ate co, Tiefiotcan be eerie fom si wing te ving ge eon EFFORT =4+(S125)5 ne any coding efor, ead fo the pie functionalities canbe conn gr Bes, tied ts impemen cnr prover, Fr te etition, ft fej sie The sep followed owe his approsch are Where, and bare constants, SIZE = Project size in KLOC (Le, hotand of etinered line fae Ins parametic for, he shove formula can sed a, [EFFORT = SIZE » Productive Thisforml caries two important aspect sit the system wh eect o work and paguctvty at eae a [chs pricalar tak carried out For example aol eying SKLOC canbe completed 338 cays by profesional fava sme project can ake 3» 80 day bya beganee Tsar frm can be wed derive he producti ral Podoctviy rte ~ EEROBT in about Albercht function point anay oR Mecuss about abrecht function pont nays with example, en art ot Oxon te eh oR Explain about Albrecht function point ana Lo re sy that wes various Function Points (FPs) Inorer to mexsure the functional ist ‘un Aber defined a top-do¥” 0°80 age The coceyt behing fenton point ana mays fe tempus cost pn POP kn Toop be lem Jpn need tex 8 nn te sw which up th les tat ae sore ie he stem ‘Aathe name suggests itis the input transact ated yup format 9h 35 printed papers. provides the data (or) information| in ou | at Eey DPE gee nnn ae ln no munch tena se teeerurtnany nem secant se a scl neal fl can be reed databene es wich ee Asotin of ne he Ba stored erally i en fel ented om mul esd Jeo MANAGEMENT [JNTUAKig | WARE PROS! au soFn ii amie HOR soc and re a SET OPE se le pe ae staning 9 80 ta es cmp ried wah ent MS The gu of FF BCS FTE Deving te compli fr tee components wa us sk unl FPUG's nterational FP Use Gop ee ee deaanee. so ier compet ssttoneae. tbe manera sc compleiy hcg Irma care ange fom 20980 and be exceeds 5O then compe 18 inte outer ofreced yes are eae than ten the complesiy sett average. If umber freer ani (G22. Discuss about function point analysis Mark Alben was moacedy Oe forme callegCTA) a United Kugdoet alike faction pot naa it rr computed apping Techies! Compley Adtnent (TCA) Since the mfomaton syns apes mst Fare Teamctin Oa ee ae ee a poate {ook for ne SIA GROUP L060 Gf on he WTLE COVER votre youuy here st ER Beers vr re ps “0 “o Sasso ein ec i | gr eomain about COBME FA tion pot | al parincon The ction pnt meth gest by Aen ee ie tthe norma a | ite eras st etch vies the poten i terme of ewer ye ig However the sap per connectivity The tert ts The movement of att 0 ya | meen) ‘eet | bu groupe can be nove rom the open wise era pera an nthe mpm ce he Dvenay may omit XS Rend) | | aa pours can Te values o Seatcosmac: functional ze MENT [JNTU-KAKi prosect MANAGE! Oy SOFTWARE PROJ! ‘ae cna soit COCOME model wh state ample oR Explain In detall about COCOMO model with example. model dean gv te ac eis hc: tert an ie fir and sie are dec proportionl 0 cch ote. Tha ith te ay Fier Tine ad Sie vce tt development tine bls than the nominal ten he cox wil at be decree. I remains te sane, Took forthe SIA GROUP L000 Qj on the THLE COVER betas youtuy UUNTU-KARINADY se ea Sore eee ree eae gorrwane PROJECT MANAGEMENT Precedent Spent oe mate = ~ woes ae coer secs aie is dey = ropectona tte exp depends the ee! ups whch rogerement been cacti The expeent pe so The expen oe 0 vat wal be higher Ie depend ne vel ops = 7 te post tam uth 10k for the SUA GROUP i Logo Gp on the TLE COVER bore: you bey 3.4 ACTIVITY IDENTIFICATION APPROACHES ——————————— : nat are the three approaches to Identity the actives that make up a projec? Explain. (ot Papert ont a a te determined wing three approaches. They ae, (WBS) whieh i defined as» doce shierarhial representation of PM are ota ssi she oie “sa GROUP a aie vane sib sin eae ct MANAGEMENT INTU-KARI9 | a0 SOFTWARE PROJE SET Eipain about sctvigonode networks with exame® ‘3.5 NETWORK PLANNING MODELS Ccritcal Path MethoaiCPM) -ogram Evaluation Review Technique _ ——— {ook for the SA GROUP L050 gp on the TLE GOWER bat santo Fir CPM Wow ath Bahr Pas sorrwane PROJECT MANAGEMENT [INTU-KARINADA, Fopare PERT and GPM. and optimization 236. Draw an activity network using setviy-on-node network conventions for, (Getting marred and (W) Choosing and purchasing a desktop compute. tng Marsied Using Actiiy-an-node (0) Activity Network Dia Precdente Took for the SUA GROUP LOGO {fp on the TITLE COVER bere you buy ls meant by critical path? Explain how a eical path of « network i identified. on plan n dota! about ormulting ants modet pleases . on | oo formulate a network mode? Exp tea 4 toa or oy, 583, 040 Selec the path which has equ ET'sand L's. tape pe) ) bs) & 5 Chita path i 1p 3-94-+5 ee EEFEEEEEA FE-PE EPEtE cE SOAR Rr reer sorTWaRE PROJECT MANAGEMENT UINTUKARINADA Fin GROUP 1000 Gp on the TLE COVER beta you br oprwant PROJECT MANAGEMENT LNTU-AAEWADY pOESEETIEEEEETEETESPnnnnSendoed os cueececeeeeaee EEE {Ga What oe he entagoron of ak? Expa ae peng ive inte tare elon fotming. eto seman wl be pling 24 coir Fo a, mangers! srt 1 te eee ak ce cn corm ae ofthe 08 see re inpleentn opciones elo So hae re cel HT APP a en senna te pean developmen comes under i culgy, An ame comes under his eategry For example, conse that the work pl as en the ak of wk delays (G4 What are the two main approaches that helps In Kentiication of ik? roaches hat help ett of ks a, rs ht commonly come sou ing software development phase of projects To “autora presen Hi erughlyanlyed bythe roy of protesn Seth at poet te eresettvs thea ahold rth pups of et ing tek when he day hese fic bane on eke fren parts oth projec hale the ks collaborate yey ofthe occurence fhe ik without he speciation ofthe gsi. cepble possi of occurence bt arent compar), keine of een Pung. manag wed een. Bere reer eect ete Eee Sin GROUP 1000 Gon the TT COVER poe youtoy il Tin the steps that IS explain Row ota ach ever the proper? Sy proring he forward pass thou he eter iene even imi ine Pins is eae by aig te Bor are tbe pts 1 te as SOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGEMENT LJNTU:KAKINAD,, (G8, What are the three expected durations used by the PERT techniaue? he pros of prising (stinging then purse ‘Activity standard deviation (w) Zvalue What is ink exposure? (eer Ory Tope ik spare) (edt apr Mow a (Prob fish ocurence) ee Took for ihe SIA GROUP L0G {3 on the TITLE COVER befor you buy Explain Monte Carlo simulation. ae Pt a 8 a) Describe Monte Carto simulation e SOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGEMENT [JNTU-KAKINAD, ss sorrwane provecT MAC AKNADA G16. What are the advantages of Monte Caro simulation? 7 Mov og Took for the SUR GROUP L000 GB on the THLE COVER Foo mur about sociotec technical a Modelo i, briefly nature of iy in are the four categor a *B°TeS Ot eduction? Explain, “The risks associated Wh sins is igh FT Risks Related 10 TNS ‘The risks associated wih ene in complex w49 ‘COVER before you orgy Describe sofware project Delayed modification ote rH 5. | Personnel Deficit Complex echnical deyelopment 19, diy Gold plating sefcitin eternally provided ‘This approach cal introductory pl collaboratively earararoneooo |AGEMENT LJNTU-KAKINAD, ‘SOFTWARE PROJECT MAN. 4,3 AssesemenT concept of risk assensment on or or In deta about ak anya Toc Rt cates an we Foe Risks based on Lo. oa Pier Beet it inte Ce al (G22 expan te vaio Hate eles nated i ik panning on ‘Explain in deta about rsh a Sia GROUP L000 Gj on the NTLECOVER ie mobo Look f cho cy Sa ihn aR tee he Seeger a Sten ‘Te fru for Risk Redcton Leverage (RL) RRL = (Risk Exposure. — Rik Exponu) (i rion cot) isk Exposure, = The ik npn shied sing he emul RE = (0 Tei eee eee ik Exposure, = The isk exports seed after elon Cmdr «software application wich might eure 4900 fr rend i en is case he ik expna wil 3 Fae =1a0.000 « 100~€ 4000 efor sping tek reticion son 00 which ste api 1 dre “nah ik exponie| a RE {pe strane imve srs cin isk exposure will be, HE ~ 600 = 5/100= © 30 5 | meoenm itt mn ne, RE a) Comers = ao - 09/600 6616 Th rea is cost fective HAP pROJECT MANAGEMENT [JNTU-Ka) scum Tn ptr na sn oie atop The wane he che tpi an peed mens Rc he tz telow depicts th conten an fama fhe he Poser [pe | — [a Frat acinar Protein[ Tape npr a ae [Ins [Raw CORTE a [AS ret rechINGTE tag What is PERT? Discuss about the PERT calculations which depend upon three time. Kanwer : sat Pa PERT sans fr Poet Evan Review Teciqu. Thi tectnque wat developed eth US nay nes Pons mise rogaine plang an scheduling, Tei dated wear) Ure ann ire contains sre ‘ato The ofthe research eam was eficely ln and ade the pars meer Sine 1988, thse ‘as proven oe wel for als which havea heme of nena ae aero esimaon of ration mec id new yp of projec. This technique nie CPM ake ns the weeny peje rations primi tne esi 4) sth urn of ny ev, when eveything goon very wel dng the oes laborers ae aaibe and ome o ine, machines we warking Oper, eagh moneys svale wines ee Therefor macy he ie taken compl the projec will be very et he oes posible time Pessimistic tne eimai the rion of ay atv, when evening goes pant cur wil ands bt ities ae laced while dings cet ‘Anarene ae a copie pe ib mae. ough namie eds ene Look for the SUA GROUP LOGO GB on the TILE COVER boom youbuy

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