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DOI: 10.1111/risa.



Bayesian network-based risk assessment of synthetic biology:

Simulating CRISPR-Cas9 gene drive dynamics in invasive rodent

Ethan A. Brown Steven R. Eikenbary Wayne G. Landis

Institute of Environmental Toxicology and Abstract

Chemistry, College of the Environment, Western
Washington University, Bellingham, Washington,
Gene drive technology has been proposed to control invasive rodent populations as
USA an alternative to rodenticides. However, this approach has not undergone risk assess-
ment that meets criteria established by Gene Drives on the Horizon, a 2016 report by
Correspondence the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. To conduct a risk
Ethan A. Brown, Biological Sciences Department,
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, USA.
assessment of gene drives, we employed the Bayesian network–relative risk model to
Email: calculate the risk of mouse eradication on Southeast Farallon Island using a CRISPR-
Cas9 homing gene drive construct. We modified and implemented the R-based model
“MGDrivE” to simulate and compare 60 management strategies for gene drive rodent
management. These scenarios spanned four gene drive mouse release schemes, three
gene drive homing rates, three levels of supplemental rodenticide dose, and two timings
of rodenticide application relative to gene drive release. Simulation results showed that
applying a supplemental rodenticide simultaneously with gene drive mouse deploy-
ment resulted in faster eradication of the island mouse population. Gene drive homing
rate had the highest influence on the overall probability of successful eradication, as
increased gene drive accuracy reduces the likelihood of mice developing resistance to
the CRISPR-Cas9 homing mechanism.

Bayesian network, gene drive, integrated pest management, risk assessment, synthetic biology

1 INTRODUCTION manner, resulting in probabilistic estimates of gene drive

Proposed environmental applications of synthetic biology
bring with them a host of novel management and regula-
tory considerations. Chapter 6 of Gene Drives on the Horizon 1.1 Introduction to synthetic biology
(National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, & Medicine
[NASEM], 2016) and Landis et al. (2020) describe frame- The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and
works for risk assessment of synthetic biology using the Medicine (NASEM) define synthetic biology as the genera-
Bayesian network–relative risk model (BN-RRM), with gene tion of novel traits or organisms via the implementation of
drives as an example of a synthetic biology-derived stres- chemically synthesized or computationally designed DNA
sor. Using the BN-RRM framework, we constructed a prob- that does not occur in nature. One branch of synthetic biology
abilistic risk assessment model for the theoretical intro- is genome editing, defined as the introduction of new alleles
duction of gene drive modified (GDM) house mice (Mus or genes into an organism (NASEM, 2016). Clustered reg-
musculus) to suppress the invasive mouse population on ularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) Cas
Southeast Farallon Island (SEFI) and protect endangered, (CRISPR-Associated) systems are a common tool in genome
indigenous seabirds such as the ashy storm petrel (Ocean- editing. CRISPR-Cas9 systems can modify specific DNA
odroma homochroa). This work demonstrates that gene sequences using a complementary guide-RNA (gRNA) com-
drive risk assessment can be conducted in a quantitative plexed with a DNA-targeting endonuclease (Cas9) that cre-

Risk Analysis. 2022;42:2835–2846. © 2022 Society for Risk Analysis. 2835

ates a double-strand break at a target DNA sequence in an ations to community dynamics. Roberts et al. (2017) has
organism’s genome. We use the term “homing rate” to mean postulated that hybridization of GDM organisms with sim-
the probability of the CRISPR-Cas9 complex successfully ilar species in a region could spread gene drives to nontar-
locating the target DNA sequence and then “cutting rate” to get species, leading to unintended population suppression or
mean the probability of the Cas9 endonuclease successfully replacement.
causing a double-strand break. The development of organismal resistance to the hom-
After the CRISPR-Cas9 complex successfully locates and ing properties of gene drives has also been investigated.
cuts the target DNA sequence, the site of the double-strand Resistance occurs when frameshift mutations alter the DNA
break is then repaired by either homology-directed repair sequence being targeted by the CRISPR-Cas9 complex, ren-
(HDR), where the cut DNA sequence is successfully replaced dering the sequence unrecognizable and preventing hom-
by the desired DNA sequence (payload gene), or by nonho- ing and cutting of the target gene. These mutations can
mologous end joining (NHEJ), where small frameshift muta- occur when the Cas9 double-strand break is repaired by
tions occur, leading to incorrect insertion of the payload gene NHEJ instead of HDR, or when HDR incorrectly or incom-
(Knott & Doudna, 2018). The level of gene editing precision pletely inserts the payload gene (Marshall et al., 2017). In
offered by CRISPR-Cas systems has the potential to alter the this study, we will reference two types of resistance gener-
germ lines of populations. Genome editing for the purpose of ation: in-frame and out-of-frame resistance. In-frame resis-
altering populations is the conceptual foundation behind gene tance refers to a mutation that results in zero fitness reduc-
drive technology (NASEM, 2016). tion to organisms, essentially creating a new genotype that
is unrecognizable by the CRISPR homing mechanism and
also carries no fitness cost. Out-of-frame resistance refers to
1.2 Gene drives and their environmental mutations that disrupt gene functioning and result in nonvi-
applications able organisms. Development of in-frame resistance has the
potential to render gene drives obsolete in targeted popu-
Gene drives are naturally occurring or engineered genetic lations by creating a germline that is completely indepen-
constructs that transfer to offspring at proportions greater dent of the CRISPR-Cas9-enhanced inheritance mechanism
than the Mendelian expectation (i.e., above 50%) (NASEM, (Sánchez et al., 2020). Development of in-frame and out-of-
2016). CRISPR-Cas9-based gene drives have been synthe- frame resistance has been demonstrated in laboratory test-
sized (Hammond et al., 2016) to “drive” engineered genes ing of a CRISPR-Cas9 gene drives targeting Drosophila
through target populations. First, the CRISPR-Cas9 con- melanogaster (Champer et al., 2017; Kandul et al., 2020) and
struct “cuts” the wild-type allele. Then, the wild-type gene is Aedes aegypti (Li et al., 2020).
replaced by a new (payload) gene via HDR. Finally, the pay- To overcome potential gene drive resistance, studies have
load gene is inserted and replicated throughout the genome, proposed using a multiplexing approach to create gene drive
making the organism homozygous for the payload allele constructs that target multiple DNA sequences in a gene using
(Webber et al., 2015). multiple gRNA sequences. This approach is expected to min-
Intended applications of gene drives fall into two broad cat- imize the probability of resistance development by increasing
egories: population replacement and population suppression. the number of mutations required to negate the homing capa-
The goal of population replacement is to substitute a target bilities of CRISPR-Cas9 gene drives (Marshall et al., 2017;
wild-type gene with the desired payload gene, avoiding a sub- Noble et al., 2017, 2019). Champer et al. (2020) tested a mul-
stantial fitness reduction that could result in a decline of the tiplexed CRISPR-Cas9 gene drive that successfully spread to
target population. The goal of population suppression is to fixation through a laboratory population of D. melanogaster.
reduce or eliminate the target population by substituting the The drive utilized two gRNAs, each targeting a haplolethal
target wild-type gene with a gene that reduces organismal gene. Haplolethal genes are essential to organism function-
fitness (Marshall & Akbari, 2016). Gene drives have been ality, meaning mutations are less likely to cause in-frame
proposed for controlling vector-borne diseases, suppressing resistance. While many multiplexed gene drive constructs
invasive species, and inducing pesticide tolerance or pesticide have been proposed, few have undergone laboratory testing
sensitivity in agriculture (NASEM, 2016). (Champer et al., 2020; Kandul et al., 2020; Li et al., 2020;
Wolabu et al., 2020), and fewer have demonstrated an abil-
ity to negate the development of resistance (Champer et al.,
1.3 Controversies and uncertainties 2020). As of October 2021, no laboratory CRISPR-Cas9 gene
surrounding gene drive use drive studies have been conducted using M. musculus.

Gene drives have come under scrutiny, with researchers not-

ing their potential for adverse environmental impacts and 1.4 Why risk assessment?
questioning their ability to successfully suppress or spread
desired traits through populations. Webber et al. (2015) sug- Risk assessment is a causal and empirical process that
gests the possibility of GDM organism dispersal into nontar- is well-suited for calculating probabilistic estimates of
get populations, leading to unintended extinctions and alter- synthetic biology-related impacts to ecological systems

(Landis, Brown et al., 2020; NASEM, 2016). Risk assess- for the risk assessment scenario, incorporating the state-of-
ment is defined as the calculation of risk for one or more end- the-knowledge on causal interactions; (2) calculating risk
points due to the effects of one or more stressors, where risk to management-defined endpoints, incorporating site-specific
is defined as the entire probability distribution of potential variables and the concerns of relevant managers, stakehold-
impacts to a management-defined endpoint (NASEM, 2016). ers, and publics; (3) elucidating sources of uncertainty and
Gene Drives on the Horizon (NASEM, 2016) recommends weighing the relative influence of parameters on risk; and
the use of the BN-RRM to conduct risk assessment of syn- (4) allowing for comparison between multiple management
thetic biology. The BN-RRM utilizes a conceptual modeling strategies with the ability to weigh costs and benefits in the
approach to relate site-specific variables and potential man- context of multiple endpoints.
agement strategies into a causal framework relating sources We used SEFI as a case study for gene drive risk assess-
of ecological stressors to endpoints of concern to managers or ment, demonstrating the ability of the BN-RRM and simi-
regulators. Bayesian networks (BNs) are then used to calcu- lar approaches to meet NASEM criteria. SEFI is populated
late estimates of risk by relating variables through conditional by thousands of invasive M. musculus which pose a hazard
probability (Landis, Brown, et al., 2020; Landis et al., 2017; to seabirds of conservation concern. Specifically, the high
Landis, Chu, et al., 2020; Landis, 2021). The BN-RRM is a density of M. musculus on SEFI attracts the migratory bur-
useful framework for combining advanced ecological model- rowing owl (Athene cunicularia). Once the owls deplete the
ing techniques into an intuitive tool for adaptive management mouse population, they begin to feed on ashy storm petrels
(Landis et al., 2017). (O. homochroa), an endangered seabird of which half the
global nesting population resides on the Farallones (Inter-
national Union for Conservation of Nature [IUCN], 2018;
1.5 Introduction to Bayesian networks United States Fish & Wildlife Service [USFWS], 2019a). We
modified and used the R-based model “MGDrivE” (Sánchez,
BNs are acyclic, probabilistic models that relate a network Wu et al., 2020; Sánchez, Bennett et al., 2020) to compare
of variables through conditional probability. Relationships mouse eradication risk between 60 simulated management
between nodes are separated into two primary classifications: scenarios, varying gene drive homing rate, as well as, the tim-
parent nodes and child nodes (Marcot et al., 2006). Arrows in ing and dosage of supplemental rodenticide use. The specific
a BN represent causal linkages between variables, with parent gene drive modeled in simulations was the Sox9 CRISPR-
nodes influencing child nodes (Landis, Brown, et al., 2020; Cas9 gene drive, which is intended to spread female (XX)
Landis, Chu, et al., 2020). Child nodes are derived by condi- sterility through mouse populations through the release of
tional probability tables (CPTs) that calculate the probabilis- modified males (XY). XX mice who inherit the Sox9 gene are
tic relationship between a child node and its parent nodes. hypothesized to be completely sterile, in addition to develop-
Nodes within a BN contain multiple variable states and CPTs ing male morphology (Prowse et al., 2017). We selected the
contain the probabilities of each child node’s variable states Sox9 construct for our simulations because it has been a major
given all possible combinations of parent node states. Nodes topic of discussion as an emerging tool for mouse popula-
can be both children and parents depending on their location tion suppression (Campbell et al., 2019; Prowse et al., 2017).
within the network structure (Marcot et al., 2006; McDonald Additionally, there is empirical evidence that Sox9 expression
et al., 2015). in XX mice leads to development of male morphology (Vidal
Sensitivity analyses can be run in a BN to calculate the et al., 2001), making the Sox9 CRISPR-Cas9 gene drive a
mutual information between parent and child nodes. Mutual viable candidate for future laboratory studies.
information is the degree of shared information between pairs
of parent and child nodes and is used in BNs to calculate the
relative entropy reduction of parent nodes on a child node, 2 METHODS
estimating the degree of influence each parent variable exerts
on a child variable (Hosack et al., 2008; Marcot, 2012). Sen- First, we created a conceptual model outlining sources-to-
sitivity analysis is a powerful tool for identifying knowledge endpoint causal pathways for mouse eradication on SEFI
gaps in a BN-RRM risk assessment, in addition to quantify- (Figure 1). Next, we created a BN (Figure 2) with nodes for
ing the amount of variance explained by each set of nodes. gene drive homing rate, gene drive mouse release scheme,
rodenticide dose, and rodenticide timing. Then, we used the
modified version of MGDrivE to calculate the probabili-
1.6 Case study: Southeast Farallon island ties of mouse eradication for 60 unique management sce-
narios, parameterizing the BN with the simulation outputs.
The goal of this work was to demonstrate the use of the Finally, we conducted sensitivity analysis on the parame-
BN-RRM in a risk assessment of synthetic biology that con- terized BN to estimate the relative influence of gene drive
forms to the criteria established by Gene Drives on the Hori- homing rate, rodenticide dose, and timing of the roden-
zon (NASEM, 2016). These criteria include (1) quantitatively ticide application on the probability of successful mouse
tracing causal pathways outlined in the conceptual model eradication.

F I G U R E 1 Conceptual model for the SEFI invasive M. musculus case study, constructed using the framework of the Relative Risk Model, with sources
releasing stressors that persist in habitats, causing effects, and eventually impacts to management endpoints. The two sources in this case study are the
deployment of Sox9 gene drive mice and brodifacoum rodenticide baits. The stressors are exposure to brodifacoum and gene drive variables such as homing
rate and the probability of in-frame resistance generation. Effects from these stressors are altered heredity due to the CRISPR gene drive, interactions of
stressors with different life-stages of mice, toxicity-induced mortality from brodifacoum, changes to overall abundance of mice, influence of patch dynamics
on eradication, effects of the gene drive on mouse mating patterns, and temporal trends in population dynamics. The endpoint is the probability of mouse
eradication on SEFI, where the two possible outcomes are successful or unsuccessful eradication. Other sources and stressors not evaluated in our models are
listed as assumptions under the sources-to-stressors diagram. We list impacts to burrowing owl and ashy storm petrel populations as potential endpoints of
management concern, however, we did not quantify risk to these populations in our simulations because of our focus on parameterizing the gene drive
pathway. Examples of how to quantify risk of impacts to non-target species due to species interactions and toxicity can be found in Landis et al. (2017) and
Landis, Chu et al. (2020)

2.1 Management scenarios and two timings of brodifacoum deployment, for a total of 60
scenarios, each simulated for 1000 Monte Carlo repetitions.
Integrated pest management (IPM) is a strategy employed See Table S2 for a complete list of simulated scenarios.
in pest eradications that focuses on minimizing the use of
chemical pesticides to prevent effects to nontarget species. 2.2 Analysis tools
The purpose of IPM is to alter the risk of nontarget impacts
by decreasing the amount of pesticide used, or by employ- To calculate the influence of GDM M. musculus and sup-
ing alternate methods to reduce the probability of nontarget plemental brodifacoum use on the risk of SEFI mouse erad-
species toxicity from pesticides. The United States Fish and ication, we implemented three numerical models. First, we
Wildlife Service (USFWS) released an Environmental Impact applied exposure-response analysis using the “drc” package
Statement (EIS) (USFWS, 2019a) recommending the use of in R (Ritz & Streibig, 2020) to model the probability of M.
the rodenticide brodifacoum to eradicate mice on SEFI. Brod- musculus mortality given a specified dosage of brodifacoum.
ifacoum is an anticoagulant that functions through vitamin K Next, we constructed a BN using Netica™ (Norsys Software,
antagonism. The EIS also recommended a number of IPM Corp.). Finally, we modified and used MGDrivE (Sánchez,
strategies for minimizing seabird exposure to brodifacoum. Bennett et al., 2020) to simulate GDM mouse population
Methods included using hazing tactics to frighten western dynamics and population genetics for each management sce-
gulls (Larus occidentalis) away from SEFI during the roden- nario listed in Table S2.
ticide deployment period and timing rodenticide deployment
to coincide with the annual low point of the mouse population
(USFWS, 2019a). 2.2.1 Brodifacoum exposure-response
Gene drives have been proposed as a method of IPM that modeling using R-‘drc’
would serve as a biological control agent for eradicating pest
populations, potentially reducing or eliminating the need for Using the “drc” package in R (Ritz & Streibig, 2020) we
pesticide use (NASEM, 2016; Webber et al., 2015). We sim- generated a dose–response equation relating dosage of brod-
ulated gene drive scenarios across four GDM mouse release ifacoum with M. musculus mortality. To generate the dose–
schemes (Table S1), three levels of gene drive homing rate, response curve (Figure S1) and equation (Equation 1), we fit-
three doses of brodifacoum (including zero brodifacoum), ted a two-parameter log-logistic binomial regression model
using toxicity data from Wheeler et al. (2019). We calcu-

F I G U R E 2 BN for evaluating the mouse eradication endpoint for SEFI. Nodes for time, pesticide dose, pesticide timing, homing rate, and GDM mouse
release scheme feed into a node describing mouse abundance. Node states for mouse abundance include “Zero” (zero mice), “Sparse” (1–1000 mice), “Low”
(1001–10,000 mice), “Med” (10,001–25,000 mice), and “High” (25,001–50,000) mice. BN is currently showing MGDrivE simulation results for
Management Scenarios 1 and 9 (Table SII) at year 7 following the initial deployment of GDM mice. Scenario 1 assumes a low homing rate and no
supplemental rodenticide, leading to a low (3.7%) probability of eradication after 7 years. Scenario 9 assumes a high homing rate and a large dose of
supplemental rodenticide, resulting in a high (90.5%) probability of eradication after 7 years. The gray nodes represent the burrowing owl and ashy storm
petrel endpoints, which were not evaluated in MGDrivE simulations, as our focus was on quantifying the efficacy of the Sox9 gene drive using the BN-RRM

lated 95% prediction intervals and 95% confidence intervals 2.2.2 Bayesian network model structure
to show the degree of confidence in point estimates along the
curve. Daily mortality probability was extrapolated from the We created the BN for SEFI mouse eradication using Net-
7-day mortality curve using Equation 2. ica™. BNs constructed in Netica can be viewed by down-
loading the free version of Netica from http://www.norsys.
1 com/netica.html.
P(7day Mortality|Dose) =
1 + exp (−3.30 (log (dose) − log 1.76)) The BN (Figure 2) contains nodes for gene drive, pesti-
cide, and time variables. The node for brodifacoum dose (pes-
ticide dose) assumes a constant level of pesticide exposure
P(7day Mortality|Dose) (in mg/kg) over an 8-week simulated exposure period. The
P (Daily Mortality) = (2) selected brodifacoum doses were 0, 1.26, and 2.02 mg/kg,

which correspond to 7-day LD0 , LD25 , and LD60 values, In the original version of MGDrivE by Sánchez
respectively. Next, the node for brodifacoum deployment tim- et al. (Sánchez, Bennett et al., 2020) (hereafter termed
ing (pesticide timing) indicates whether brodifacoum was “MosquitoGD”), all female mosquitoes are assumed to find
deployed simultaneously with the first GDM mouse release a mate and oviposit eggs once each day, assuming pan-
(Start) or after the final GDM mouse release (End). The mixia unless genotype-specific mating preferences are spec-
correct homing rate node contains states for 95% homing ified by the user. In the altered version of MGDrivE (here-
rate, which corresponds to observed resistance generation after termed “MouseGD”), not all female mice mate and con-
observed in laboratory testing of CRISPR-Cas9 gene drives ceive offspring every day. Instead, each female has a proba-
(Hammond et al., 2016); 99% homing rate, and 99.9% hom- bility of mating and conceiving new offspring calculated by
ing rate. Note that 99% and 99.9% homing rates have been Equation 3:
hypothesized for multiplexed gene drives (Marshall et al.,
2017). The GD Release Scheme node delineates four unique L
P (C) = (3)
release patterns of GDM mice (Table S1). 365 days

where G is the number of newly gestating mice resulting from

2.3 MGDrivE simulations a day of mating and Q is the average number of mouse pups
per litter. In parallel with the work of Prowse et al. (2017), we
MGDrivE combines population genetics, age-class popu- assumed an average of six mouse pups per litter. The aver-
lation dynamics, patch dynamics, and flexible gene drive age number of pups (Q) was used as the rate parameter for a
parameters into an R-based model. Additionally, MGDrivE Poisson distribution, calculating G from the summation of F
provides options for altering biological parameters of draws from the distribution.
mosquitoes to accommodate a range of species and allows In MosquitoGD age-class population dynamics, four
for the adjustment of the number of ecological patches and mosquito life stages were assumed: egg, pupa, larvae, and
the probabilities of migration between patches. MGDrivE can adult, where density-independent mortality occurred at all
be run as a deterministic or stochastic model, with the abil- four life stages and density-dependent mortality occurred at
ity to specify how many Monte Carlo repetitions to perform the larval stage (Sánchez, Wu et al., 2020). In MouseGD, we
(Sánchez, Wu et al., 2020). We ran MGDrivE as a probabilis- also assumed four life stages: gestating, nursing, adolescent,
tic model, running 1000 Monte Carlo repetitions for each sce- and adult, where density-dependent mortality is applied at the
nario. These 1000 stochastic repetitions were used to calcu- adult life stage using Equation 6:
late the CPTs for mouse abundance and mouse eradication
nodes in the BN, providing probabilistic estimates of the effi- ( )1
K ∗ 1∕2 𝜃
cacy of each management scenario across time. D= (6)
K + Ad
We made several modifications to the MGDrivE source
code to accommodate M. musculus life cycle and population
dynamics, Sox9 gene drive functionality, toxicological effects where L is the assumed average annual number of litters for
from a pesticide, and transformation of MGDrivE output into female M. musculus and P(C) is the daily probability of a
CPTs for the BN. female mouse becoming pregnant. We assumed an annual
average of 7.5 litters in all MouseGD simulations. The num-
ber of female mice who mate and become pregnant during a
2.3.1 Modifications to MGDrive single day of MouseGD population dynamics is calculated by
(MosquitoGD to MouseGD) Equation 4:
( )
To alter the functionality of MGDrivE for compatibility F = Binomial Adf , P (C) (4)
with modeling population dynamics of M. musculus, we
made changes to functions affecting mating behavior, den- where Adf is the total female mouse abundance and F is the
sity dependent mortality, and recruitment of early life stage number of newly pregnant female mice resulting from one
mice. We also added functions for modeling the dynamics day of mating. MouseGD still assumes panmixia, unless oth-
of the Sox9 CRISPR-Cas9 gene drive, including rodenticide- erwise specified, assigning each mating female to a mate
induced mortality in simulations, and extracting the numer- among the adult male population.
ical output of simulations into CPTs for BN parameteri- Then, Equation 5 calculates the number of newly gestating
zation. We modified the source code of MGDrivE version mouse offspring resulting from one day of mating:
1.5.0 (Sánchez, Bennett et al., 2020). This altered version of
MGDrivE can be found at ∑

MGDrivE. Table S5 contains descriptions of all parameters G= Poisson(𝜆 = Q)i (5)

used in the following equations which we modified from the
original MGDrivE package.

where D is the daily probability of surviving the density- from the small patch to the large patch and a 5% daily migra-
dependent process; K is the maximum population estimate tion rate from the large patch to the small patch. We estimated
for the adult mice; Ad is the current adult mouse popula- patch sizes based on a topographic elevation map of SEFI
tion; and Θ represents a shape parameter used to limit the from the EIS appendices (USFWS, 2019b). The four release
mouse population to its maximum population estimate (K). schemes for GDM mouse introduction (GD1, GD2, GD3,
We used a Θ of 22.4 and a K of 50,000 for our simulations. GD4) were parameterized as described by Table S1. Addi-
We assumed life stage times of 19 days for gestation, 23 days tionally, we specified gene drive-specific parameters for the
for nursing, 37 days for adolescence, and 690 days for adult- Sox9 construct, defining the inheritance patterns for the pay-
hood. We based M. musculus life cycle parameters on esti- load allele, wild-type allele, and resistance alleles. Descrip-
mates from Brust et al. (2015). At the time of publishing this tions of alleles and gene drive parameters can be found in
work, no density-dependent or density-independent mortality Tables 1 and 2, respectively.
is applied to the gestating, nursing, or adolescent M. musculus
life stages in MouseGD. However, abundances of each ado-
lescent life stage are calculated as part of daily mouse popu- 3 RESULTS
lation dynamics, therefore, such mortality processes could be
added to the model with relative ease. After simulating all management scenarios in MouseGD, we
In MosquitoGD, properties of gene drives are stored as 3- compared changes is mouse abundance and eradication risk
dimensional arrays termed “Inheritance Cubes” which con- in relation to gene drive homing rate, brodifacoum dose,
tain the expected offspring frequencies for each genotype for brodifacoum timing, and GD mouse release scheme. Then,
every possible mating pair, as well as, parameters to spec- we assessed the relative influence of each variable on eradi-
ify mechanisms such as the viability of specific mating pairs, cation risk using the results of our sensitivity analyses.
genotype-specific fitness reduction, and genotype-specific The minimum time-to-eradication for the Sox9 gene drive
sex emergence (Sánchez, Bennett et al., 2020; Sánchez, Wu was 5 years, with most eradications occurring between 7 and
et al., 2020). In MouseGD, we added a novel inheritance 10 years after the initial deployment of GDM mice. We evalu-
cube function for the Sox9 CRISPR-Cas9 gene drive (Figure ated what variables drive the time-to-eradication and the over
S2). We also included brodifacoum-induced mortality in the all probability of eradication within a 10-year window using
daily population dynamics of MouseGD simulations, apply- our model results and BN sensitivity analysis. Simulation
ing a daily probability of mortality to each adult mouse results showed that the performance of the Sox9 gene drive
using random draws from a binomial distribution following in eradicating the SEFI mouse population is highly depen-
Equation 7: dent on drive homing rate, suggesting that careful empirical
research into determining CRISPR gene drive homing and
Adt = Binomial (Adt−1 , 1 − P (Daily Mortality)) (7) resistance rates is essential to predicting the rate of successful
population suppression. The complete CPT for mouse abun-
where the probability of daily toxicity-induced mortality was dance is available in the Supporting Information (Table S3).
calculated from the brodifacoum dose–response functions
(Equations 1 and 2). We applied brodifacoum mortality for
56 consecutive days in simulations, varying the timing and
3.1 Risk to mouse eradication endpoint
dose of brodifacoum application between management sce-
We also examined how mouse eradication risk varied with
narios (Table S2).
time, homing rate, and brodifacoum application across
Changes to the source code of MGDrivE version 1.5.0
all release schemes. The probability of mouse eradication
(Sánchez, Bennett et al., 2020) were implemented using
increased with homing rate across all release scenarios. No
RTools version (Ripley et al., 2020), RStudio version
simulations showed mouse eradication within 5 years for
1.2.5024 (RStudio Team, 2020), and R version 3.6.3 (R Core
95% homing rate, however 6-year eradication was shown
Team, 2020).
when supplemental rodenticide was used in conjunction with
a 95% homing rate gene drive. Regardless of homing rate
or pesticide use, all simulated scenarios showed an eradica-
2.3.2 Initial conditions used for MGDrive tion probability of greater than 3.7% within 7 years of GDM
simulations mouse release.
Mouse eradication probability also increased with pesti-
For each of the four gene drive release scenarios simulated for cide dose. Only scenarios with an assumed pesticide dose of
this risk assessment, we assumed that the SEFI mouse pop- 2.02 mg/kg showed any probability of eradication within 5
ulation had a maximum population of 50,000 mice, an esti- years of GDM mouse release. In all scenarios, deploying pes-
mate based on spatial M. musculus density data from the SEFI ticide at the start of GDM mouse deployment resulted in a
EIS (USFWS, 2019a). We also assumed that the SEFI mouse higher probability of eradication. For most scenarios across
population was divided into two patches containing 80% and most years, deploying pesticide at the end of GDM mouse
20% of the total population, with a 20% daily migration rate releases resulted in a lower eradication probability than if no

TA B L E 1 Descriptions of each allele present in the simulated SEFI population, including the degree of fertility reduction resulting in organisms that are
homozygous or heterozygous for each allele. Fertility reduction from Sox9 gene drive (H) alleles is sex-specific

Homozygous % fertility Heterozygous % fertility

Allele Description reduction reduction

W Wild-type allele for M. musculus population on Southeast 0 0

Farallon Island (SEFI). This is the gene that can be deleted
and replaced by the Sox9 CRISPR-Cas9 homing gene drive.
H Gene drive allele resulting from successful homology-directed 0 (Males) 0 (Males) 100
repair (HDR) by the Sox9 CRISPR-Cas9 construct. This 100 (Females) (Females)
allele causes female (XX) mice to develop male
morphology, causing them to be sterile and to compete
against males (XY) for wild-type XX mates.
B Out-of-frame resistance allele. These alleles occur as a result of 100 90
frameshift mutations caused by non-homologous end joining
(NHEJ) or other random mutations to the target DNA
sequence, rendering the DNA sequence unrecognizable by
the homing gene drive.
R In-frame resistance allele. These alleles occur as a result of 0 0
frameshift mutations caused by NHEJ or other random
mutations to the target DNA sequence, rendering the DNA
sequence unrecognizable by the homing gene drive.

TA B L E 2 Descriptions of gene drive-specific parameters used in MGDrivE simulations. For the full mathematical context of these parameters, see the
MGDrivE equation at

Values used in
Parameter Description simulations

Cutting rate (C) The probability of successful double-strand breakage (cutting) by the Cas-9 protein of 99.9%
the Sox9 CRISPR-Cas9 homing drive. If cutting is unsuccessful, the organism retains
its wild-type (W) allele.
Correct homing rate (CH) The probability of successful homology-directed repair (HDR) given successful cutting 95%, 99%, 99.9%
of the wild-type allele. Results in organisms that are homozygous for gene drive (H)
alleles. If homing is unsuccessful, non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) occurs,
leading to resistance.
Resistance generation rate (CR) The probability that NHEJ results in an in-frame-resistant (R) allele. (1-CR) is the ̄
probability of out-of-frame resistant (B) alleles.

rodenticide had been used. These findings suggest that if a dose had a higher influence on eradication. This suggests that
supplemental rodenticide is deployed with a gene drive, it is the level of pesticide used is an important determining fac-
best to deploy the rodenticide as early as possible in the eradi- tor in estimating the speed of a successful eradication, while
cation process, while wild mice still greatly outnumber GDM gene drive homing rate drives the overall probability of a suc-
mice. cessful eradication.

3.2 Sensitivity analysis

In our sensitivity analyses (Table S3; Figure 3), we focused
on comparing the relative influence of gene drive hom- This BN-RRM risk assessment framework for gene drives
ing rate, brodifacoum dose, and brodifacoum timing on the demonstrates that outcomes and uncertainties pertaining to
probability of mouse eradication, comparing each variable’s environmental applications of gene drives can be probabilis-
entropy reduction across release scheme and simulation year. tically evaluated with clearly-documented modeling assump-
Overall, homing rate had a higher entropy reduction than the tions. We now relate this work with NASEM criteria for risk
addition of rodenticide meaning that, in the simulations we assessment of gene drives, elaborating on how this model fits
ran, the resistance generation rate had more influence on the into the broader context of synthetic biology and ecologi-
risk of mouse eradication than the influence of toxicity. How- cal risk assessment, drawing conclusions, and outlining next
ever, in years 5 and 6 after GDM mouse release, rodenticide steps.

F I G U R E 3 Results of sensitivity analyses for GD1-4 at years 5 and 10 post-GDM mouse deployment. Percent entropy reduction represents the
influence of each variable on the risk of mouse eradication. We compared the influence of supplementary rodenticide, rodenticide timing, and gene drive
homing rate. Homing rate had higher entropy reduction in later years of simulations, while pesticide dose had higher influence in years 5 and 6. We used
Netica for all calculations

4.1 Alignment with NASEM criteria 3. The model should be able to incorporate the concerns
of relevant management, stakeholders, and publics.
Chapter 6 of Gene Drives on the Horizon (NASEM, 2016)
outlines some key properties that should be present in an eco- The endpoint node in this BN reflects specific manage-
logical risk assessment of gene drive technology: ment concerns the invasive mouse problem on SEFI, show-
ing the probability of accomplishing the management goal of
1. The risk assessment should be able to provide prob- mouse eradication given various combinations of gene drive
abilistic estimates for potential harm and benefits of and brodifacoum use. Landis et al. (2017) emphasizes the
gene drive deployment using numerical models. ability of the BN-RRM to evaluate a wide range of endpoints.
These endpoints can be viewed in terms of their costs and
BNs can combine quantitative modeling techniques and benefits to various stakeholder groups.
empirical information into calculations of probability distri-
butions representing risk. The model demonstrates this prop- 4. The model should have utility in identifying sources
erty by generating distributions of mouse abundance and of uncertainty and forming an adaptive management
mouse eradication from gene drive simulations. BNs can scheme around gene drives.
compare relative impacts to multiple endpoints due to the
influence of multiple stressors. We used sensitivity analysis to determine the relative influ-
ence of variables on the probability of mouse eradication on
2. The model should allow for comparison between mul- SEFI. Within an adaptive management framework, sensitiv-
tiple management strategies. ity analyses can be used to prioritize research investigating
the efficacy of various gene drive constructs. The BN-RRM
The model contains the risk distributions from 60 simu- can be continuously updated with new knowledge derived
lated gene drive management scenarios, showing their effi- from management decisions and new research (Landis et al.,
cacy across a 10-year period. The outcomes of these scenar- 2017).
ios were calculated to inform management goals by calculat- This work meets the recommended criteria for ecologi-
ing risk to a site-specific endpoint. While the sole focus of cal risk assessment of gene drives outlined by Gene Drives
this study was quantifying the influence of gene drive param- on the Horizon chapter 6 (NASEM, 2016). The approach
eters and rodenticide use on the risk of mouse eradication, as highlights a framework for directing empirical gene drive
demonstrated by previous BN-RRM publications (Eikenbary, research and developing site-specific adaptive management
2020; and Landis, Chu et al., 2020), BNs can quantify risk to schemes for potential environmental applications of gene
multiple endpoints within the same model framework. drives.

4.2 Risk assessment for synthetic biology Another set of variables that were not fully evaluated in the
BN were the conservation-based endpoints, or the impacts to
The properties of this risk assessment framework for gene nontarget species on SEFI due to the deployment of a pesti-
drives are broadly applicable to any ecological use of syn- cide or gene drive. For example, processes such as hybridiza-
thetic biology. The usefulness of probabilistic estimates of tion or horizontal gene transfer could potentially lead to
environmental outcomes is wide-ranging. Additionally, the the transfer of gene drives to nontarget species (NASEM,
flexible and causal nature of the BN-RRM is suitable to a 2016). Pesticides can also cause nontarget toxicity via mul-
plethora of potential scenarios related to emerging biotech- tiple routes of exposure, including predation of dosed organ-
nology. Using the MouseGD framework to parameterize this isms and nontarget consumption of bait. Although such vari-
BN allowed us to account for population dynamics, popula- ables were not the focus of this work, other BN-RRM publi-
tion dynamics, patch dynamics, specific gene drive proper- cations have incorporated species interactions and toxicity to
ties, and toxicology when simulating the SEFI mouse eradi- nontarget organisms (Landis et al., 2017; Landis, Chu et al.,
cation. Adapting MouseGD to risk assessment demonstrated 2020). Many other potentially confounding variables were
the flexibility of the BN-RRM to incorporate novel numerical excluded from the analyses including seasonal and predatory
modeling techniques into a causal BN framework. influence on mouse population dynamics; residual toxicity,
fate, and transport of brodifacoum; early life stage mortality
processes for mice; and potential differences in brodifacoum
4.3 Conclusions sensitivity between mouse life stages and for newly-released
GDM mice. Connolly et al. (2021) describes 46 causal path-
We demonstrated an approach to parameterizing a risk assess- ways outlining potential hazards of gene drive use, including
ment model for the environmental deployment of GDM the possible interactions between gene drives, pesticides, and
organisms, providing a framework that can compare multiple other environmental factors. These pathways are important to
management strategies and isolate sources of scientific uncer- consider, especially in an IPM scenario, where multiple pest
tainty. The purpose of this framework is to assist in priori- eradication techniques are used.
tizing research needs and developing adaptive management The feasibility of a Sox9 gene drive mouse eradication is
strategies, enabling responsible investigations into the use- also highly uncertain. As of October 2021, no peer-reviewed
fulness of gene drive technology and synthetic biology as a publication has reported any empirical research using GDM
whole. mice. Our MouseGD simulations assumed a phased release
In simulating the deployment of GDM mice on SEFI, of 50,000 transgenic mice onto SEFI, an amount equivalent
we found that the risk of successful mouse eradication was to the wild population. Until laboratory research is conducted
greatly influenced by the resistance allele generation rate of that focuses on the effective and resource-efficient synthesis
the simulated Sox9 gene drive. These results suggest that thor- of GDM mice, the viability of such an undertaking, in terms
ough laboratory investigations into the homing properties of of both cost and labor, remains unknown.
gene drives are critical for predicting the likelihood of suc- Chapter 5 of Gene drives on the Horizon (NASEM, 2016)
cessful population suppression using a CRISPR-based gene outlines a phased testing approach for gene drives (Figure
drive. Simulations also showed that GDM mouse population S3). This process involves research and deployment phases
suppression takes place across potentially long time horizons encapsulating preliminary lab and field testing, field deploy-
(7–10 years), meaning that such an approach may not be fea- ment of GDM organisms, and continuous monitoring of post-
sible to management scenarios where a quick eradication is deployment impacts. This approach is intended to be iterative
necessary. and cautious, with criteria for revisiting research or deploy-
ment phases when new information or uncertainties arise.
Risk assessment is intended to inform this phased testing
approach at all stages, revealing research needs and guiding
4.4 Next steps adaptive management of gene drives. The BN-RRM is a well-
suited framework for informing the NASEM-outlined goal of
The risk assessment model presented in this study serves as a responsible and thorough methods for evaluating proposed
template for developing decision-making models and orient- environmental uses of gene drives and synthetic biology.
ing future research around synthetic biology and gene drives.
However, before risk assessment frameworks can be used AC K N OW L E D G M E N T S
to direct management decisions in the field, they must be We would like to acknowledge Jared Bennett and Héctor
tested and validated using supplemental experimentation and Manuel Sánchez Castellanos (UC Berkeley – John Marshall
monitoring. As we demonstrated with sensitivity analysis of Lab) for their assistance with “MGDrivE” source code inter-
the BN, studies to evaluate the performance of gene drives pretation and modification. We would also like to acknowl-
in terms of successful cutting and homing of the CRISPR- edge Andy Bunn (WWU – IES) for technical assistance
Cas9 system would be useful in calculating the probabil- with package modification in R. Finally, we would like to
ities of various outcomes in a field deployment of GDM acknowledge Colter Lemons (WWU – IETC) for assistance
organisms. with GIS and April Markiewicz (WWU – IETC) for technical

assistance through the Institute of Environmental Toxicology tive management scheme incorporating the Bayesian network relative risk
and Chemistry. model with the South River, Virginia, as case study. Integrated Environ-
mental Assessment and Management, 13(1), 115–126.
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Ethan A. Brown & Akbari, O. S. (2020). Development of a confinable gene drive system
in the human disease vector Aedes aegypti. eLife, 9, e51701.
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