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Notebook Work (2024-25) History notes

Studying The Past

I. Students will prepare notebook cover page with creativity.

II. Glossary (In the form of scroll/ flow chart/ mind map/pictures)
(Write down the meanings of given words)
1. Archaeology
2. Archaeologist
3. Excavation
4. Artefact
III. Answer the following briefly (80-100 words)
5. How is the work of an archaeologists and a historian similar to that of a detective?
6. How are coins a valuable source of information about ancient India?
7. What are inscriptions? How do they help us to know about ancient India?
8. Why do you think rulers in ancient time recorded their victories on hard surfaces like
rocks and pillars?
9. Imagine the year 2112. You are an archaeologist excavating the area around your
house. List ten items you find in the course of your excavation.(You can stick pictures as
IV. Graphic Organizer: Sources of History.
V. (Use recycled materials) Family photo albums help us to relive the times we have spent
with our family. The albums, therefore, act as visual sources. Create one such album
of your family. On the first page draw a family tree. Thereafter paste photographs of
your family. Give interesting captions to your photographs.

Rubrics (Scroll down)


significance I need help to I can identify I can I can evaluate I can explore the
of History define the the the term enumerate the concept of history
term history history and the term significance and evaluate its
and state its state its history and of History and signinficance.
importance importance analyze its Its
importance significance.

Division of I need help to I can define the I can explain My I can evaluate the
History describe term history the description on term history and
Division of and classify its Classification division of classify its
History division. of division of history and its division.
history and significance

Sources of I need help to I am able to I use several I can analyse I am able to

history remember the define Sources strategies to the Sources of strategically relate
types of of history understand history with the Sources of
Sources of the Sources examples. history and
history. of history evaluate its


Notebook work –
All Human beings are equal
I. Students will prepare notebook cover page with creativity.
II. Glossary (In the form of scroll/ flow chart/ mind map/pictures)
1. Impairment
2. Prejudice
3. Stereotypes
4. Discrimination
III. Answer the following (50-60 words)
5. What do you mean by the term ‘Prejudice’ & ‘Discrimination’?
6. Define the term stereotype in detail. (Meaning, types etc.)
7. Which part of our constitution deals with Fundamental Rights?
What does it contain?
8. Differentiate between inequality and discrimination.

Reading activity
Step 1 – Take print of the given QR code and stick it in the notebook
Step 2 – Scan and complete the task given

11. Graphic Organizer: The main theme of the lesson ‘All human beings are equal’ (Use
your creativity)
All Human beings are equal


Prejudice I need help I am able to Able to Able to Able to review

to define the Explain elaborate the evaluate the strategically and
term various factors term prejudice derive solid
Prejudice. reasons of leading to and elaborate conclusions on the
being prejudice. the factors factors leading to
prejudice and leading to it. prejudice.
evaluate the

Stereotype I need help I am able to Able to Able to Able to review

to define the Explain elaborate the evaluate the strategically and
term various factors term stereotype derive solid
Stereotype. reasons of leading to and elaborate conclusions on the
being stereotype. the factors factors leading to
stereotype and leading to it. stereotype.
evaluate the

Caste I need help I am able to Able to Able to Able to review

system to understand Explain elaborate the evaluate the strategically and
the term various factors term derive solid
caste system. reasons of leading to discrimination conclusions on the
being caste and elaborate factors leading to
discriminated differences. the factors discrimination based
and evaluate leading to it. on caste.



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