Test 2

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Unit 4

1.Emotional Intelligence is the ability to identify your own emotions

and those of others.


c. sometimes
d. never

1. Emotional intelligence is................................

Being smart about emotional situation

The ability to understand, use, and manage our emotions

Never getting angry
d. none of these

2. Being able to imagine what emotions a person is likely to be

feeling (even when you don't actually know) is


d. understanding

3. Empathy is being able to imagine how others feel.


c. sometimes
d. never

4. Being empathetic means that you...

Are pathetic

Are lazy

Help others

Understand and share other people's feelings and emotions

5. Which of the following IS NOT a skill associated with emotional intelligence?

A. experiencing love

B. negotiating conflict

C. being sensitive to others

D. expressing pride and anger

6. Emotions are:

A. objective responses to experiences in our environment

B. subjective responses to experiences in our environment

C. physiological changes to experiences in our environment

D. behavioral changes to experiences in our environment


7. What is a key step in Teamwork?



All of the above
8. What does Teamwork mean?

To work well with others

To work hard

To communicate well

To work using soft skills

10.How do you use teamwork in your everyday life?

Help a old lady across the street

Walk someone to class

Work with students to get and assignment done
A and B

11.11. What is not an important factor in teamwork?

The team must receive external support and encouragement

The team must have a results-driven structure.

The team must not help their team member.

d. none of these

13.13. What do you mean by teamwork?

Setting out alone

Taking control of the team to do your work

Working with the team to get what everyone wants

Creating problems for everyone

14. Which of the following best describes teamwork?

a) Individuals working independently towards a common goal.
b) Collaboration and cooperation among team members to achieve a
shared objective.
c) A competitive environment where individuals strive to outperform
d. none of these

15. What is the primary benefit of effective teamwork?

a) Increased workload for team members.
b) Improved decision-making and problem-solving.
c) Individual recognition and rewards.
d. none of these

16. Which of the following is an essential element of good

communication in teamwork?
a) Active listening.
b) Dominating the conversation.
c) Avoiding conflict.
d. passive listening.

17. How can team members demonstrate accountability?

a) Blaming others for failures.
b) Taking responsibility for their actions and outcomes.
c) Avoiding participation in team activities.
d. all of these
18. What is the purpose of establishing team goals and objectives?
a) To create unnecessary pressure on team members.
b) To provide a clear direction and focus for the team.
c) To assign blame in case of failure.
d. both b & c

19. Conflict within a team can be constructive when:

a) Team members avoid discussing differences.
b) It leads to improved ideas and solutions.
c) Team members refuse to compromise.
d. either a or c

20. What does it mean to be a proactive team member?

a) Waiting for instructions from the team leader.
b) Taking the initiative and seeking opportunities to contribute.
c) Ignoring team objectives.
d. none of these

21. How can trust be built within a team?

a) Sharing sensitive information with unauthorized individuals.
b) Being reliable and keeping promises.
c) Encouraging unhealthy competition among team members.
d. none of these

22. Which of the following is an effective way to resolve conflicts within

a team?
a) Ignoring the issue and hoping it goes away.
b) Engaging in personal attacks.
c) Openly discussing concerns and seeking a compromise.
d. none of these
23. What is the role of a team leader in fostering teamwork?
a) Micromanaging team members.
b) Providing guidance, support, and clear communication.
c) Ignoring team dynamics and conflicts.
d. none of these

24. How can diversity in a team contribute to its success?

a) Diversity is irrelevant to team performance.
b) It brings different perspectives and ideas.
c) It leads to conflicts and decreased productivity.
d. none of these

25. How can team members demonstrate respect for one another?
a) Gossiping and spreading rumors.
b) Dismissing others’ opinions and ideas.
c) Listening attentively and valuing different viewpoints.
d. both a & b.

26. What does it mean to collaborate effectively?

a) Working independently without seeking input from others.
b) Sharing information and resources to achieve common goals.
c) Avoiding cooperation and relying solely on individual efforts.

27. How can effective time management contribute to teamwork?

a) It creates unnecessary stress and pressure on team members.
b) It ensures tasks and deadlines are met efficiently.
c) It allows team members to work individually at their own pace.

28. How can feedback benefit team members?

a) It creates a negative work environment.
b) It helps identify areas for improvement and promotes growth.
c) It leads to conflicts and misunderstandings.
29. What is the importance of celebrating team achievements?
a) It creates unhealthy competition among team members.
b) It boosts morale and promotes a positive team culture.
c) It discourages individual recognition and rewards.

30. What is the role of compromise in teamwork?

a) It is unnecessary, and team members should always strive for their
own interests.
b) It ensures everyone’s needs and perspectives are considered.
c) It leads to conflicts and compromises team performance.

31. How can effective problem-solving contribute to teamwork?

a) It discourages collaboration and encourages individual solutions.
b) It fosters creativity and promotes collective decision-making.
c) It creates unnecessary obstacles and delays.

32. What is the impact of effective teamwork on employee satisfaction?

a) No impact on employee satisfaction.
b) Increased job satisfaction and engagement.
c) Decreased motivation and interest in work.

33. What is the purpose of establishing clear roles and responsibilities

within a team?
a) To create confusion and conflicts among team members.
b) To promote accountability and ensure efficient task allocation.
c) To avoid teamwork and rely on individual efforts.

34. What is the role of active participation in team meetings?

a) Remaining silent and passive during discussions.
b) Contributing ideas, opinions, and constructive feedback.
c) Disrupting the meeting and diverting attention from the agenda.
35. How can effective teamwork contribute to innovation?
a) It stifles creativity and discourages new ideas.
b) It encourages collaboration and the exchange of diverse
c) It promotes a competitive environment where new ideas are

23. How can conflict resolution contribute to team cohesion?

a) By avoiding conflicts and ignoring disagreements.
b) By openly addressing conflicts and finding mutually beneficial
c) By blaming others and refusing to compromise.

24. How can recognition and appreciation contribute to teamwork?

a) They have no impact on team morale and motivation.
b) They boost morale and encourage continued effort and dedication.
c) They lead to increased conflicts and unhealthy competition.

25. How can effective teamwork contribute to organizational success?

a) It has no impact on organizational success.
b) It improves productivity, innovation, and overall performance.
c) It creates unnecessary conflicts and decreases efficiency.

26. How can empathy and understanding benefit teamwork?

a) They create a hostile work environment.
b) They promote trust, collaboration, and effective communication.
c) They discourage cooperation and encourage individualism.

27. What is the importance of regular team evaluation and reflection?

a) It has no impact on team performance.
b) It allows for identifying areas of improvement and adjusting
c) It creates unnecessary conflicts and decreases team morale.

28. How can effective delegation contribute to teamwork?

a) By assigning all tasks to a single team member.
b) By distributing tasks based on individual strengths and abilities.
c) By avoiding delegation and relying on individual efforts.

29. What is the impact of effective communication on team

a) It has no impact on team productivity.
b) It improves collaboration, reduces misunderstandings, and enhances
c) It creates conflicts and decreases overall productivity.

30. How can continuous learning and development contribute to

a) They have no impact on team performance.
b) They promote growth, adaptability, and improved skill sets within
the team.
c) They discourage collaboration and discourage individual progress.

1. What are social skills?

a) Abilities and behaviors that enable effective social interactions
b) Knowledge of social media platforms
c) Academic achievements in social studies
d) Athletic abilities in team sports

2. Which of the following is a component of effective communication?

a) Interrupting others when they speak
b) Using nonverbal cues to convey interest and attention
c) Ignoring the speaker’s message
d) Using jargon and complex language
3. What does empathy mean in the context of social skills?
a) Understanding and sharing the feelings of others
b) Making jokes to lighten the mood
c) Ignoring the emotions of others
d) Being assertive and dominating in conversations

4. What is active listening?

a) Speaking louder than others to ensure being heard
b) Making eye contact with the speaker
c) Focusing on what to say next instead of listening
d) Giving full attention and responding appropriately to the speaker

5. Why is nonverbal communication important in social interactions?

a) It allows us to speak more words in less time
b) It helps hide our true feelings and intentions
c) It can contradict or reinforce our verbal messages
d) It is the primary means of communication in social settings

6. What is conflict resolution in social skills?

a) Avoiding conflicts at all costs
b) Winning arguments and proving others wrong
c) Managing conflicts constructively to find mutually beneficial
d) Ignoring conflicts and hoping they will resolve on their own

7. What does it mean to be assertive in social interactions?

a) Being aggressive and dominating in conversations
b) Putting others’ needs before your own
c) Expressing one’s needs and opinions in a confident and respectful
d) Being submissive and agreeing with everything others say
8. How can emotional regulation help in social situations?
a) By avoiding emotions altogether
b) By expressing emotions without control
c) By recognizing and managing emotions in a healthy and constructive
d) By pretending to have certain emotions to fit in with others

9. What does it mean to be respectful in social interactions?

a) Treating others with kindness, courtesy, and consideration
b) Ignoring the feelings of others
c) Putting one’s needs above everyone else’s
d) Being sarcastic and making jokes at others’ expense

10. How does flexibility help in social situations?

a) By always sticking to one’s own plans and ideas
b) By adapting to different social contexts and responding appropriately
c) By ignoring others’ opinions and preferences
d) By avoiding social interactions altogether

11. What is the ability to understand social norms and appropriate

behaviors in different contexts called?
a) Social awareness
b) Emotional regulation
c) Assertiveness
d) Empathy

12. What is the importance of social skills in personal relationships?

a) They allow us to gain popularity and social status
b) They help us hide our true feelings and intentions
c) They enable us to build and maintain positive relationships with
d) They make us socially isolated and lonely
13. Which social skill involves giving full attention to the speaker and
showing understanding through verbal and nonverbal cues?
a) Emotional regulation
b) Active listening
c) Empathy
d) Flexibility

14. What is the purpose of conflict resolution in social skills?

a) To avoid conflicts at all costs
b) To win arguments and prove others wrong
c) To manage conflicts constructively and find mutually beneficial
d) To ignore conflicts and hope they will resolve on their own

15. How can social skills training be beneficial?

a) By encouraging aggressive and dominating behavior
b) By developing communication and relationship-building abilities
c) By avoiding social interactions altogether
d) By focusing solely on academic achievements

16. Why is empathy essential in social interactions?

a) It allows us to manipulate others to get what we want
b) It enables us to understand and share the feelings of others
c) It helps us win arguments and prove others wrong
d) It makes us appear weak and vulnerable
17. What is the ability to adapt to different social situations and
respond appropriately called?
a) Flexibility
b) Assertiveness
c) Empathy
d) Active listening
18. How can social skills contribute to success in the workplace?
a) By isolating oneself from colleagues
b) By focusing solely on personal goals and ambitions
c) By fostering teamwork and effective communication
d) By avoiding conflicts and challenges
19. What is the primary goal of effective communication in social
a) To dominate the conversation and express personal opinions
b) To show off one’s knowledge and achievements
c) To convey thoughts, ideas, and feelings clearly and listen actively to
d) To make jokes and entertain others

20. Which social skill involves expressing one’s needs and opinions
confidently and respectfully?
a) Active listening
b) Empathy
c) Assertiveness
d) Emotional regulation

21. How can nonverbal communication influence social interactions?

a) It is not relevant in social settings
b) It can contradict or reinforce verbal messages
c) It is the only form of communication in social situations
d) It allows us to hide our true feelings and intentions
22. Why is emotional regulation important in social interactions?
a) It enables us to hide our emotions from others
b) It allows us to express emotions without control
c) It helps us manage emotions in a healthy and constructive manner
d) It makes us emotionally distant from others
23. Which social skill involves understanding and sharing the feelings of
a) Active listening
b) Empathy
c) Flexibility
d) Assertiveness

24. What is the significance of social skills in personal relationships?

a) They help us avoid relationships altogether
b) They allow us to build and maintain positive relationships with
c) They enable us to manipulate others to get what we want
d) They are unnecessary in personal relationships

25. How can being respectful contribute to positive social interactions?

a) By treating others with kindness and consideration
b) By dominating conversations and ignoring others’ opinions
c) By using sarcasm and making jokes at others’ expense
d) By avoiding social interactions altogether

26. What is the ability to recognize and manage emotions in a healthy

and constructive manner called?
a) Empathy
b) Emotional regulation
c) Assertiveness
d) Flexibility

27. Why is flexibility important in social interactions?

a) It allows us to dominate conversations and impose our ideas on
b) It enables us to adapt to different social contexts and respond
c) It makes us rigid and resistant to change
d) It fosters conflicts and disagreements with others

28. What is the ability to understand social norms and appropriate

behaviors in different contexts called?
a) Assertiveness
b) Social awareness
c) Empathy
d) Active listening

29. How can emotional regulation help in social situations?

a) By avoiding emotions altogether
b) By expressing emotions without control
c) By recognizing and managing emotions in a healthy and constructive
d) By pretending to have certain emotions to fit in with others

30. Which social skill involves giving full attention to the speaker and
showing understanding through verbal and nonverbal cues?
a) Emotional regulation
b) Active listening
c) Empathy
d) Flexibility


1. What does empathy mean?

The ability to understand and share the feelings of another
Sharing toys
Talking to friends
Asking someone to play
2. What could you do at recess if you see someone who is sad
because of other people?

Ask them if they want to play.

Explain to the other people that it is important to be kind.

Get a recess teacher if the situation is serious.

All of these would be good options.

3. Why is it important to be kind?

Kindness doesn't matter.

I don't know.

Kindness helps others feel good about themselves.

It’s not possible to be kind always
4. Which of the following is an example of showing empathy?

Spending time with a person and listening to their story, even if it

is difficult.
Sharing funny gifs or memes on a friend’s social media page or
sending a nice card to make them feel better, esp. when you know they
are having a bad day.
Telling your other friends to help you cheer up someone who is
Helping someone who is in pain to forget about their troubles by
going to a movie or party.
5. You are working on an online group project to determine a
cause for a class fundraiser. Everyone in your group wants
to support an environmental cause except for one person.
What can you do to show empathy to your classmate who
has a different idea?

Ignore your classmate’s opinion since the majority of the group

agrees on the cause.
Ask to be put into a different group of students since the situation
is uncomfortable for you.
Assign him a non-speaking role like being the timekeeper or slide
advancer so he doesn’t have to speak about an idea he doesn’t support.
Ask your classmate about his idea to understand his perspective
and incorporate it into your presentation.

6. All of the following are examples of showing empathy,


Mirroring positive body language, like eye contact, as a way to

build rapport with someone.
Asking irrelevant questions of others in order to show willingness
to understand others’ feelings and perspectives.
Reading about the psychological processes underlying grief
and/or sorrow.
Valuing people from different cultures by learning about them
and their stories.
Helping a rapport to build and grow by putting yourself in another
person’s shoes.

7. What is thinking empathy?

The same as feeling empathy.
Being able to look at someone and automatically know what they need.
Trying to understand what other people are experiencing.
8. What is compassion?
Wanting to look after our own emotions and feelings.
Compassion starts with wanting to understand and help others.
Asking others to help people in distress.

9. How can we use feeling empathy to help others?

Make sure they know that we do not support their bad behaviour.
Shout at others when they do not listen to what we are saying.
Stay calm when others are angry or distressed.


11. What does we use for presentations?

(a) Power point
(b) Word
(c) Office
(d) Documents


(a) Power point

12. What features should our presentation have?

(a) Impressive and effective
(b) Inefficient
(c) Incompetent
(d) Ordinary


(a) Impressive and effective

39. Reading out a presentation is:
(a) not allowed
(b) allowed
(c) helpful
(d) dull


(a) not allowed

46. In beginning you should give firstly.

(a) your introduction
(b) summary of a topic
(c) asking irrelevant questions
(d) further information


(a) your introduction

47. A good technique to get your audience attention.

(a) a statement made to surprise
(b) asking rhetorical questions
(c) asking introduction to the audience
(d) none of these

(b) asking rhetorical questions

56. A …….speaker looks into the eyes of the audience.

(a) confident
(b) impatient
(c) rude
(d) impolite


(a) confident

57. The tone of the speaker should be:

(a) very loud
(b) clear
(c) low
(d) soft


(b) clear

60. Using your whole body to communicate is called what?

(a) miming
(b) sign language
(c) body language
(d) gesture

(c) body language

61. Waving is what type of communication?

(a) gesture
(b) body language
(c) sign language
(d) body position


(a) gesture

62. positive gesture are body sihnals that make you look.
(a) relaxed
(b) hurtful
(C) nervous
(d) arrogant


(a) relaxed
Unit 5

1. Imagine that you walk into a room for an interview, shake the
interviewer's hand, sit down, and proceed with the interview.
When do you make your first impression?

Between the door and when you’ve taken your seat

After they’ve asked you three questions

During the handshake

While answering the first question

When we encounter someone, what is the part of the bodies that we
notice first?





3. If someone leans toward you when they say something:

They like the smell of your cologne or perfume.

They are emphasizing a point.

They forgot their glasses and are trying to see you better.
They want to intimidate you.

Which of the following statements about body language is TRUE?

Body language can be conscious or unconscious.

Body language includes only conscious gestures.

Body language includes only unconscious gestures.

Body language is irrelevant in communication.

The facial expression of this emotion often includes the eyebrows being
pulled down and together and the lips being pressed tightly together.




What is nonverbal communication?

Communicating with someone by using gestures.

Getting messages across with facial expressions.

Using your body language to convey something to someone else.

All of the above

Which of these is NOT an example of a verbal communication skill?
Language used

Eye contact

Volume of speech

The speed of our speech

Which of the following qualifies as a gesture?


'Hi there!'

A sad expression

10. Why is body language important in the workplace?
Body language isn't important.
People only focus on your words, not on your expressions and

Body language is important because it is a form of verbal


Body language is important because it has a very strong influence on

how people perceive you.

Body language is important because people may speak different

languages but use similar gestures.

11. This is not a good body language tip:

Slouch in your chair, it helps you relax

Make good eye contact

Firm handshake

12. Which communication out of following options is a

example of nonverbal communication

a) a. Face-to-face communication

b) b. Letter writing
c) c. Gestures

d) d. Email

13. The movements of parts of body, hand, arms, even legs

and feet are called as__________

a) a. Emotions

b) b. Gestures

c) c. Expressions

d) d. Postures

15) ________ communication is indirect and without words.

a) a. Verbal

b) b. Oral

c) c. Non-verbal

d) d. Written

16) body language is also called as ______

a) a. face-to-face

b) b. Expressions
c) c. Kinesics

d) d. Non-verbal communication

17) Charts, graphs and maps are the examples of _______


a) a. Body language

b) b. Oral

c) c. Written

d) d. Non-verbal

18. Straight body posture shows …

A) Pride

B) Professionalism

C) Confidence

D) Humility

Answer: C

19.. Which of the following is a positive facial expression?

A) Staring hard

B) Wrinkled forehead
C) Looking somewhere else

D) Nodding while listening

Answer: D

20.……….. is an instance of non-verbal communication.

A) A speech

B) Proximity

C) A notice

D) An e-mail

Answer: B
21. Pointing finger to something is an example of…..
A) Expressions

B) Gestures

C) Body Language

D) Para Language

Answer: B

22. which of the following includes the tone, speed and volume of voice
A) Eye Contact

B) Body Language

C) Para Language
D) Gestures

Answer: C

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