Word Embeddings

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Baseline Needs More Love: On Simple Word-Embedding-Based Models

and Associated Pooling Mechanisms

Dinghan Shen1 , Guoyin Wang1 , Wenlin Wang1 , Martin Renqiang Min2

Qinliang Su3 , Yizhe Zhang4 , Chunyuan Li1 , Ricardo Henao1 , Lawrence Carin1
Duke University 2 NEC Laboratories America 3 Sun Yat-sen University 4 Microsoft Research

Abstract tic regularities and patterns (Bengio et al., 2003;

Mikolov et al., 2013; Pennington et al., 2014).
Many deep learning architectures have Leveraging the word-embedding construct, many
arXiv:1805.09843v1 [cs.CL] 24 May 2018

been proposed to model the composition- deep architectures have been proposed to model
ality in text sequences, requiring a sub- the compositionality in variable-length text se-
stantial number of parameters and ex- quences. These methods range from simple op-
pensive computations. However, there erations like addition (Mitchell and Lapata, 2010;
has not been a rigorous evaluation re- Iyyer et al., 2015), to more sophisticated compo-
garding the added value of sophisticated sitional functions such as Recurrent Neural Net-
compositional functions. In this paper, works (RNNs) (Tai et al., 2015; Sutskever et al.,
we conduct a point-by-point comparative 2014), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
study between Simple Word-Embedding- (Kalchbrenner et al., 2014; Kim, 2014; Zhang
based Models (SWEMs), consisting of et al., 2017a) and Recursive Neural Networks
parameter-free pooling operations, rela- (Socher et al., 2011a).
tive to word-embedding-based RNN/CNN Models with more expressive compositional
models. Surprisingly, SWEMs exhibit functions, e.g., RNNs or CNNs, have demon-
comparable or even superior performance strated impressive results; however, they are typ-
in the majority of cases considered. Based ically computationally expensive, due to the need
upon this understanding, we propose two to estimate hundreds of thousands, if not millions,
additional pooling strategies over learned of parameters (Parikh et al., 2016). In contrast,
word embeddings: (i) a max-pooling models with simple compositional functions often
operation for improved interpretability; compute a sentence or document embedding by
and (ii) a hierarchical pooling operation, simply adding, or averaging, over the word em-
which preserves spatial (n-gram) informa- bedding of each sequence element obtained via,
tion within text sequences. We present e.g., word2vec (Mikolov et al., 2013), or GloVe
experiments on 17 datasets encompassing (Pennington et al., 2014). Generally, such a Sim-
three tasks: (i) (long) document classifi- ple Word-Embedding-based Model (SWEM) does
cation; (ii) text sequence matching; and not explicitly account for spatial, word-order in-
(iii) short text tasks, including classifica- formation within a text sequence. However, they
tion and tagging. The source code and possess the desirable property of having signif-
datasets can be obtained from https:// icantly fewer parameters, enjoying much faster
github.com/dinghanshen/SWEM. training, relative to RNN- or CNN-based models.
Hence, there is a computation-vs.-expressiveness
1 Introduction
tradeoff regarding how to model the composition-
Word embeddings, learned from massive unstruc- ality of a text sequence.
tured text data, are widely-adopted building blocks In this paper, we conduct an extensive experi-
for Natural Language Processing (NLP). By rep- mental investigation to understand when, and why,
resenting each word as a fixed-length vector, simple pooling strategies, operated over word em-
these embeddings can group semantically simi- beddings alone, already carry sufficient informa-
lar words, while implicitly encoding rich linguis- tion for natural language understanding. To ac-
count for the distinct nature of various NLP tasks 2 Related Work
that may require different semantic features, we
compare SWEM-based models with existing re- A fundamental goal in NLP is to develop expres-
current and convolutional networks in a point- sive, yet computationally efficient compositional
by-point manner. Specifically, we consider 17 functions that can capture the linguistic structure
datasets, including three distinct NLP tasks: doc- of natural language sequences. Recently, several
ument classification (Yahoo news, Yelp reviews, studies have suggested that on certain NLP ap-
etc.), natural language sequence matching (SNLI, plications, much simpler word-embedding-based
WikiQA, etc.) and (short) sentence classifica- architectures exhibit comparable or even superior
tion/tagging (Stanford sentiment treebank, TREC, performance, compared with more-sophisticated
etc.). Surprisingly, SWEMs exhibit comparable or models using recurrence or convolutions (Parikh
even superior performance in the majority of cases et al., 2016; Vaswani et al., 2017). Although
considered. complex compositional functions are avoided in
these models, additional modules, such as atten-
tion layers, are employed on top of the word em-
In order to validate our experimental findings, bedding layer. As a result, the specific role that
we conduct additional investigations to understand the word embedding plays in these models is not
to what extent the word-order information is uti- emphasized (or explicit), which distracts from un-
lized/required to make predictions on different derstanding how important the word embeddings
tasks. We observe that in text representation tasks, alone are to the observed superior performance.
many words (e.g., stop words, or words that are Moreover, several recent studies have shown em-
not related to sentiment or topic) do not meaning- pirically that the advantages of distinct composi-
fully contribute to the final predictions (e.g., sen- tional functions are highly dependent on the spe-
timent label). Based upon this understanding, we cific task (Mitchell and Lapata, 2010; Iyyer et al.,
propose to leverage a max-pooling operation di- 2015; Zhang et al., 2015a; Wieting et al., 2015;
rectly over the word embedding matrix of a given Arora et al., 2016). Therefore, it is of interest to
sequence, to select its most salient features. This study the practical value of the additional expres-
strategy is demonstrated to extract complementary siveness, on a wide variety of NLP problems.
features relative to the standard averaging opera-
SWEMs bear close resemblance to Deep Aver-
tion, while resulting in a more interpretable model.
aging Network (DAN) (Iyyer et al., 2015) or fast-
Inspired by a case study on sentiment analysis
Text (Joulin et al., 2016), where they show that
tasks, we further propose a hierarchical pooling
average pooling achieves promising results on cer-
strategy to abstract and preserve the spatial infor-
tain NLP tasks. However, there exist several key
mation in the final representations. This strategy
differences that make our work unique. First, we
is demonstrated to exhibit comparable empirical
explore a series of pooling operations, rather than
results to LSTM and CNN on tasks that are sensi-
only average-pooling. Specifically, a hierarchi-
tive to word-order features, while maintaining the
cal pooling operation is introduced to incorporate
favorable properties of not having compositional
spatial information, which demonstrates superior
parameters, thus fast training.
results on sentiment analysis, relative to average
pooling. Second, our work not only explores when
Our work presents a simple yet strong base- simple pooling operations are enough, but also in-
line for text representation learning that is widely vestigates the underlying reasons, i.e., what se-
ignored in benchmarks, and highlights the gen- mantic features are required for distinct NLP prob-
eral computation-vs.-expressiveness tradeoff asso- lems. Third, DAN and fastText only focused on
ciated with appropriately selecting compositional one or two problems at a time, thus a compre-
functions for distinct NLP problems. Furthermore, hensive study regarding the effectiveness of vari-
we quantitatively show that the word-embedding- ous compositional functions on distinct NLP tasks,
based text classification tasks can have the similar e.g., categorizing short sentence/long documents,
level of difficulty regardless of the employed mod- matching natural language sentences, has hereto-
els, using the subspace training (Li et al., 2018) to fore been absent. In response, our work seeks
constrain the trainable parameters. Thus, accord- to perform a comprehensive comparison with re-
ing to Occam’s razor, simple models are preferred. spect to simple-vs.-complex compositional func-
tions, across a wide range of NLP problems, and layer CNN text model. However, Deep CNN text
reveals some general rules for rationally selecting models have also been developed (Conneau et al.,
models to tackle different tasks. 2016), and are considered in a few of our experi-
3 Models & training
3.3 Simple Word-Embedding Model
Consider a text sequence represented as X (ei-
ther a sentence or a document), composed of a se-
quence of words: {w1 , w2 , ...., wL }, where L is To investigate the raw modeling capacity of word
the number of tokens, i.e., the sentence/document embeddings, we consider a class of models with
length. Let {v1 , v2 , ...., vL } denote the respective no additional compositional parameters to en-
word embeddings for each token, where vl ∈ RK . code natural language sequences, termed SWEMs.
The compositional function, X → z, aims to Among them, the simplest strategy is to compute
combine word embeddings into a fixed-length sen- the element-wise average over word vectors for a
tence/document representation z. These represen- given sequence (Wieting et al., 2015; Adi et al.,
tations are then used to make predictions about se- 2016):
quence X. Below, we describe different types of 1X
functions considered in this work. z= vi . (1)
3.1 Recurrent Sequence Encoder
A widely adopted compositional function is de- The model in (1) can be seen as an average pool-
fined in a recurrent manner: the model succes- ing operation, which takes the mean over each of
sively takes word vector vt at position t, along the K dimensions for all word embeddings, result-
with the hidden unit ht−1 from the last position ing in a representation z with the same dimension
t − 1, to update the current hidden unit via ht = as the embedding itself, termed here SWEM-aver.
f (vt , ht−1 ), where f (·) is the transition function. Intuitively, z takes the information of every se-
To address the issue of learning long-term de- quence element into account via the addition op-
pendencies, f (·) is often defined as Long Short- eration.
Term Memory (LSTM) (Hochreiter and Schmid- Max Pooling Motivated by the observation that,
huber, 1997), which employs gates to control the in general, only a small number of key words con-
flow of information abstracted from a sequence. tribute to final predictions, we propose another
We omit the details of the LSTM and refer the in- SWEM variant, that extracts the most salient fea-
terested readers to the work by Graves et al. (2013) tures from every word-embedding dimension, by
for further explanation. Intuitively, the LSTM en- taking the maximum value along each dimension
codes a text sequence considering its word-order of the word vectors. This strategy is similar to the
information, but yields additional compositional max-over-time pooling operation in convolutional
parameters that must be learned. neural networks (Collobert et al., 2011):
3.2 Convolutional Sequence Encoder
z = Max-pooling(v1 , v2 , ..., vL ) . (2)
The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) archi-
tecture (Kim, 2014; Collobert et al., 2011; Gan We denote this model variant as SWEM-max.
et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2017b; Shen et al., Here the j-th component of z is the maximum
2018) is another strategy extensively employed element in the set {v1j , . . . , vLj }, where v1j is,
as the compositional function to encode text se- for example, the j-th component of v1 . With this
quences. The convolution operation considers pooling operation, those words that are unimpor-
windows of n consecutive words within the se- tant or unrelated to the corresponding tasks will
quence, where a set of filters (to be learned) are be ignored in the encoding process (as the com-
applied to these word windows to generate corre- ponents of the embedding vectors will have small
sponding feature maps. Subsequently, an aggre- amplitude), unlike SWEM-aver where every word
gation operation (such as max-pooling) is used on contributes equally to the representation.
top of the feature maps to abstract the most salient Considering that SWEM-aver and SWEM-max
semantic features, resulting in the final representa- are complementary, in the sense of accounting for
tion. For most experiments, we consider a single- different types of information from text sequences,
Model Parameters Complexity Sequential Ops We first examine the number of compositional
CNN n·K ·d O(n · L · K · d) O(1)
LSTM 4 · d · (K + d) O(L · d2 + L · K · d) O(L)
parameters for each model. As shown in Table 1,
SWEM 0 O(L · K) O(1) both the CNN and LSTM have a large number of
parameters, to model the semantic compositional-
Table 1: Comparisons of CNN, LSTM and SWEM ity of text sequences, whereas SWEM has no such
architectures. Columns correspond to the number parameters. Similar to Vaswani et al. (2017), we
of compositional parameters, computational com- then consider the computational complexity and
plexity and sequential operations, respectively. the minimum number of sequential operations re-
quired for each model. SWEM tends to be more
we also propose a third SWEM variant, where the efficient than CNN and LSTM in terms of compu-
two abstracted features are concatenated together tation complexity. For example, considering the
to form the sentence embeddings, denoted here case where K = d, SWEM is faster than CNN or
as SWEM-concat. For all SWEM variants, there LSTM by a factor of nd or d, respectively. Further,
are no additional compositional parameters to be the computations in SWEM are highly paralleliz-
learned. As a result, the models only exploit intrin- able, unlike LSTM that requires O(L) sequential
sic word embedding information for predictions. steps.

Hierarchical Pooling Both SWEM-aver and 4 Experiments

SWEM-max do not take word-order or spatial in-
formation into consideration, which could be use- We evaluate different compositional functions on
ful for certain NLP applications. So motivated, we a wide variety of supervised tasks, including
further propose a hierarchical pooling layer. Let document categorization, text sequence matching
vi:i+n−1 refer to the local window consisting of (given a sentence pair, X1 , X2 , predict their re-
n consecutive words words, vi , vi+1 , ..., vi+n−1 . lationship, y) as well as (short) sentence classifi-
First, an average-pooling is performed on each cation. We experiment on 17 datasets concerning
local window, vi:i+n−1 . The extracted features natural language understanding, with correspond-
from all windows are further down-sampled with ing data statistics summarized in the Supplemen-
a global max-pooling operation on top of the rep- tary Material.
resentations for every window. We call this ap- We use GloVe word embeddings with K = 300
proach SWEM-hier due to its layered pooling. (Pennington et al., 2014) as initialization for all
This strategy preserves the local spatial infor- our models. Out-Of-Vocabulary (OOV) words are
mation of a text sequence in the sense that it keeps initialized from a uniform distribution with range
track of how the sentence/document is constructed [−0.01, 0.01]. The GloVe embeddings are em-
from individual word windows, i.e., n-grams. This ployed in two ways to learn refined word em-
formulation is related to bag-of-n-grams method beddings: (i) directly updating each word em-
(Zhang et al., 2015b). However, SWEM-hier bedding during training; and (ii) training a 300-
learns fixed-length representations for the n-grams dimensional Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) layer
that appear in the corpus, rather than just capturing with ReLU activation, with GloVe embeddings as
their occurrences via count features, which may input to the MLP and with output defining the re-
potentially advantageous for prediction purposes. fined word embeddings. The latter approach cor-
responds to learning an MLP model that adapts
3.4 Parameters & Computation Comparison GloVe embeddings to the dataset and task of in-
We compare CNN, LSTM and SWEM wrt their terest. The advantages of these two methods dif-
parameters and computational speed. K denotes fer from dataset to dataset. We choose the bet-
the dimension of word embeddings, as above. For ter strategy based on their corresponding perfor-
the CNN, we use n to denote the filter width (as- mances on the validation set. The final classifier is
sumed constant for all filters, for simplicity of implemented as an MLP layer with dimension se-
analysis, but in practice variable n is commonly lected from the set [100, 300, 500, 1000], followed
used). We define d as the dimension of the final by a sigmoid or softmax function, depending on
sequence representation. Specifically, d represents the specific task.
the dimension of hidden units or the number of fil- Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2014) is used to opti-
ters in LSTM or CNN, respectively. mize all models, with learning rate selected from
Model Yahoo! Ans. AG News Yelp P. Yelp F. DBpedia
Bag-of-means∗ 60.55 83.09 87.33 53.54 90.45
Small word CNN∗ 69.98 89.13 94.46 58.59 98.15
Large word CNN∗ 70.94 91.45 95.11 59.48 98.28
LSTM∗ 70.84 86.06 94.74 58.17 98.55
Deep CNN (29 layer)† 73.43 91.27 95.72 64.26 98.71
fastText ‡ 72.0 91.5 93.8 60.4 98.1
fastText (bigram)‡ 72.3 92.5 95.7 63.9 98.6
SWEM-aver 73.14 91.71 93.59 60.66 98.42
SWEM-max 72.66 91.79 93.25 59.63 98.24
SWEM-concat 73.53 92.66 93.76 61.11 98.57
SWEM-hier 73.48 92.48 95.81 63.79 98.54

Table 2: Test accuracy on (long) document classification tasks, in percentage. Results marked with ∗ are
reported in Zhang et al. (2015b), with † are reported in Conneau et al. (2016), and with ‡ are reported in
Joulin et al. (2016).

Politics Science Computer Sports Chemistry Finance Geoscience

philipdru coulomb system32 billups sio2 (SiO2 ) proprietorship fossil
justices differentiable cobol midfield nonmetal ameritrade zoos
impeached paranormal agp sportblogs pka retailing farming
impeachment converge dhcp mickelson chemistry mlm volcanic
neocons antimatter win98 juventus quarks budgeting ecosystem

Table 3: Top five words with the largest values in a given word-embedding dimension (each column
corresponds to a dimension). The first row shows the (manually assigned) topic for words in each column.

the set [1 × 10−3 , 3 × 10−4 , 2 × 10−4 , 1 × 10−5 ] exhibits comparable or even superior results, rela-
(with cross-validation used to select the appro- tive to CNN or LSTM models.
priate parameter for a given dataset and task). Since there are no compositional parameters
Dropout regularization (Srivastava et al., 2014) is in SWEM, our models have an order of mag-
employed on the word embedding layer and final nitude fewer parameters (excluding embeddings)
MLP layer, with dropout rate selected from the than LSTM or CNN, and are considerably more
set [0.2, 0.5, 0.7]. The batch size is selected from computationally efficient. As illustrated in Ta-
[2, 8, 32, 128, 512]. ble 4, SWEM-concat achieves better results on
Yahoo! Answer than CNN/LSTM, with only 61K
4.1 Document Categorization parameters (one-tenth the number of LSTM pa-
We begin with the task of categorizing documents rameters, or one-third the number of CNN param-
(with approximately 100 words in average per eters), while taking a fraction of the training time
document). We follow the data split in Zhang et al. relative to the CNN or LSTM.
(2015b) for comparability. These datasets can
be generally categorized into three types: topic Model Parameters Speed
CNN 541K 171s
categorization (represented by Yahoo! Answer LSTM 1.8M 598s
and AG news), sentiment analysis (represented by SWEM 61K 63s
Yelp Polarity and Yelp Full) and ontology clas-
sification (represented by DBpedia). Results are Table 4: Speed & Parameters on Yahoo! Answer
shown in Table 2. Surprisingly, on topic prediction dataset.
tasks, our SWEM model exhibits stronger perfor- Interestingly, for the sentiment analysis tasks,
mances, relative to both LSTM and CNN compo- both CNN and LSTM compositional functions
sitional architectures, this by leveraging both the perform better than SWEM, suggesting that word-
average and max-pooling features from word em- order information may be required for analyzing
beddings. Specifically, our SWEM-concat model sentiment orientations. This finding is consis-
even outperforms a 29-layer deep CNN model tent with Pang et al. (2002), where they hypoth-
(Conneau et al., 2016), when predicting topics. esize that the positional information of a word in
On the ontology classification problem (DBpedia text sequences may be beneficial to predict sen-
dataset), we observe the same trend, that SWEM timent. This is intuitively reasonable since, for
Model SNLI Matched Mismatched WikiQA Quora MSRP
Acc. Acc. Acc. MAP MRR Acc. Acc. F1
CNN 82.1 65.0 65.3 0.6752 0.6890 79.60 69.9 80.9
LSTM 80.6 66.9∗ 66.9∗ 0.6820 0.6988 82.58 70.6 80.5
SWEM-aver 82.3 66.5 66.2 0.6808 0.6922 82.68 71.0 81.1
SWEM-max 83.8 68.2 67.7 0.6613 0.6717 82.20 70.6 80.8
SWEM-concat 83.3 67.9 67.6 0.6788 0.6908 83.03 71.5 81.3

Table 5: Performance of different models on matching natural language sentences. Results with ∗ are
for Bidirectional LSTM, reported in Williams et al. (2017). Our reported results on MultiNLI are only
trained MultiNLI training set (without training data from SNLI). For MSRP dataset, we follow the setup
in Hu et al. (2014) and do not use any additional features.

instance, the phrase “not really good” and “re- 1.21e7

ally not good” convey different levels of nega- 1.0 SWEM-max
tive sentiment, while being different only by their
word orderings. Contrary to SWEM, CNN and

LSTM models can both capture this type of infor- 0.6
mation via convolutional filters or recurrent transi- 0.4
tion functions. However, as suggested above, such
word-order patterns may be much less useful for
predicting the topic of a document. This may be 0.01.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
attributed to the fact that word embeddings alone Embedding Amplitude
already provide sufficient topic information of a Figure 1: Histograms for learned word em-
document, at least when the text sequences con- beddings (randomly initialized) of SWEM-max
sidered are relatively long. and GloVe embeddings for the same vocabulary,
trained on the Yahoo! Answer dataset.
4.1.1 Interpreting model predictions
Although the proposed SWEM-max variant gener-
ally performs a slightly worse than SWEM-aver, cess gives rise to a more interpretable model. For
it extracts complementary features from SWEM- a document, only the word with largest value in
aver, and hence in most cases SWEM-concat ex- each embedding dimension is employed for the fi-
hibits the best performance among all SWEM nal representation. Thus, we suspect that semanti-
variants. More importantly, we found that the cally similar words may have large values in some
word embeddings learned from SWEM-max tend shared dimensions. So motivated, after training
to be sparse. We trained our SWEM-max model the SWEM-max model on the Yahoo dataset, we
on the Yahoo datasets (randomly initialized). With selected five words with the largest values, among
the learned embeddings, we plot the values for the entire vocabulary, for each word embedding
each of the word embedding dimensions, for the dimension (these words are selected preferentially
entire vocabulary. As shown in Figure 1, most in the corresponding dimension, by the max op-
of the values are highly concentrated around zero, eration). As shown in Table 3, the words chosen
indicating that the word embeddings learned are wrt each embedding dimension are indeed highly
very sparse. On the contrary, the GloVe word relevant and correspond to a common topic (the
embeddings, for the same vocabulary, are consid- topics are inferred from words). For example, the
erably denser than the embeddings learned from words in the first column of Table 3 are all po-
SWEM-max. This suggests that the model may litical terms, which could be assigned to the Pol-
only depend on a few key words, among the en- itics & Government topic. Note that our model
tire vocabulary, for predictions (since most words can even learn locally interpretable structure that
do not contribute to the max-pooling operation in is not explicitly indicated by the label informa-
SWEM-max). Through the embedding, the model tion. For instance, all words in the fifth column
learns the important words for a given task (those are Chemistry-related. However, we do not have a
words with non-zero embedding components). chemistry label in the dataset, and regardless they
In this regard, the nature of max-pooling pro- should belong to the Science topic.
4.2 Text Sequence Matching sensitive the performance on different tasks are
To gain a deeper understanding regarding the mod- to word-order information. We use LSTM as the
eling capacity of word embeddings, we further in- model for this purpose since it can captures word-
vestigate the problem of sentence matching, in- order information from the original training set.
cluding natural language inference, answer sen- Datasets Yahoo Yelp P. SNLI
tence selection and paraphrase identification. The Original 72.78 95.11 78.02
corresponding performance metrics are shown in Shuffled 72.89 93.49 77.68
Table 5. Surprisingly, on most of the datasets con-
sidered (except WikiQA), SWEM demonstrates Table 6: Test accuracy for LSTM model trained on
the best results compared with those with CNN original/shuffled training set.
or the LSTM encoder. Notably, on SNLI dataset,
we observe that SWEM-max performs the best The results on three distinct tasks are shown in
among all SWEM variants, consistent with the Table 6. Somewhat surprisingly, for Yahoo and
findings in Nie and Bansal (2017); Conneau et al. SNLI datasets, the LSTM model trained on shuf-
(2017), that max-pooling over BiLSTM hidden fled training set shows comparable accuracies to
units outperforms average pooling operation on those trained on the original dataset, indicating
SNLI dataset. As a result, with only 120K param- that word-order information does not contribute
eters, our SWEM-max achieves a test accuracy of significantly on these two problems, i.e., topic cat-
83.8%, which is very competitive among state-of- egorization and textual entailment. However, on
the-art sentence encoding-based models (in terms the Yelp polarity dataset, the results drop notice-
of both performance and number of parameters)1 . ably, further suggesting that word-order does mat-
ter for sentiment analysis (as indicated above from
The strong results of the SWEM approach on
a different perspective).
these tasks may stem from the fact that when
matching natural language sentences, it is suffi- Notably, the performance of LSTM on the Yelp
cient in most cases to simply model the word-level dataset with a shuffled training set is very close to
alignments between two sequences (Parikh et al., our results with SWEM, indicating that the main
2016). From this perspective, word-order informa- difference between LSTM and SWEM may be due
tion becomes much less useful for predicting rela- to the ability of the former to capture word-order
tionship between sentences. Moreover, consider- features. Both observations are in consistent with
ing the simpler model architecture of SWEM, they our experimental results in the previous section.
could be much easier to be optimized than LSTM Case Study To understand what type of sen-
or CNN-based models, and thus give rise to better tences are sensitive to word-order information, we
empirical results. further show those samples that are wrongly pre-
dicted because of the shuffling of training data in
4.2.1 Importance of word-order information
Table 7. Taking the first sentence as an example,
One possible disadvantage of SWEM is that it ig- several words in the review are generally positive,
nores the word-order information within a text se- i.e. friendly, nice, okay, great and likes. However,
quence, which could be potentially captured by the most vital features for predicting the sentiment
CNN- or LSTM-based models. However, we em- of this sentence could be the phrase/sentence ‘is
pirically found that except for sentiment analysis, just okay’, ‘not great’ or ‘makes me wonder why
SWEM exhibits similar or even superior perfor- everyone likes’, which cannot be captured without
mance as the CNN or LSTM on a variety of tasks. considering word-order features. It is worth noting
In this regard, one natural question would be: how the hints for predictions in this case are actually n-
important are word-order features for these tasks? gram phrases from the input document.
To this end, we randomly shuffle the words for
every sentence in the training set, while keeping 4.3 SWEM-hier for sentiment analysis
the original word order for samples in the test set. As demonstrated in Section 4.2.1, word-order in-
The motivation here is to remove the word-order formation plays a vital role for sentiment analysis
features from the training set and examine how tasks. However, according to the case study above,
See leaderboard at https://nlp.stanford.edu/ the most important features for sentiment predic-
projects/snli/ for details. tion may be some key n-gram phrase/words from
Negative: Friendly staff and nice selection of vegetar- is less effective at extracting representations from
ian options. Food is just okay, not great. short sentences than from long documents. This
Makes me wonder why everyone likes may be due to the fact that for a shorter text se-
food fight so much.
quence, word-order features tend to be more im-
Positive: The store is small, but it carries specialties
portant since the semantic information provided
that are difficult to find in Pittsburgh. I was
particularly excited to find middle eastern by word embeddings alone is relatively limited.
chili sauce and chocolate covered turkish Moreover, we note that the results on these rela-
delights. tively small datasets are highly sensitive to model
regularization techniques due to the overfitting is-
Table 7: Test samples from Yelp Polarity dataset sues. In this regard, one interesting future di-
for which LSTM gives wrong predictions with rection may be to develop specific regularization
shuffled training data, but predicts correctly with strategies for the SWEM framework, and thus
the original training set. make them work better on small sentence classi-
fication datasets.
the input document. We hypothesize that incor-
porating information about the local word-order, 5 Discussion
i.e., n-gram features, is likely to largely mitigate
the limitations of the above three SWEM variants. 5.1 Comparison via subspace training
Inspired by this observation, we propose using an- We use subspace training (Li et al., 2018) to mea-
other simple pooling operation termed as hierar- sure the model complexity in text classification
chical (SWEM-hier), as detailed in Section 3.3. problems. It constrains the optimization of the
We evaluate this method on the two document- trainable parameters in a subspace of low dimen-
level sentiment analysis tasks and the results are sion d, the intrinsic dimension dint defines the
shown in the last row of Table 2. minimum d that yield a good solution. Two mod-
SWEM-hier greatly outperforms the other three els are studied: the SWEM-max variant, and the
SWEM variants, and the corresponding accuracies CNN model including a convolutional layer fol-
are comparable to the results of CNN or LSTM lowed by a FC layer. We consider two settings:
(Table 2). This indicates that the proposed hi- (1) The word embeddings are randomly intial-
erarchical pooling operation manages to abstract ized, and optimized jointly with the model param-
spatial (word-order) information from the input eters. We show the performance of direct and sub-
sequence, which is beneficial for performance in space training on AG News dataset in Figure 2
sentiment analysis tasks. (a)(b). The two models trained via direct method
share almost identical perfomrnace on training and
4.4 Short Sentence Processing testing. The subspace training yields similar ac-
We now consider sentence-classification tasks curacy with direct training for very small d, even
(with approximately 20 words on average). when model parameters are not trained at all (d =
We experiment on three sentiment classification 0). This is because the word embeddings have
datasets, i.e., MR, SST-1, SST-2, as well as subjec- the full degrees of freedom to adjust to achieve
tivity classification (Subj) and question classifica- good solutions, regardless of the employed mod-
tion (TREC). The corresponding results are shown els. SWEM seems to have an easier loss landspace
in Table 8. Compared with CNN/LSTM com- than CNN for word embeddings to find the best so-
positional functions, SWEM yields inferior accu- lutions. According to Occam’s razor, simple mod-
racies on sentiment analysis datasets, consistent els are preferred, if all else are the same.
with our observation in the case of document cat- (2) The pre-trained GloVe are frozen for the
egorization. However, SWEM exhibits compara- word embeddings, and only the model parameters
ble performance on the other two tasks, again with are optimized. The results on testing datasets of
much less parameters and faster training. Further, AG News and Yelp P. are shown in Figure 2 (c)(d),
we investigate two sequence tagging tasks: the respectively. SWEM shows significantly higher
standard CoNLL2000 chunking and CoNLL2003 accuracy than CNN for a large range of low sub-
NER datasets. Results are shown in the Supple- space dimension, indicating that SWEM is more
mentary Material, where LSTM and CNN again parameter-efficient to get a decent solution. In
perform better than SWEMs. Generally, SWEM Figure 2(c), if we set the performance threshold
Model MR SST-1 SST-2 Subj TREC
RAE (Socher et al., 2011b) 77.7 43.2 82.4 – –
MV-RNN (Socher et al., 2012) 79.0 44.4 82.9 – –
LSTM (Tai et al., 2015) – 46.4 84.9 – –
RNN (Zhao et al., 2015) 77.2 – – 93.7 90.2
Constituency Tree-LSTM (Tai et al., 2015) - 51.0 88.0 - -
Dynamic CNN (Kalchbrenner et al., 2014) – 48.5 86.8 – 93.0
CNN (Kim, 2014) 81.5 48.0 88.1 93.4 93.6
DAN-ROOT (Iyyer et al., 2015) - 46.9 85.7 - -
SWEM-aver 77.6 45.2 83.9 92.5 92.2
SWEM-max 76.9 44.1 83.6 91.2 89.0
SWEM-concat 78.2 46.1 84.3 93.0 91.8

Table 8: Test accuracies with different compositional functions on (short) sentence classifications.

1.000 0.92

(a phonetic romanization of Chinese). SWEM-
concat yields an accuracy of 91.3%, while

0.950 SWEM 0.90 SWEM

SWEM direct 0.89
SWEM direct
SWEM-hier (with a local window size of 5) ob-
CNN direct
CNN direct
tains an accuracy of 96.2% on the test set. Notably,
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Subspace dim d Subspace dim d
the performance of SWEM-hier is comparable to
(a) Training on AG News (b) Testing on AG News the best accuracies of CNN (95.6%) and LSTM
0.9 0.9 (95.2%), as reported in (Zhang et al., 2015b). This
0.8 0.8
indicates that hierarchical pooling is more suitable

0.7 SWEM 0.7 SWEM

SWEM direct
SWEM direct
than average/max pooling for Chinese text classifi-
0.6 0.6

CNN direct
CNN direct
cation, by taking spatial information into account.
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Subspace dim d Subspace dim d
It also implies that Chinese is more sensitive to lo-
(c) Testing on AG News (d)Testing on Yelp P. cal word-order features than English.
Figure 2: Performance of subspace training. Word
6 Conclusions
embeddings are optimized in (a)(b), and frozen in
(c)(d). We have performed a comparative study between
SWEM (with parameter-free pooling operations)
as 80% testing accuracy, SWEM exhibits a lower and CNN or LSTM-based models, to represent
dint than CNN on AG News dataset. However, text sequences on 17 NLP datasets. We further
in Figure 2(d), CNN can leverage more trainable validated our experimental findings through ad-
parameters to achieve higher accuracy when d is ditional exploration, and revealed some general
large. rules for rationally selecting compositional func-
tions for distinct problems. Our findings regard-
5.2 Linear classifiers
ing when (and why) simple pooling operations are
To further investigate the quality of representa- enough for text sequence representations are sum-
tions learned from SWEMs, we employ a linear marized as follows:
classifier on top of the representations for pre-
• Simple pooling operations are surprisingly ef-
diction, instead of a non-linear MLP layer as in
fective at representing longer documents (with
the previous section. It turned out that utiliz-
hundreds of words), while recurrent/convolutional
ing a linear classifier only leads to a very small
compositional functions are most effective when
performance drop for both Yahoo! Ans. (from
constructing representations for short sentences.
73.53% to 73.18%) and Yelp P. datasets (from
93.76% to 93.66%) . This observation highlights • Sentiment analysis tasks are more sensitive
that SWEMs are able to extract robust and infor- to word-order features than topic categorization
mative sentence representations despite their sim- tasks. However, a simple hierarchical pooling
plicity. layer proposed here achieves comparable results
to LSTM/CNN on sentiment analysis tasks.
5.3 Extension to other languages • To match natural language sentences, e.g., tex-
We have also tried our SWEM-concat and SWEM- tual entailment, answer sentence selection, etc.,
hier models on Sogou news corpus (with the simple pooling operations already exhibit similar
same experimental setup as (Zhang et al., 2015b)), or even superior results, compared to CNN and
which is a Chinese dataset represented by Pinyin LSTM.
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Appendix I: Experimental Setup layer, compared to CNN-CRF or BI-LSTM-CRF).
As shown above, CNN-CRF and BI-LSTM-CRF
6.1 Data statistics
consistently outperform SWEM-CRF on both se-
We consider a wide range of text-representation- quence tagging tasks, although the training takes
based tasks in this paper, including document cat- around 4 to 5 times longer (for BI-LSTM-CRF)
egorization, text sequence matching and (short) than SWEM-CRF. This suggests that for chunking
sentence classification. For document clas- and NER, compositional functions such as LSTM
sification tasks, we use the same data splits or CNN are very necessary, because of the sequen-
in (Zhang et al., 2015b) (downloaded from tial (order-sensitive) nature of sequence tagging
https://goo.gl/QaRpr7); for short sentence classifi- tasks.
cation, we employ the same training/testing data
and preprocessing procedure with (Kim, 2014). 6.3 What are the key words used for
The statistics and corresponding types of these predictions?
datasets are summarized in Table 9 Given the sparsity of word embeddings, one natu-
ral question would be: What are those key words
Datasets #w #c Train Types
that are leveraged by the model to make predic-
Yahoo 104 10 1,400K Topic categorization
AG News 43 4 120K Topic categorization
tions? To this end, after training SWEM-max on
Yelp P. 138 2 560K Sentiment analysis Yahoo! Answer dataset, we selected the top-10
Yelp F. 152 5 650K Sentiment analysis words (with the maximum values in that dimen-
DBpedia 57 14 560K Ontology classification sion) for every word embedding dimension. The
SNLI 11 / 6 3 549K Textual Entailment results are visualized in Figure 3. These words
MultiNLI 21/11 3 393K Textual Entailment are indeed very predictive since they are likely to
WikiQA 7 / 26 2 20K Question answering
occur in documents with a specific topic, as dis-
Quora 13 / 13 2 384K Paraphrase identification
cussed above. Another interesting observation is
MSRP 23 / 23 2 4K Paraphrase identification
MR 20 2 11K Sentiment analysis
that the frequencies of these words are actually
SST-1 18 5 12K Sentiment analysis quite low in the training set (e.g. colston: 320, re-
SST-2 19 2 10K Sentiment analysis pubs: 255 win32: 276), considering the large size
Subj 23 2 10K Subjectivity classification of the training set (1,400K). This suggests that the
TREC 10 6 6K Question classification model is utilizing those relatively rare, yet repre-
sentative words of each topic for the final predic-
Table 9: Data Statistics. Where #w, #c and Train tions.
denote the average number of words, the num-
ber of classes and the size of training set, respec-
tively. For sentence matching datasets, #w stands
for the average length for the two corresponding

6.2 Sequence Tagging Results

Datasets CoNLL2000 CoNLL2003

CNN-CRF 94.32 89.59
BI-LSTM-CRF 94.46 90.10
SWEM-CRF 90.34 86.28
Figure 3: The top 10 words for each word embed-
Table 10: The results (F1 score) on sequence tag- dings’ dimension.
ging tasks.

SWEM-CRF indicates that CRF is directly 6.4 How many word embedding dimensions
operated on top of the word embedding layer are needed?
and make predictions for each word (there is Since there are no compositional parameters in
no contextual/word-order information before CRF SWEM, the component that contains the semantic
(a) (b)

Figure 4: The test accuracy comparisons between SWEM and CNN/LSTM models on (a) Yahoo! An-
swers dataset and (b) SNLI dataset, with different proportions of training data (ranging from 0.1% to

information of a text sequence is the word embed- # Dim. 3 10 30 100 300 1000
ding. Thus, it is of interest to see how many word Yahoo 64.05 72.62 73.13 73.12 73.24 73.31
embedding dimensions are needed for a SWEM
architecture to perform well. To this end, we vary Table 11: Test accuracy of SWEM on Yahoo
the dimension from 3 to 1000 and train a SWEM- dataset with a wide range of word embedding di-
concat model on the Yahoo dataset. For fair com- mensions.
parison, the word embeddings are randomly ini-
tialized in this experiment, since there are no pre-
trained word vectors, such as GloVe (Penning- Surprisingly, SWEM consistently outperforms
ton et al., 2014), for some dimensions we con- CNN and LSTM models by a large margin, on a
sider. As shown in Table 11, the model exhibits wide range of training data proportions. For in-
higher accuracy with larger word embedding di- stance, with 0.1% of the training samples from
mensions. This is not surprising since with more Yahoo dataset (around 1.4K labeled data), SWEM
embedding dimensions, more semantic features achieves an accuracy of 56.10%, which is much
could be potentially encapsulated. However, we better than that of models with CNN (25.32%)
also observe that even with only 10 dimensions, or LSTM (42.37%). On the SNLI dataset, we
SWEM demonstrates comparable results relative also noticed the same trend that the SWEM ar-
to the case with 1000 dimensions, suggesting that chitecture result in much better accuracies, with
word embeddings are very efficient at abstract- a fraction of training data. This observation in-
ing semantic information into fixed-length vectors. dicates that overfitting issues in CNN or LSTM-
This property indicates that we may further re- based models on text data mainly stems from over-
duce the number of model parameters with lower- complicated compositional functions, rather than
dimensional word embeddings, while still achiev- the word embedding layer. More importantly,
ing competitive results. SWEM tends to be a far more robust model when
only limited data are available for training.
6.5 Sensitivity of compositional functions to
sample size
To explore the robustness of different composi-
tional functions, we consider another application
scenario, where we only have a limited number of
training data, e.g., when labeled data are expensive
to obtain. To investigate this, we re-run the experi-
ments on Yahoo and SNLI datasets, while employ-
ing increasing proportions of the original training
set. Specifically, we use 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.6%, 1.0%,
10%, 100% for comparison; the corresponding re-
sults are shown in Figure 4.

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