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f31 I


statt~me!1t of .r(~sult

Placer Ahmeda,bad Plat~:Ahmedabad
Date : 1211.'1/Z018 Da~e : 1271:1/2018
1. The above Standalone unaudited Financial Results have been revlewd by the Audit Committee and apPI'oved by the Soard of
Directors >of the Company at their l'espediv€ meetlng held on Novembar 12, 20;18.
2. Thl:!' statutory A'.Id itors Qf the Company have ca rri eel O~lt the limited review of the abo,ve FlnatlClal results 01:' the Company
3. Tha Company h<lG only onc segment of actlvit.y l.e. Servlcas provldedar of Oil & Gas ExtractIon, l'uilnCe segment repo,-ting Is not

Place; Ahmedab~d
Date~ :1;2)11/2018
Aakash Exrloriltion Services limited
Unaudited Cash Flow Statement for the period Ended 30.09.2018
Cash flow Statement forthe'Year Ended on 30-09·2018 31·03·2018
A Cash Flow from the operatin~ Actlv1~les '{ if ,,' 'f ,
«<' . «< .<.
.... ,
• Net Profit After Tax and without Deffered Tax 3742399 23<819127
Add: Adjustments For :
Deprecj;ition 16659377 33209496
Misc. Expenses Written Off 0 .,. '.
16659377 33209.'196
."« . <
Less: ".

profitbn 'Sale. of Fixed Assets 0 0

166593771 ' 33209496

Operating Profit Before.working Capit ..... 20401776 57028623

Add: Decrease in Working Capital
I " Long Terrn BorroWing -Increased
±=t 6799784
6751<6<139 " <.
.," Short Term BorrowingIncreased 1796417 .'.

Trade-Payable Increased 0 3329113

QtherCurrent Liabi\lties Increased 0 7422235
Short Term Provision Increased 1221943 4204012
Trade Receivable Decre<ased <2589510 0
Short Term Loans flAdvances Decreased 8620211 0
Less:lncrease .in Working Capital
Short Term Borrowing Decreased 29866096 0
Tr.1!dePayableDecfeased 892435 .0
Other Current LiabHlties.Decreased ...... 22210155 .... 0
. ...

LongTermLoans &Jl.dvances Increased 17326806 10541442
Trade Receivable Increased ..... fJ W23SM7
Short Term' Loans ftAdvances Increased 0 32396192
..... <, ·51064045 .'
i· -57908615

< Cash Gerierated FromOperatfons -30662269 ... ·879992

i·' " Less: Misc. Expenses Incurred 0 0
Net..Cash Flow From Operating Activities (A) ·30662269 (A) ·879992
.. .

.B Cash Fiow from .Investing Activities

, ...
Increase In Share Capital It Share Premium 100800000 0
Assets 1713480 . . 0
InterestReceived 0 0
.. 102513480 0
Out Flows .. ..

53731739 '. . <

Puechase of Fixed Assets .' 20245801
~nvestments 0
.. '
;0 °0
53131739 20245801
Net Cash used in Investing Activities ,.' (8) 48781741 (B) -20245801
Net Castl Used in F'inandngActlvities (C) O(e)

Net 18119472

(:ashaCash Equivalel'lts(Closing Balance) 2

As Extracted from Records a Found To Be Correct

Attacihed hereWith

f'Of, almat Shah Msociates

FRN: 10150SW


Place : Ahmedabad Place : Atlmedabad

nat.e; 12/11/2018 DatQ :.12/11/2018

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