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lukes day school

Class vi Chemistry
chapter 2(elements and compounds)
A. 1. (c) Gold
2. (b) Iodine
3. (d) Silicon
4. (b) Fe
5. (b) A compound

B. 1. Elements, compounds
2. Symbol
3. Sodium
4. Co
5. H2O

C. 1. Smallest unit of a compound a. Molecule

2. Sulphur b. Noble gas
3. Helium c. Non-metal
4. A diatomic molecule d. Carbon
5. An element having valency four e. Hydrogen
f. Metalloid

D. 1. True
2. False. True: Metals do not exist as gases
3. False. True: Sulphur is a non-metal
4. True
5. False. True: A molecule of hydrogen is made up of two atoms of

E. 1. Noble / inert gases

2. Metalloids
3. Molecule
4. Atomicity
5. Valency
F. 1. He
2. B
3. C
4. O
5. Ne
6. Na
7. Cl
8. K
9. Ag
10. Au

G. 1. Beryllium
2. Fluorine
3. Aluminium
4. Silicon
5. Argon
6. Calcium

H. 1. Carbon dioxide Carbon and Oxygen (CO2)

2. Iron sulphide Iron and Sulphur (FeS)
3. Common salt (Sodium chloride) Sodium and Chlorine (NaCl)
4. Ammonia Nitrogen and hydrogen (NH3)

I. 1. H2O
2. CO2
3. ZnS
4. CaO

J. 1. Two types of pure substances are:

• Elements and
• Compounds
2. When two or more pure elements chemically combine together in a
fixed ratio to form a new substance where the characteristics of the newly
formed substance is totally different from its constituting elements, the newly
formed substance is called a compound.
Example: Two atoms of hydrogen chemically combine with one atom of
oxygen to form a new substance called water (H2O) which is a compound.
3. The smallest part of an element or a compound which exists independently is
called a molecule.
4. The molecules exist independently. The atoms do not have independent
existence except the atoms of noble gases like helium, neon, argon, xenon.
5. A ‘triatomic molecule’ is the molecule of a pure element which consists of
three atoms of the element.
One Ozone molecule is a triatomic molecule with symbol O3 .
6. The representation of the composition of a molecule of an element or a
compound is called ‘molecular formula’.
Example: Molecular formula of one molecule hydrogen is H2.
7. The things required for writing the molecular formula of a compound are:
➢ The symbols of the elements present in the compound
➢ The combining capacity (valency) of the elements.

K. 1. Elements are classified into following four groups:

1. Metals Iron, Copper etc.
2. Non-metals Nitrogen, Oxygen etc.
3. Metalloids Silicon, Germanium etc.
4. Noble / inert gases Helium, Neon etc.
2. The symbol of an element is a single-letter or two-letter
abbreviation (short name) of its full English or Latin name.
Significance of symbol are:
It represents the name of the element
It represents one atom of the element
3. Three characteristics of a compound are:
❖ Compounds are made up of two or more pure elements
❖ A compound is always made up of the same elements combined in a
fixed ratio.
❖ The properties of a compound are different from those of its constituent
CONTITUENTS An element is made up A compound is made up
of only one kind of of two or more elements
SEPARATION An element can not be A compound can be
broken down into broken down into its
simpler substances by constituent elements by
chemical means chemical means

5.Three characteristics of a molecule are:

• Molecules are formed by the combination of the atoms of the same
element or of different elements
• A molecule of a compound has atoms of different elements combined in a
fixed whole number ratio.
• The atoms in a molecule are held together by attractive forces called
chemical bonds.

Think and answer

(not required for examination)
1. The statement is true because Gold and Silver are two different pure
elements and each pure element’s atom is characteristically different from
other element’s atom.
2. Noble gases are non-reactive. So, their atoms even can not join
chemically with each other. So, they exist in monoatomic state.
3. The benefits are:
a) A lot of time is saved
b) A lot of space is saved
from writing their full names every time.
4. No, the chemical formulae of two compounds can not be same because
each compound is formed by combination of different elements in a fixed
ratio and that ratio can never be same with other compound.

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