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Day Person In
description of
& Learning Outcome Charge
the daily
Date Signature
Object Oriented
History of Java Platform Independent
Day – 1 Java - Environment Simple
Setup History of Java
Tools You Will Need
Object ,Class,Methods,Instance Variables
Java – Basic Syntax
Basic Syntax-Case Sensitivity,Class Names,
First Java Program
Method Names,Program File Name
Day - 2 Basic Syntax
* public static void main(String args[])
Java Identifiers
Java Identifiers & Java Modifiers
Java Modifiers
Access Modifiers & Non-access Modifiers
Following are the types of variables in Java:
Local Variables,Class Variables (Static Variables)
Instance Variables (Non-static Variables)
Java Variables
Java Arrays - Arrays are objects that store
Day – 3 Java Arrays
multiple variables of the same type.
Java Enums
Java Enums - Enums can be declared as
their own or inside a class. Methods, variables,
constructors can be defined inside enums as well.
abstract ,assert, boolean, break,byte ,case, catch ,
char,class ,const ,continue ,default,do, double, else,
enum,extends, final, finally, float,for ,goto, if,
implements,import, instance,of, int,interface,long
Day – 4 Java Keywords
,native ,new, package,private ,protected, public ,
return,short, static,strictfp, super,switch ,
synchronized, this, throw,throws ,transient,try,
void,volatile ,while.
Java supports single-line and multi-line comments
(// This is an Example of single line comment
Comments in Java /* Example of single line comment. */)
Using Blank Lines Blank Line-A line containing only white space,
Day – 5 Inheritance possibly with a comment, is known as a blank line.
Interfaces Inheritance-In this scenario, the existing class is
called the super class and the derived class is
called the subclass.
Java is an Object
 Polymorphism,
 Inheritance,
 Encapsulation,
 Abstraction
 Classes, Objects,
 Instance, Method,
Java – Objects &
 Message Parsing
Day –6 Classes
public class Dog{
Objects in Java
String breed;
int ageC
String color;
void barking(){
}void hungry(){
}void sleeping(){
Day Person In
description of
& Learning Outcome Charge
the daily
Date Signature
Classes in Java
Day – 1
Creating an Object

Day - 2
Day – 3
Day – 4
Day – 5
Day –6

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